Chapter 143

Ye Nanzhi, a woman as beautiful as a flower but with a pale complexion, lowered her head weakly.

Ye Nanzhi suffered a little injury on his face.

But it has little effect.

There was a person under Ye Nanzhi's feet.

In the beautiful eyes, there are no waves.

Just quietly looked at the people on the ground.

He opened his mouth and said: "Auntie, I didn't mean to target you like this. You provoked everything first, so I can only... bite the bullet and argue with you! There is no way, hehe Hee hee, you deserve it."

Ye Nanzhi touched the other person's face with her very cold fingers.I pulled it hard.

And leave quickly.

The body also stood up.

Ye Nanzhi finished laughing, sneered expressionlessly, and looked at Shi Boyuan.

"Any other tricks... Just use it, I'm not afraid of you at all."


Several people came up and helped the old woman on the ground up in a hurry. Everyone had a terrified expression on their faces.

Ye Nanzhi, this damned woman!Has won one after another.

Ye Nanzhi's move was so ruthless that she slapped their family in the face.

When everyone present has the last name, they are all family after all.

Ye Nanzhi even slapped everyone in the face.

It's really too speechless.

It's also ridiculous that there are so many of them, but they can't bully a little girl like Ye Nanzhi, and people will laugh at them if they say it.

Outrageous, really.

Everyone's faces were as ugly as if they had eaten Xiang.

He stared angrily at Ye Nanzhi, who was in the center, who was as beautiful as a flower.

I can't wait to use my eyes to turn into a knife and scrape Ye Nanzhi into a mess.

Use this to vent your dissatisfaction.


They can't calm down.

One of the protagonists of the story.

Best Actor.

Shi Boyuan.

He can't stand this scumbag.

Shi Boyuan couldn't bear it, why did the woman who was once obedient to him suddenly become like this?
Is it the loss of morality, or the distortion of human nature?

Is he not giving enough money?Or is it not nice to live in a villa?
Why did Ye Nanzhi suddenly become a shrew-like woman?It was so shocking, and it surprised him.

Shi Bo Yuan couldn't stand it, the relatives around him looked at him with mocking eyes.

Especially Ye Nanzhi, the culprit, this damned woman.

Ye Nanzhi did something wrong, yet he still spoke out loudly, cursing everyone back, it was shameless to the extreme.

Shi Bo Yuan clenched his fists tightly.

A pair of deep black eyes stared straight at each other.

Ye Nanzhi's beautiful little face, which was the size of a palm, had bruises, but the stubbornness on his face didn't affect his mood at all.

He even became more and more courageous as he fought more and more, eager to attack Bo Yuan for the third time.

...It's just too hateful.

"That's enough, Ye Nanzhi!! Don't mess around anymore." Shi Bo Yuan closed his eyes fiercely, opened them again, and said unbearably.

When Shi Bo Yuan spoke, he gritted his teeth.

When speaking, there is an air of indifference.

This aura of indifference permeated the air, making everyone tremble in fright.

The so-called emperor's wrath...

After that, everyone will make up their own minds.

Shi Boyuan himself... is indeed a local emperor.

His means... Except for the master of the Xing family, no one else can beat him.

It's strange to say, it's been so long, the master of the Xing family... seems to have never appeared on stage.

I heard that the master of the Xing family did come to the wedding today.

But... Here, after eating melons for so long, it seems that I haven't seen anyone?

Is the gossip wrong?

In fact, they still want to establish a relationship with the master of the Xing family.

After all, compared with the current Shi Boyuan and the two of them, Xing Yichen is much more normal.

The relationship between men and women has never been messed up, and the outside and the inside are the same.

It's just that the methods are harsh and a little cold.

Xing Yichen treated everyone with an indifferent attitude, but very fair and just.

Let everyone catch up.

While sighing, she has overwhelming power over Xing Yichen, and at the same time wants to have a little relationship with Xing Yichen.

Get a lot of benefits.

Although the master of the Xing family and the protagonist of this story, Shi Bo Yuan, are deadly rivals.

But it's time to watch the excitement, and I still have to come to the wedding. Watching the excitement will not affect the deep feelings of the two of them, who wish to kill each other!

Thinking of this, the gossip hearts of the people who eat melons are burning.

Some people were around and began to look for Xing Yichen's trace.

But nothing came of it.

Strange, where are the people?


Let's talk about Bo Yuan's side.

With a resentful expression, he stared at the little woman on the ground solemnly.

Ye Nanzhi.

With a look of accusing each other.

"Zhi'er, let's end this, end this farce, we should go home." Shi Bo Yuan pulled his mouth helplessly, showing a smile.

He began to look at Ye Nanzhi tenderly again.

That sticky and greasy sight made people break out in a cold sweat uncontrollably.


Damn, what does this guy want to do? ! !
Ye Nan's childish and beautiful face turned pale in an instant, pale with shock.

Confused, he quickly took two steps back.

Afraid of the other party, Shi Boyuan, this dog man!Began to go crazy again, suddenly grabbing myself and not letting myself run.

When Ye Nanzhi refused, Bo Yuan treated her like the intimate touch just now, it was disgusting to death.

I don't want Shi Boyuan to succeed anymore.

Ye Nanzhi now despises Shi Boyuan, it's unreasonable to despise him.

Ye Nanzhi unconditionally disliked Shi Boyuan, a doggy man.

Ye Nanzhi took a breath, raised her head expressionlessly, and looked at Shi Boyuan's face.

It's a disgusting face.

Ye Nanzhi endured it, feeling dissatisfied in her heart.

Pulling his lips, he also laughed.

Called softly.

"Brother A Yuan, look at you! You have treated me like that, and you still want me to forgive you. What are you thinking?"

Ye Nanzhi's pretty and fair little face was filled with a smirk.

This smile is cold and swishing, a little scary.

The backs and spines of those who watched felt chills.

So creepy.

If it was dark and suddenly saw Ye Nanzhi showing this expression, it would be like walking in a horror movie, an immersive experience, the feeling of being caught by a ghost.

It is still No.1, the sense of horror that is substituted.

It's about to scare me to death.

Describe it in one word.

Cow, cow!

Ye Nanzhi laughed and saw the knife flying straight.

Said coldly.

"Brother Ah Yuan...look at your clever little head, you must have forgotten what you said just now!

I myself, but remember clearly, after all.

I am very narrow-minded, as long as anyone makes me unhappy, I will hold a grudge, and I will remember it for a lifetime, even if it is just a small thing.

So, Brother A Yuan...

Don't take chances, I won't let you go, let alone let you go easily. "

Who made you cuckold me?Still jumping on top of me.

Shi Boyuan!You hateful dog man!Die you.


Shi Boyuan: "..."

He sighed helplessly.

I said in my heart, Ye Nanzhi, this damned woman, is really unreasonable.

Ye Nanzhi is really like a cow, with such a stubborn temper, it really smells so bad that even ten cows can't pull it back.

...he really couldn't persuade him anymore.

Shi Boyuan took a deep breath, the veins on his forehead popped, he took a step forward, getting closer to Ye Nanzhi.

Shi Bo Yuan was about to say something more, something earth-shattering.

There is a soft and warm feeling in the hands.

into the heart.

Shi Boyuan was stunned.

He looked sideways.

It was the one with a dark face all the time.

White moonlight, white tenderness.


His lover is still here.

After thinking about it for so many years, how could he easily let go of the opportunity of close contact?

Shi Boyuan secretly pinched Bai Jiaorou next to him in the blind spot of Ye Nanzhi's sight.

The soft palm is in Shi Boyuan's palm.

Repeatedly squeezed twice.

Bo Yuan's irritable mood just now was soothed.

Shi Boyuan calmed down a little.

I also figured it out, I can't continue to break up with Ye Nanzhi, this hateful woman, indiscriminately.

First, it's a waste of time.

Second, it's too embarrassing, so many people are watching, so I can't say that anymore.

Bai Jiaorou understood all of Shi Boyuan's thoughts.

Just glanced at it like this.

I felt a tacit understanding.

Shi Boyuan wanted to quickly get rid of the scourge of Ye Nanzhi.

So lightly, he gave Shi Boyuan a confirming look.

I will handle it.

Bai Jiaorou's eyes have such a meaning.

Shi Bo Yuan remained calm and blinked his eyes.

Silently responded, his Bai Yueguang, Bai Jiaorou.

The two confirmed their eyes, and they were the right ones.

Start deciding on new plans.


Bai Jiaorou smiled softly.

Deliberately walked to the side of Ye Nanzhi's body.

Gently patted Ye Nanzhi's shoulder with his fingers.

Said thoughtfully.

"Sister Zhier, you are too easy to get angry, don't get angry anymore, it hurts you too much. Let's discuss it carefully. Is there a solution to the matter? Okay?"

That's what Bai Jiaorou said, it sounded like he was comforting someone, but in fact, he was speaking in a weird way.

Just like a green tea.

Ye Nanzhi has already experienced so many hardships today, and she has also witnessed what Bai Jiaorou's tricks look like.

and so……

What Bai Jiaorou said deliberately now.

There was no real harm to Ye Nanzhi.

Ye Nanzhi lazily rolled her eyelids.

Calmly cast a glance at Bai Jiaorou, that coquettish bitch face with heavy makeup.

He touched the back of the skirt.

Found inside, there is a very small jar.

Ye Nanzhi remembered, this thing is makeup remover.

Because I just got married today.

Ye Nanzhi's child was only one month old.Although Ye Nanzhi's face was lightly painted with makeup, the makeup artist said that it is best not to put on makeup when the baby is breastfeeding after giving birth, so as not to hurt the baby.

and so……

Ye Nanzhi keeps a bottle of lotion in his pocket all the time, just because he is afraid that when the child is crying, Ye Nanzhi can take out the makeup remover in time to remove the makeup, and then when feeding, it will not cause any harm to the child .

Originally, it was to make sufficient preparations for the child, but now, the goal has to be slightly changed.

Ye Nanzhi smiled maliciously in her heart.

Bai Jiaorou... In the beginning, you were the one who deliberately provoked me first.

Robbed my man and scolded me.

Such a fool.

So don't blame me for being vicious now!

Ye Nanzhi lowered her head, also with a soft and weak expression.

Ye Nanzhi sniffed, her eyes were about to fall.

Said in a very soft tone.

"Sister Bai, in fact, I want to do it with you too. I'm really a real sister, but..."

Ye Nanzhi sniffed again, tears fell to the ground, and crystal flowers bloomed.

Ye Nanzhi's beautiful eyes stared closely and calmly at Bai Jiaorou, who was only one meter away from her.

Haha, my plan is about to succeed.

As long as you think about it casually, you will feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The plan...was perfect.

Ye Nanzhi quietly took out the makeup remover from her pocket.

This bottle of makeup remover is super makeup remover.

In just two seconds, you can completely remove makeup.


Ye Nanzhi finally couldn't hold back, and cried out completely.

Immediately rushed to Bai Jiaorou's side.

He tightly grasped Bai Jiaorou's hands, preventing Bai Jiaorou from any struggle.

Ye Nanzhi's strength is much greater than that of Bai Jiaorou.

As a result, Ye Nanzhi grabbed Bai Jiaorou, and Bai Jiaorou held on for a while, but she really couldn't break free.

He could only watch Ye Nanzhi perform wildly with his face covered.

Ye Nanzhi cried loudly, tears streaming down her face.

"Sister Bai, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for you, I was really vicious just now, I spoke to you like that, I was so disrespectful...

Even slapped you in the face!

Wow, I'm really over the top!
Now, I really realize that I was wrong.

Sister Bai, I sincerely apologize to you now, please forgive me, okay?
Sister Bai... can we still be good sisters in the future?I treat you like my own sister, and I will definitely treat you well. "

Ye Nanzhi is a master of drama, and her performance is very exaggerated.

Even as he was talking, his voice became hoarse from crying, and he plunged into Bai Jiaorou's arms.I will not let go even if I die.

What Gu said was sincere, what he said was earth-shattering, and what he said was terrifying!

No, what are you doing?

Can you speak well?

Suddenly so exaggerated, what do you want to do?
Don't believe you, Ye Nanzhi's conscience found out.

Bai Jiaorou frantically complained and swiped the screen.

I really don't understand, what is Ye Nanzhi's sudden movement trying to do?

In Bai Jiaorou's heart, there was a vague uneasiness.

And Ye Nanzhi!You damned hateful stinky girl, just cry when you cry, why do you wipe all your tears and noses on her clothes?

(End of this chapter)

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