Chapter 129
Xing Yichen: "..."

He was a little silent, not knowing what to say.

But it seems... the meaning of the other party... is indeed what the little girl... understands.

Xing Yichen, who had been single for nearly 30 years, almost laughed out loud.

He said something in a calm tone. "maybe!"


Um? ?

Why suddenly become so cold?

Could it be that she really guessed right?
The idea of ​​Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, is to be angry, this kiss boyfriend who 'has no girlfriend'?Right, right, must be right?
Jiang Zhiyue felt that she had accidentally discovered something extraordinary.

The little girl secretly smiled.

On the surface, he said it with righteous words.

"He... is simply too much!! Isn't this purely to provoke you?" Jiang Zhiyue puffed up her cheeks, and she looked very cute, like a little hamster who had eaten a lot of food.

So cute and alluring, I really want to pinch her cheeks.

I thought so in my heart, so I did it.

Xing Yichen stretched out his slender fingers, gently stroking the little girl's chubby little face being fed by him.

The feel is as good as ever.

very soft.

Like a big marshmallow.

Makes one want to take a bite and taste her.

— must be very sweet.


"Hmm..." The little girl whose face was pinched, unable to speak, unable to continue to complain, blinked her eyes angrily, and stared straight at the culprit in front of her, "What's the matter?"

"That's why he got mad?" Xing Yichen was a little amused, thinking that his little girlfriend's thinking was a little naive, but on the contrary, he felt that she was very cute and attractive like this.

That's good.

Jiang Zhiyue nodded her head as he said, she couldn't sleep or yawn, and said angrily, "Hmph, he is a very despicable villain! Shameless! Shameless! Shameless! Know him It is simply a shame, a shame!!"

The little girl pinched her waist angrily, her beautiful eyes almost burst into flames.

Apparently, the little girl also had some relationship with Shi Boyuan.

Oh no...maybe it's a grudge.


"Good boy, don't be angry anymore." Seeing the angry look of the little girl, Xing Yichen hurriedly comforted her.

Originally, Xing Yichen wanted to let the little girl scold Bo Yuan after him, but the little girl was too angry and couldn't control it at all, so he had to quickly put out the fire for the little girl, coax people, and make people happy up.


If the little girl sleeps with anger, she must not sleep well.

Xing Yichen stated his purpose, "When the time comes, let's go over and make things difficult for him so that he can't hold this wedding, okay?"

When Jiang Zhiyue heard this, her eyes lit up!It seems... It's been a long time since I've done anything bad.

Jiang Zhiyue lowered her head shyly, blinked her bright eyes innocently, and muttered in a low voice, "Isn't it good to mess up other people's weddings?"


Xing Yichen opened his thin lips, ready to answer the little girl's words and comfort her, of course it's okay, they are all enemies after all.

But in the next second, I heard the little girl say again with her arms akimbo.

"Hee hee hee hee, I think it's good." Jiang Zhiyue smiled wickedly, her eyes curled up like crescent moons.

The little girl's smile is cunning, like a little fox, full of ghostly ideas.

It's hard to see through, but you can also see through.

Xing Yichen scratched the little girl's nose, and said with a slight smile in his voice, "Have you calmed down now?"

Jiang Zhiyue nodded her head crazily, and she squeezed her eyes with a smile on her face: "Hmm! Then let's plot loudly, and then what should we do to successfully destroy it!"

"Conspiracy loudly?" Xing Yichen successfully caught the key words and asked back.

Jiang Zhiyue shyly poked his heart.

"Oh, don't pay attention to these small details!"

Xing Yichen asked again: "Sabotage?"

Jiang Zhiyue cleared her throat, and said seriously, "Isn't this your idea? I just said it, it has nothing to do with me, and it's not my bad idea. You think so?"

The little girl smiled sweetly again, this time she looked more like a little fox who had succeeded in tricking her.


It seems that some unlucky ghost is going to be in bad luck.

Xing Yichen felt sorry.

Xing Yichen hugged the little girl's slender waist, "Okay, I will listen to you when the time comes."

"No, no, no, you can't listen to me, you should listen to you." Jiang Zhiyue shook her head innocently, blinking her dark and shiny eyes, and looked into the eyes of her beloved seriously, saying a word. He said after a pause, "It's all your idea, it has nothing to do with me."

Xing Yichen sighed helplessly.

"Okay, it's getting late, go to bed!"

"Woo...don't forget, you must wear nice clothes and be the best in the crowd." Jiang Zhiyue said with full of vigor.

Just relying on their pair of handsome men and beautiful women, just wrapped in a piece of sackcloth, they will be able to overwhelm the crowd at that dog's wedding, killing all directions, killing everyone! !
Scared the other party so badly that they would run away and run away, and they would not hold the wedding right away.


Xiao Mian, fight her.

Shi Boyuan, just wait and see.

I must ruin your reputation.

You were baffled before, so I was imprisoned in your broken manor, and I was not allowed to leave.

Do you think I care about the poor life there? !
Bah bah bah, what a bad luck! !

" must be done!" Xing Yichen promised.

Soon, there was silence in the air.

Only the breathing of the little girl and Xing Yichen did not stop.

It was a very peaceful and beautiful night.

Xing Yichen quietly hugged Ke Rener in his arms, closed his eyes deeply and rested.

With her around, he lived very comfortably.

I have always been defensive, but now I am gradually relaxing. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

But if she can always be there...

He is willing to bear even the danger.

A handsome man who is handsome and evil, thought of it this way.

Jiang Zhiyue didn't know that the boyfriend she found at random was actually a schizophrenia patient and a serious love brain.

To know such a thing as a love brain...

Going deeper, it's not a fun thing...

But if the object is Xing Yichen...

So love brain...

It's not a serious disease either.

Jiang Zhiyue slept peacefully, and even the appearance of sleeping was as beautiful as ever.

Soon, the night when nothing happened, just like that, passed away peacefully.


In the Shi family in Kyoto, various nobles come and go.

Come to attend the second young master of the Shi family, a very grand wedding.

I have to say, the Shi family, it really took a lot of effort to organize the wedding for the children this time!Look, this luxury yacht!Every few hundred million cannot be rented.Look, all kinds of foreign wine!Let people just smell the taste and forget to return.Look again, this precious bouquet exudes a strange fragrance, refreshing.

The distinguished guests who came and went were very satisfied with being treated like this.

On the other side, there are many auspicious red things in the room.

Ye Nanzhi was wearing a red wedding dress and her face was flushed.

He was looking at the makeup artist with some hesitation.

The makeup artist is her good friend.Carefree character.Pick up her hair and dress her up, "I said baby, you are the heroine today, don't look at others with this expression, what we want is to be gorgeous, let my sister dress up for you .beautiful to them."

"But my body...hasn't recovered very well. If I wear too thin clothes, I will freeze." Ye Nanzhi flicked her hair, which had just been dyed, and was very entangled in her heart, and said like this.

The good friend of the makeup artist hugged Ye Nanzhi, excitedly: "Ah, ah, this time the wedding ceremony is held indoors. There should be no wind... If it doesn't work, I'll run over and turn on the heating, anyway, your house Husband, with a big family and a big business, you shouldn't be short of these heating funds, right?!"

Thinking of my lover, I finally want to marry him.

Ye Nanzhi was happy from the bottom of her heart.

So it's up to my good friend to do such nonsense.

So my best friend chose a very bright color lining for Ye Nanzhi, and then put on the big red wedding dress. It took about half an hour to make it. It was a very complicated but very beautiful hairstyle.

Ye Nanzhi also painted a beautiful light makeup.

She also breastfeeds her baby, so she doesn't use excessive cosmetics.

And just like that, a beautiful bride is dressed up.


Shi Boyuan got his wish and married Ye Nanzhi.

Before Ye Nanzhi suffered an accident and gave birth prematurely, she had been in the hospital and had a good rest for a month before her body gradually recovered.

But Ye Nanzhi's parents were noisy and forced her to get married.

In Shi Boyuan's heart, he felt a little guilty towards Ye Nanzhi, the only woman who gave birth to her, and had to bear the pressure of the family to marry this woman.

After all, everything that should have happened to them has happened, and they even have children. If they don't get married, others will laugh out loud.

So this marriage...

Arrived as promised in a hurry.

But in fact, after so long, Shi Boyuan still has a beloved Bai Yueguang in his heart.

This so-called Bai Yueguang has been missing for many years.

Shi Boyuan didn't even know how to find her, maybe the other party was delicate and frail...

Already dead?
The women who lived in Shi Boyuan Manor were somewhat similar in appearance to Bai Yueguang.

That's why Shi Boyuan promised these women to live in the manor and eat and drink for nothing.

Otherwise, just relying on their ghostly appearances, fighting openly and secretly...he would have driven them away long ago.

Want to eat and drink for free with him all the time?dream.


Put on a black suit.

Shi Boyuan looked at the tall figure reflected in the mirror.

I am very satisfied with my handsome appearance.

In fact, in his heart, he didn't have much love for Ye Nanzhi.

Back then, it was just a few accidents that two people could have children.

But I didn't expect that the other party would give birth prematurely, and even gave birth to a child with congenital glass disease, which is very difficult to treat.

If you don't pay attention, you will die early.

That's all, let's give Ye Nanzhi one first, let's have a nameless wedding!

It would be a good thing if he could accidentally find Bai Yueguang who had been missing for many years because of his marriage.

Shi Boyuan didn't worry about these things anymore, he walked out of the room and found the best men.

The best men are also Shi Boyuan's best friends for many years, and they all know what kind of person Shi Boyuan is.

Seeing that Shi Bo Yuan is getting married now, he sincerely wished him and Ye Nanzhi a happy marriage from the bottom of their hearts.

"Brother Shi, this person is about to get married, and when he dresses up...he really has a different style." Shi Boyuan's famous dog-legged friend said in admiration.

Someone asked him, "What is the different demeanor?"

He slowly wriggled his mouth and said, "You are so handsome!"

The rest of the people: "..." Grass, I said why didn't it rain today?It turned out to be your words, which left us speechless! ! !
Can you be more embarrassing?It's so embarrassing, ah hey!
Everyone complained silently in their hearts.

A gust of wind blew by, and the word "Happy" stuck to the wall was blown off by the wind and patted on the face of the person who spoke.

He also said with a straight face: "..."

Even Shi Boyuan was speechless when he heard this compliment: "..."

Looking at the other party's clumsy appearance like a pig, he was even more speechless.

I know...

What kind of cronies are they?

A deep sense of powerlessness in his heart swept through his whole body.


"Sister-in-law is here!"

Fortunately, the person who was showing off in the bridesmaids rushed over in time, breaking the awkward atmosphere around.

Shi Boyuan adjusted his bow tie again.

He began to walk towards the direction Ye Nanzhi had come, and walked over with big strides.

Time passed quickly, about 40 minutes later, they went through a whole set of wedding procedures.

Now it's time to toast to relatives and friends in turn.

Shi Boyuan and Ye Nanzhi held up their wine glasses and kept toasting.

Of course, because Ye Nanzhi had just given birth and her body was still weak, it was impossible for her to touch cold things and drink.

As a result, the burden of drinking and blocking alcohol all fell on Shi Boyuan for a while.

Because at the scene, there were a lot of people who wanted to curry favor with Shi's family, so the toasts were getting more and more excessive, from the low-alcohol liquor at the beginning to the high-alcohol liquor of nearly 10-[-]% at the end, Shi Boyuan After just [-] minutes, I had already drank six or seven glasses of wine.

This will make him dizzy and nauseous.

So he patted the arm of the bride next to him, and said in a low voice, "Zhier, you stay here first, or sit there, wait for me, I want to go to the toilet."

"What are you doing in the toilet?" Ye Nanzhi stood for too long, feeling a little uncomfortable, his legs were weak, and he sat down slowly while supporting the table.

Just asked a question.

Shi Boyuan suddenly felt that the other party cared too much.

(End of this chapter)

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