Chapter 134
To be able to hear this swear word from Shi Boyuan, this once elegant, noble and indifferent young master, everyone is really——

The knife pulled the butt and opened his eyes.

what happened?

Why did the plot suddenly become so outrageous?Are two men who are very good at each other, evenly matched, arguing in public now?

This is……

Could it be that this scene is the legendary one, where two women compete for a man?

The people who eat melons are even more incredible, because they originally thought that Shi Boyuan, the noble second young master, would directly call on his subordinates in public to drag this unreasonable strange man away and beat him up!To express the hatred of righteousness.

But he didn't expect that Shi Boyuan would be able to swear directly.

So inelegant.

Everyone's fan filter in his heart shattered with a snap. The blind adoration and foolish admiration in the past has now been experienced, and all these things are all deceitful. All became gone, and all the beautiful dreams were broken.

He even liked Shi Boyuan's, those noble ladies.

Before coming to the wedding scene, he was still crying to Shi Boyuan, this man was reluctant to leave, because Shi Boyuan was about to get married, became Ye Nanzhi's husband, and had his own life.

They can no longer love Shi Boyuan blatantly.

But well.

At this moment, everyone was very surprised to see the scene of Shi Bo Yuan bickering with the strange man.

Everyone present, after Shi Boyuan's fan filter was shattered, everyone realized that Shi Boyuan, a dog man, is indeed a real dog! !

Not only did he offend so many women in the manor, but also those unknown Yingyingyanyans outside.Shi Boyuan gave them a life without names or divisions.

If it's so scumbag, then forget it, right?

It's only right and proper for a man to love a woman, and it's only right and proper for a woman to love a man's money. Since Shi Boyuan and those women, they are willing to entangle and brainwash themselves, and fall into this entanglement.

That's none of their business, they can just eat melons happily.

But right now, Shi Boyuan, a doggy man who can no longer be a dog, cheated on other women in public, and even put his new wife, Ye Nanzhi, into a very embarrassing situation.

And unexpectedly, because a strange man was protecting Shi Boyuan's wife, Ye Nanzhi, and felt that Shi Boyuan's wife was very pitiful, so he just casually said a few words to criticize Shi Boyuan's words.

Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, was so angry that he even cursed...

It's broken, it's broken, the fan filter is completely broken, it's so broken, it can't be broken anymore, it can't be put together, even if it is put together, there are already cracks on it.There is already a estrangement, and there is no enthusiasm like it used to be.

What a shitty nobleman!
What elegance, all disappeared without a trace.

Shi Boyuan is like a shrew, cursing the streets here.

Is this love?No, no, it can't be because of jealousy, because Shi Boyuan's machismo does not allow his own woman to entangle with other men, after all...

Shi Boyuan is the legendary, domineering president!

What is the purpose of the domineering president?abuse women.

He abused his own woman to the point of bruising her body, made her look like a mentally retarded person, and chopped off her arms and legs.

He fled, she chased, they couldn't fly.

In this struggle in the name of love, they fall into endless entanglement.

Occasionally, a random, innocent passer-by and audience will be killed.

Lied Ye Nan's childish heart, abused Ye Nan's childish body, only then did he know and remember each other deeply.

Shi Boyuan hugged Bai Yueguang, Bai Jiaorou, number two in the harem, Ming He, number three in the harem, Mingrui, number four in the harem... number five in the harem...

If Ye Nan can be abused childishly, there will be no bitter tea leaves left.

But this woman Ye Nanzhi, if she followed the previous routine, she would love Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, more and more deeply, even if their child was born prematurely because of Shi Boyuan's other women, and suffered even more serious injuries. However, Ye Nanzhi is a terrible love brain.She couldn't control her love for Shi Boyuan, this dog man, so she willingly paid for it, became Shi Boyuan's person, and even married Shi Boyuan and continued to have children.

Ye Nanzhi, this damn love brain, live! ! !
Give Shi Bo Yuansheng ten!Having ten births is not enough, keep giving birth! !Until the living can't be born.

These two scumbags and brainless women.

Locked up, blessings, long time!Don't, let the scumbag out into the market and harm others.

Otherwise, the innocent passers-by would be even more innocent. It would be unlucky enough to meet such a few, you love me, I love you, I love you, and you love my crazy.It's a life-and-death abuse here.And then innocent again, getting involved in the fight. really a bad boy.

But now Ye Nanzhi, she has changed.

She became, not so in love brain.

It also became nothing, and the plot continued as planned.

After being Mingrui, the strange yin and yang caused the child to be born prematurely.

After more than a month of recuperation, I finally made it through, and was able to marry that doggy man Shi Boyuan, but Bai Yueguang, that bitch woman Bai Jiaorou, that doggy man Shi Boyuan, suddenly came back again, and the yin and yang irritated me again. Ye Nanzhi had a meal.Ye Nanzhi was so angry that she was almost weak and fell into the hospital.

That's fine, Ye Nanzhi can still endure, after all, it's just a few words.It can't do much, substantial harm to her.

But, Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou, these two bastards, this pair of scumbags! !We can't wait to be together, if it wasn't for this sudden earthquake.Then their ending will definitely be a success.

At that time, Ye Nanzhi will debunk them again. Although there is no evidence to find these two dogs, it will be very difficult to debunk them...

It's not certain that they can't be separated.

fine!With this earthquake, God couldn't stand it anymore, and was helping Ye Nanzhi stay away from the scumbag and eliminate the scourge...

You idiots, give me a break.

After so many, messy, stupid things.

Ye Nanzhi has now successfully blackened.

She looked away, but fortunately, she didn't get overwhelmed by happiness, and directly asked the dog man Shi Bo Yuan for a marriage certificate.

Now, although the two of them are already holding a wedding, the marriage certificate has not yet been issued.

At that time, Ye Nanzhi was also sure. He asked Shi Boyuan, the dog man, why he didn't get the marriage certificate first, and then held the wedding ceremony. Shi Boyuan, the dog man, replied that there are no good days. Wait until the wedding is completed first. The two of them run in again.

Then invite someone to pick a good day to get a marriage certificate. In this way, the name change will be justified.

Now think about it.

All of this is just a way of dealing with women when Bo Yuan is a dog man.

He said that on purpose, just to coax her love brain.make her happy.Just marry him honestly, marry him.

Ye Nanzhi now understands the thoughts in Shi Boyuan's heart, the dog man Shi Boyuan just wants to wait for his own Bai Yueguang, if Bai Yueguang comes back.The two of them reunited and got together.The two of them hit it off and made a plan together, and kicked her, a newlywed wife who had no title, away.

Who caused her child to be born prematurely and very weak.

It can't bring anything to Ye Nanzhi. For other benefits, Ye Nanzhi is now like a tool man, who is thrown away after being used, even if Ye Nanzhi is dead or alive, even if Ye Nanzhi feels , is painful and uncomfortable.

Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, still didn't even look at Ye Nanzhi.

With eyes full of heart and eyes, all she wants is to be with Bai Jiaorou and cuckold Ye Nanzhi.

Ye Nanzhi is really, poor mother opens the door for poor, poor is home.

After being blackened, Ye Nanzhi, of course, is not as gentle as before, all the love for the dog man has disappeared, and now there is only hatred and disgust.

After all, Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, has become green in public.

Now, Shi Bo Yuan is still confident, insulting and defending her, looking at her pitiful strange man.

Damn it, if it wasn't for a heavy blow, her Ye Nanzhi wouldn't be named Ye! ! ! !


Ye Nanzhi was very merciless, clenched his fists, raised his feet, and punched the dog man Shi Bo Yuan's dog face with one punch.

Ye Nanzhi's movements are very fast. Although her body is weak, Ye Nanzhi has already gained experience in beating other women before, so she doesn't feel soft-hearted when beating someone now. Very cruel.

Go to hell, bastard! !
Ye Nanzhi finally became justice, punishing the evil and promoting the good, beating up the scumbag.After a few slaps, he slapped the dog man Shi Boyuan a few times, making his face turn red.

Ye Nanzhi's sudden attack was unexpected by everyone, and the melon-eating crowd watched all this in astonishment, not daring to make a sound.

He was even so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe out, for fear that he would also be beaten in succession.

Hey, hey, I really didn't expect that Ye Nanzhi, a weak and weak woman, couldn't help her temper because of all these disgusting things, and completely exploded.

Even mercilessly, he started beating his husband.

Hmm... being so green, anyone should be so angry...

They all understand, very much.

As a man, it’s just a bit embarrassing if you get beaten a few times and lose a few pieces of meat, hahahaha...

They will be very rude and laugh at Shi Bo Yuan, the second young master.

Who made Shi Bo Yuan, a dog man, pretend to be cold every day?

He is merciless to everyone and scolds as he should.

Then they watched the excitement, and when Shi Bo Yuan was down and out, they were merciless, and started to laugh at Shi Bo Yuan, the dog man who got home.

Come on, hurt each other, who is afraid of whom?

Anyway, it was Shi Boyuan who was ashamed, not them, they didn't cheat, and they didn't get beaten by women!

It doesn't matter~~
They are all enthusiastic people who eat melons.

You have to smile when you have to smile, they are born with smiling lips Oh, yes...they can't smile!They didn't have any intention of laughing at Shi Bo Yuan, they were born with smiling lips, and the corners of their mouths were rising uncontrollably~~~

Hahaha I can only say one word, brave girl!Well done.

When Shi Boyuan was beaten, he deserved it completely.


Of course, the members of the Shi family didn't intend to watch the excitement, but the melon-eaters next to them couldn't help laughing out loud as they watched it. I don't know who it was, but they thought of something ridiculous.

Unable to hold back his emotions at all, he burst out laughing.

There was silence all around, only this laugh, which successfully attracted everyone's attention.

His laughter successfully attracted a group of elders from the Shi family. They looked at the person who made the sound with unkind eyes.

The other party shrugged, and tried hard to control his expression, but he couldn't control it at all. He really wanted to laugh. He was born with a laughing physique, and his laughing point was low, so he couldn't control it!

There is no way to call the police, arrest him, and send him to the police station.Let the law punish him. Is it wrong to laugh at others?
No... It's the person who was being laughed at. He felt that he was being laughed at. He was so wronged. He needed to call the police to help him deal with the person who laughed at him.

But he really should laugh!Is it true that the law also cares about other people's emotions?Laugh when others should laugh, it's none of his business.

Since you can do things that are ridiculed by others, you have already done it. If you can't bear the blow, even this kind of experience, if you work so hard to endure it, then why are you still alive?You might as well forget it.

It doesn't matter~~
The person who laughed out curled his lips, his face full of fear.

If you have the ability, call the police and arrest him.

But now the point is not here.

The three protagonists in the story are still confronting each other.


Shi Boyuan was caught off guard and was beaten.

He was also slapped several times.

Immediately dissatisfied.

He was already in a bad mood.

This time he was directly provoked.

Could it be that these two people really have an affair?
How dare you treat him like this in public?

Ye Nanzhi just entered the house, and if he dared to beat him like this, then if something serious happened in the future, Ye Nanzhi, a damned woman, would not be allowed to ride on his head.

Ha ha……

Really bold.

Shi Boyuan's image of an elegant and noble son completely disappeared now.

His face was full of anger, and he pointed directly at Ye Nanzhi's nose.

"What else do you want?"

"I really misread you."

After venting out all the dissatisfaction in my heart.

Ye Nanzhi felt a lot better in her heart, and she would calm down completely. She felt that these things were not worth mentioning at all, and that she still had a great youth, so she couldn't just waste it on a few scumbags.

Ye Nanzhi also suddenly realized that the identity of the other party was very far away from her, and if she did something like this, it would indeed be a bit too much, which made Shi Boyuan feel ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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