Chapter 132

Bai Jiaorou pulled Shi Boyuan's finger and said softly.

These words hit Shi Bo Yuan's arms.

Shi Boyuan nodded, and said to Bai Jiaorou: "Don't mention her anymore, let's find a place to talk about what happened to you back then."

Bai Jiaorou froze for a moment.

It occurred to him in an instant that he had disappeared suddenly for so many years and had left Shi Boyuan in the cold without any news.

Having been here for so many years, Bai Jiaorou has also dated countless boyfriends, and has done everything that should be done.

When she suddenly heard Shi Boyuan talking to herself like this, Bai Jiaorou would subconsciously think that Shi Boyuan wanted something to happen with herself, or that the old relationship would rekindle...

But so...

Bai Jiaorou raised her mouth quietly, feeling that it was in line with her plan and connected.

So, Bai Jiaorou laughed happily, nodded and said, "Okay, where are we going?"

Bai Jiaorou tried hard to suppress the feeling of happiness in her heart, pursed her lips, and looked up at this tall and handsome man who was liked by many women.

Shi Boyuan was a very good person.

Bai Jiaorou knew about it ten years ago.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have exhausted all means, racked his brains and used insidious methods to become the pure and kind Bai Yueguang in Shi Boyuan's heart, whom he could never forget for more than ten years.

Bai Jiaorou has been playing outside for so many years.

Recently, I also want to calm down.

So as soon as Bai Jiaorou came back, she heard that her former first love boyfriend, Shi Bo Yuan, got married today? ! !

Then how could she not come to join in the fun?
What if it gets missed?
Even, Bai Jiaorou just got off the plane, didn't even go home, just bought a gift, and came to this beautiful wedding venue without hesitation.

As soon as he entered, Bai Jiaorou showed greedy and envious eyes.

Why is such a grand and gorgeous wedding not held for her?

It is clear that she is Bai Jiaorou, the woman Shi Boyuan has been secretly thinking about for so many years in the heart of a man like Shi Boyuan.

Why... just another woman succeeded?
Bai Jiaorou was unwilling, very unwilling.

Thus, a despicable and vicious thought quietly grew in Bai Jiaorou's heart.

She wants to get back together with Shi Boyuan.

And to get Shi Boyuan again, is this man's means... that's a bit too much.

Although, by doing this, I really feel sorry for Shi Bo Yuan's new wife, the woman who finally snatched him away.

However, Bai Jiaorou just wanted to make trouble.

Since...she herself can't get this man Shi Boyuan, then others can't even think about getting this man, this man can only be hers, Bai Jiaorou.

Bai Jiaorou was very obedient to Shi Boyuan with the idea of ​​destroying it if she couldn't get it.

Next to him, sometimes Bo Yuan's relatives came to talk to Shi Boyuan, and Shi Boyuan drank wine with the other party, and they drank three rounds soon.

Shi Boyuan was already a little drunk, but now he was even more drunk.

At this time, Bai Jiaorou said directly: "A Yuan, I'm a little dizzy, can I go back to my room and have a rest?"

Shi Boyuan nodded, directly found a waiter, and took Bai Jiaorou away.


The relatives at the side saw this scene, so they cast their eyes at Shi Bo Yuan, with an ambiguous expression on their face, and said pointingly: "Bo Yuan, this girl...why do I look a little bit weird?" It looks familiar, oh, by the that the girl you used to like very much?"

The relative put down the wine glass, nodded thoughtfully, and looked at Shi Boyuan.

Said like this, the guess in my heart.

Shi Boyuan, of course, would not deny it outright, after all, this Bai Jiaorou is the woman he has been thinking about for so many years in his heart.

Shi Boyuan was very happy to come back in such a splendid manner.

So when I heard my relative say that, even with a moment of drunkenness, I nodded and admitted it.

"Yes, it's her, she's back."

"Isn't that great? She's back, you can continue to be good friends... right? Bo Yuan." The relative continued to say meaningfully, blinking and smiling.

Relatives have seen through Shi Boyuan.

What kind of thoughts do men have.

Everyone understands everything.


Shi Boyuan laughed softly, taking advantage of the alcohol.

"What kind of good friends can she and I be?" Shi Bo Yuan tilted his head, looking at the relative who was speaking.

The arc of the relative's mouth became deeper and deeper, and he said slowly, "Don't you want to?"

Shi Bo Yuan didn't answer this sentence, but tapped slowly with his fingers, the red wine glass in his hand.

Soon, Shi Boyuan couldn't take it anymore, and he found an excuse to say goodbye to his relatives and friends, and went back upstairs.

Shi Boyuan euphemistically said that he was looking for his wife.

after all……

Everyone present knew that Shi Boyuan had married a wife who was pregnant out of wedlock and gave birth prematurely.


Ye Nanzhi's child also suffered from congenital diseases.

Some members of the Shi family were not very satisfied with Ye Nanzhi's wife.


I've experienced Ye Nanzhi's flinging at Shi Bo Yuan and Bai Jiaorou just now.

The relatives are even more dissatisfied with Ye Nanzhi, the new daughter-in-law.

and so……

Now the protagonist, Bo Yuan, bid farewell to them and left the stage ahead of time.

For them.

The impact is very large.


They can't stop it either.

After all, Shi Boyuan and Ye Nanzhi are the newlyweds who just got married, and they are very close.

They have no right to stop this matter.

Moreover, you can't provoke others, the relationship between the newlyweds, so... It's easy to fall into the trap and be reviled by others.

and so.

All the relatives present, older ones, were very dissatisfied with Ye Nanzhi's performance.

They could only suppress the dissatisfaction in their hearts, looked at each other, and after Shi Boyuan left here, they all shouted and cursed.

The attitude is very complaining.

"Bo Yuan is a nice kid. He has taken good care of everyone for so many years, but why is his vision so bad now? So many rich families don't look for him, but he finds such a new kid who doesn't know how to read others' expressions. Daughter-in-law. I left the stage early just now, so forget it. Even just now, I just flirted with my husband! It’s really daring, it’s too much."

An old man with a white beard.A pair of old-fashioned appearance.

He stroked his all white beard, took his crutches, and slammed on the ground, accusing Ye Nanzhi of saying so.

The younger generation who respected the old man next to him also stood up and started talking to them.

"That's right! Although she gave birth to a child for Bo Yuan, this child is not very healthy. There may even be some accidents. For our Shi family, there is no such precedent. Marrying her first... also As long as Bo Yuan can do such a thing, our Shi family is worthy of Ye Nanzhi."

The person who spoke was also middle-aged, and besides the old man, he was the elder with the greatest status present.

They actually opposed Shi Boyuan and directly married Ye Nanzhi into the family.

But no matter what, in the end it was Shi Boyuan and the others who were young and ignorant, causing girls to get pregnant before marriage, and even had some troubles in the hospital.

They felt that they were really sorry for the girl, so they agreed to get married.

Moreover, it was very grand to hold such a gorgeous and grand wedding for the girl.

So many relatives and friends were invited to join in the show.

From their point of view, they are actually worthy of Ye Nanzhi.

So, they stood on the high ground of morality and just accused this new daughter-in-law who just entered the door.

Tell her it's wrong.

Others followed suit.

"I think that girl just now is pretty good. When I got along with Bo Yuan, I was talking and laughing. Before the two of them... It seems that they were first love??? But, I haven't seen this girl for a long time Passed her, this time it came suddenly, maybe...something will happen..."

They boldly predicted what would happen next.


Really accidentally, I guessed it right.

What a clever little ghost!

A group of young people watching by the side turned into melon-eating crowd one after another, just quietly listening to the comments of the older generation on the newly married couple and the woman just now.

With the expression on their faces that they have eaten a big melon, they are looking forward to it!
People who eat melons, what is the most lacking?

No melon seeds and benches yet! ! !

There is also the best location to watch the excitement!
These are not found ready yet.

and so……

Some of them are already eager to try and go upstairs to find some places with better terrain for eating melons.


Just when all the onlookers eating melons doubted the authenticity of this melon.

Suddenly a waiter.


"There's an earthquake, there's an earthquake, everyone get out."

As he said that, the ground began to shake slightly. The arc of the earthquake was not very big at the beginning. All the relatives and friends inside were in an orderly manner. They escaped to the wedding venue, in the open space outside the venue .

Soon, the arc of the ground vibration became larger and larger. , The surrounding houses also began to collapse.

"Help, help, I'm afraid of death, I don't want to die here!"

Some weaker people were so frightened that they fell down and couldn't even get up.

Yelling, crying, asking for help.

want to escape.

Everyone was in a hurry, supporting each other, and escaped from the center of the earthquake.

Although the earthquake was fierce, it only shook for 5 minutes.

Although, in such a short time, many buildings have actually collapsed, and the surrounding area has become pieces of ruins.

Everyone panicked and paled.

Some people are even covered in ashes, becoming a person crawling out of the soil.

Everyone survived the catastrophe, rejoicing.Some were crushed to death, or crushed to death.

Fortunately, there were no casualties?
Everyone talked about this sudden disaster and panicked.

At this time, everyone saw that the two most outstanding people in the crowd were the three protagonists of today.

of two--

Shi Boyuan, and Bai Jiaorou!

The two also had panicked expressions on their faces.

Even they only had time to hang a bathrobe.

No, it was Bai Jiaorou who was wearing a bathrobe, while Shi Boyuan only had a pair of shorts, which covered the important parts.

Shi Boyuan's wine was so frightened that he woke up.

Such a big earthquake, can it be blamed if you don't wake up?It is enough for people to live well.

From the way the two dressed, it was obvious that some indescribable things happened just now, so I can only not describe them in detail here.

Everyone calmed down.Suddenly, I saw these two people.

Instantly feel very hot eyes.

First, it's because these two people, in broad daylight, gave Ye Nanzhi, the bride who just passed the door, such a big green hat, which is nothing.

Second, they are so shameless that they can't wait to do this, and even, it is so embarrassing to dress like this in public! !
They are so angry that they want to kill people.

Really, the elders just now were so angry that they almost sent them away on the spot.

The festive music at the wedding almost turned into a funeral song played by suona.

"Shameless, too shameless, I'm really mad at you." The old man, who was in agreement with them just now, was now holding a walking stick and banging on the ground vigorously.

It caused a burst of dust and choked people to cough.

I can't stand up straight.

The old man stared with cloudy eyes and his face was wrinkled, all of which were angry at this matter.

If no one else was here, the old man would have held a cane and hit Shi Boyuan, the head of this unfilial descendant, viciously and shamelessly.

The old man is just not so angry now.

The temper is not that big.

The old man's original mood was very irritable, but now he has restrained his emotions very much.

But when he raised his head, when he saw the annoying faces of Shi Bo Yuan and Bai Jiaorou, he became so angry that he really wanted to beat them to death.

When you do bad things, you do them in a sneaky way, and no one notices, so everyone, just keep your eyes open and close your eyes, and just pretend that this matter is over.

But I never expected that the accident happened so suddenly, God couldn't stand it!

The newlywed wife, Ye Nanzhi, was wearing such a big green hat, God directly caused an earthquake to stop this marriage that existed in name only.

It can be regarded as God opened his eyes.

Everyone is really eating melons to the top of their heads, it’s really a knife pulling their ass——

Butt eyes opened.

They were dumbfounded, looked at the old man, and yelled at Shi Boyuan regardless of his image.

There is no plan to spare the other party lightly.

Shi Boyuan also knew that what he did was indeed wrong, so he bowed his head and directly admitted his mistake.

But in fact, they didn't happen. There was no real relationship. After all, the earthquake came.

They just got out of the shower.

(End of this chapter)

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