Chapter 128
"Could it be that Mr. Zheng's total assets add up to make him as rich as an enemy?"

Xing Yichen shook his head and muttered to himself: "It seems that I have to work harder, otherwise I won't be able to catch up with you old seniors. I am so poor, and Mr. Zheng is still willing to be a shareholder of my company. It's really amazing Zheng In general, he is magnanimous, and he doesn't dislike the poor at all."

After finishing speaking, Xing Yichen slightly lowered his head and sighed.

Boss Zheng was stunned by Xing Yichen's sudden yin and yang aura.

He opened his mouth wide in a daze: "Ah?"

No, what happened to all this?Why did you suddenly say that about him? ! !
Mr. Zheng was dumbfounded!

It is completely impossible to guess the mind of the handsome man in front of him.


Xing Yichen raised his brows, looked at Mr. Zheng regretfully, and then said with a smile on his thin lips, "Mr. This junior born in a poor family plays together and makes money together, you are really a good person, this kindness is amazing, I will remember you."

After finishing all these tea-like words in one breath, Xing Yichen also pretended to take out his handkerchief, and wiped away the tears that didn't exist in the corners of his eyes.

Xing Yichen: It's just acting, I'm serious.

50 years in business, never failed.

The best actor in the future must have his name.

Xing Yichen: Keep a low profile, thank you.

Hearing Xing Yichen's words, Xing Zhiyi blinked his eyes and thought for a while, and shed tears excitedly, and while shedding tears, he loudly echoed and praised: "Yes, we are so poor... Mr. Zheng is still willing to stay in the The Xing Group, it can be seen that Mr. Zheng has a very broad mind, which makes people sigh, awesome, really awesome!"

Xing Zhiyi's voice was ups and downs, full of excitement, and the content was also very rich.

The flattery was really well done.


Xing Feiran was behind Xing Zhiyi's body, and when he heard that Xing Zhiyi had started to fall ill again, he was extremely speechless, silently kicked Xing Zhiyi's ass again.

I secretly complained in my heart: If you play badly, you can play badly, what are you doing with swearing?
Originally, it was fine, and what Brother Yi Chen said in a sly way was quite high-end, but as soon as Xing Zhiyi uttered the word awesome...

Hehehe... instantly lowered the standard!


Don't talk nonsense!

Caught off guard, he was kicked by his own brother.

Xing Zhiyi silently covered his butt, gritted his teeth and looked back with tears in his eyes.

Damn brother!unacceptable!

Take advantage of the danger to engage in a sneak attack!Young man, you don't talk about Wude! ! !

Xing Feiran didn't feel that he had done anything wrong, he shrugged his shoulders at Xing Zhiyi, with an innocent look on his face: What if I just kicked you?
Completely unrepentant.

Let Xing Zhiyi get angry.

Xing Zhiyi and his rebellious younger brother looked at each other seriously.

There were sparks in the eyes of both sides, rubbing and colliding in the air.If it weren't for someone here, the two brothers probably would have fought each other.

They are just two childish ghosts.


Boss Zheng, an old fritter, overturned on the cunning fox Xing Yichen.

What Xing Yichen said just now seems to praise Mr. Zheng for his generosity, but outsiders can hear what he said. Xing Yichen is exaggerating. If the other party's IQ is not enough to believe directly, he will be played to death sooner or later !
Boss Zheng's IQ... Obviously, he can't compete with Xing Yichen.

He is so stupid.

Xing Yichen didn't even bother to talk to such a fool.

But, who let the other party come over to provoke him first?

Thinking of this, Xing Yichen sneered.

It's all Mr. Zheng's fault.


Xing Yichen stretched out his hand meaningfully, patted Mr. Zheng on the shoulder lightly, and said 'intimately', "Mr. Zheng...we still expect you to lead us to make a lot of money together in the future, so..."

Boss Zheng was caught off guard and patted on the shoulder, and suddenly felt a wave of malice spread from the soles of his feet, and his whole body was cold and sweating.

Mr. Zheng heard the handsome and handsome man whispering beside him.

"You old man has to live well, nothing can happen to you."

After Xing Yichen finished his threatening words, he took his brothers and left the office together.

No threat at all.

Only Mr. Zheng and several other major shareholders stood here, looking at each other in blank dismay.

He couldn't understand the other meanings Xing Yichen wanted to express.

Is it...

Xing Yichen, the heir, is going to secretly kill these old bastards? ! !

If you say that today, you are warning them!

"What does he mean by these words? Is it reminding be careful?! Or is he warning us not to try to change his position?" An old shareholder with a mischievous face patted the table, angrily.

Obviously very dissatisfied with the existence of Xing Yichen, the only heir.

Another elderly shareholder also frowned. He had gray hair and a long beard, as funny as Santa Claus.

Frowning, he said, "Maybe Xing Yichen is just reminding us, don't think too much about it."

"After all...he's just a kid."

"Yeah, he's just a brat. Our group of old guys have been in the mall for so many years. How can we not be able to match this little guy? Don't add psychological pressure to yourself, just such a junior, can't do anything Too much wind and waves."

Another rather young shareholder put his hips on his hips and smiled.

A look of pride. "Maybe... Xing Yichen won't live long enough to take care of us. Let's just wait and see."

"Heh... I want to see what Xing Yichen wants to express today! Is it to save him a way to live, or to give us a way to survive!!" Mr. Zheng snorted heavily, a little upset.

Mr. Zheng didn't think he was wrong. What he said just now was not wrong at all!Even, it was Xing Yichen's over-interpretation of his words that made him say so many threatening words.

Maliciously distorting the facts!

Just a mean-spirited junior!

Several people chatted for a while in the office and complimented each other before returning home from get off work to find their mothers.


Xing Yichen asked Xing Zhiyi to find the wedding invitation that Shi Boyuan sent over on purpose.

Get ready for your appointment.

The time is just a few days later.

Therefore, Xing Yichen saw that Jiang Zhiyue was recovering well recently, so he would occasionally take her out for a stroll when he had time.

Find the lost memory of the little girl.

Jiang Zhiyue played in the amusement park for a day, but she didn't remember any memories. Instead, she ate three pieces of ice cream with tears in her eyes and bought a lot of toys only for children.

One word - cool!
Xing Yichen saw the bright red roses on the side of the road.

The little girl who sells red roses looks juicy and cute.

She found Xing Yichen, a handsome and elegant big brother, who has been paying attention to her, so she enthusiastically held a red rose, put it in front of Xing Yichen, and said as if praying: "Brother, buy one, it's very cheap, brother, buy one !"

The little girl's shiny black eyes reflected the faces of the two handsome men and women in front of her.

Jiang Zhiyue ate marshmallows, her mouth bulging.

Holding several plush dolls in his hands, he also grabbed two bunches of unfinished candied haws.

Although she was full, she still wanted to eat these things.

Jiang Zhiyue also found out that the little girl was talking to Xing Yichen.

Out of curiosity, he stuck his head out and asked. "Hey, this is..."

The little girl found that she had successfully attracted Jiang Zhiyue's attention, so her eyes, which were already shining, became even brighter.

She tried her best to raise her head, showing her cutest smile.She smiled and asked Jiang Zhiyue, "Sister, do you like my roses? Let my brother buy you some! It's a good deal."

Then he turned his head and looked at the handsome and handsome man like a little adult.

Continue to say, "Brother! Just buy some roses for your lover. Roses are used to express love."

Xing Yichen really wanted to buy it, so he asked how many roses he had.

The little girl said honestly: "I have 52 roses! How many do you want?"

Xing Yichen directly took out his wallet, took out several hundred yuan bills, handed them to the little girl, and said slightly: "It's an auspicious number, I'll take it all in."

"Wow, thank you brother." The little girl choked with excitement, and looked at the two benevolent men in front of her in disbelief.

She tried not to cry out.

The fingers holding the red rose were trembling, and he handed it to Jiang Zhiyue with both hands.

"The roses are very beautiful." Jiang Zhiyue freed up a white and tender hand, touched the little girl's head, praised, and then gave the unopened candied haws to the little girl: "Here, after selling the roses Hurry up and go home, it's cold, don't stay outside for too long."

"Thank you sister!" The little girl did not reject Jiang Zhiyue's kindness, and nodded her head to collect the hard-earned money.

After taking a bite of the candied haws, he laughed sweetly, "The candied haws my sister gave me is so delicious!"

"Eat more if you like it." Jiang Zhiyue couldn't help laughing, she often went out for a walk recently, and she was in a much better mood.

Especially seeing such a cute little girl, I feel even better.

"Be careful." Seeing the little girl leave, Jiang Zhiyue reminded her.

The little girl smiled shyly and ran away all the way.

Jiang Zhiyue was holding a delicate and charming rose, her magnificent and indifferent face was even more dazzling than the beautiful rose in her hand.

Attract people's attention.

She was so beautiful.

Like a poisonous poppy, people can't help being fascinated by her.

Even if Jiang Zhiyue is poison.

Then Xing Yichen was also willing to drink it.

Xing Yichen hooked Jiang Zhiyue's white and tender chin, and kissed her moist lips, "Do you like it?"

"Are you asking me if I like roses, or do I like..." Jiang Zhiyue deliberately prolonged the ending, and said in a mischievous way, blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at Xing Yichen who was very close to her mischievously, and said: "Still ask me Like you?"

Xing Yichen smiled, his handsome face was very dazzling and charming, Jiang Zhiyue looked into his eyes, Xing Yichen said: "Then what do you like more?"

Jiang Zhiyue smiled, her voice was very sweet, as attractive as sugar, she smiled and said: "Loving flowers is something that everyone would have, but..."

Jiang Zhiyue changed her voice, took the initiative to hold Xing Yichen's cheeks, and put her lips to his lips. When she spoke, a tingling feeling invaded her brain, and her love was ever stronger: "I like you more."

Xing Yichen then asked, "How much do you like it?"

Jiang Zhiyue replied: "I like it very much, I like it very much, I like it very much."

"Oh?" Xing Yichen didn't believe it, and scratched the tip of her nose, with a handsome smile, with a hint of drunkenness, "How long can I like you?"

"This life is not enough, come again in the next life." Jiang Zhiyue poked Xing Yichen's abdominal muscles with her fingers, jumped out and ran far away, and then laughed loudly.

Just at this second.

Xing Yichen wanted to marry Jiang Zhiyue in his heart.

Wanton growth, take root and sprout.

Towering trees grew out.

Thick thoughts invaded his whole brain.

Limbs are numb.

If you can survive.

His only wish.

He hopes to hold a grand wedding ceremony for his beloved Ah Yue.

Take her—marry her home.

Give her the best life possible.

Preferably on an island where only he and she live.

It's best if no one bothers you.

Xing Yichen's deep pupils turned dark red again, and a strong possessive desire emanated from his heart.

Forcibly pressed down again.

Ah Yue, I miss you.

Xing Yichen made up his mind to kill that hateful No. 1 character thoroughly.


"A friend is getting married and invited us over."

At night, Xing Yichen put his arms around Jiang Zhiyue's slender waist and explained the situation to her.

Jiang Zhiyue opened her eyes in a daze, "What friends? Boys and girls?"

She sat up, and was dragged down by Xing Yichen to lie down again.

"It's cold outside, talk inside."

"... Oh, good." Jiang Zhiyue nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

My mind is getting more confused and I want to sleep...

"You may have heard of it." Xing Yichen whispered: "His name is Shi Boyuan, the second young master of the Shi family."

Jiang Zhiyue didn't respond, and let out a cold oh.

She opened her mouth slightly and yawned, tears streaming down her face.

Shi Boyuan, it's normal...

Fuck! ! !
Jiang Zhiyue suddenly opened a pair of beautiful big eyes, and repeated the name a little puzzled, "You mean, your friend is... Shi Boyuan?!"

That stupid man?
He also deserves to be Xing Yichen's friend?


Jiang Zhiyue shook her little feet, feeling inexplicably upset.

"We have been competitors for many years." Xing Yichen smiled, seeing Jiang Zhiyue's expression, he felt that the little girl didn't know each other.

Even if they knew each other, it wasn't the kind of relationship they imagined.

Maybe even an enemy.

This relieved him.

The little girl did not lure others outside.

So good.

Xing Yichen explained the relationship between the two of them simply and clearly.

Jiang Zhiyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, not friends.

Fortunately, my boyfriend didn't collude with the other party.


Hum hum!
Jiang Zhiyue squeezed her small fists and rubbed against Xing Yichen's neck, "Competitor? Why did you invite you to his wedding ceremony? Is it possible... to laugh at you for being single and not having a girlfriend?"

(End of this chapter)

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