Chapter 133
So well.

At this moment, Shi Boyuan was also full of confidence. He stood proudly and felt that he had done nothing wrong. After all, nothing really happened between him and Bai Jiaorou.

Doing this by yourself is not cheating.

At most it's just not taking action.

It is worth it to be scolded like this to let the old man calm down.

Shi Boyuan thought so.

Therefore, I am more confident and face everyone's scrutiny.

Completely ignoring the other party's accusations, and not far away from his new wife, looked at him with disappointed eyes.


Ye Nanzhi knew in his heart that maybe Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, was immoral, but he really didn't expect that Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou, a couple of dogs, would be so impatient to catch up with them, disgusting them! !

This thing was done too far, and it was too disgusting!

Ye Nanzhi never imagined that Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou, two damned people, would make such a disgusting drama! !
All present were their relatives and friends.

Shi Boyuan was so ashamed.

Ye Nanzhi suddenly felt that his love for Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, was not as deep as he imagined.

Maybe it's because before, Shi Boyuan was a strong and domineering man, although... he wasn't that kind to her, but he was responsive to her requests.

When she was with Shi Boyuan, she lived a very happy and carefree life.

Even, she stood out among so many women in the manor, succeeded, and got some love from Shi Boyuan.

Originally, she thought that she would give birth to a healthy fetus, and the man Shi Boyuan would live the rest of her life successfully, and there would be a happy time between the two of them.

People can't help but be happy when they recall it.

Ye Nanzhi never imagined that she would be pushed down by that wicked and vicious woman Mingrui, and she was even so angry that she gave birth prematurely! !

What's more... the child born is also unhealthy and suffers from a congenital disease!Almost life is at stake, I can't live for a year or two...

Moreover, this frail child must be carefully cared for and brought up, but...

Who can have this patience and take their children seriously?

What's more, a child with such a serious illness.

Ye Nanzhi originally wanted to raise a child. After all, this child is also the crystallization of love between her and Shi Boyuan. Even if the child suffers from a disease, so what?Ye Nanzhi himself is also willing to take good care of this child and work hard to raise the child to grow up healthily.

But I've experienced it before, when Bo Yuan and Bai Jiaorou, this bitch, teamed up to cuckold her in public, and forced her to wear a cuckold.

Such a hit.

Ha ha……

She is young at night, and she is not as good-tempered as she appears on the surface.

Just so willingly, being a big grievance, being greened by the two of them.

To be ridiculed by so many relatives and friends, saying that she couldn't keep a man.

So Ye Nanzhi was thinking, otherwise, this child...why not be alive? ?
Because——his parents didn't love each other as much as imagined.

His parents, the trace of so-called love, the truth is also walking on thin ice, full of lies and deceit.

Thinking of myself, that poor child.

Ye Nanzhi's eyes turned red uncontrollably, her face was full of grief, she was very disappointed and sad by Shi Boyuan's actions in her heart.

It can be said that he was blind and provoked such a philandering carrot that he shouldn't have provoked.In the past, I really had a brain hole, so I loved Shi Boyuan so deeply, and was willing to be an ox or a horse for Shi Boyuan, but I never thought that Shi Boyuan was like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Disgusting! !
Ye Nanzhi was very sick to his stomach, especially when he saw that Bo Yuan was so upright being watched by others, with his head held high and his face of indifference, Ye Nanzhi became even angrier.

It was all because of Shi Boyuan's fault.

But Shi Boyuan didn't have the slightest attitude of admitting his mistake, and even felt that it was an honor for him to do so, so he just stood there.

It really makes people feel, disappointed, and heartbroken.

I feel very ashamed again, this man is really not worth it!
Then being with Shi Boyuan is simply too much of a waste of time, a waste of my youth!She Ye Nanzhi is still young, as beautiful as a flower!There are still a lot of good times and happiness waiting for her, but she doesn't bump into the south wall and doesn't look back, she keeps circling around this stinky man, Shi Boyuan!
It's such a pity that the gains outweigh the losses.

especially!Shi Boyuan was still a rotten cucumber!

I am also really the best among the brain-dead.

At this moment, Ye Nanzhi also despises herself, thinking that she is a damn love brain, the kind that can't be saved, but now she has woken up and feels that she can still be rescued.

She might as well just kick Shi Boyuan, that dog, the man, and take the money by herself, and fly away in a chic way, far away from them all.Out of sight, out of mind, save these two bedbugs, no matter how sick you are, make yourself sick to your stomach.

Let Shi Boyuan take care of his dead mistress and go there together.

Sister, quit the job.


Ye Nanzhi talked about this.

The more she thought about it, the calmer she became, Ye Nanzhi remained calm, observing the expressions of the two people opposite, and then deduced what their inner thoughts were like.

Seeing the expressions of the two people who were completely unrepentant, Ye Nanzhi became even more calm.

Then he walked over slowly, facing the eyes of the elders, raised his head and said to Shi Bo Yuan, "Brother Bo Yuan, what do you want to say, do you want to say it to me?"

"Zhier, stop making trouble."

Shi Bo Yuan raised his hand, put it on the top of Ye Nanzhi's head, and rubbed it lightly.

The tone is very gentle and approachable, completely gone, the usual indifference attitude of rejecting others.

Shi Boyuan's eyes contained a bit of gentle warning, as if to indicate that the relationship between their newlyweds was becoming more rigid.

Ye Nanzhi felt even more unbelievable. At that time, how could he be so blind that he could fall in love with Shi Boyuan, a man who is not as good as a pig or a dog? It was so disappointing.

If he had a heart attack, he would almost die of anger.

If there is a heart patient who is raped, and her husband is so green, he still blames the woman for her fault, and asks the woman to stop making trouble.It's just huh, then this person suffering from heart disease can directly die of anger in place and be reincarnated as a human being.

This disgusting life, the most fucking love to live it, anyway, she doesn't want to live it anymore.

In Ye Nanzhi's heart, he had already scolded countless swear words.

Ye Nanzhi was so angry that she was about to die, but she still had to keep a smile on her face.

After all, if Ye Nanzhi couldn't hold back her emotions anymore, she yelled here, accusing her new husband of getting together with other women.


Then everyone will think that Ye Nanzhi's temper is too hot, which makes her husband want to find a woman outside on the first day of marriage.

She would keep blaming her over and over again, because she didn't take good care of her husband.

It was Ye Nanzhi herself who was too irritable, which led to such an embarrassing scene.

Deserves to be green.

After all, the thoughts of this group of people are still very disgusting, Ye Nanzhi can understand.Otherwise, it wouldn't have lasted so long.

But Ye Nanzhi herself also felt that since she was greedy Bo Yuan, this dog man's good looks and prominent family background, she should learn to be patient.

For example, in the past, the existence of those gorgeous women in the manor.

Ye Nanzhi himself has endured for such a long time, and he has endured it for more than a year.

Now that this incident happened, she really couldn't bear it anymore. If anyone was suddenly cuckolded, no one would be able to bear the yelling, right?

Ye Nanzhi, she can really bear it, she will not yell, control her emotions, be calm, and her new husband and Bai Jiaorou, damn mistress, stand here together, looking at each other, confronting each other with.

Ye Nanzhi secretly scolded these two people in her heart, they were too stupid, it made everyone feel ashamed, and the whole family was ashamed.I don't know how they will laugh at them when this matter is brought up by others in the future.

Ye Nanzhi took a deep breath, a little unbelievable, asked the opposite Shi Boyuan dog man, and said something.

"Brother Bo Yuan, why do you miss me so much? Why am I making trouble anymore?" Ye Nanzhi finally couldn't help her eyes turn red, and started crying in a low voice.

Weak beauty.

Tears quietly.

All the men present had their throats tight. No one felt sorry for this poor bride. Not only was she cuckolded by her husband, but she also had to calmly face her with a smile.
.Even, her husband said that she did something wrong.Goofing around here.

It's really pitiful, so pitiful.

Someone felt very sorry for Ye Nanzhi, the poor girl, what happened to her, so he stood up directly and looked at Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, with righteous indignation.

"Mr. Shi, what you said is too unreasonable."

The man who stood up was also very good looking.A black suit set off his elegant temperament, like a social elite, or an executive in a company.Very temperamental.

He boldly glanced at Shi Boyuan.

He reasoned with Shi Boyuan.

"If it wasn't for the sudden earthquake, who would have thought that Mr. Shi, on the surface, you are a man who loves his wife, but you have such a style behind your back. It is really disappointing and surprising. "

A man who dresses differently.

Shaking his head, he looked regretful and disappointed.

With a bit of provocation, he raised his head to look at Shi Boyuan who had an ugly face.

Anyone with a little brain present would think that the man who replaced Ye Nanzhi was doing things here.

If things can be done, it means that there are finally melons to eat. The sudden earthquake happened just now, and they lost their excellent position to eat melons. Now, they have new melons. Therefore, the people who eat melons, It is very orderly to watch here.

It is to be upright and confident to eavesdrop here, to see what tricks these people can play.What kind of melon was eaten shocked everyone.

They are very envious of the life of the rich, but the melons of the rich are also confusing, which makes people feel very exaggerated and unbelievable, but it is also very realistic.

Worried old man.

What is playing is the heartbeat!

Really six!

The crowd poked their heads one after another, pricked up their ears and continued to eavesdrop, this shocking big melon.

Shi Boyuan wasn't very angry at first, but just now he blamed his new wife for not knowing how to flatter him, and wanted to confront him in public, making him look bad, and felt that his family had lost face.

Originally, he said that on purpose, just to make his new wife feel scared.She became dependent on him. After all, the two of them maintained their relationship with money, and their child was still sick in the hospital.

Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, would think that his new wife would never want to leave him, so just now, he would be so threatening...talking to his new wife.

But what is unexpected is that there is an envoy who protects the flower, who is here to stand up for that woman Ye Nanzhi.

This touched the man's bottom line, after all, this was his wife who had just married Bo Yuan, so what right did others have to criticize him.

He should educate his wife himself, that's what he should be, and others have no right to criticize him.Not to mention, it was his fault to accuse him from the moral high ground.

Shi Boyuan's bottom line was touched, and he was furious.

Shi Boyuan stared at the strange man in front of him with a cold expression.The tone is very bad.

"Even if this matter surprises you, so what? It's all our own family affairs. What does it have to do with you, an outsider? You speak suddenly here and interrupt other people's conversations. You are polite. ?"

Shi Boyuan sneered again and again, and said a lot of words.

The autumn wind was a bit cold, and Bo Yuan was only wearing a thin pair of underwear.

Now the wind blows.Shi Boyuan's body trembled violently twice.

The strange man opposite seemed to have seen something.Suddenly, the expression in his eyes changed, and he turned his gaze away.

Being blamed by Shi Boyuan in front of him, the strange man cleared his throat and explained to himself.

"But in terms of fairness, you still have to ask outsiders to help solve this matter, Mr. Shi, what you did is very wrong, can you understand?"

The strange man spoke eloquently, put his hands on his chest, and looked at Shi Boyuan without any hesitation.

Shi Boyuan's face was sullen, very ugly, like the bottom of a blackened pot.

His eyes were indifferent, like severe cold, and he slowly uttered a few words: "None of your business."

They said it was their family affairs, and they could handle them by themselves, so this strange man came here just to scold him.

Looking for scolding.

Shi Bo Yuan rolled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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