"Ye Nanzhi, look at it!
There are so many people here, but you have all seen it, you are alone, looking for enemies in the void.

Send a message, bad temper, no one pays attention to you.

After getting anxious, he cursed at everyone.

Everyone still ignores you.

It's you Ye Nanzhi!You yourself are too inferior and sensitive, thinking that it is your own business, if it is exposed and seen by us, you can do whatever you want, right?He actually framed us by talking nonsense directly.

Who do you think you are?

Ye Nanzhi, you look in the mirror by yourself, and you don't even look at what you are, and you are still here to frame us with nonsense, who do you think you are, are you awesome?She's just an orphan girl, so why pretend! "

People who are poked in the center can't sit still at all.

They all pointed at Ye Nanzhi's nose and cursed.

Some of the dirtiest, meanest things come out of their mouths.

When looking at Ye Nanzhi, he raised his head on purpose, with his nostrils facing the sky, and squinted at people.

That posture, that appearance, looks like a two-eighty-five thousand.

People who know it think they all know each other and are scolding each other.

Those who didn't know thought Ye Nanzhi owed them a lot of money, looking at others with a sarcasm in this way.

Ye Nanzhi is actually quite pitiful, who did she provoke?

He actually provoked such a group of idiots who don't know right from wrong.

It's really bad luck.


Ye Nanzhi: I really tied Q to my family members.

Even if I don't accept the city wall, I will obey you group of idiots who spread rumors and make troubles.

"Damn it, couldn't it be you guys who were watching the fun just now? Are you opening your mouth indiscriminately to spread rumors about other people? Believe it or not, I'll call the police and arrest you all."

"A group of what? It's not a big deal to watch the excitement here. Do you have to force me to call the police? Are you willing to arrest all of you? Stupid bastards, if you talk too much, it seems that you are just. You are awesome, you are all saints, and you were all struck by lightning."

Ye Nanzhi had never scolded anyone in her life.

But this mouth.

When scolding people, it seems very straightforward.

Whoever scolds Ye Nanzhi, Ye Nanzhi can answer ten sentences, and they are not the same.

Ye Nanzhi put her hands on her hips, anyway, offending everyone, it's better to offend people all at once.

There aren't many good people here either.

Ye Nanzhi didn't have any worries.

No more worries.

Ye Nanzhi smiled coldly, looking at everyone present, with indifferent eyes, scanning everyone's cheeks, as if wanting to tear their faces apart.

A bunch of idiots, they look like dogs and well-dressed.

In fact, in the heart, it is extremely gloomy. Here, it is full of yin and yang, talking about other people's affairs, eavesdropping on gossip, not satisfied, and even swearing at others.

Do you have the quality?Do you know what quality it is?What a bunch of uneducated guys. Is there no one at home?Is there only one person on the account?

Alas, what a pity, if I had known it earlier, I would have called directly and asked the orphanage to come here to attract people. It would definitely attract a lot of people, and the harvest would be very rich.

Orphanage: Thanks to Laotie for sending a group of orphans.

Really tied the Q old iron.

Ye Nanzhi: Is that enough?If the children are not enough, I can order some more.

Nothing else, there are quite a lot of orphans without parents here.

Oh enough.

If not enough, there are many, many more.

Ye Nanzhi looked at them indifferently in her heart.

In my heart, I sang a nursery rhyme silently.

"You have no father and mother, none of you have a home, and no relatives or friends to help you...Are you afraid of being alone? Hahahahahahaha..."

Ye Nanzhi's voice was like the sound of nature, and like a degummed wild horse, he couldn't help singing out the thoughts in his heart one by one.

The originally noisy scene became quiet in an instant.

It was as if the sound of throwing a needle could be heard.

The silence was very eerie.

The sound of childlike sounds in the sky and night, in a wide place.

One word, one sentence, singing happily.

The lingering sound lingered.

There seems to be a mysterious magic.

Into the ears of all the people present, everyone.

...No, why are you still scolding people?

Are you qualified?
Really served.

Your little mouth can really babble.


Everyone was scolded as orphans for no reason.

All souls tremble violently.

I scolded people at the scene, and my parents, children and grandchildren disappeared out of thin air as if struck by lightning.

How do you feel that you are lying down again for no reason?

No, it's obviously the fault of this woman, Ye Nanzhi, but why, the blame is thrown on them, and the retribution is all on them?They can't understand it, they can't figure it out, and they can't figure it out.

But ah, there is a good saying.

If someone scolds you, if you don't retaliate, it will be easy for you to be struck by lightning.

and so.

Wait until Ye Nanzhi outputs one frame.

All the people are excited to open the mic.

Loud noise, noisy, like in the vegetable market.Like a duck about to lose its head, it quacked non-stop.

A rich man in gorgeous clothes with an unhappy face.

"Ye Nanzhi, so many people present are relatives of you anyway, since you are married to Shi Boyuan, you have to give our Shi family a face, but now, not only do you not obey women's morals, you are like a wild woman. Men, stand together and scold your husband for a long time here.

Moreover, you even opened your mouth to insult us, our relatives, you are simply too shameless.

You don't have any respect for the old and love the young. Is your heart made of iron?cold.

Ye Nanzhi!And your mouth is not civilized at all.Where did the nine-year compulsory education go to you?
Haven't your parents disciplined you?It's impolite for you to be like this.

It's better to go back to the furnace and remake it. If your parents know that you are so rude today, they will wish you had to be born and stuff you back. "

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

In this way, the output will make people feel stupid when they listen to it.

high!It's really high!
Under the guise of parents' name, scolding openly.

Civilized insulting Ye Nanzhi, this hateful woman, has no education.

Speak without dirty words.

It's even possible, it's really funny to say the word "reinvention and rebuilding".

Makes people laugh out loud, yes.

The admiring eyes of everyone present looked at the person who spoke.

They all sighed inwardly.

Awesome, awesome, boss!Worth worshiping, worthy of worship! !

But it is said so.

Ye Nanzhi didn't feel cowardly at all.

One is scolding, two are still scolding, even if such a group of people scold Ye Nanzhi, Ye Nanzhi is even more than capable.

Ye Nanzhi raised her head casually after listening to the other party's insults.

With beautiful fingers, stroking his long hair.

Rolled into a circle, wrapped around the fingers.

Alas, I am a little tired from cursing, my mouth is sore.

But so happy.

Since being uncivilized, time has passed so quickly, and I am so beautiful in my heart.

It's so much better.

It's not like at all, like before, I have suffered so many grievances, but I still keep it in my heart and dare not vent it.

Give yourself all, angry out of trouble, physically exhausted, hard work every day, busy like a cow.

Life is hard.

Even Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, pointed fingers at him, saying that what was done here was not good enough, and what was done there was not enough.

Shi Boyuan said that Ye Nanzhi's status was too humble, even if he was with Shi Boyuan, what if she was pregnant with Shi Boyuan's child?Ye Nanzhi has to follow Shi Boyuan like an accessory, and give Shi Boyuan willingly.

It's just a big complaint.

It's still a top-notch big injustice.

Even the Leshan Giant Buddha had to give up his seat to Ye Nanzhi, who was once super mentally handicapped.

Damn, Ye Nanzhi thinks back, now... She really wants to travel through time and space, go back to the past, slap her past self on the wall, and can't even buckle it off, fuck you, damn it Love brain, how can you bear Shi Boyuan, this scumbag being treated unfairly like that? ? !

With her current state, with a donkey-like temper, she would have kicked the scumbag to death long ago.

He wouldn't listen to a single word or sentence that this scumbag said.

Listen to him farting.

Fuck it, all machismos are dead, you stupid scumbag.

Shi Boyuan?What is it, a shameless dog.

Throw it on the side of the road and no one picks it up.

People need face, trees need bark, and Shi Boyuan, a bastard, is simply farting.


Ye Nan's immature and drifting thoughts paused here again, returning to the theme.

When others scold Ye Nanzhi, Ye Nanzhi is still fighting back gracefully.

Ye Nanzhi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and gracefully cleared her throat.

Casually, looking at the other party's ugly face, he said, "Oh, I'll go, I said, sir, you are so good-looking... tsk tsk tsk!
It's really giving you the face of parents, it's awesome!
I really admire him, and I am so impressed.

What you said is also very powerful. You are posing as an elder and educating me, a junior, which is indeed what you should.

I, a junior, should also listen to your discipline and restrain myself.

But ah, you just said about my parents, they didn't raise me well, so I was also very uneducated.

Then, now that I am uneducated, I don't want to hear you talking nonsense here, can you understand what I mean?

I can be shameless, but you can't be shameless!
So I took advantage of the present and scolded you very elegantly, you are a fool, what qualifications do you have to teach me?What are you?You still say me? !Did you give me 1000 million, or did you build two buildings for my house?I have nothing to do with you, what's wrong with me scolding you?
You are still fighting back here, you are fighting back with wool, you are like a mentally handicapped, look at your big head.

Those who are bald can be used as light bulbs. The sun is so big, and it is so hard to rise every day.

Why don't you go directly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, or directly take the place of the sun, and be a sun, after all, you are old... oh, how do you say that word?The lights are bright overhead!That's hotter than the sun.

If you don't hurry up to the sky and ride the crane west, who else will you let the crane go west?

Needless to say, you are going to this station, with your big brain, others will feel inferior if they look at it.

I have to sigh, I have lived most of my life in vain, and I have never seen such an awesome person.

He doesn't deserve to live as a human being at all. "

Ye Nanzhi blinked mischievously.

Speak the last heart-wrenching words.

Like a blade, the knife stabs at the heart.

Ye Nanzhi said loudly: "No one has died in life since ancient times. If you die sooner or later, you will die. You have lived to such a great age, why are you still not dead?? If you continue to live, it is really a waste of air!"

The little mouth spoke up to this point.

Ye Nanzhi put on a look of regret, and shook his head slightly.

Show emotion.

Continue to add.

"Come, come, go out and turn left. The crematorium is 800 meters ahead.

You don't have to hesitate at all, just jump into that stove and burn yourself to death.

There is no need to be polite to the staff, they are very satisfied with your approach, understand?

I understand the applause. "

Every word Ye Nanzhi said was very clear, but why couldn't they understand it when they were combined into one sentence?

This kind of cursing... is the first time I have seen it.

The key is that it sounds...it makes sense!

The people who eat melons have eaten melons for so long, and this is the first time I saw this woman, Ye Nanzhi, throwing such a big temper and scolding each other, and even said such a long sentence without blinking.

and so……

Ye Nanzhi's vocabulary is astonishing. Is it possible that Ye Nanzhi's mind is full of dirty words?
Awesome, awesome.

People who eat melons, fall on both ends.

Standing here at Ye Nanzhi.

Standing at Shi Boyuan's side.

Each has its own merits, like a PK battle.

Waiting for one's victory.

Next, please, the next dream catcher.

Don't ask why it's new.

Because of the rich man whose head was as bright as a light bulb just now, his eyes were blinded by Ye Nanzhi's quick mouth, and he fainted immediately.

Has been sent to the emergency room.


Ye Nanzhi rolled her eyes, scanning the group of people behind Shi Bo Yuan.

"Who else... refuses to accept and come to fight?"

Still a relative of Shi Boyuan, he applied to play.

They just sent one, a male representative, and scolded Nanzhi who couldn't stay overnight.

So this time, the one who was sent was the strong mouthed king, the female representative, an old woman in her 50s.

Although wearing a close-fitting cheongsam and stepping on the height of heaven, there is also very delicate makeup on his face.

Although the old woman is old, she is well maintained!
Although you can still see the wrinkles on your face and your not-so-perfect figure.

But people spent money.

But spending money doesn't have much effect.

Ugly or ugly!
It can't be changed, that imperfect gene.

Tut tut, what a pity.

Ye Nanzhi just took a light glance and found the weakness of the old woman, and even thought of all the tricks to attack the old woman.

Come on, keep fighting.

This old woman is not a vegetarian either.

Looking at Ye Nanzhi, he said.

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