
But, Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, doesn't think so!
Shi Boyuan thought that his status was so honorable.When, reduced to a small employee of his, came over and forcibly took him away?
Simply incomprehensible.

So when he, Shi Boyuan, listened to Mr. Police and urged him, Shi Boyuan directly raised his chin, pretending that he didn't hear what the other party said.

Keep your eyes open and look in other directions.

Those who look left and right just don't put their eyes and attention on Mr. Police.

Mr. Police, already getting impatient, said in a cold voice.

"Hello, Mr. Shi, can you understand what I mean? What I say now is to give you enough face, and I don't. When talking about other things, you should think about it carefully. Do you want to go with us? Shall we go?"

It was the third time he had tried to persuade him with kind words.

This is also him, the last time to be gentle.

Mr. Police, silently touched the handcuffs on his waist.

Go on.

"It's true... I didn't do anything wrong. You have to be reasonable. Don't blame me. For a while, you said something wrong and offended you, and then you would turn into anger from embarrassment. The ones below took me away.

She insisted on taking him away with Shi Boyuan!
Shi Bo Yuan was thinking, was his guess just now correct?
Don't look at it now, there is no movement, but in fact.

After all, she and, Bai Jiaorou and the others, they quarreled, quarreled, fought, and both were hurt and heartbroken.

Brought to the police station.

He raised his head and looked at Shi Boyuan.

Really too scared.

I have been doing things on purpose, just to delay the time on purpose.

Why are you……

Some of them have long been displeased with Shi Boyuan's behavior, style, and cruel means, and Shi Boyuan was not polite to them, and they were also very angry.

Photos should never be leaked.

It never occurred to me that I would never bring up children at all. .

The words in the mouth are crackling.

They do enforce the law impartially.

"So let me tell you in advance. Be mentally prepared and find the next one!"

What a pity, what a pity!

Why did you leave now?
It's really outrageous!

It's all because when she fell in love with Shi Boyuan back then, she used all her strength.

But this job...she really didn't want to lose it.

Ye Nanzhi chose without hesitation.

Do you have to say that I have affected the appearance of the city?They even forced me over and over again, insisting on taking me away?are you?What bad thoughts do you have? "

"Ah??" Ye Nanzhi originally planned to take the children with him after Shi Boyuan got the money after the lawsuit. They were big and small and went away.

said boldly.

Very happy!
Really exciting!

A smile appeared on Shi Boyuan's handsome and handsome face.

Bai Jiaorou put oil on the soles of her feet, and she slipped so fast that Ye Nanzhi couldn't stop her no matter what.

It's like listening to cross talk, blah blah blah blah.

The two police officers were silent, just.A person hit Shi Boyuan on the back of his head with a punch.

Very frightening, scary.

So after thinking about it carefully, I directly explained the situation clearly.

His mental state is already very unstable.

Shi Boyuan absolutely must not let this happen.

Just wait, take photos of him secretly, post them on the Internet, and spread rumors.

After finally earning money, how could the nanny be willing to leave?
So begging Ye Nanzhi bitterly.

After everyone left, Bai Jiaorou, who was mad on the ground, was no longer mad. She gave Ye Nanzhi a vicious look, and ran away without looking back.

"Are you forcing me to go?" Shi Boyuan asked.

The more you listen, the better you get.

I sighed in my heart, what I experienced just now was so magical, so exciting, it was surprising and satisfying.

"What are you guys going to do?" Shi Boyuan panicked.

He raised his eyebrows and said.

The people who eat melons are horrified to discover this idea, and then.They dispersed in a rush, and went back to their respective homes, for fear of being contaminated with something unclean.

With a sigh of relief.

Think left and right, think hard, think about it.

"Don't drive me away! Ma'am, did I do something wrong...Did I offend you? I really need this job."

So experienced such a scene.

Back to himself, and Shi Boyuan's previous residence.

"Then. Miss Ye, will someone take care of the child for you in the future?" The nanny seemed to take advantage of a new loophole.

So the expression on his face became even more arrogant.

He is arrogant and arrogant.

In this world, that is invincible.

I don't know why, the atmosphere just now was so weird!

Shi Boyuan was unlucky, so he took it with him, implicated them, and they were also unlucky together!
Think about it this way.

The nanny was stunned, completely stunned.

...that's not very ethical.

I ran out like this, and there was no problem!

Excited to guess.

Shi Boyuan was originally a person who was not good at words.

Ye Nanzhi sighed in her heart.

Ye Nanzhi also has the key to the house.

She wanted to continue, to work as a babysitter.


Then, holding the child in his arms, he took the initiative to talk to the nanny about resigning.

No, how could this be?

"I'm going with the child's father, and we're going to get a divorce directly." Ye Nanzhi smiled, and touched her good boy's face.

look who?
Who else can bully him?
There is no one at all.

There had already been reporters ambush in the dark, secretly observing their every move.

What's more, the monthly salary is only [-], and Ye Nanzhi is a little rich woman after all, so she can still afford it.

Where have you seen a nanny, so much money?How long have you been doing this?After only ten days, he was already about to be driven away.

The more Shi Boyuan thought about it, the more he felt that there was nothing wrong with his thoughts.

It seems to be avoiding something, like a scourge.

This policeman, preconceived, thinks that he did something wrong, which is really unreasonable.

Then there is no other way, but Ye Nanzhi, alone, can bear this happiness.

and many more.

So Shi Boyuan, with an ugly face, questioned the two people.

The airtight kind of plan.

They were dumbfounded as they watched the police drive by.Zhang Yang left the scene.

Work as a nanny in their home and take care of the children.Just take care of the children, just take care of the children's three meals a day.The monthly salary has reached 50.

She is a pretty lady.

Shi Boyuan was complacent.

What did you boldly express your thoughts in your heart? .

The policeman said in a low voice, "Mr. Shi, he actually said that I did something wrong and wouldn't let me take him away. Look at his attitude... Tsk tsk tsk is too arrogant."

The people who eat melons have been standing in place all the time, and after watching what happened, their faces are full of shock, turbulent, and stunned.

While talking, Shi Boyuan was also there, unable to control his emotions.


This is a bit embarrassing.

It seems that the wedding ceremony was held today.

How can there be such a simple employer?

She is beautiful on her own.

The smile is not wide-eyed.

You say so? "

They don't want to be hurt by innocent people.

They and Shi Boyuan also have the same surname.

The more I listened, the more I couldn't control it.

But, there's nothing wrong with that.

"You don't come here, you don't take me away. I am innocent and you have no right to do this."

She has saved tens of millions in her small coffers.

He has already vaguely felt it, in a place where he can't see it.

Time Boyuan!This shameless scumbag!Give it a good meal!
That's what it means to do well, and it's the one who can accomplish great things.

Therefore, this idea is still too simple.

Is Shi Boyuan going to jail?
It's getting cold, is Shijia Group going bankrupt?
Hahahahahahaha, really interesting.

She looks very arrogant.

This made my guess even more firm.

The nanny said, "If you don't have one, I'll take care of the children for you... that's fine too. You can pay whatever you want, as long as it's not less than [-] yuan, because I still have to repay the mortgage."

I wear it like this, no problem at all!

But at this moment, the smart nanny has already discovered that something is wrong, and has offered to help her take care of the child. If she refuses, she will be too embarrassed to refuse!


His meow's thoughtfulness is extremely frightening!

When Ye Nanzhi came home, the first thing he did was to draw up a divorce agreement and ask a lawyer to file a lawsuit.

Slowly crossed his waist.

Facing that, he's a little short, Mr. Police said.

That's why Ye Nanzhi had the idea of ​​having a heart-to-heart talk with Bai Jiaorou.

He struggled quickly, twisting his body, avoiding the touch of the two people.

In fact, Ye Nanzhi still wants to chat with Bai Jiaorou, the so-called Shi Boyuan, who has been thinking about Bai Yueguang for many years when he was young, and complain about Shi Boyuan's bad temper.

This farce.

It made people see that there was a burst of tension in my heart, and my heart was twitching.

Easy to get started.

They suddenly saw the collapsed ruins around them.

Shi Boyuan experienced, today when he was bickering with two women, he has already learned some ingenious ways of speaking and the charm of language.

The nanny's heart hurt even more.

In a very secret dark place, someone was already secretly filming him.

My family is very poor, and I finally learned a craft, so I can come to work here. The working environment is so good, and the employer treats her very well, but.This beautiful day has only passed by in just a few days, and it is already lost. The nanny is really reluctant, thinking that so much money is gone.

to threaten them.

The experience of the two of them is really, very outrageous.

They just let out a bad breath.

The nanny froze in place, her eyes filled with tears, she wanted to cry but couldn't.

They finally clapped their fingers.

The aloof second young master of the Shi family.

What is open and secret fighting between women?
The two of them joined forces and hatched a plan.

Check out the company at home as well.

The nanny was weak, wiped away her tears, and suddenly thought of something.

The nanny is not very old, only in her 20s, only four or five years older than Ye Nanzhi.

I also learned how to be able to blame others.

The police, just in front of the public, forcibly took Shi Boyuan away. Even if Shi Boyuan was in that state, the police were still desperate to take Shi Boyuan away. People, stop it.

This mouth, the words spoken.

This job is not easy to come by.

It ended so briefly.

So, as a human being, don't be too arrogant. When you are too happy, it doesn't mean you shouldn't be too arrogant, easily angry and sad.

It's really listening, it's mind-boggling and buzzing.

With an extremely serious look on his face, he asked again: "But I don't think there's anything wrong with me doing this. There was an earthquake just now, so it was so dangerous. People couldn't react at all, so...

It's all about doing good!
So they quickly put Shi Boyuan into the police car.

In fact, Ye Nanzhi was quite satisfied with the nanny's attitude towards the children, but, since she was about to divorce Bo Yuan, there was no need to keep the nanny.


Including the two women next to it.

The other party eats people without spitting out bones.

Hearing these words, the tall man took out the handcuffs very quickly.Directly using handcuffs, Shi Bo Yuan was handcuffed very quickly.

You don't have to.

Ye Nanzhi, and Mr. Shi Boyuan... Aren't they two in love and just married?

Shi Boyuan would never admit defeat, nor would he agree.

"Why hasn't this matter been resolved yet?"

and so……

A tall man walked over with a blank expression on his face.

They avoided Shi Boyuan like snakes and scorpions when the wedding ceremony was originally held but was collapsed by the earthquake.

But, someone really will come to sanction him.

Everyone here is not a good thing?

The hateful reporters will definitely try their best and use all means to publish the story of his Shi Bo Yuan! !
At that time, if he becomes popular on the Internet, he, or even the whole person!
It's over!
and so……

In the beginning, the police came, wasn't it to be helpful?But why, just arrested one person and left?Is there any reason for it?Could it be the Shi Group?They were investigated for tax evasion? ?

The nanny knelt on the ground and wept.

The reporter hiding in the corner has taken all his photos as evidence.

In just one day, I have experienced all the major events in life. It is really heart-wrenching!

For Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, he stalked, coaxed and lied, got Shi Boyuan's bank card, and bought a lot of brand-name things.

Convert it into money and store it in your own bank card.

It belongs to Ye Nanzhi's private property.

How about just divorcing Shi Boyuan?After that, her money will not be given to Shi Boyuan, a dog man.

It's that tough.

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