Therefore, Shi Boyuan thought for a short second, but did not answer Ye Nanzhi's question.

Because he felt that Ye Nanzhi's question was too much.

So I don't really want to answer.

Simply do not answer.

Even if it is answered, it is meaningless!

Shi Boyuan stretched out his hand and patted Ye Nanzhi's shoulder lightly, but said coldly, "Sit here and don't move, you don't want to drink whoever comes to toast, you understand?"

His tone of voice was somewhat commanding.

This makes people subconsciously feel uncomfortable.

This is the case with Ye Nanzhi.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she still likes the man in front of her very much, but she also has a sense of inexplicable and tinge of fear.

Because the other party often goes crazy.

Let's start, no one dares to resist.

After all, with Shi Bo Yuan's identity here, no one dared to disobey his orders.

so that.

Ye Nanzhi was terrified.

However, Ye Nanzhi liked it, and the other party showed no affectation.

Full of masculine charm, it is simply her destiny.

Without continuing to ask Shi Bo Yuan why, Ye Nanzhi nodded slightly, squeezed her sore ankle, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Go and come back quickly." Ye Nanzhi lowered her head shyly and said something in a low voice.

After Shi Boyuan nodded, he hurriedly left the crowd.


The groomsmen and bridesmaids next to each other sat around and played games.

They found the bride in the story and were suddenly singled out.

So, Ye Nanzhi was warmly invited to go over there and play with them.

But... Ye Nanzhi kept thinking about the toasting time for the elders, and it was not over yet, and now she couldn't just go to the side to rest as she wanted.

and so……

Ye Nanzhi shook her head slightly and refused.

"No, I have to go to toast later."

Ye Nanzhi smiled politely, her tone was very calm and slow.

The bridesmaids and best men, they didn't make things difficult for Ye Nanzhi, they just felt that the bride was a bit too much for her.

"Okay then, let's keep playing."

So say so.

They didn't say much, and continued to sit together and play with themselves.

Just when Ye Nanzhi was extremely bored, a sexy woman who was a little thin and frail but with bright eyes walked slowly to her side.

Ye Nanzhi couldn't help observing the appearance of the other party.

I found that this sexy woman is indeed very beautiful.

At least several times more beautiful than her.

I look like Xiaojiabiyu, and this beauty... looks very aggressive.

Being watched, Ye Nanzhi feels like sitting on pins and needles.

next second.


"Hello~" The sexy and beautiful woman actually walked up to her side and stood up.

He even reached out his hand, very familiar, and squeezed Ye Nanzhi's face.

It's really hard to start.

Although the sexy woman in front of her greeted her politely, she was too aggressive because of her offensive behavior... This made Ye Nanzhi feel very uncomfortable.

There seemed to be a cloud of depressed anger, suffocating in my heart with nowhere to vent.

Ye Nanzhi frowned tightly.

Try to stay calm and polite.

Slowly also showed a smile, and greeted the other party, "Hello, may I ask who you are?"

The other party was so proactive and came over to talk to her.

Ye Nanzhi was even more curious, who is this person?


"I'm A Yuan's old friend..."

The sexy woman, with a bright and delicate face, actually showed a touch of deep sadness. From her eyes, she could feel that the other party was very sad now.

Said the beautiful woman.

When Ye Nanzhi heard this sentence and observed the other party's expression, she was obviously taken aback for a moment.

Suddenly... I don't know what kind of tricks the other party is playing.

In the manor, Ye Nanzhi stood out from the crowd in just a few months, and successfully gave birth to Shi Boyuan's child, which was a boy.

She also has more or less real skills in her body, Wen Neng beats Bailian, and Wu Neng fights green tea.

Able to write and martial arts, wise and brave.

Invincible, invincible.

At this time of sexy women, sad.

In Ye Nanzhi's brain, he has frantically gone through the tricks one by one over and over again, guessing what the other party wants to express?

Could it be that this uninvited sexy really what she imagined, but is actually Shi Boyuan's unknown ex...or is it the unforgettable Bai Yueguang? !

Ye Nanzhi understands a little more or less, and Mr. Ba is forced to love literature.

Who hasn't read Mr. Ba's novels when he was young?

That is the youth of generations of people.

Ha ha ha.

Not much to say, back to the topic.

Ye Nanzhi pursed her lips silently, and said hoarsely, "Old man? What do you mean by old man? Are you trying to say... my husband, is your friend from the past?"

The beautiful eyeballs rolled around.

Since you can't beat it, then take the initiative to ask.

Ye Nanzhi spoke first.

Directly blocked the other party tightly.

The questions asked were also very straightforward.

After all, now she is her own man, the wife who is holding a wedding, and she is the main wife! !
If this group of cats and dogs covet her man very much, and even want to seduce her, then these people are all mistresses!

The behavior of mistresses is not worth advocating, and even they must be killed in the cradle! !

Back off.

Ye Nanzhi's brain was full of crazy thoughts.

Even looking at the woman in front of him with a hint of viciousness.

Dare to steal her husband? !She wants to talk to each other endlessly! !


The sexy woman, who was immersed in her crazy performance, suddenly heard Ye Nanzhi ask her this...

For a while, I can't live with her directly.

"..." How should I answer?
The sexy woman Bai Jiaorou should answer Ye Nanzhi directly and say: I just want to rob you of your husband, I want to know what to do.

Still say: I used to be your husband's first love, but there was a serious misunderstanding between us, which made him think that I was already dead, and now I suddenly appear at your wedding, I still miss your husband , I just came to snatch a kiss from you? ?
Bai Jiaorou was actually not that stupid, she directly stated her purpose for coming.

After all these years, even if Bai Jiaorou is gentle and caring, she can't escape the tribulations she has experienced in her life, these people who tell truth, sow discord, and are extremely disgusting.

Bai Jiaorou has long since ceased to be the doggy man Shi Boyuan, the one whom he longs for in his heart, the Bai Yueguang who is as cool and elegant as the bright moon.

Walked around in society.

Let Bai Jiaorou completely understand that a gentle person... cannot live well.Only by being ruthless can you gain a firm foothold in that area and take back everything you want! !

thought here.

Bai Jiaorou's eyes flickered, but his eyes were evasive.

Ye Nanzhi looked at the other party quietly, and began to perform artificially.

It depends on what tricks Bai Jiaorou can perform.


Maybe it was because Ye Nanzhi stared at her that something was wrong, and Bai Jiaorou also realized that she did have some problems with expressive ability.

So, Bai Jiaorou stretched out her pampered and tender fingers, and gently wiped away the tears that were still hanging on her face.After wiping the tears off her face with her hands, Bai Jiaorou slightly tilted her head and looked at Ye Nanzhi quietly.

Finally, when Ye Nanzhi couldn't help but ask her what she was going to do, Bai Jiaorou sniffed and said.

"Yes, we've known each other for many years."

Oh, did you make it that clear?

Ye Nanzhi froze for a moment.

She smiled slowly, tilted her head to look at Bai Jiaorou, and nodded meaningfully.

"That's it..." Ye Nanzhi took a sip of his drink, calmed down his excitement about being torn apart with the woman, and retorted patiently and lightly: "But I never, in Brother Bo Yuan's mouth, I heard that What about you..."

This flirtatious counterattack actually expresses yin and yang strangely, 'Oh, how about you and him being an old acquaintance?Even if you once had a relationship, but now we are in love, and we have successfully moved towards the fruition of marriage, got married smoothly, and are still holding weddings, so... even if you had any relationship with him, Then he has nothing to do with you is your dog's name here?The dog barks. '

It's just a clown who feels that he is at a loss.

Unwilling to be reconciled, I am alive and kicking here, heh, I really have energy.

Ye Nanzhi blinked her eyes. On the surface, she seemed calm, but in her heart, she had silently scolded the sexy woman in front of her a thousand times. Who made this woman so cheap? Three times three?Running over to do something?She deserves to be scolded, huh.

Ye Nanzhi sneered, his expression unclear.

Seeing Bai Jiaorou's distraught appearance, she was very satisfied with his performance.

Taking the opportunity to add fuel to the flames, he added something very heart-wrenching.

"Oh, right."

"This... Sister, I seem to have some impressions of you."

Ah? ?

Bai Jiaorou didn't answer Ye Nanzhi's words for a long while.

Because I don't know in my heart, what exactly does Ye Nanzhi want to express?
Could it be the aggressive method?

Seeing the other party's reaction, Ye Nanzhi smiled even happier.

Sure enough, the ex is the ex.


Even if you want to come over and do something, so what?That's not it, she can't even say what she said.

Clown, clown, clown.

Ye Nanzhi stretched out her hand, brushed the hair on the side of her ear unconsciously, and said slowly: "I did see your photo in one of my husband's photo albums. At that time, I was still curious why in my husband's photo frame, Will you post a picture of a strange woman? But imagine now... My husband, at that time, really seemed to have some affection for your sister. But... my husband and I are already married, I'm sorry , Sister, you have no chance."

Ye Nanzhi's age is indeed relatively young.

It's not too much to call Bai Jiaorou one by one.

But Bai Jiaorou doesn't want to think so!
Obviously she was the one who came here to find fault and make troubles, but she was countered by a woman like Ye Nanzhi, and now Ye Nanzhi is even covering her face with such a lot of words.

The inside and outside of the words are all sarcasm, she is a mistress...

What is your name, sister, you are not much younger than me, judging by your appearance, heh, you are not well maintained! !

Bai Jiaorou was very upset.

But Bai Jiaorou could bear it, after all, her purpose...has just begun.

Ye Nanzhi, if you scold me now, you can scold me, it can change as you like.

But... wait a minute, there will be a time when you cry! !

Think of your seamless plan.

Bai Jiaorou swept away the disappointment on her face, and slowly smiled.

The expression on Bai Jiaorou's face, under the illumination of the light... was a bit creepy!

This sudden smiling expression really frightened the timid Ye Nanzhi.

She patted her heart lightly.

I heard Bai Jiaorou slowly say: "Yes, A Yuan and I... really have no chance, but it's okay for me and you, my sister, to be friends. After all, my sister, you just said something to me just now. My sister... As my sister, I am too embarrassed to reject you as my sister... You say yes, my sister's good sister."

Ye Nanzhi's mind was full of Bai Jiaorou's voice: sister, sister, sister, sister, sister...

Ye Nanzhi was speechless: "..." Oh my god, my brain hurts.

Must endure!
Don't lose your temper in public.

After all, it's my wedding ceremony now, I can't be angry, I can't be angry, I must stay calm.

Ye Nanzhi took a deep breath, restraining the urge to beat Bai Jiaorou violently.

It took several minutes to suppress the manic mood.

"Okay, sister... don't know your name yet?" Ye Nanzhi smiled stiffly and asked the other party's name.

Bai Jiaorou said, "Just call me Sister Bai."

Ye Nanzhi let out a cry.

"Sister Bai."

Bai Jiaorou puffed out her chest and sighed.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two look like sisters.

We have a very good relationship.

They all sighed with emotion.

"Hey, the ex and the current one have collided and can still get along happily, awesome!"

"A needle in the bottom of a woman's heart... These two... are both creatures of high morals!"

"I really didn't dare to go there, for fear of being beaten to death."

"Add one upstairs. I'm really curious. When Mr. Shi comes back later, he will see such a scene... It's really exciting. I don't know what kind of Shura field will be there?"

"I'll bet on a pack of spicy strips, none of them dare to do anything?"

"That's not necessarily the case. After all... When women meet, they are still rivals in love! It would be strange if they didn't pinch them."

Another person shrugged nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, it's none of my business, I'm just a heartless eater."

The other party: "6!"

You are awesome!

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