Shi Boyuan, this hateful scumbag, can exude the smell of an old man on his body, Bai Jiaorou, how the hell can you bear it and hold hands with him? ?
you cow!

I am really convinced...

Bai Jiaorou, oh Bai Jiaorou! !

Are you sure that Shi Bo Yuan has nothing wrong with him?Are you sure it's reasonable for you to do this?

Ye Nanzhi tried hard to suppress, the corner of her mouth twitched, and her face turned red as she held her stomach.

It's outrageous, it's really outrageous, I go home and open the door to Outrageous, outrageous home.

Why did things develop like this?Really laughed at me to death.

Hahahahahahahaha, no, I really want to laugh.

You guys are so funny!
These two actors are really drunk!

The most important thing is, Bai Jiaorou, you mistress, where the hell did you get the face from, dare to talk to me, my original partner, in such a tone? ?

Really don't make a face.

This is the mistress in the legend, should she look like a mistress?Oh, what a big face.

Ye Nanzhi complained frantically in her heart.

Facing the two idiots, I was very speechless.

Could it really be the courage that Liang Jingru gave them?Let them do it?

No... There are so many people here, watching your jokes, and you actually have the face to talk nonsense here, babbling...

He even confronted her, Ye Nanzhi.

It's really... outrageous.

Ye Nanzhi felt that her clever brain circuit could not understand that Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou, these two neurotics had the same idea.

If Ye Nanzhi could understand, she thought... She would also become such a person, like a psychopath.

It's so embarrassing, it's so embarrassing.

Ye Nanzhi, who had a very strange brain circuit, couldn't help but burst out laughing when she thought of this.

I literally bent over laughing, laughing until tears came out.


Ye Nanzhi looked at Shi Bo Yuan and Bai Jiaorou expressionlessly.

Even though he was complaining in his heart that what these two people did was outrageous, Ye Nanzhi didn't show any dislike on the surface, and just looked at them quietly.

There are no waves in the dark eyes.

The pretty face was full of mocking expressions.

His expression was indifferent, as if he kept himself out of the matter.

In fact it is.

These two mentally retarded people are not on the same channel as Ye Nanzhi.

We can't even talk together.

Ye Nanzhi took a deep breath, and turned to Bai Jiaorou who had shouted at her and protested just now.

A smile slowly appeared on the relatively beautiful face.

Ye Nanzhi said softly: "What do you mean you just treat me as a younger sister?"

When she said this, Ye Nanzhi couldn't help but sneered.

I joked myself.

In fact, I was laughed out of anger.

The brain circuit of this woman, Bai Jiaorou, is really unbelievable.

This man's face is too thick.

Bai Jiaorou's thick skin...Compared to Shi Boyuan's doggy man, the two of them are exactly the same, and they were all caught!Be the wall on the Great Wall!
Save it here, and then deal with other disgusting people.

A pair of dogs and men who behaved wildly.

After Ye Nanzhi sneered, she shook her head slowly, and continued, "Bai Jiaorou! When you said that sentence just now, did you want to laugh? Listen to yourself, what kind of nonsense are you talking about? "

"It's just nonsense, nonsense. The old sow climbed the tree, which made people laugh out loud."

Ye Nanzhi forcefully questioned the other party word by word.

He closed his eyes deeply and said again.

"Misunderstanding??! Good guy, I'll call you good guy, you really know how to speak! Bai Jiaorou, ah, Bai Jiaorou, your mouth is really powerful, look at all the people in the audience, they all saw it, you and Shi Boyuan , what you guys did just now!
Now you... are actually telling me that I am misunderstanding you? ?

Hehe, in my words, the two of you are two pieces of shit, equally rotten. "

Die, die, all.

Ye Nanzhi controlled her breathing, determined not to faint from her anger.

Ye Nanzhi finished cursing, feeling grievances in her heart, then pointed at Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou, two extremely shameless people, raised her middle finger, and said:
"Shut up both of you, the audience's eyes are discerning, no one will slander you at will, and no one will think that I did something wrong.

So what you did wrong, you should be clear in your heart, don't say anything more, and don't slander me casually, I won't admit it.

Besides... I was not wrong either.It's you who are wrong!and this damn world. "

In the end, she spoke loudly.

Every word, every sentence, is powerful and firm.

After talking about Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou, they don't even know how to speak.

Demo, fight for sister, you are still young.


No... When did Ye Nanzhi, a dead girl, become so smart?

Every word, every word, combined, is very unfavorable to them. Besides, so many people at the scene have seen it. What happened just now, the people who eat melons must be complaining in their hearts their approach.

Laughing at them by the way...

But they shouldn't, they should clean themselves up, and successfully blame Ye Nanzhi on this woman.

After all, they are also mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, and it is difficult to protect themselves, so why not pick themselves clean first... Continue to start the war.

Still focusing on the main point, bring the topic to Ye Nanzhi.

Then they successfully dumped the pot, and the matter passed like this, turning the story over.

and so.

These two despicable people.

The two of them looked at each other and said falteringly.


"Zhi'er, look at're making trouble again. Are you confused? Go back quickly, our child is still waiting for us at home." Shi Boyuan looked at Ye Nanzhi resolutely and gently. .

There was no expression of rage just now.

Like a gentle gentleman.

Treating his wife with special tenderness and consideration.


People, you really do one thing in front of your face and another behind your back. What you said just now is not what you said, shameless.

Shi Boyuan... What are you?
I bother!

While talking, Shi Boyuan broke free from Bai Jiaorou's wrist.

Ye Nanzhi, who doted on her new wife, came over.

When Shi Boyuan was walking, he still deliberately pretended to be handsome, but because his image in everyone's minds was already... shocking, so no matter how handsome and charming Shi Boyuan is's still a mess , can't support the wall...

After all, who's male god now... doesn't look like this aunt! !


Bai Jiaorou also looked like she wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry, as if she was frightened.

That Bai Jiaorou's originally coquettish face was now replaced with a delicate and weak expression.

It was as if Bai Jiaorou could faint from fright if someone scolded Bai Jiaorou loudly.

It looks like a weak flower grown in a greenhouse.

Bai Jiaorou was originally wearing a very aggressive long skirt, but now, Bai Jiaorou is pretending to be weak, just looking at others quietly, her eyes are full of water, which makes others feel sorry for her of.

In fact, Bai Jiaorou...isn't she very pitiful?

My childhood sweetheart got married all of a sudden, and he wasn't the one to marry, so Bai Jiaorou came back to make a fuss... It was justified.

Now Ye Nanzhi, the bride who snatched her lover away, is being asked harshly, one after another, who would not be angry?
It is not easy for Bai Jiaorou to persist until now, not to cry.

The mood of the people who eat melons is like a roller coaster. It is amazing to see things reversed, reversed, and reversed again!stunned.

But this melon... is really long, and they all fell asleep after hearing that.

If there is also a free rest service here, it is really delicious.


With an innocent face, Bai Jiaorou sucked her own nose, and gently brushed her long hair hanging by her side.

Those beautiful and beautiful eyes stared quietly at Ye Nanzhi in front of him.

The appearance of the two has its own characteristics, one is pure and the other is coquettish.

In contrast, Bai Jiaorou was still better than Ye Nanzhi.

after all.

Everyone's aesthetics are different!

The appearance of Bai Jiaorou, a mature royal sister, a confidante who is a disaster, and a monster who is a disaster for the country... is still more popular.

Then, temporarily wrong Ye Nanzhi.

Bai Jiao softly said.

"Sister Zhi'er, look at your mood, it's starting to become unstable again, alas." Bai Jiaorou said while looking at Ye Nanzhi meaningfully, lowered her head slightly, sighed, and said again slowly.

"Actually, A Yuan...has told me just now, sister Zhi'er, your can continue to be treated, but if you insist on giving up the treatment, A Yuan and I will be very sad, and we will both Feel sorry for you."

"But... Sister Zhi'er, you still have to keep working hard, you must persevere, after all, everyone's life is different and worth cherishing!
Younger sister, you can't waste your life, and you can't hurt the people who feel sorry for you, your life, they care about you very much, take care of you, and even accompany you all the way, so do your best, but you choose Give up treatment, let them completely disappointed in you. "

As Bai Jiaorou spoke, she still couldn't help crying, and the big tears rolled down her cheeks.

The appearance is very soft and beautiful, which is amazing.

I sigh in my heart, this woman Bai Jiaorou is really pretty!
It's a pity that I was blind and fell in love with a man with a father and a wife! !
Being loved by such a great beauty as Bai Jiaorou.

Why can't such a good thing come to them?


Bai Jiaorou sniffed again, with a firm expression on her face.

Deliberately and calmly grabbed Ye Nanzhi's finger.

Say it out loud to her.

"Sister Zhi'er, don't be sad anymore. Everyone has to live and look forward. You have to cherish your own life. Everyone is an independent individual, so I can understand you, but ... You can't, just slander me casually, pour dirty water on me, I'm doing it for your own good, it's really disappointing that you treat me like this, my heart really hurts !"

When Bai Jiaorou said this, she twitched her body, clutched her heart fiercely, and finally couldn't control herself, and began to cry loudly.

Said distraught.

"Sister Zhier, I treat you so well, I even treat you as my own sister, but you think of me as that kind of person, how can your heart be so vicious? It is still the road we are heading towards It's different, people have different ways and do not conspire with each other...I understand, I choose to quit. But I still cherish us, this beautiful relationship, if I meet you in the future, I will still treat you as my sister Come to see, treat you well. Younger sister, even if you resent me, I will treat you very well. "

Bai Jiaorou stubbornly stretched out her jade-like fingers to wipe away the tears on her face.

The acting is superb.

Everyone present was amazed.

Especially the center of the storm in the story - Ye Nanzhi, the most critical woman.


Ye Nanzhi is convinced.Bai Jiaorou and Shi Boyuan, these two idiots, look at Bai Jiaorou's ability to talk nonsense!It's really a cow!

No, are you so good at bragging?

Your mouth is eloquent, why the hell didn't I know it before?

Who the fuck is sick?Who the hell gave up treatment?Your brain is simply full of pits, right?

Nonsense, it's just looking for a fight.

What Bai Jiaorou said just now, these words, all the mistakes are attributed to Ye Nanzhi's body, such a big pot! !Give it all to her!

Ye Nanzhi, who was talking nonsense, was also packaged as a person suffering from a serious illness!

There are even people who have suicidal thoughts.

Ye Nanzhi's heart roared wildly: It's really fucking, outrageous TM opened the door for Outrageous, outrageous really came home!

The other party's deliberate insult made Ye Nan childish, making him dizzy and dizzy with headaches.

She was so pissed off, she was really convinced!
Bai Jiaorou! !Bai has such a mouth, can he speak?If you can't say it, don't say it, are you crazy?This kind of casualness will frame other people's innocence, really.Shameless, it's home.

Ye Nanzhi's pretty face twisted.

Waving his fist, he slapped Bai Jiaorou hard on his tear-stained face.

Damn, she is Ye Nanzhi, and today represents the moon!Get rid of that idiot Bai Jiaorou.

Oh, by the way, sometimes Bo Yuan, you idiot!dog man!Shame on you!
These two mentally handicapped all go to hell, all go to death.

Doesn't deserve to live at all.

Ye Nanzhi's movements are very quick and nimble, and he still plays steadily.

He punched Bai Jiaorou directly in the face.

Right in the middle!

The long nails scratched Bai Jiaorou's face vigorously.

A mocking smile appeared on Ye Nanzhi's face.

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