Chapter 149

Bai Jiaorou never expected that Ye Nanzhi would directly argue with her.

Even said so.

Bai Jiaorou lay on the ground, her weeping expression slightly paused.

Ye Nanzhi! !

Bai Jiaorou was stunned.

She never guessed that Ye Nanzhi would do this.

Ye Nanzhi didn't follow the routine at all.

She was so angry, so angry, so angry, her teeth hurt from anger.

Bai Jiaorou cursed in her heart.

If it was true, the scene of Bo Yuan entering the police station when he was photographed by a reporter would become a hit on today's headlines, but by then... I don't know how to explain it.

But what kind of man is Mr. Police?
Is it wrong for others to enforce the law impartially?
Mr. Police said with a smile, "I'm really sorry to trouble you, please come with me."

Those who listen just want to laugh.

Bai Jiaorou's mental state is already very unstable.

Blink gently.

The people who eat melons have been numb after listening to it for so long.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm going right now."

Look again.

Bai Jiaorou, the loser is the bandit.

Completely dumbfounded, he frowned and asked, "Hello... sir, what are you... doing now?"

As Ye Nanzhi thought.

Fresh and hot.

A policeman came to Shi Boyuan's side.

Grinning like a wild dog, it's completely gone, the most ladylike look just now.

Is this a new way of getting married?

Ye Nanzhi smiled softly, her white teeth were as cute and beautiful as shells.

"I'm afraid not." He smiled, and couldn't hold back any longer, so he continued, "Your appearance is affecting the appearance of the city a bit, so you have to come with us."

But she herself hadn't noticed it yet.

And besides, I was just dealing with my own family affairs.

What a pity!

"It's okay, Mr. Police, we ran very fast, and everyone present was not injured, and they are all safe." Someone replied to them.

Such a contrast forms a strong contrast.

But... Bai Jiaorou guessed the ending of the story, but not the beginning.

But there was one person who stood out in particular.

It was a relief.

He actually...

But in fact, he was Bo Yuan himself, and he didn't do anything wrong.

It depends on whether you, Bai Jiaorou, have the ability to snatch people away or not.

The crescent-like eyebrows are curved and tightly clustered.

"Sister Bai... I can also say, how can you say that about me? I'm the most innocent. Are all the things that happened today related to me?
Obviously it was you and brother A Yuan, you two did things on purpose, if you really want to calculate one point carefully, I am the most innocent person, this sentence is absolutely correct. "

"Hehe...hehe Ye Nanzhi...I'm going to kill you."


Bai Jiaorou, Bai Jiaorou, you know how to frame others.

Shi Boyuan was stunned, suddenly realized, and said embarrassingly.

Layer after layer of routines, it depends on who is deeper.

It was also doomed her life to be a failure.

Bai Jiaorou, this hateful woman.

His whole body became even more angry, trembling and unable to stand up.

Being ridiculed so viciously, Ye Nanzhi felt extremely calm.

His face was full of bewilderment.

thought of here.

I thought that my plan was perfect.

Watch it and see how people criticize you later.

Ye Nanzhi finished speaking these words.

She doesn't look angry at all.

It's just a matter of lip service, who can't do it anymore?
Ye Nanzhi pouted.

Seeing everyone asked.

It doesn't matter.

That's why Bai Jiaorou is here to play tricks on her upper body, slandering Ye Nanzhi over and over again, just wanting to lose all of Ye Nanzhi's face and face, so that Ye Nanzhi can leave in a sensible way.

Like to quickly end this.


It turned out to be like this, after standing here for a long time, I didn't freeze to death, which is pretty good.

No, no, is there really someone who does not admit their mistakes, but shirks the responsibility on others and makes them admit their mistakes?Is anyone really so mean?

It was found that, as the person just said, no one was injured.

As if troubled by something.

"After all, sister Bai, you are my elder, so what you say is what you say? As a junior, I can only listen and say yes, and there is no chance to deny it at all."

Shi Boyuan didn't want to go.

But... why do they still have a feeling of unfinished business?
Alas, this melon is really delicious.

Moreover, even if the policemen saw him, Ye Nanzhi, and Bai Jiaorou, the three of them gathered together, they were now confronting each other.

So what about her own scheming?
Ye Nanzhi didn't follow the routine at all.

Just a vicious woman pretending to be.

Adorable puffed cheeks.

Nothing could be more normal.

Ye Nanzhi was about to speak when she did hear the siren.

"You're talking empty words... and you're starting to frame me. Who can't see through your thoughts? Really.... I'm just as bad as I am..."

A person who kicks the ground makes the capital tremble three times.

But in fact it is: Oh, you said I was wrong, I did admit my mistake, but I am really not wrong!How innocent I am!
Everyone can see that it was Bai Jiaorou that you did something wrong, but you still don't admit it, and you still push the blame and dump it on others, who do you think you are?Are you awesome?So everyone will look down on you, forgive me, and care about me.

One beautiful, one devil.

Shi Boyuan was questioned.

Bai Jiaorou's idea is destined to fail to come true.

I laughed even more happily.

Ye Nanzhi's inner drama is very rich, it is a perfect score.

The eyes are extraordinarily innocent.

Ye Nanzhi, who was protected by her husband Shi Bo Yuan, was smiling.

It is easy to be misunderstood, and people with evil intentions will use it as evidence to slander him, and then...their family's business will be affected.

Shi Boyuan: "..."

I'm asking what are you doing?But I didn't ask you, what are you talking to others here, why do you answer me like this?

Only at this time did he realize what the police said just now.

Just looking at Bai Jiaorou quietly.


The tense mood that was mentioned was relaxed.

The policemen ran down in a panic.

Use this to vent your anger.

This woman, Bai really too naive.

"Isn't the matter still unresolved? Sister Bai... don't worry... Well, if you still want to continue scolding me, I'll listen to you, and I'll admit your mistake here too. Just forgive me! You are my sister, my only sister."

The police really want to be here, check it out.


The policeman couldn't figure it out. The policeman's head was bald.

"You!! Ye Nanzhi!! Look at your ugly face, you are talking about me again." Bai Jiao was puffed up softly, stretched out her fingers and grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground, scratching hard Scratch your own hair.

Ye Nanzhi pretended to be distressed, holding her cheeks with both hands, looking as cute as a little fox, blinking her eyes.Looking straight into Bai Jiaorou's eyes.

Right in front of him is an enemy who wants to snatch away her husband.

The eyes are moist and very beautiful, as crystal clear as glass.


No, no, is your mental state... still normal?
Dress up as you are now, and look at the surrounding scenery...well, you are obviously getting married, but...why is it so outrageous?

Good fellow, call good fellow.

He spoke softly again, if Shi Bo Yuan chose to refuse, he would take him away with handcuffs without any hesitation.

The policeman is very professional, pointing to Shi Boyuan, "Aren't you cold like this?"

After thinking about it, I felt that I did not answer the establishment of this question.

Oh, yes, there was an earthquake just now.

Ye Nanzhi opened her mouth and smiled happily.

It made Bai Jiaorou play so dizzy.

But for those who fail, he is not reconciled!

Bai Jiaorou was too naive.

Ye Nanzhi deliberately leaned back, leaning on Shi Boyuan's body.

There is a cold wind blowing around, it is indeed a bit cold.

The people who eat melons thought in their hearts.

When will someone be arrested and taken to the police station?
This is simply an insult to his personality.

It's best if everyone has nothing to do.

keep talking.

You are still yourself, stay at home alone, live quietly, if you go out to do something... it really makes people feel outrageous!
Your IQ is really worrying.

She continued with a smile, "Sister Bai, I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

Take care of your own housework... Is this a crime?
Shi Boyuan asked himself in his heart.

Still really want to drag others into the water.

Hehe, revenge for taking your husband is irreconcilable.

Fine, nothing outrageous.

But in fact, it is full of loopholes, making people laugh out loud.

But... Shi Bo Yuan frowned slightly, and looked around indifferently.

In order to maximize the benefits.

If there was a brick in Bai Jiaorou's hand, Bai Jiaorou would definitely smash the brick on Ye Nanzhi's head without hesitation.


Oh, no, no, they've already fought.

Only the melon-eaters who were watching on the scene noticed that something was wrong.

Bad for them.

Do you really think that if you put the blame on others, the matter will pass in the blink of an eye?
Tell you, you are still too young!
Thoughts surged in Ye Nanzhi's heart, she thought so.

Behind the body is the strongest backing, Shi Bo Yuan, who is unswervingly protecting her.

Bai Jiaorou... Aren't you, over and over again, saying that you are the most innocent?Then let you know what true innocence is.

The policeman was dumbfounded.

Ha ha.

Why would the police come?
Many people here are stunned.

Ye Nanzhi bulged her cheeks, with a cute face, and muttered in a low voice.

I thought, I was, I did something big.

Be the first to exit.

He couldn't figure it out.

On the surface: Yes, yes, I admit it all, I did make a mistake.

The police checked the situation of all the people present one by one.

Why is this woman's behavior so outrageous?

"Sister Xiaobai, I respect you and respect you. You are my elder and a role model for me to learn from, but bad habits can't be learned."

Reflecting the woman crawling viciously on the ground, Bai Jiaorou's face.

It seems that the time is here, and this melon has been completely eaten.

Originally thought that Ye Nanzhi, a damned woman, would intentionally smear her and call her shameless. In this case, Bai Jiaorou could cheat another wave of sympathy and curiosity from the audience.


Just looking at Bai Jiaorou quietly.

These two women are really scheming when they fight each other.

You don't like me, do you?
Come on, come and hit me.

It's a pity, it's a pity, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Bai Jiaorou roared angrily, and crawled on the ground with claws and teeth bared.

So definitely not to go.

Finally, looking at the collapsed ruins around, I suddenly remembered.

Ye Nanzhi, the winner is king.

Can you beat me?You can't scold me, can you?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

His face was very confused.

Shi Boyuan first smiled, and then said: "Hello, Mr. Police, I'm dealing with our housework right now. This... I'm afraid there should be no problem. Is it possible that I need to report to you?"

what happened?

Mr. Police scratched his head.

Then, Shi Bo Yuan was very serious again, looked at the policeman and said.

Are you really too narrow-minded?

He is the second son of the Shi family.

Really... whatever, there is no one to pull on the street, you have such a 'super high IQ'.

One after another.

Ye Nanzi proudly crossed her hips.

One mouthful from you, one mouthful from me, and you will almost start a fight.

Hehe, you are really naive.

What is this trick called?
This trick is called retreating to advance.

This matter... is indeed very distressing, and it has not been resolved after so long.

"You are pitiful, you are a pitiful and hateful bad woman, you are too vicious." Bai Jiaorou lowered her voice and laughed under her throat.The voice was eerie, like a ghost that just crawled out of hell.

A look of triumph.

The little face is full of smiles, gentle and gentle.


Even more innocent.

"Since Sister Bai thinks so, I am this kind of person, then I am it, what does Sister Bai think... I am who I am." Ye Nanzhi sniffed innocently.

She has gone through so many storms and waves, and she has come through all of them. Now this little difficulty is just a little difficulty, and she can survive it.


Come and see the situation, it should be.

Ye Nanzhi curled her lips lightly, her eyes were as soft as a spring.

The red lips are moving.

"How? Is anyone injured?"

It's really confusing.

The words spoken are also extremely embarrassing.

Even if Shi Boyuan's status is noble, so what? ?
Shi Boyuan, also want to be a good citizen who abides by the law!

Those who know the law and break the law are the most hateful.

Therefore, his attitude towards Shi Boyuan was already very respectful.

If Shi Boyuan resists forcefully again, don't blame him for being rude.

(End of this chapter)

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