Sure enough, I still can't keep the deep love since ancient times, only the hearts of the routine!

This hateful dog man, Shi Bo Yuan, changed his face too fast.

It's really frightening and surprising.

In the blink of an eye, one set after another, one after another, all smashed together, making people stunned, unable to react to anything.I couldn't even speak, it was so shocking, so surprising.

The people who eat melons are completely caught by this anti-routine, who gave the routine.Speechless, my mind went blank for a while, and I didn't know what to think about, so I came to pass the time.

Shi Boyuan, as expected of you!
Really have you.

Who was it just now, who kept saying don't make trouble, don't mess around, don't make trouble here, even beat people, and finally wanted a divorce.

Who is it again?One mouthful of white moonlight, one mouthful of softness.

Having seduced Bai Yueguang, whom he had been thinking about for many years, he wanted to kick his new wife away and get a smooth divorce.

Alas, Shi Boyuan, this hateful dog man, just now slapped Ye Nanzhi in the face, tsk tsk tsk tsk.Ye Nanzhi's face was reddened by the attack so hard, and Shi Boyuan said so many insulting words again.He also threatened Ye Nanzhi's family members, relatives, and friends, and even threatened Ye Nanzhi with his children.

When Bai Jiaorou was talking, the cosmetics that had been blown away by the wind fell off her Bai Jiaorou's face, forming lumps and falling unevenly.

Bai Jiaorou cried out of breath and was out of breath.

"A Yuan, do you think I did something wrong now? Does your wife, Ye Nanzhi, really do nothing wrong? Do you really trust her?"

Bai Jiaorou.

It couldn't be more normal, right?

I saw that everyone else was looking at her.

At this moment, Shi Boyuan actually started to confront her, Bai Jiaorou, head-to-head... Even in words and out of words, he disliked her... as if he regretted getting to know her.

I love it!
What's the matter, can't live without this melon?
They still have to live a good life.

She just felt a little itchy on her face.

Being on the Dao like indeed a rare, rare opportunity.

Very ordinary.

A Yuan, I really misjudged you. I have worked so hard for you for so many years, and finally gained a foothold abroad. I have the opportunity to come back to China to see you.

Shi Boyuan's handsome face raised a wry smile.

Bai Jiaorou spoke passionately.

There was an earthquake just now, and so many houses collapsed.

With his arms around his newlywed little wife.

The tone of the speech was indignant, venting, and the anger that had been hidden in the heart for a long time came.

His body was bald and he was frozen to death, but he was still in the mood to flirt with his sister.

Of course Bai Jiaorou herself couldn't feel it.

It's even hateful.

"A Yuan, do you believe her that much? I have known you for so many years, what kind of person am I? You must be clear, I know your heart, you understand me, but she Ye Nan What about childish?

Like a clown deliberately painted ugly makeup.

What a pity, what a pity.

You also know how to get married.

It's simply impossible to achieve, because Shi Boyuan, the damn face control, has already decided to abandon Bai Jiaorou, so.I won’t go back on it again, after all, going back on this kind of thing once or twice is enough, if you go back too many times, you will be easily retribution or lightning strike, hehehe.

Bai Jiaorou's face was instantly bumpy.

That's why after she took off her makeup, her face would look like this.

Biting his soft mouth.Stubbornly raised his head and said.

There are just a few people who have been chattering endlessly, saying what you say to each other.They also beat each other up.

That's it.

Shi Boyuan's mind became hot, and he threw himself into the arms of his new wife, Ye Nanzhi, and his new wife, Ye Nanzhi, were sweet.Show your affection here and envy others, why don't you two play here?

But Bai Jiaorou intentionally synthesized one thing, and said it deliberately, the purpose is to deceive the curiosity and sympathy of other melon-eaters who don't know the truth.

I really regret coming here.When destroying and seducing, Bo Yuan.


The wall doesn't even obey, it only obeys you!

The movements are particularly elegant and pleasing to the eye.

Now even more outrageous.

Played by you in the applause, like a cheating fool.

Bai Jiaorou said again, weeping.

Hehehe, I found that my Bai Yueguang Bai Jiaorou didn't look so good, and didn't take advantage of Bo Yuan's intentions, so I kicked Bai Yueguang Bai Jiaorou aside again, throwing it away.

It's completely free.

Have I been with you for a long time?Can Ye Nanzhi have me?Ah Yuan! !Don't be fooled by Ye Nanzhi's superficial appearance. It was clearly Ye Nanzhi's fault just now, but he deliberately poured dirty water on me, belittled me maliciously, insulted me, and even beat me.

I'm afraid you only have Ye Nanzhi in your heart, you were just teasing me just now.

Bai Jiaorou touched her face again, and picked out a few dried-up cosmetics from her face, which solidified into small pieces.

You didn't continue to fight, and you didn't get a divorce in the end. If the two of you continued to stay together, it would be really... a pair of brain-dead and brain-dead.

That face was already ridiculously ugly.

In fact, they are two things that are completely out of reach.

Bai Jiaorou continued, looking up at the tall and handsome man with an innocent expression.

Shi Boyuan knew how to avoid the bug of Heaven's Dao.

Where do you feel weird?

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is very cruel. Bai Jiaorou's thoughts are extremely naive and ridiculous.

Bai Jiaorou's crying was indeed sincere, which made people feel distressed.

Because my heart is lazy.

She cried until she convulsed.

After all, cheating in marriage, alas, everyone understands it, it is difficult to deal with.

Besides, these three people have been entangled for so much time in this cold winter months, you don't think it's troublesome, they even think it's troublesome to watch the excitement.

"Rou'er, get up first, the ground is very cold, aren't you cold?"

He also listened to Shi Bo Yuan, the man she had been thinking about for a long time, thinking about protecting him, Shi Bo Yuan's so-called newlywed wife, Ye Nanzhi's little slut.

The crying sound is a bit unpleasant and annoying.

Could it be... is this the price God has to pay for letting her care?Being ridiculed and humiliated in public...even forced to eat dog food...depressed like a lunatic.

His face was full of arrogance and embarrassment.

Ye Nanzhi seized this opportunity and leaned on the man.

All the melon-eating people sighed in their hearts.

Feelings continue to recover.

Use the dirtiest swear words in the world to scold Shi Boyuan.Not enough.

I thought silently in my heart.


Nor is it beautiful.


There are so many people in distress at the scene.

All my heart and soul are for you.In the end, you, you and Ye Nanzhi, would treat me like this?I am so disappointed.Ah Yuan, my heart hurts so much, I'm really sad! "

It's a bit on the verge of touching the law, so it's normal for them to call the police.Since Shi Boyuan, Bai Jiaorou, Ye Nanzhi and the others all beat up, they were involved in a mutual fight, so it was normal to call the police and let the police help them solve the matter thoroughly.

Bai Jiaorou's scheming is really too deep, even if it's a disguise, so what if it's so successful?In fact, Ye Nanzhi had already figured out what Bai Jiaorou was thinking.

They really don't feel cold.

Isn't it exciting to do this?
Still feel different?
Why would Bai Jiaorou, Ye Nanzhi, Shi Boyuan and the three of them prefer to be entangled here?Wouldn't it be better if you don't want to go first?
After all you look.

Slap yourself in the face.

That's called a broken heart, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods.

But with all this happening now.

The protagonists who were watched by the crowd didn't think so.

Enthusiastic people eating melons called the police.

So normal.

It's just shameless.

Oh, as for the Bai Yueguang Bai Jiaorou next to her? ?

Ye Nanzhi has only known you for a few years.

Ah Yuan...hehehe...

As a person, your heart is also cruel.

Ye Nanzhi is not a vegetarian either.

Oh, they did nothing wrong.

And the protagonists in these three stories.

"Woooooo, Ye Nanzhi is bullying me, A Yuan, you turned a blind eye to it all, and even blamed me, asking me to forgive Ye Nanzhi??
A have a good idea!I simply misread you.

Ah Yuan...Look, the makeup on my face was removed by Ye Nanzhi deliberately splashing makeup remover, which shows that Ye Nanzhi's thoughts are too vicious and deep, so A woman in love, can you still continue to like her?
A Yuan... I really misjudged you, I am really disappointed, my heart hurts too much. "

How abrupt it looks!
You... don't you feel that it's cold around you?
Don't you really feel cold hands?
Especially Shi Boyuan, a doggy man.

What about now?

But the one who gets ridiculed.

What he said was also indiscriminate, and he rushed indiscriminately.

Looking down at Bai Jiaorou on the ground, she opened her thin lips and said.

Anyway, there is something that can't be messed with, on them.

Trying to show her weakest appearance, in exchange for Shi Boyuan's sympathy and compassion, let her go.

But I am willing to pay for you, just want to get your sincerity.

Bai Jiaorou covered her face and cried again.

you you!Shi Boyuan!Do you think this is a vegetable market, anyone can come to buy things?After such a long row in front of the crowd, this is the end result.

If there is a tail behind the body, it must be able to fly up to the sky at this moment.

When you lied to me, you were already thinking, why am I so innocent?Why are you so insane?You just look down on me, don't you?You must be thinking so.

Bai Jiaorou stubbornly pushed back.

It depends on who has good acting skills, who takes who seriously?

Bai Jiao cried so softly that she couldn't cry.

The appearance of crying is not so perfect.

Just looking down at the ground like that.

I was so shocked that I couldn't breathe for a moment.

Shi Bo Yuan stretched out his long, well-articulated fingers to grab the person on the ground.

Come care about Bai Jiaorou, love Bai Jiaorou, protect Bai Jiaorou, and speak for Bai Jiaorou.

Since Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, gave Ye Nan childish face so much, and even put his arms around her waist to show his affection, and cruelly abused Bai Jiaorou.

One wears thinner than the other, in this cold weather, in November and December.

Rolling frantically on the ground.

It was already embarrassing enough, and now it has become even more embarrassing.

He covered his face, regardless of his image.

They lamented the outrageous deeds of these three people.

Forget it, they just watch the excitement, these people, Shi Boyuan, Bai Jiaorou, Ye Nanzhi and the others can do whatever they want.


This is a bit unkind.

Bai Jiaorou grinned bitterly.

Make everyone who sees it laugh.

Actually...their purpose is to help Ye Nanzhi, Shi Boyuan, Bai Jiaorou and others deal with this matter.

Brother, you know how to fall in love.

What the hell is this, how did it fall off her pretty face?Obviously her makeup is not like this, why after removing the makeup. ... My own face, will it become such an ugly look? ?
Could it be... that hateful woman Ye Nanzhi actually did this on purpose?
Ye Nanzhi's makeup remover is poisonous.

But Ye Nanzhi is not easy to provoke.

Moreover, there was an earthquake here, and it was only right for the police to come to rescue the dying and heal the wounded.

The makeup on Bai Jiaorou's face really couldn't be maintained anymore, all of it flowed down, colorful, and became a ball on Bai Jiaorou's face. nicer to him, it's better to change your mind, be willing to be with her again, and abandon that little bitch Ye Nanzhi.Let the two of them reconcile as before.

In his heart, he had imagined the white moonlight for many years.

It's just pretending to be weak, who wouldn't?

In fact, what happened to Bo Yuan when Bai Jiao was soft, even if there were all kinds of inexplicable and unclear entanglements between the two of them.

Why, after seeing my true face, did you start thinking of me?Shi Boyuan... Your enthusiasm for me just now has completely disappeared, and now you are starting to dislike me. Sure enough, people are visual creatures... Hehehe, the heart of a man is really unbelievable.

It was a very light sob.

Shi Boyuan smiled gently, with a somewhat distant expression.

The face is like a peach blossom and he smiles, so cute.

Ye Nanzhi first sniffed carefully.

Immediately afterwards, there was a trace of confusion on his face, and he stared blankly at Bai Jiaorou who was crying on the ground.

There was curiosity in his voice.

"Sister Bai, what are you talking about?" Ye Nanzhi curled her lips, and said in a small mouth: "I did something wrong, what did I do wrong? You just say it, I bully you , how did I bully you? Can you tell me too?"

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