But so what?She Ye Nanzhi is also an innocent person...

This matter, in the final analysis, is all Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou's fault, what does it have to do with Ye Nanzhi?

Ye Nanzhi just felt that he was cheated on, very uncomfortable, what's wrong with venting?
This is normal! !

Any pair of male and female friends, or newlyweds, will do this if they are cheated on.


Ye Nanzhi's attack was already light enough, it was just a few slaps on Shi Bo Yuan's face, there's nothing unbearable about it.

Unless... Shi Boyuan is a narrow-minded person, and he can't bear this kind of pain.It really is such a big waste of life.

The god's favorite son of shit is going to die, all of them are going to die.

Shit Bai Yueguang is an idiot, go to hell, go to hell, all of them.

Ye Nanzhi's mental state is a bit out of order at the moment.

The whole world is full of malice.

Can't wait to explode and destroy the world in place.

No, no, no, she is not such a cruel person, she is a person who yearns for kindness and beauty.

Ye Nanzhi took a deep breath.

She is pure and kind.That's not the case.


Ye Nanzhi raised her head and looked at Shi Boyuan's doggy man.

There is no timidity in the aura, and there is no meaning of fear.

Say it out loud.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, I still feel that this wedding... let's put it on hold for now, the relationship between us needs to go through some considerations. So... this wedding, let's cancel it for the time being, anyway, it hasn't come to an end At the last moment... If you call for a stop now, there will be time, right?"


what? ?

"What do you mean?" Shi Boyuan became even more angry, he didn't say anything yet, he dumped Ye Nanzhi, a crazy woman who hit people with her hands, and Ye Nanzhi, a crazy woman, even directly dumped the blame on him body.

I said it in advance, such a shit thing as canceling the wedding.

What exactly does that mean?
Could it be... It was all his fault.

Machismo is at work.

Shi Boyuan didn't admit it was his mistake.

He pushed the blame to the unreasonable crazy woman in front of him.

This Ye Nanzhi, it seems that this more than a month of peaceful life is enough, and for more than a year, is he tired of Bo Yuan's love for her Ye Nanzhi?
How could Ye Nanzhi disobey his wishes, annoy him, and even criticize him?Is it his responsibility? ?

How dare she be a little Ye Nanzhi?

Why would Ye Nanzhi dare?

... Really shameless.

Originally, Shi Boyuan still had some warmth and comfort towards Ye Nanzhi.

After all, Ye Nanzhi gave birth to a child for him. Although this child is not healthy, it can be regarded as the crystallization of their love.

In the future, Shi Boyuan will try his best to raise this child up, but he never thought that it's just that he has experienced such a small thing.Ye Nanzhi, a nasty woman, dared to beat him with her hands, which turned the world upside down.

Ye Nanzhi could beat him without regard for emotion today, but tomorrow he could only shit on his head.

Who can stand this kind of woman?
Who dares to bear it?Just throw it away.


Anyway, Bai Yueguang and Bai Jiaorou, whom Shi Boyuan had been waiting for for many years, did come back at the wedding as he said.

Moreover, Bai Jiaorou obviously still has some friendship with Shi Boyuan.

So Shi Bo Yuan thought, and immediately kicked Ye Nanzhi, this hateful bitch.

Completely cut off contact with Ye Nanzhi.

I don't even want to raise that congenitally disabled child.

Even if it was Shi Bo Yuan's own flesh and blood, Shi Bo Yuan didn't want to continue raising it.

Who knows... Will the disease of a lunatic be inherited?Inherited to the child, in case the child is brought up with great difficulty, but one day the child goes crazy and dares to bully him, Bo Yuan, this dear father, shit on his head...

That's not the case.

Simply incomprehensible! !


Ye Nanzhi was so expressionless, looking at Shi Boyuan, this hypocritical man, he was really blind, and fell in love with such a person, a scum of bad character.I was really damned!It's also really insane.I fell in love right away, and it took me two or three years to fall in love again, which is simply too hehe.

Fortunately, I have suddenly woke up and felt the true meaning of life, love, love, these things are nothing, and they all retreat.

Ye Nanzhi's face was calm, not at all like Shi Boyuan, the doggy man who broke his defense.

So it's clear at a glance, who did something wrong, they know it in their hearts, but they just don't want to admit that it's their own mistake, Shi Boyuan just wanted to throw the blame on Ye Nanzhi, let the original clean, There is nothing wrong with Ye Nanzhi taking the blame, being a blame man and taking over.

Bear everyone's anger and insults.

Anyway, throw the pot on the line.

At that time, Bo Yuan was rich and powerful, and he couldn't control a woman anymore.

Yes, it was such an arrogant male chauvinism that urged Shi Boyuan to solve this matter immediately, otherwise it would affect his reputation in the future.

That would be a big deal, and things would become a big deal.


When Bo Yuan thought about it, he sneered again, and said directly in a strange way.

"You said that suddenly, do you really misunderstand something? Or... like I thought, you and this man who suddenly appeared, you have something to do with it? It's just an excuse to stop the wedding and stay away from me Forget it, you really have a scheming plan to make such a good show on purpose...Ye, Nan, Zhi!"

The more Shi Bo Yuan talked, the more he became more energetic, and the more he talked, the more he felt that he was right.

draw conclusions directly.

"Could he be chasing you? Ye Nanzhi, you think he's young and naive. Just want to dump me? It's just a dream. Do you remember how humble and despicable you were once, Begging me to fall in love with you? Moreover, we have a child between us, and now we are even holding a wedding, you just think so, and you can’t wait to leave me. What kind of trouble is this going to do? Want to get rid of me completely? No way! Want to fly away with others? You have a good idea."

Shi Bo Yuan threw the blame on Ye Nanzhi and the strange man.


Picked himself clean and pretended to be an innocent victim.

From the perspective of the victim, I explained my thoughts.

A man, a grown man, a mature, stable, handsome and rich man.

His own daughter-in-law ran away with someone else, how could he not be angry?

He really needed some comfort, some guidance, so he found his own Bai Yueguang.

Is it wrong for them to be together?There is nothing wrong with that.

They are all mutual consent, no one is wrong?
It's all because God has short-sightedness, so they are destined to be entangled in fate.

So whose fault is it?No one is wrong.

Ye Nanzhi originally thought that he was like this, and it would be fine to break off the relationship with Shi Boyuan, a doggy man.

But it never occurred to her that Shi Boyuan, that doggy man!How shameless it is!

Beat him up, like a mad dog, directly catch whoever bites!

To slander her directly, to have an affair with this outspoken strange man, to slander other people's innocence so casually.

Shi Boyuan was really too shameless.

"What the hell are you doing!"

"Dogs only know how to bark. If you have the ability to bite me, it's only when you hurt me."

"You were short of calcium since you were young, and you lacked love when you grew up. Grandma doesn't hurt, and uncle doesn't love. The left cheek is twitched, and the right cheek is kicked. Donkeys kick when donkeys donkeys, and pigs trample when pigs see them."

Ye Nanzhi rolled her eyes and said, "It's not my father's fault, it's my fault for you to scold me."

Shi Boyuan: "..."


what's the situation!
what are you saying?
Ye Nanzhi!
you woman!
Why so vicious?

Speaking wild words and insulting at will, his newly married husband? ? ?

Shi Boyuan almost didn't, so if you say something, is your brain sick?

Can't say it, have you started bickering?
Shi Boyuan sneered and started his own crazy output.

Regardless of his image, he confronted Ye Nanzhi in the street.

"What's wrong? Ye Nanzhi, did I poke your sore spot? Did I hurt your heart with what I said?"

When Bo Yuan had his hips akimbo, he was no longer cold, and his psychological anger covered the coldness of his body.

He is very arrogant, since Ye Nanzhi, a hateful woman, insists on scolding him, then come on, he will speak justice to Ye Nanzhi, a hateful woman.

Bickering, who wouldn't?

Everyone is hereditary, it depends on who speaks faster than the other, and fights hard.

Shi Bo Yuan crackled and said, "What the hell are you talking about? You said I was barking, so why are you barking?"

Ye Nanzhi: "..."

"You insult me ​​so crazily, doesn't that mean you haven't broken your defense?"

Ye Nanzhi: "..." You were so right, I was speechless.

"I will return all the words you just said to you. Those words are just right and correspond to your life experience. You are that kind of person."

Ye Nanzhi: "..." Damn it.There is really no reason to refute!

"I'm handsome, rich, and talented. I want what I want? What about you? Look at you hahaha. What do you have?" Shi Boyuan completely lost the elegant influence of his noble son.

Word by word, he was fighting with that woman Ye Nanzhi.

Obviously two people just got married, why are they breaking up?
Whose fault is this?

Who should I ask?
It is said that people who know each other will hurt each other even more when they swear.

Come on, hurt each other, who is afraid of whom?

Therefore, Shi Boyuan and Ye Nanzhi, the two of them, were talking to each other, blaming each other, neither admitting that it was their fault.

This made the people who eat melons even happier, after all, who doesn't like such delicious melons!
They watched the excitement one after another, not thinking it was a big deal, and shouted in their hearts: Let's fight, fight!Fight up!Fighting is more lively!
Alas... how can you not do it?
Such an intense and exciting scene, if they don't pull each other's hair.

This is a bit embarrassing.

What's the use of just talking, you can only see the truth by pulling your hair.

Bickering, at most scolding the [-]th generation of ancestors, if they fight... Both sides will be hurt and bloody...

Wouldn't that be more cool?

Then this melon can be eaten with peace of mind.

However, the three protagonists in the story can't hear the heartfelt thoughts of their melon-eating crowd, so... I can't imagine that the melon-eating crowd sees them in this way.

Even if these few people are powerful and powerful, so what?
This is not like an ordinary person, fighting and fighting, getting everything.

Who wouldn't know how to start arguing when being poked at a sore spot when the defense was broken?

So, it's just lip service, and they don't really want to hear it, but... Will there be any bigger revelations?

It's better to have some rich and powerful secrets, that will be more exciting! !


Ye Nanzhi was directly driven mad by Shi Boyuan, his thick skin.

It really echoes the old saying, people need face, trees need bark, people are shameless, the world is invincible, trees don't need bark, and they will surely die.

Shi Boyuan, an exasperated bastard, just reflected this sentence.

There is nothing wrong with what I said.

So what?
If you can't beat him, just join, since Shi Boyuan is so shameless, completely childish with her Ye Nan, tear your skin apart!
Then, she wouldn't give the other party a chance, and directly exposed some of Shi Bo Yuan's bad things.

Just say it out, anyway, it's not her who suffers, but the dog on the other side.

Shi Boyuan still didn't know what was going on in this woman's mind, Ye Nanzhi.

Just looking at Ye Nanzhi, he was stunned by what he said, thinking that Ye Nanzhi was sad.

I didn't continue, I planned to wrestle with him.

That's good, he's still a sensible person.

For the time being, he stopped haggling with Ye Nanzhi.

If Ye Nanzhi was willing to bow his head and admit his mistake at this time, he would also consider whether to forgive Ye Nanzhi for disrespecting him just now.

Women, when it's time to coax, you still have to coax.

After all, Ye Nanzhi still pretends to be the child's mother for the time being.

The two of them completely tore apart their faces, and it was not very good for the child.


Shi Boyuan's face was full of complacency, he deliberately raised his chin, looked at Ye Nanzhi in front of him with high spirits, smiled, and said, "How is it? Are you speechless? Can you admit your mistake?"

Ye Nanzhi: "..." Damn it, Shi Boyuan is really shameless, he's home now.

She was so mad, so mad at her, how could Shi Bo Yuan be so shameless?

Who gave you the courage to make you, a person who is at fault, blatantly accuse someone who is not at fault?

So if you deliberately pour dirty water on others, can you really ignore it with peace of mind?

Ye Nanzhi laughed out of anger, and laughed out loud.

Looking at someone who was frozen like a dog in front of him.

I snorted coldly in my heart.

Looking at him strangely, he said.

"Why do you say that about me?"

Shi Boyuan was stunned.

Ye Nanzhi snorted, "Who gave you the courage? Is it Liang Jingru?"

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