Sure enough, young people know how to play, don't understand the importance of money, get divorced at the slightest disagreement, and lose their temper. Shi Boyuan is really used to Ye Nanzhi.

According to them, this woman should be locked up and beaten severely.

Let Ye Nanzhi know what it's like to live without her husband.

Since Mr. Shi, Shi Boyuan, has shown great kindness, he is very enthusiastic to marry her in and go home to get married.

Ye Nanzhi shouldn't continue to lose her temper.

Run amok!

You should learn to tolerate other women.

No matter how much a man like Shi Boyuan is out there, Ye Nanzhi must learn to be tolerant.

Tolerate everything!
As long as he has money, what do you care about him?

What a fool.

The people who eat melons, looking at the young couple with the thoughts of people who have experienced it, can't help feeling sorry.

And everyone is watching.

Everyone also saw the man Shi Boyuan's attitude of admitting his mistakes, and got into their eyes.

When Shi Bo Yuan apologized, he was so sincere, and his eyes were so gentle.

There is no longer the indifference just now, even if this man Shi Bo Yuan sincerely wants to admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness, then you Ye Nanzhi just take a step back, give the other party a step, forgive him directly, and the two of you reconcile As before, how good it is, I have to do something.

Continue to cry and cry, not sensible at all.

Alas, if you want them to say, Ye Nanzhi is an ignorant villain who deserves to be green.

It's still the people who eat melons have big brains, so they have to.Deliberately distorting the facts to mislead others.

Just owe a beating.


"Look at Mr. Shi, he's so gentle, if my husband is so handsome and rich, even if he's looking for ten mistresses outside, then I won't bother him on purpose.

After all... half of his property is mine, and I was treated to delicious food and drink, and lived in a big villa, with countless servants serving me every day.

How wonderful this life is, how many people dream of the life of a rich woman!

Ye Nanzhi easily obtained something that she had dreamed of all her life. She still doesn't cherish it now, and wants to get a divorce. Bah, she's just a fool.

Really speechless. "

"Actually, I can understand it. After all, everyone will be very upset if they are cheated on, but a few curses... forget it.

Hitting someone or something, alas...

Still a little too violent.

The impression left on others is not very good!
And... in the public, the two of them were talking and scolding each other, alas, what an embarrassment to the two of them!
Yes, Ye Nanzhi's tutoring is not very good.

If Ye Nanzhi gets divorced in the future, how can she find a husband?
Don't be disgusted by your future husband to death, and Ye Nanzhi even gave birth to a son, it's really hehe. "A noble lady gracefully hugged a fluffy puppy and joined the two kinds of gossip.

Standing next to her were a few companions of the lady, who also started talking.

"That's right. The little quarrel is over, and the two of them reconciled as before, and they can continue to live in the future. But Ye Nanzhi really wants to make such a toss. It makes everyone laugh at them, It's really fun, my son...if he marries a wife like this? She still bickers and beats my son. If I see it, I won't be mad at me."

A few ladies from rich and noble families talked about this matter with each other.

The expressions on their faces were delicate and artificial, with a very malicious and mocking expression.

An expression of watching the excitement and not thinking it's a big deal.

As for Ye Nanzhi, this woman is quite pitiful.

Originally, his family background was not good, but when he got entangled with an excellent man like Bo Yuan, after entangled him for so long, he finally got married, and yet such a scandal broke out.

Oh, everyone can hear their teeth laughing out loud, Ye Nanzhi managed to squeeze into their circle of ladies, to show off her husband, famous watches, branded bags... and so on.

You can also be sisters with them, wear exquisite makeup, go to drink afternoon tea, chat about homework, and have parties and dinners.

But, it's such a pity that such a wonderful opportunity was thrown away by Ye Nanzhi... What a pity, what a pity.

So what can I do?

They can't stop Ye Nanzhi's thoughts and thinking. They are not Ye Nanzhi, let alone become Ye Nanzhi. From Ye Nanzhi's point of view, they will carefully consider whether this matter is good or bad.

...So, they can only eat melons here.

Isn't it delicious to be a melon-eating crowd without worries, eavesdropping on some private affairs of the rich and powerful?This is so fragrant, life should be fun like this, it is interesting!


Shi Boyuan also heard the discussion of the people around him. At first, the people around him were talking in a low voice, but now, after going through one after another, they have been entangled with each other. The people who eat melons, They couldn't stand anymore, and couldn't help but speak passionately, talking a lot.

However, most of the people present were on Shi Boyuan's side.

In this way, Shi Boyuan's self-confidence became even stronger.

Shi Boyuan, like a proud flower peacock, pouted his tail, arrogantly walking around and back and forth beside this woman, Ye Nanzhi.

Ye Nanzhi looked up at Shi Bo Yuan, his face was full of tears that hadn't dried yet.

The distance between the two of them is too close now, Ye Nanzhi can clearly feel Shi Boyuan's breathing.

Just now, Ye Nanzhi was disgusted by Shi Boyuan, but now that she calmed down, and heard so many people talking about her, and Shi Boyuan, the thing between them made her feel even more upset. Nan Zhi felt that if he had a heart disease, he would be pissed off right now, but luckily his heart was fine.

She felt that she could still be rescued.

Ye Nanzhi covered her ears with her hands, closed her eyes, and shouted loudly.

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen to bastards chanting scriptures, Shi Boyuan, you bastard, what are you barking for here? You want to brainwash me, get out, you fool with a deep brain. My mother, I was really You have to be blind to fall in love with you, you grandson, you bastard!! It’s really embarrassing for your whole family, how dare you? Still cheating? Let your mother go out and die!!!”

Taking advantage of Shi Boyuan, Ye Nanzhi was stunned by the scolding, and stood there with a grim expression, looking at her.

Ye Nanzhi suddenly pushed the person away, struggled out and escaped, his body was as smooth and tender as a fish.

Shi Boyuan grabbed it twice, but found that he couldn't catch it at all.

He was so angry that he became angry from embarrassment, and was furious.

Ye Nanzhi! !This damned woman! !It's too hateful, it's too much, and you're still scolding him? ! !

Just a stubborn ass.

Shi Bo Yuan was so angry that his eyes stared straight.

That face is no longer as handsome as it used to be.

It was as scary as a middle-aged man who was ten years old in an instant.

Shi Boyuan was already on his way, so he looked like a 40-year-old ugly man, which made people... subconsciously want to escape.

Shi Boyuan called out Ye Nanzhi's name loudly: "Ye Nanzhi! Are you still refusing to forgive me? It's because of this trivial matter... You have to quarrel with me for so long and let so many people see the relationship between us. Is it a joke? Don’t you have no love for me at all? Are you willing to leave me? I remember you loved me very much..."

Ye Nan childish her. : "..."

Ye Nanzhi continued to cover her ears.

If you don’t listen or listen, you just don’t listen, bastard chant scriptures, what’s your dog’s name?Still want to CPU me?Pooh! !

The dog scumbag can only talk sweetly, it seems that there is a hole in his head.

The reputation is good and bad, your father and I stand in front of you, look at me, how much do I look like before?
Ye Nan covered his ears childishly and said.

"Is this a small thing? It's like I stabbed you, almost stabbed you to death, and then I said sorry to you, oops, I slipped my hand, are you okay? It's okay, just a small wound, It'll be fine in a while, I didn't mean to."

Ye Nanzhi laughed coldly, expressionless.

His face was full of sarcasm.

Continue to chatter.

"It's like I broke one of your legs on purpose. Your leg is fine, you'll be fine, but unlike other ordinary people who can stand and walk on two legs, you can only sit In the wheelchair, keep walking, don’t be afraid, others will not laugh at you, they will only talk about you behind your back, they are just a fool.”

Ye Nanzhi became more and more angry as she talked, venting her dissatisfaction.

After enduring it for so long, today I finally had the chance to yell at Shi Boyuan and vent my dissatisfaction.How cool it is, if you don't scold, you won't scold, anyway, she is a beautiful woman, and she is about to divorce Shi Boyuan, so she won't be able to scold and see this scumbag in the future.

It's just healthier to scold.

Ye Nanzhi continued to speak arrogantly.

"Look at you, I'm just talking to a stranger...he is still someone who cares about me! It's just that the gender is a boy, the two of us, just said a few words to you, and you suspect that I want to Elope with him???
God, what kind of magical logic are you talking about?Your brain circuit is simply strange, fresh and refined, you are like a mentally retarded person among the vast crowd!Stand out like a chicken!
It is outrageous to shock others and to shock you as a biological species.

It simply refreshed my three views, and let me really see what is the diversity of species.Sigh... When humans evolved, they didn't bring you along to evolve, otherwise you wouldn't have atrophied cerebellum and knotted brain.

With someone like you... I'm afraid I'll be disgusted to death if I continue to get along.

Shi Boyuan, you are truly terrifying. "

Ye Nanzhi crackled, as if pouring beans, he spoke without stammering, and he uttered such a large amount of words in just a flash.

Listening to the onlookers, all the melon-eaters were stunned and tongue-tied, sighing that this woman Ye Nanzhi is really a cow!
He speaks slickly, he is simply a role model for my generation.

They couldn't help giving thumbs up, praising this great woman.

Ye Nanzhi said again: "Looking at this incident, the two of us are purely incompatible with the correct three views. If I say a few words to others casually, you will automatically associate them. I can give you to the green By the way, do you have cuckold delusional disorder?? Or persecuted delusional disorder?!

If you don’t think about these things all day, don’t you feel uncomfortable?

That's why you greened me with others?

I'm sorry, but my three views are different from yours. My three views are normal after all.It's scary not to be as twisted as you, you're just a stinky idiot, I don't want to be with a cheating man like you! beat someone in the end, you are shameless. "

Ye Nanzhi's long speech, crackling out, directly made the man's face hard to hang on.

Shi Boyuan was furious.

Holding his heart and gasping for breath, he was so angry.

Bai Yueguang and Bai Jiaorou next to him had seen enough excitement and quickly helped him up.

The action is very gentle and caring.

If it wasn't for Shi Boyuan, Ye Nanzhi and the others wearing wedding dresses, Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou would be like a pair of lovers who were naturally born.

Tired and crooked, it is easy to be misunderstood!

Oh, no, someone has misunderstood.

Oh, no, no, no, I was wrong, they have been misunderstood by others, because they two shameless scumbags and sluts joined forces to make Ye Nanzhi green.

Ye Nanzhi is so innocent!
The two little sluts are really shameless.

Now it's still chattering.

If this marriage hadn't been inseparable, they would have looked down on Ye Nanzhi! !

I just don't know if Ye Nanzhi will anger them on purpose? ?Going around like this, scolding for a long time, and getting back together with Shi Boyuan again, disgusting people... purely irritating people! !
Scumbag!And stinky love brain!All retreat.


Now the scene is such a scene.

The surrounding houses were collapsing, and the wind was blowing, making people dizzy.

The melon-eating crowd, sitting and standing, all stared straight at the scene in front of them.

Ye Nanzhi stood beside her, and beside her was the strange man who helped her.

Both of them are young, handsome men and beautiful women. When they are taken out by themselves, they really look like a couple...

It wasn't Shi Bo Yuan's fault either, he, a dog man, was able to misunderstand the two of them.

After all, everyone is young, and Shi Boyuan is already old.

Can't keep up with the times, and was abandoned by the times.

Shi Boyuan, a 'middle-aged man', was isolated.

By Shi Boyuan's side was Bai Jiaorou, a coquettish slut supporting him softly.

Bai Jiaorou looked worried.

He played his role very realistically.

Said with a distressed face.

"Ye Nanzhi! I only regard you as my younger sister, but you have misunderstood me and A Yuan so much!" Bai Jiaorou had an expression of shame and indignation.He stared at the few people in front of him with complicated eyes.

She held Shi Boyuan by her arm.

A dignified look of justice.

Ye Nanzhi thought, no, you really don't dislike it? !

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