"You little girl, what you say is really flattering. You have a very sweet mouth. You secretly put honey on your mouth, right? You are so eloquent."

"Okay, okay, don't worry about it."

Helian Keke smiled and hugged Jiang Zhiyue in her arms, and patted Jiang Zhiyue's shoulder.

The two sisters were talking well.

"I don't know why, Sister Ayue...I always feel like old friends at first sight? It's like...we've known each other before, this feeling is very familiar."

Helian Keke looked at the little girl Jiang Zhiyue with bright eyes.

Blinking and blinking.

He sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"You are such a lovely girl."

Helian Keke said again, "In the future... I don't know which brat will be cheaper. It's really his luck to be able to marry you home."

In the end...hehe, I was disobedient, so I secretly ate some cake, and accidentally...stained sister Keke's skirt...stained.

After he and Xing Yichen signed the contract.

Half-jokingly said, "Let me see."

Put down the pick and quit.

Helian Keke swallowed all the complaints in her mouth.Without changing his face, he praised Jiang Zhiyue, opened his red lips and said, "It's very delicious, I will learn from you in the future, insist on a glass of lemonade every day. Beauty and beauty."

But come on!
Inviting others to drink lemon juice... What kind of operation is this?
"Sister Ayue, your brain circuit...is really really strange!" Helian Keke couldn't help sighing, then reached out and picked up the lemon juice and drank it.

It's not really what she guessed, is it?
Helian Keke asked directly and very seriously.

"Okay, it must be arranged." Jiang Zhiyue snapped her fingers, then called the waiter to come over, and said to the waiter, "Did you hear that? Every day, I will prepare a glass of lemon juice for you fifth lady, remember Drink after dinner."

As Helian Rumo, the leading actor of the engagement ceremony, he was very excited at the moment.

Helian Keke frowned, with a particularly uncomfortable expression.

Jiang Zhiyue burst out laughing in her heart, and couldn't help laughing.

This news, to Helian Keke who just met a new friend... is like a bolt from the blue.

Helian Keke smiled helplessly, and could only nod in agreement.

Xing Yichen could guess what Helian Rumo was thinking just by looking at Helian Rumo's expression.

Helian Rumo secretly slandered Xing Yichen in his heart.

Jiang Zhiyue stared at Helian Keke meaningfully.

Here, Jiang Zhiyue and Helian Keke are at war with each other.

It's really a sad thing.

I thought to myself... Jiang Zhiyue already has a boyfriend at such a young age, and she is still single.

Jiang Zhiyue's small appearance, obedient and clever, nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Hey hey... Actually, there is no need to wait for the future."

Keeping her legs straight, she stretched out her hand, saluted Jiang Zhiyue very seriously, and said directly and forcefully, "Okay, I promise to complete the task."

Sighing sadly, and honestly, he opened his rosy mouth and said, "It's like this, Sister Keke.

"Just now, my boyfriend told me not to run around." Jiang Zhiyue smiled a little guilty, looked around, and then whispered in Helian Keke's ear: "Hey, sister Keke, Let me tell you one thing, when you see my boyfriend later, tell him that I didn't eat anything, okay? "


No wonder it's so endearing.

A cup was placed in front of her, and a cup was given to Helian Keke.


The waiter is also: "..." Good guy, who is this Miss Jiang?Let them, Miss Fifth, take it so seriously, and even sacrifice themselves...

Is Xing Yichen a brat?

She also gurgled and drank a big glass directly.

Helen Keke's words.

One cup was not enough, and I thought I could drink two more.

Hearing what Helian Keke said, Jiang Zhiyue nodded in response without thinking.

Jiang Zhiyue clasped her hands together with sincerity on her face.

The whole face is full of guilty little expressions.

Then, Helian Rumo asked Xing Yichen curiously, "I remember two years ago...you seemed to have a girlfriend, why haven't you seen her in these two years?"

No... You agreed to be single together, why did you just get out of the single?

Xing Yichen and Helian Rumo were also in dire straits.

The beautiful eyes blinked and blinked.

"Okay, it's okay, sister Ah Yue... I won't tell your boyfriend about him."

Asking others to drink orange juice, fruit juice, we have all seen this method.

Sister Ayue, I'll just flatter you, so you really take it seriously, right?
Oh my god, if I drink it every day, won't it make her sour? ?

Jiang Zhiyue said these words with a smile, and then said.

"That's unnecessary, we'd better...sit down and eat something!" Jiang Zhiyue cleared her throat, looking left and right.

She, Helian Keke, couldn't refuse Jiang Zhiyue's cute eyes, nor could she say something that hurt Jiang Zhiyue's heart.

Then, Jiang Zhiyue couldn't wait to ask Helian Keke.

Helian Keke was dumbfounded the whole time, and her jaw dropped in shock.

Hearing that Jiang Zhiyue was in a happy mood.

The waiter's gaze hardened.

Helen Keke was speechless.

She smiled, like a little fox, very cunning.

Helian Keke could only congratulate her sincerely from the bottom of her heart, smiled, and said, "Well, it seems. Sister Ayue, your relationship with your boyfriend is very good. Do you want to... give I introduce the introduction?
Me and your boyfriend, can we get to know each other?
Let me see you, sister Ayue, how does Jiang Zhiyue look? "

Well, she has nothing to say as a single dog.

We sat together, drank tea and chatted.

besides!Also, hahahaha, Helian Keke actually said that the famous heir of the Xing family——

A pair of eyes reflected Jiang Zhiyue's face.

Seeing Jiang Zhiyue's cute little expression, Helian Keke couldn't help touching the top of the little girl's head, and then asked, "Why?"

Why do you feel... this matter, you can hear the meaning of being very spoiled from it?

Helian Keke stopped smiling and stopped moving.His piercing gaze swept over directly, and he immediately understood what the little girl was thinking.

Very skinny.

Sure enough, ordinary people really can't drink something so sour, Jiang Zhiyue is really different from ordinary people.

It feels like my teeth are getting sour.

She silently looked at Helian Keke, the fifth young lady of the Helian family, who instantly felt distressed.

Helian Keke gave a wry smile, and instantly felt that the dress on her body was not fragrant.

After chatting and chatting, we talked about getting married.

Whoops, this is really funny.

Helian Keke smiled weakly, and could only nod helplessly, "Alright sister Ayue, I will also insist on drinking a glass of lemonade every day."

Why does she... feel like she was forcibly stuffed with a pile of dog food? Hey! ! !
The other party rejected your dog food!And overturned the table.

So Jiang Zhiyue directly pulled Helian Keke, and went back the same way, and walked to the place where she ate just now.

Helen Keke was so shocked that she was almost burnt out.

Very sweet.

It's delicious, but really sour.

A pair of beautiful eyes, sparkling and full of anticipation.

Opening her rosy lips, she said, "Yes, yes, sister Keke, I am already in love, and we are very affectionate."

Helian Keke looked at the little girl who was younger than herself, with a happy smile on her face, she seemed to be favored.

You deserve it for being single for so many years before you found a girlfriend.

This thing kills two birds with one stone.

Sweet and sour, hehe.

Woman, I respect you for being a man.

She hooked her lips slightly, and smiled, "Why...you can't say anything about me, so you secretly scold me in your heart?"

Helian Rumo: "..." Turn the table over!

"Sister Ah Yue... Could it be that you are already in a relationship at such a young age?"

Helian Keke instantly - I realized.

This dazzling smile directly sparkled Helian Keke's eyes.

After the sugar melted and stirred a few times, Helian Keke finally drank the whole glass of lemon juice without changing his face.

"Yo, let me see how much you like me?" Helian Keke touched Jiang Zhiyue's cheek, and also smiled, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"How is it? How is it? It's delicious." Jiang Zhiyue observed Helian Keke's actions, and waited until Helian Keke finally drank all the lemon juice.

Helian Keke sighed in her heart, then asked for two candies and put them in the lemon juice.

Say so.

Such a bad temper.

"Okay, okay, of course."

Jiang Zhiyue turned her head and said with a smile, "Lemon juice is very delicious. I like it very much."

Helian Keke: "..." No...

The two looked at each other.

Helian Rumo: "..." Damn it, talking so aggressively and fiercely, isn't it a cooperative relationship?
"I just feel very curious, just ask a question." Helian Rumo shrugged, took a sip of tea, and said, "Mr. Xing won't be so narrow-minded, right? He won't let you ask."

He muttered something in a low voice.

He drank again and again.

Helen Keke: "..."

"Okay." Jiang Zhiyue also smiled and nodded her head.

Then Jiang Zhiyue asked the waiter for another glass of lemon juice.

The taste is not bad.

Jiang Zhiyue looked down at the clock on her wrist, the time on it.

Ouch, if you compliment someone, you really just open your mouth.

His face turned green.

Helian Keke also imitated Jiang Zhiyue's appearance, gulping... took a big gulp of lemon juice.

This is a new way she accidentally opened.

Helian Keke didn't even dare to think about it, she felt very wanton and unbelievable.

Helian Keke responded to the little girl with a long silence.

Helian Keke: "..." Why does it feel like my back is getting cold?There is always a bad feeling, what's going on here, hello?How do you feel... that you have been cursed by others?
So weird.

Xing Yichen replied calmly, "My girlfriend, why do you want to see her? Do you have anything to do with her?"

Helian Keke made a promise by nodding like this.

"Maybe it's telepathy!"

At first, I was greedy, then I was not careful.Messed up a little bit, then just now.My boyfriend, afraid that I would eat the wrong food, and then something unexpected would happen, deliberately told me not to let me eat, shut up, and move my legs.

Then, he brought over two glasses of lemon juice.

Miss Wu, let's go, remember to walk well all the way, comrades will remember you.

She is indeed cute.

Therefore, Jiang Zhiyue felt that it was a good time to take this opportunity to bring her new friend Helian Keke to meet her boyfriend Xing Yichen and let them get to know each other.

Xing Yichen sneered, and put down the teacup, "Yes, I'm just so narrow-minded that I won't let you ask. Is this answer satisfactory?"

Today, can we still chat happily?
Sure enough, none of your Xing family is a good person.

Jiang Zhiyue looked distressed for a moment.

It shows that Xing Yichen has already gone to work... It's been almost an hour, and at this point in time, they should be able to finish signing the contract.

Jiang Zhiyue is so cute, she puffed her cheeks, nodded her head and said in agreement: "Indeed, I also have the same feeling, I feel that before... I was just like Sister Keke, you...we knew each other, we used to be the best like my friends."

It's okay to drink one or two sips, but... so big two glasses of lemon juice! !Just like that without changing face, drink it? ?

the other side.

Helian Keke really wanted to throw the table angrily.

Jiang Zhiyue smiled and hugged Helian Keke, "Thank you, sister Keke, you are really a good person, I like you so much! Hahahahahaha."

Helian Keke opened her eyes unconsciously, and stared straight at the little girl who was shorter than her.

Helian Keke looked at Jiang Zhiyue, the little girl's breezy smiling face.Can't help but give a thumbs up.He sighed from the bottom of his heart, "Niuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

So... this matter must not be known by my boyfriend... okay?Sister Keke, I beg you. "

In fact, Jiang Zhiyue really likes to drink lemon juice.

Thinking of the very sad days ahead, Helian Keke felt particularly sad.

Helen Keke lowered her head speechlessly, and glanced at the food on the table.

His smile became more and more indifferent.

"Mr. Helian is still, as always, able to express all his thoughts on his face. He can't hide his thoughts so much!"

Xing Yichen sighed.

It seems to be deliberately reminding something?
How could Helian Rumo fail to understand?If he pretended not to understand again, then he would be so immeasurable... that his life was really wasted, all these years.

Helian Rumo sighed slightly, and said helplessly, "Oh, it's really just a curiosity, since you don't want to talk about it, then we won't talk, let's not talk."

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