Chapter 144
At the beginning.

Bai Jiaorou felt that Ye Nanzhi's crying was sincere, her eyes were hazy with tears, and she blamed herself so much, as if she really realized her mistake.


Seeing Ye Nanzhi crying for several minutes, she still didn't intend to stop...

Bai Jiaorou began to realize that something was wrong.

Ye Nanzhi, this hateful woman, why does she have so much tears and snot?

The material of the clothes on Bai Jiaorou's heart was wetted by these things.

There is even a high risk of disappearing.

Forget it.

And the nose and tears are mixed together, sticking to the clothes... It's really dirty!

Ye Nanzhi, are you disgusting?
Ahhhhhh Ye Nanzhi! !Can you stay away from me?Let go of me!I would rather not have you as a sister, I want to run away too, damn it.

Bai Jiaorou's originally calm face suddenly became turbulent.

The corners of her mouth twitched forcefully, she was speechless, she was bewildered by Ye Nanzhi's actions.

He also couldn't understand what kind of mentality Ye Nanzhi was holding to rub his nose on her body.

Damn, it's disgusting.

Yes, Ye Nanzhi is a clean little girl?
How can you be so disrespectful?
Bai Jiaorou's heart was extremely broken.

Would rather die.

I also don't want to be hugged by Ye Nanzhi for another minute, or even a second.

Come and save her.


Damn it, this woman, Ye Nanzhi, doesn't just want to disgust her to death!

Bai Jiaorou suddenly felt that she was the truth.

Thinking hard.

Sure enough, the woman's heart fell to the ground.

I dare not guess at all.

You will never be able to guess what a woman is thinking in her heart?
You will never be able to guess what a woman wants to do in order to perfectly disgust others.

Bai Jiaorou, to be honest, was disgusted by Ye Nanzhi.

Bai Jiaorou's long legs stood still, as if filled with lead.

The body was held tightly by Ye Nanzhi.

It's okay if you can't move.


These two legs are not up to par, even being hugged by Ye Nanzhi like this, he can't move.I can't walk if I want to, and I can't escape if I want to!
Bai Jiaorou's heart was extremely broken.

Bai Jiaorou opened her eyes solemnly.

The mind was running fast, imagining how to get rid of Ye Nanzhi, this hateful woman.

So annoying, so annoying.

Ye Nanzhi is a completely insane person.

No solution.

Bai Jiaorou hesitated for a moment, but still stuck out her finger.

His face was very stiff and he patted it.

Ye Nanzhi's back.

Soothe Ye Nanzhi's emotions.

Bai Jiaorou spoke softly.

"Okay, little sister, I forgive you too, we are still good friends, right?"

Bai Jiaorou deliberately slowed down, and her tone of voice tried to highlight her gentle and intellectual personality.

Maybe even a random passer-by can be fascinated, and the other party's fascination will never be lost.

In Bai Jiaorou's heart, she boldly imagined.

How did Ye Nanzhi know that she hugged this woman deliberately on a whim, Bai Jiaorou, who was almost disgusted to death by her snot and tears.

If Ye Nanzhi knew, she would secretly laugh at Bai Jiaorou.

What kind of a thing is Bai Jiaorou, she can't bear this bit of hardship.Then how can you snatch away my property and my man?Hehe, little trash!What is it, it has no strength.

It's not worth mentioning at all, not really an opponent, Bai Jiaorou is a piece of rubbish.

The whole family is trash.

His character is not good, and his brain is also sick!

have a serious illness.

The kind that can't be cured.

Die early and give birth early, Bai Jiaorou, I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery and listen to advice.

Be sensible, obediently.


In just a short moment, Ye Nanzhi thought of [-] swear words.

Elegant greetings to Bai Jiaorou, and to Bai Jiaorou's parents.

Advise them to die early and be reborn early.

I am a very fair person.

I'm a very expressive person.

So if I scold you, you should bear it.

Bai Jiaorou, I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery.

Ye Nanzhi complained silently in her heart.

"Hmm... Sister Bai, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L Lv.

Ye Nanzhi raised her head, her delicate face was covered with tears at the moment, her beautiful eyes were also red from crying, at first glance she looked like a bunny.


It is distressing.

Ouch, my little darling, how can you cry like this?It's really pathetic.

Anyone who sees Ye Nanzhi's pretty face will think so.

So did Bai Jiaorou.

Bai Jiaorou was caught off guard by Ye Nanzhi's actions, completely unable to understand what Ye Nanzhi was thinking, and Ye Nanzhi did so many things to confuse her.

So, at this moment, Bai Jiaorou couldn't understand why Ye Nanzhi did this, now...

Bai Jiaorou saw Ye Nanzhi again, her face was full of tears, she wanted to vent all her resentment and anger on Ye Nanzhi, but...

Ye Nanzhi looked at her with such eyes, Bai Jiaorou really had no choice but to throw fire at Ye Nanzhi directly, after all Ye Nanzhi's current appearance was too pitiful, Bai Jiaorou couldn't open her mouth at all! emmm... I can't even fight!

Ye Nanzhi is pitiful enough, so let's let Ye Nanzhi go for now.

Bai Jiaorou thought so in her heart.

For the time being, he forgave the other party's disrespect.

——This represents Ye Nanzhi's movements of wiping tears and snot on her body.

This small grievance was temporarily written off.


"Good." Bai Jiaorou heard herself say in such a voice.

The voice is also very gentle.

Soothe the little guy's heart.

Bai Jiaorou said again: "I can forgive you, and you have to forgive me too. Let's start being good friends again, shall we? Younger sister."

A trace of cunning flashed across Ye Nanzhi's eyes, and he nodded his head and said, "Okay..."

However, Ye Nanzhi suddenly seemed to realize something, curled up suddenly, raised his head softly, and said again.

"But... But Sister Bai... If I were to do something wrong to you, Sister Bai, can you still forgive me?"

Ye Nanzhi looked at Bai Jiaorou timidly.

That look is extraordinarily complicated, and it makes people feel even more distressed.

With a strand, be careful.

It's like a stray dog ​​who has never had a good meal.


It makes people feel more distressed.

Ye Nanzhi's eyes and expression are very substituting, so there is no way to refuse, no way to resist...

Bai Jiaorou was still gentle, stroking Ye Nanzhi's back.

Every move is very caring and extraordinarily gentle.

Bai Jiaorou's delicate face was painted with heavy makeup, which set her off even more delicately and perfectly, like a precious, wealthy daughter.

Beautiful and elegant, gentle and intellectual.

Many young men are deeply fascinated by Bai Jiaorou.

Bai Jiaorou said with a soft smile.

"Silly boy, I already regard you as my own sister, what else can I do to stir up the sisterhood between us.

Younger sister, no matter what you do, I will forgive you.In my eyes, everything you do is right. "

Bai Jiaorou's tone of voice was extraordinarily firm and soft.

Beautiful eyes, facing Ye Nanzhi.

Staring at Ye Nanzhi's small face.



Talking is awesome.

Oh yo yo, Bai Jiaorou, oh Bai Jiaorou!I advise you, it's best not to speak too loudly.

Wait a minute... You are angry with me, Bai Jiaorou, don't say yes, I made you angry.

You'd better not, as you pretend to be so generous on the surface, but in fact... you can't do it!

Bai Jiaorou, you are a despicable villain!Just a hypocrite.

Damn woman.

What the little mouth baba says is quite sweet, but in fact it's just a hum and pulls first.

Bah bah bah!Hypocritical green tea whore?

All retreat.

Give back to Lao Tzu.


Ye Nanzhi had an innocent face.

Grinning broadly.

Everyone present thought that the two of them had reconciled as before.

This group of melon-eating crowd, the restless mood, calmed down now, hey, watching the show here seems to be over again.

They felt bored and wanted to pack up their things and were ready to leave.

who knows.

Taking advantage of it, Bai Jiaorou continued to talk reluctantly.

"Then... Sister Zhi'er, can you also forgive him, A Yuan? In this fight, he is also very innocent." Bai Jiaorou sniffed and stared at Ye Nanzhi with a solemn expression.

There was urging in his eyes.

It was as if Ye Nanzhi would not let Ye Nanzhi go if he didn't just forgive Bai Jiaorou, Shi Boyuan and the others, these two black-hearted guys.

Names were suddenly mentioned.

Shi Bo Yuan hurriedly lowered his head.

Those deep eyes looked straight at the two women.

Calmly observe the expression on Ye Nanzhi's face and her every move.

As if to see through people.


Neither speak.

Just looking at you quietly.

It's as if you want to see the end of time.

It's like seeing the sea dry up and rocks rotten.

Ye Nanzhi also raised his head steadily, Ye Nanzhi's small head was very round, his eyes were very big, the big ones flickered with unexpected light, and Shi Boyuan, this dog man, looked at each other.

I stare.

I stare at you.

You big dog thing.

What the hell?
Dare to stare at Lao Tzu.

What are you looking at?
Be careful that I beat your head crookedly.

Scumbag man, shameless.

These two flash marriage couples who are being married by the media.At once
Looking at each other like this.

As if he was angry, he refused to take the first step and spoke.

Bai Jiaorou, who suddenly realized that her identity was not right and wrong: "..."

Sorry to bother you, just keep looking at each other, I'm leaving first.

I feel like, I shouldn't be here, I should be under the car.

Why is the sky so blue?Why are the flowers so red?Why is Dad's Dad called Grandpa?

Bai Jiaorou began to doubt life.


Maybe it was too quiet.

Bai Jiaorou finally couldn't bear it and broke the tranquility.

Laughing awkwardly, Ye Nanzhi pushed her away from her arms, holding her all the time, and refused to let go.

Continue to say with a smile.

"Sister Zhier, talk to me..."

Bai Jiaorou continued to urge Ye Nanzhi.

Pray for Ye Nanzhi's forgiveness.

Ye Nanzhi: "..."

She bit her mouth, and it took a long while before she said a word.

"Honey, look at her~~~"

Ye Nanzhi said delicately with her voice in between.

The eyes are looking at Shi Boyuan.

Talking like this on purpose is to make the relationship between Shi Boyuan and Bai Jiaorou directly shattered.

The white moonlight of the real meow, retreat and retreat.

What rubbish?The domineering president retreats!

These two scumbags... Please lock them up!

Shi Boyuan ignored Ye Nanzhi again.

Ye Nanzhi roared anxiously, and tugged at Shi Bo Yuan's sleeves.

Tears blurred his eyes again.

He said aggrievedly.

"Honey, talk to me~~~~"


Shi Boyuan: "..." What should I say?
Ye Nanzhi, should I scold you?

Keep you awake and awake.

Ye Nanzhi, what are you?

Suddenly called my husband.

Even, in front of my Bai Yueguang.

Calling me that all of a sudden?
Ye Nanzhi, you damn woman, you are really a tormenting little goblin, just now you, didn't you want to die or live, did you want to divorce me?

This will call me husband again.

What a stupid woman who hates being upright.

To put it bluntly, I hate me.

Still pretend, you continue to pretend, I will quietly watch you continue to perform.

You still love me deeply, right?Ye Nanzhi... You simply can't do without me and my money.

I can see through you today.

Hehe, a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, I really can't figure it out, I can't figure it out!

Shi Bo Yuan hooked his lips indifferently.

Ye Nanzhi, you damn woman, you are so damn charming right now.

Oops, his heartbeat actually accelerated.


Shi Bo Yuan's ears turned red.

A handsome face also turned red.

It seems a little shy.

Bai Jiaorou glanced calmly and did not speak.

He found that there was no sad expression on Bai Yueguang's face.

In Shi Boyuan's heart, he couldn't tell that he was a little disappointed. Bai Jiaorou, a woman, didn't really care about him that much...

However, he was still a little happy, his wife, Ye Nanzhi, this hateful woman, finally agreed to call him husband, Ye Nanzhi finally returned to the family, and Ye Nanzhi finally forgave him.

His child has a mother again.

Shi Boyuan was delighted, delusional to hug the beauty back.

He raised his chin coldly.

Said blankly.

"What am I going to say?"

He stared at Ye Nanzhi's beautiful smiling face.

Ye Nanzhi blinked innocently.

"People just want to hear what you have to say, husband."

Ye Nanzhi just called Shi Boyuan like this.

Shi Boyuan's thoughts moved...

Pull Ye Nanzhi's fingers in the palm of his hand.

"What do you want to hear from me? If you don't, I'll leave."

Shi Boyuan's expression was indifferent and cold.

Deliberately pretending to be arrogant.

Please, Ye Nanzhi... you hateful woman, please come back!
I knew you still loved me.

If Ye Nanzhi could understand Shi Boyuan's heart, he would definitely be able to slap Shi Boyuan into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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