Chapter 151
A woman must be rich and ruthless in order to have a stable position.

Otherwise, it is easy to be bullied.

Raise a submissive, let others slaughter.Cowardly character.

It is easier to be laughed at.

Ye Nanzhi, who has experienced so many hardships since she was very young, has long known this truth in her heart.

Otherwise, after I finally grow up, I will not use all means and exhaust all my strength.

Fight with so many women.

It was very hard, and very rare, to finally get Shi Boyuan's love.

So many beautiful, outstanding, and scheming people all like Shi Boyuan. For Shi Boyuan, an excellent, perfect, gentle, and handsome man, they pursue and stalk him.

But fate just likes to play tricks on people, and likes to joke with others.

Immediately afterwards, the nanny took a step forward and carefully placed the child on the crib.

Xing Yichen also continued, hugging his little girl.

Looks better when you smile.

Xing Yichen hugged his little girlfriend.

This guy Xing Zhiyi really deserves a beating with his mouth.

The days to come are beautiful, and the imagination is very rich.

I really really really don't want to admit it!This guy who started to go crazy in public is Xing Feiran, the biological brother of a compatriot!

This can be seen.


Even if there is nothing wrong with Shi Boyuan's company, or Shi Boyuan himself, he will be ruined because of this trivial matter.

Xing Yichen's most beautiful face was full of calmness.

Get rid of the thorn in Shi Boyuan's heart, which grows wantonly and is very arrogant, and has grown for many years.

This time.

Bai Jiaorou alone can start a war among the three of them.

There is no need for them to make a move at all.

I silently guessed in my heart.

and so……

Close your eyes happily.

Just continued with a smile.

Shi Boyuan... But he just agreed to be her boyfriend, even her fiance, and even... her husband.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, Xing Feiran? You are a big treason.

It's simply a one-handed six!

I heard the voice of my boyfriend's younger brother, Xing Zhiyi.

I sighed in my heart, this woman Ye Nanzhi is really good-looking, she is beautiful and kind-hearted.

A series of things were discovered.

Tut tut tut, that's too exaggerated.

With his head in his arms, he watched the two brothers leave.

Leaning on her man's body, she sighed.

later.Looking up.The laughter was getting louder and louder, especially arrogant.


"Let's go, brother! Don't embarrass yourself on the street and let everyone feel embarrassed for you. Okay, mental state... Can you be more stable?"


They don't need to do anything at all, they just need to find a good corner and stay in it to watch the show secretly.

Turning around, she walked to Ye Nanzhi's side and continued talking.

As long as you don't drive her away, what can you ask her to do?It is all acceptable.

Don't drag me, what's wrong with me?I laugh here twice, does it still affect them, have they passed by here?I didn't go crazy with a knife.I'm just laughing a few times here, what's wrong with me?There is nothing wrong with me!
Hmph, Xing Feiran!
Let go, hand, okay, right? "

Directly report Shi Boyuan, his Shijia Group company! !

Xing Zhiyi looked up to the sky and smiled exaggeratedly.

Although the salary dropped from 50 yuan to 5 yuan.This sense of gap... I still feel it's a pity, but at any rate, it's better to have money than to have no money. She makes some money by herself, some money, maybe in the future...

Xing Feiran clenched his fists, resisting the urge to knock Xing Zhiyi unconscious.

Bai Jiaorou still didn't give them a chance, and waited until they did it.

Let others listen to Xing Zhiyi's words, and they will feel dizzy.

They originally wanted to report Bo Yuan for tax evasion, and then... to make trouble.

Is this person... is he insane?

And myself, everything I want to have.

Ye Nanzhi blinked, looking at the nanny's innocent face.

The nanny thought in her heart.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he was stunned for an instant.

In order not to let Ye Nanzhi down on her, the nanny was very serious and made a promise to Ye Nanzhi, and said very solemnly.

Just now, Jiang Zhiyue has been holding back, wanting to laugh in her heart.

Let's talk about Jiang Zhiyue and Xing Yichen.

This shows how shocked the nanny was.

The nanny pricked up her ears, and was very serious when she heard Ye Nanzhi's promise.

Xing Feiran was afraid that if he stayed here for a second longer, there would be the famous scene of killing people in the street.

"Hahahaha, you are all so cute." Jiang Zhiyue was so cute, puffing her cheeks, and flinched into her boyfriend's arms.

One after another, they made up a scene about you loving me, but I don't love you... The classic scene of sadomasochism.

This feeling is so good!
Shi Boyuan and his new wife Ye Nanzhi, the two newlyweds, at the engagement ceremony, because of the appearance of Bai Yueguang and Bai Jiaorou, regardless of the noble image, they yelled loudly. How exciting this struggle is!

I haven't gotten any response from my boyfriend Xing Yichen yet.

Little Huaer Ye Nanzhi raised her chin arrogantly, stared haughtily into the nanny's eyes, and said.

Shi Boyuan's image of failure.

Jiang Zhiyue was finally able to relax, arrogantly, and laugh.

This look is so embarrassing!

Tolerate! !

Can still get out of the way.

Xing Feiran really, really wanted to punch Xing Zhiyi, this guy.

Otherwise, I won't get the man I want.

Marry her as a wife, Ming Media is marrying.


Before that, they also knew about some heroic deeds of Bo Yuan, and knew that Bai Jiaorou was the woman he secretly loved, who had been in love with Bai Yueguang for many years, and who had been thinking about her for many years.

Shi Boyuan, the deadly enemy, went in as they expected.

Xing Feiran sighed speechlessly.

"There is indeed a small matter... I need your help, can I go now?"

Very attractive.

The corner of the mouth slowly revealed a charming smile.

Said brightly.

Xing Zhiyi still smiled exaggeratedly.

It fell on Xing Zhiyi's forehead.

Do things that add fuel to the fire.

This incident and the farce were very successful. "

But, never thought of it.

This is actually a farce that cannot be loved.

Bai Jiaorou came back this time to take revenge.

How much damage was done?

like a flower.

Taken away by the police.

Obviously, the nanny was very, very excited. If it wasn't for the hostess, Ye Nanzhi, who was still here, the nanny would definitely jump up excitedly.

They can sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

A few days ago, Xing Zhiyi and the other big men planned to make a big event at the wedding ceremony of Ye Nanzhi and Shi Boyuan.

The voice is full of charm.

But it's very satisfying.

A few big men sighed in their hearts, it's still a woman's method is very hot.

Crackling, like setting off firecrackers, you can't stop once you open your mouth.

This crackling is a thank you.

They just can.

He said a lot of good words, as if he didn't want money.

Every minute and every second!I don't want to tolerate it anymore.

The reporters who were still secretly hidden were captured and photographed. really too crazy.

The nanny has already seen her hopeful future and is beckoning to herself.

Just don't scare innocent passers-by, just do it.

Xing Zhiyi and the others, wait until the explosive photos come out.

Akimbo, stepping on a big stone under the feet.

"Miss Ye, do you now... need me to help you with something? For example... help you pack your luggage, pack some clothes, etc. I am very good at it."

To her mature and innocent heart.

Ye Nanzhi puffed up her cheeks, and pressed the tip of her tongue.

They never expected that this complicated and confusing story... would develop into the current situation, which is really shocking!

The nanny rubbed her fingers excitedly.Eager to try to follow behind.

Jiang Zhiyue, on the other hand, couldn't help laughing.

They have already seen some of the so-called Bai Yueguang Bai Jiaorou's little schemes.

Bai Jiaorou's methods are really superb.

In Bai Jiaorou's heart, it had already turned black.

The nanny nodded frantically, turning her head into a rattle.

That's why he was insane. On the street, he was so crazy.

"Yes, yes, of course!"

He's pretty handsome, but that hair...and makeup!It's too exaggerated, like a non-mainstream boy, in the late stage of the second disease, it is simply.

I can live this life, otherwise I can resign, what's the matter?I can only endure the job I finally got.

That's it...

Xing Feiran was only short of the four words, please.

In their hands, they already had the evidence of Shi Boyuan's tax evasion, and they were ready to report it.

At this time, they took the opportunity to put the evidence of tax evasion on the surface and released it to the public's attention.

It was a coincidence that she met Bai Jiaorou.

We will go back first. "

In the hearts of the public, when it fermented to a peak.

Could it be... Could it be that Xing Zhiyi was so insane because of some kind of big stimulus?
They, can't imagine.

Patting Ye Nanzhi's rainbow fart frantically.

Small appearance, delicate.

Why... Xing Zhiyi is still in public, so arrogant and arrogant?

It can be seen how strong Xing Yichen's mind is.

After they leave.

Xing Zhiyi has social overpowering syndrome, and he doesn't feel anything at all. Something is not right.

Bai Jiaorou her, looks soft and weak, but in fact.

Passers-by left after watching the play for no apparent reason.

His face was calm.It's none of your business.

Go first.

Nanny's inner mad joy.

The planning of the arrangement was perfect.

Show a gorgeous smile.

Only the brothers of the Xing family and Jiang Zhiyue, a girl, were left to discuss things here.

After finishing speaking, Xing Feiran didn't hear any response from the two of them, so he pulled hard. Xing Zhiyi, the rebellious brother, took a taxi and left.

not to mention……

I don't know at big everything I'm going to face

With gentle movements, the child was lulled to sleep.

If you don't work hard at this time, what else can you not work hard for?


Earn your own money, spend it yourself, and pay your own mortgage.

" are responsible for our mother and child's food, clothing, housing, and transportation. It is a little more tiring than before! Including washing and cooking...whatever, cleaning the house, tidying up some clothes, I will leave it to you deal with it."

The nanny wiped away the tears that shed because of excitement, and excitedly stood up from the ground, taking over the child that Ye Nanzhi was holding in her arms.

Even the national football team has worked hard, why doesn't she work hard?

Then, Xing Zhiyi was stimulated.

It's also okay!

struggling hard.

With a smile on his face, he grabbed Xing Zhiyi's neck.

The two sat down in the car.

Ye Nanzhi stretched out five fingers and shook them, cute, blinking moist eyes. .

The nanny smiled, patted her chest, and promised.

After watching such a farce, Xing Yichen can still be so calm.

One word.

"Miss Ye! You are such a good person. I will never forget your kindness to me. Thank you. I will definitely do my best to take care of you and your child. Don't worry. I will know if I have it as soon as I make a move. "

Completely lost, her image of a perfect goddess.

Guessing the reason for the story.

Bai Jiaorou, Bai seems...not something to mess with.

Nanny humble, started a huge project! !
Time is the second half of life...

Ah Yuejiao is soft and soft, so cute!

She was already good-looking.


Ye Nanzhi tilted her head cutely, snapped her fingers, and told the nanny one thing after another.


I held it there for a long, long time, it was extremely unbearable, now?Finally sat in the car, still in the car, when only the two of them were left. can venture a guess.

I found a warm place.

"Brother Yichen, little sister-in-law, I won't bother you here anymore.

"It's so interesting."

Ye Nan was so childish that he hooked his mouth.

He frowned in resistance.

"Sure, I'll give you [-] a month."

It attracted passers-by to look at Xing Zhiyi one after another, and then they all had small expressions of bewilderment on their faces.

Blinking black eyes.

And myself, what I want.

After listening.

The nanny was grateful and stared at Ye Nanzhi's beautiful, delicate and beautiful face.

Xing Feiran was ruthless.He clenched his fists and faced.Brother and sister-in-law said.

"Wonderful! It's so wonderful! It's so shocking!
...It's really a link. If there is one link missing, the whole thing will fail!
fine!As we expected.

But it doesn't matter.

She Ye Nan is childish, and she still has some tricks on her body.

"Can you stop for a while?"

Beside her is her lover, who is selfless and tolerant.

No matter how disregarding her image.

Jiang Zhiyue believed in her heart that Xing Yichen loved her very, very much.

It's not like the three people just now, Shi Boyuan, Bai Jiaorou, and Ye Nanzhi, who are too thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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