
No, what is Ye Nanzhi going crazy about? ?
He could understand every word that this hateful woman said, but he couldn't understand the combined meaning of this sentence.

However, Shi Boyuan also understood the meaning of Ye Nanzhi's words.

Just blaming him.

how?Could it really be his fault?

This damned person still doesn't admit his mistake, hehe.

Then don't blame him for being more rude.

"Courage is not something that everyone can have. The person who can have it may not be alone." Shi Boyuan cracked open the conversation, and said loudly, "No, no, maybe, it can't be taken by anyone at all." Call it a human."

"Like some... self-righteous guy."

Shi Boyuan questioned Ye Nanzhi, sneered repeatedly, his tone was aggressive, his face was gloomy, indifferent and unhappy.

"As for Liang Jingru you mentioned? Who is he/she? I don't know him/her."

"I was born with courage, and the world can learn from it. As for you? Ye Nanzhi, what are you?"

Shi Boyuan paused every word, his voice very up and down, "Ye Nanzhi, you look so funny now."

Ye Nanzhi: "..."

What are you doing?Can you talk nicely?Do you have to be so hateful?

This is your own death.

what can I do?Of course it satisfies you!
Ye Nanzhi has already confirmed that he is a very, very very, normal person, while Shi Boyuan in front of him has completely lost his mind, caused certain diseases, and has become abnormal.

So... If you are sick, go to the hospital as soon as possible, why are you uttering wild words here?Do you know that pretending to be aggressive is easy to be struck by lightning?Why give up treatment?If you continue to let the illness continue, in case you die someday...


What a loss.

But... For Ye Nanzhi, Shi Boyuan in front of him, this bastard!Whether it's dead or alive, it's none of her business? !

In Ye Nanzhi's heart, at this moment, she wished that the other party would die sooner and be buried in the ground sooner. Maybe, as a wife, she could inherit Shi Boyuan's legacy.

With her son, Meimei walked to the pinnacle of life.

Isn't this kind of life delicious?

I have lived this life, and I have to be like Shi Boyuan, a scumbag to the bones of a stinky man, who fell on his body for a lifetime, it is really even more stupid. Fortunately, I have now awakened, and I am not so in love. ! !

Otherwise, right now, Bo Yuan, a doggy man, jumps over the wall in a hurry, and has completely torn face with her, and insists on fighting each other, catching whoever bites whoever is caught.

They still don't know what unexpected things will happen in the future.

What if... Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, goes crazy in the future, accidentally stimulates her, and directly pissed her off.

Then what should I do with the family business I have worked so hard to save?What about the money in the bank?What about my poor, ill-fated son?He's still so young... He can't live without his mother, and he can't allow others to be his stepmother...

The stepmother is always a very magical creature, and very scary.

Stepmothers are generally very vicious and not kind.


When Ye Nanzhi was young, after his parents divorced, he followed his father, and then his father married another wife, who was Ye Nanzhi's stepmother. On the surface, this stepmother was very kind and caring to Ye Nanzhi Youjia treats her like her own daughter, but when her father is not at home, her stepmother secretly treats her very badly.

As long as the young Ye Nanzhi did something wrong, the stepmother would beat and scold Ye Nanzhi, and her attitude was very bad.

Even sometimes, when playing at night, I just pick places I can't see.Under Ye Nanzhi's clothes, there were fingernail marks of her stepmother everywhere.

The others were blue and purple, looking pitiful.

However, when the stepmother did this, her father never discovered it at all, because the stepmother hid it too well, she was good at disguising, and her pretended kindness could confuse people's hearts.

It made others think that she was a very good stepmother who took care of her husband's ex-wife's daughter very well, but they didn't know...the stepmother was a devil in sheep's clothing, very vicious.


Every night in the dead of night.

The stepmother went crazy and bullied Ye Nanzhi, the ex-wife's daughter.

This pitiful little boy is so bullied that he is powerless to resist, nor can he escape this demon.

scary family...

No one can discover the true attitude of the stepmother.

Since she was a child, Ye Nanzhi learned how to observe people's hearts. Because of the abuse of her stepmother, Ye Nanzhi's psychology and personality are very sensitive and fragile. As long as she feels something wrong, she will quickly escape from that place .

So when he became an adult, Ye Nanzhi learned that in addition to the Xing family, there was also a Shi family in the whole city. There was a young master here, who was very rich.

He is handsome and handsome, but he is very indifferent to people.

This excellent, handsome man.

It is the unmarried girls in the whole city who dream of getting an unmarried husband.

Everyone used various moves in an attempt to charm Shi Boyuan, an excellent man, and lure Shi Boyuan back home.

Bring a lot of income to your family.

But, Shi Boyuan, an indifferent and handsome man.He's not as easy-talking as he appears on the surface, although he appears to be both fickle and scumbag.

The character design of the vagabond, he just took a slant and seduced countless beautiful girls.

Shi Boyuan's attitude towards dating is also different.Sometimes, he will be as gentle and tender as jade to the girls.But sometimes, the attitude towards girls is particularly bad, and they will hit or scold.

and so……

Shi Boyuan is also a person who is not easy to provoke.

However, if he successfully captures Shi Boyuan's heart.

Then his own family went to great heights, leading the whole family to the pinnacle of life.Everything is not a dream, but a reality, so...

Who wouldn't love a man like Shi Boyuan?

Ye Nanzhi fell in love at first sight with the man in the photo, Shi Boyuan, from when she was young.

Later, with all his strength, he moved into Shi Boyuan's manor, fought openly and secretly with several other women, fought wits and bravely, and framed each other in various ways. Finally, Ye Nanzhi stood out from the group of people and succeeded. She was pregnant with a child of a man named Shi Boyuan.

And... successfully gave birth.

Instantly killed Shi Boyuan, once 90% of his pursuits.

But so what?

Being treated so solemnly, and holding such a grand and grand wedding, it was beautiful and dreamy.

Just like what happened in a fairy tale, Shi Boyuan and her Ye Nanzhi, the two of them are really like a prince and princess made in heaven.

After going through the ordeal of impulsiveness, one after another, they finally made it to the end and finally got together.

But God, loves to make jokes about humans.

At the critical moment, Ye Nanzhi's life was completely plunged into darkness and confusion.

Ye Nanzhi himself couldn't figure it out, he was willing to give birth to a son of a bitch like Bo Yuan, but at this moment, a bitch of Bo Yuan, he couldn't wait, and went away with his Bai Yueguang, that bitch Bai Jiaorou.

Ruthlessly abandoned their mother and son.

He slapped Ye Nanzhi's face fiercely.

In front of all the relatives of the Shi family, he pressed the ground and stomped hard.

Ye Nanzhi was ashamed and thrown into the Pacific Ocean.


The point is, everything has come to an end, in such a heartless state, Shi Boyuan is a bastard! !She still didn't give up, and wanted to pour all the dirty water on Ye Nanzhi's body. Ye Nanzhi, what evil did she do to provoke this guy.

It's really... Unlucky mother opened the door for Unlucky, and Unlucky got home.

Ye Nanzhi thought quietly in his heart, after getting rid of this man Shi Boyuan, after divorcing Shi Boyuan, he must hurry up, find a place far away, or go to the temple to worship the Buddha, and go for a good time Bad luck on the body.

He was bitten by a dog suddenly, so he died of bad luck.

Ye Nan's childish and distant thoughts paused here, and she regained consciousness in a trance, her moist eyes slowly fixed on the man who was still in a mess - Shi Boyuan.

The other party's originally handsome face turned red from the cold in the cold wind. Because she was about to get married, Shi Bo Yuan's face was put on a layer of foundation by the makeup artist, which might not match Shi Bo Yuan's complexion. When seeing Shi Bo Yuan for the first time, Ye Nanzhi felt that these foundations were a bit white, which didn't match the man's aloof temperament.

But now.

Because Shi Bo Yuan didn't know much about cosmetics, when he went to take a bath, he didn't use makeup remover or oil to remove makeup from his face.

Suddenly there was an earthquake, and there was no time to put on clothes and escape.

So now.

Shi Bo Yuan's body was bald, his skin turned purple from the cold.

On Shi Boyuan's face, the liquid foundation that had been washed away by water, and because Shi Boyuan suffered an earthquake, sweated while running, and stood outside and scolded Ye Nanzhi for a long time, after being blown by the cold wind, completely The card powder, and it is still the kind of peeling.

These layers of small skin, like fish scales, are very disgusting and terrifying.

If Shi Boyuan's scene was seen by a child, the child would definitely cry out in fright! !
After all, Shi Boyuan's originally handsome face will become like a mummy.

It's really scary.

Once again, Ye Nanzhi raised her head and wanted to scold Shi Bo Yuan, but she was caught off guard and saw Shi Bo Yuan's current face, which was so terrifying! !

Ye Nanzhi's words stopped in an instant.

She couldn't hold back any longer, and suddenly wanted to laugh loudly at Shi Boyuan, that doggy man.Give Shi Boyuan a mirror, or let Shi Boyuan take a piss, and look at his current virtue, disgusting like a dog.

What elegant nobleman?All go to hell with you.

It's just fucking ugly, open the door to ugliness, it's home to ugliness.


With your virtue, you're still cheating on meow, and you're still with the shameless little bitch, Bai Jiaorou?Why don't you go to heaven? You?
Just now, Ye Nanzhi scolded Shi Boyuan, Shi Boyuan was still sophistrying, and responded by scolding Ye Nanzhi.

Ye Nanzhi thought, Shi Boyuan, how could he be so embarrassed?Where is the face?Are you too thick-skinned?thicker than the city walls.

Alas, if Meng Jiangnu went to cry on the Great Wall back then, if the face of Shi Boyuan, a man like Shi Boyuan, had been installed on the Great Wall, then the Great Wall would definitely not fall down, and no one would be crushed to death...


Shi Boyuan, Shi Boyuan, you are simply a Virgin Mary, a great savior!That's awesome, ah hey!
Shi Boyuan... If you want to be the Great Wall, the Great Wall has stood firm from ancient times to the present, like a myth!It is simply the existence of the world's greatest miracle, the honor of oh my god, how hard it is to come.

Shi Boyuan, if I send you there, is it still too late?Or, spend a lot of money on people to research a machine that can travel through time and space.

Abbreviation - time machine.

Then catch you, a dog, into the time machine, travel through time, send you to the edge of the Great Wall, let the ancients catch you, frame you in the Great Wall, and treat you as bricks.


The current history will definitely be changed. People in the peaceful world will remember you. You are a hero who dared to sacrifice. This wave of operations is simply Niu Boyi.

Awesome, her mother opened the door for awesome, awesome home!

Ye Nanzhi couldn't help but imagined these plots, and then imagined some scenes, so she couldn't help laughing out loud.

Anyway, she and Shi Boyuan, the two of them have already torn their skins, and neither of them regards the other as a good person, so... She laughed fiercely at Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, but it's not that exaggerated Right, right, right?

The more Ye Nanzhi thought about it, the happier she felt, and felt that Shi Boyuan's tragic experience made her very happy.

The smile became more and more rampant, Ye Nanzhi laughed loudly with her hips akimbo.

Ye Nanzhi laughed so hard that she was almost out of breath, and she still wanted to continue laughing.

After all, the scene of Shi Boyuan making a fool of himself is also rare!

The opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come again, Ye Nanzhi still has to seize the opportunity, laughing at Shi Bo Yuan loudly.

Shi Boyuan: "..."

He was very dazed.

Anyway, Ye Nanzhi in front of him is also someone who has been with him for more than a year.

Also silently, the person who had been chasing him for several years.

Shi Boyuan was still a little bit reluctant to give up on Ye Nanzhi so easily.

However, Ye Nanzhi, this woman, was trying to kill herself, so she insisted on tearing her face apart with him and exposing each other.

He wasn't that polite either.

Shi Boyuan silently observed the face of Ye Nanzhi, the woman in front of him.He found that Ye Nanzhi was wandering outside, thinking about something wildly.

Then, Ye Nanzhi seemed to think of something funny, and suddenly started laughing, the person who laughed turned his back on his back, and almost passed it by his back.

No... What is Ye Nanzhi laughing at?Is it that funny?

Shi Bo Yuan was even more confused.

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