
"Why don't you talk? Since Mr. Helian is interested in this topic, it's okay for us to chat for a while longer..." Xing Yichen smiled lightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a very understanding Desirable smile.

Xing Yichen stared quietly at Helian Rumo who was sitting across from him, and then spoke like this.

Xing Yichen was unparalleled in appearance, with a domineering aura, which seemed very overwhelming.

The indifferent eyebrows, the face with a slight smile, and the smile on the corner of the mouth is a careless arc.

The pupils of the pitch-black eyes are three parts indifferent, four parts cold, and a trace of sneer.

All the emotions are all mixed together, making it hard for people to see through and understand...

Helian Rumo observed, sitting opposite him with a calm and quiet demeanor, Xing Yichen's face.

Obviously this place...is Helian Rumo's home court, Helian Rumo is the boss here, and he is the one who invited Xing Yichen to sign the contract!

But...why, do I always feel that I am always overwhelmed by Xing Yichen, a man with a mysterious mind?

"My sister is a very good girl."

He, Xing Yichen, can't care about Helian Rumo's emotions, what kind of mood he is, now he only cares about the safety of his little girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue, what kind of situation is it!
His Ah Yue, here alone, is he scared again?Will I be wronged again?Could it be... being bullied by someone?

No way, no way, there is really no one for Xing Yichen to talk about the topic so deadly, Xing Yichen...how did he grow up so big?Will you talk?
Xing Yichen really, it's easy to chat, very embarrassing, Helian Rumo's toes...

He hooked his lips and smiled again.

Xing Yichen said lazily, "It doesn't matter how good I am."

Xing Yichen lifted his eyelids lazily.

Helian Rumo didn't notice Xing Yichen's indifference towards him.

These words are also outrageous enough.

The two pretended to be brothers, shoulder to shoulder, and walked down to the scene of the engagement ceremony.

Since the two of them have not yet ended their cooperative relationship, I forgave them for the time being, and Xing Yichen spoke freely.

After about 2 minutes, three beautiful women came from the other side, each with their own characteristics, and they were all beautiful.

Say it like this.

If he didn't ask so much just now, is Xing Yichen right, he wouldn't be so fussy and talk nonsense with him here?

Jiang Zhiyue just glanced at it, then took a quick look.

So Helian Rumo, for the time being, endured all the bad thoughts in his heart.

Why did he ask angrily.

Because these three, beautiful women, each have their own characteristics, and they all look beautiful, but...the clothes...it's a bit hard to say.

Listening to Helian Rumo's words, Xing Yichen felt that something was not quite right, both overtly and secretly.

"But I, Xing, don't want to tell you."

The little girl's pretty face was flushed, and she looked at Shixian in a little bewilderment.

Don't do things that hurt friendship.

But those three women have successfully noticed Jiang Zhiyue's burning eyes.

"Of course, it's a great honor. Thank you for your invitation." Xing Yichen raised his teacup to Helian Rumo, and then said.

Xing Yichen?Don't be too young, you can't beat him!
Helian Rumo was in his heart, because the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he wanted to yell at Xing Yichen.

Xing Yichen watched with great interest, Helian who was sitting opposite him was like ink.

Jiang Zhiyue chicken pecked Mies, nodded her head, and said in a firm voice, "Okay, sister Keke, since you have something urgent, you should go quickly, I can take care of myself by myself, thank you I really care about you, sister Keke!"

Of course, Jiang Zhiyue didn't wear such bold clothes, so she was a little shy.

He nodded indiscriminately, and said directly, "Let's go, let's stop standing here like an outsider, let's go in first, my sister... seems to be over there? Let's go, Mr. Xing, let me take you to meet my sister."

Helian Rumo: "..."

Jiang Zhiyue bit the straw.

Xing Yichen moved, picked up the teacup very seriously, and took a sip of the tea. There was a hint of interest in those black eyes.

Jiang Zhiyue said goodbye indifferently, and took another sip of lemon juice, which was sour and sweet, and she was very satisfied.

Too much, too much! !
Damn is not too hateful?

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out.

Helian Rumo sighed, it can be said that he was very speechless and helpless.

Because just now, Helian Keke suddenly walked away, saying that there was something urgent.

Helian Rumo is weak, pitiful, helpless, humble... and can still eat! !
He Lianrumo suppressed the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath, then raised his head, stared at Xing Yichen opposite him very seriously, then opened his mouth and said, "Okay, take Then I will definitely go to participate at that time, thank you too, Mr. Xing."

Today, Xing Yichen made Helian Rumo suffer a little grievance, and in a few days, Xing Yichen will make Helian Rumo fall into a big hole, and he can't even get up! !
Hehe, these despicable methods, he is very connected, as a veteran in the mall, he knows all of them, such a routine.

Learn to be patient temporarily.


In the end, Xing Yichen was just like, let alone, this is obviously to play with him, hehe, it's really annoying! !
He Lian was like ink, Xing Yichen, who was almost broken by skin, spit out a mouthful of old blood out of anger.

Jiang Zhiyue narrowed her eyes cutely, her beautiful pupils were full of smiles!
Helian Keke nodded and said good, and left with the waiter.

He asked helplessly, "So who is your girlfriend...?"

Helian Keke was very worried, Jiang Zhiyue said to this, "Sister Ayue, you must take care of yourself here alone, and don't make stupid mistakes again, do you hear me? I'll be back in 10 minutes, continue Chat with you, okay???"

In this way, Xing Yichen's tightly held heart will be completely relaxed.

Don't know at all, how to solve this topic.

Very hard to get.

The conversation has come to this point, and he doesn't ask, and he doesn't ask.

See it at a glance.A pretty little girl.

He just smiled and praised sincerely, "It's really well done, many people have been invited, it's really lively."

Helian Rumo cleared his throat, coughed twice with one hand on his face, quietly, looked at Xing Yichen's expression, and then said, "Okay, since Mr. Xing's kindness is hard to get over...hey, I, Helian That’s right, respect is worse than obedience!”

However, it is useless, Helian Rumo said in his heart that Xing Yichen will not be heard by God, and no one can come to save Helian Rumo, Helian Rumo can only continue to stand here, and Xing Yichen Laughing and chatting.

Helian Rumo: "..."

I couldn't help feeling nervous in my heart, so the words I said also had thorns, just like roses, beautiful and thorny.

"Mr. Helian, you are too polite. You don't have to be so polite with me. Being able to be friends with you... is my luck, Mr. Xing." Although Xing Yichen was smiling, his expression was half-smile .Very indifferent.

Xing Yichen didn't know that Helian Rumo was so good at acting and had so many thoughts in his mind.

Oh, hehehe, like this, life is really too tiring!

The two of them, on the surface, are still partners.

Helian Rumo looked at him speechlessly: "..."

Helen Keke reminded her over and over again.

"Then what about Mr. Xing? When and where do you plan to hold the engagement ceremony? Look at the way it looks just now...you are very nice to your girlfriend, how is it? Then invite me to attend it?? "Helian Rumo remained calm and brought the topic to Xing Yichen's mysterious girlfriend.

Smiling like a gentle scum, shrewd and cunning like a fox.

Xing Yichen's humiliation today, I will definitely repay Xing Yichen a hundred times in the future! !

My hands are so itchy, and I feel like hitting someone in my heart.

What he responded to Xing Yichen was...a long silence.

He Lian Rumo is, very extravagant, extravagant, just a simple engagement ceremony, once the stage is set up, it's done, spending hundreds of millions, and it starts to be held.

Helian Rumo really said, "Okay, since Mr. Xing doesn't want to talk anymore, then I, Helian, won't continue to ask. Since we've settled this matter now, why don't we just stay here?" , continue to attend my engagement ceremony? How about it? Do you agree?"

Helian Rumo also said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Xing, we can do it too, we don't need to continue talking about this topic, because, indeed, I'm not that curious, who is your girlfriend?"

He Lian Rumo gritted his teeth, thinking in his heart.

"How is it? Mr. Xing, isn't the engagement resume I prepared good? Looks like it?"

Cute winked.

"It seems...it's my own business, so I don't need Mr. Helian to worry about it, thank you, but...my engagement ceremony...will definitely invite Mr. Helian to attend, after all. ... We are partners, best friends, don't you think so? Mr. Helian."

Xing Yichen, this old fox! !It's really cunning, just don't drop the words on the ground.

The three of them walked side by side, and most of them walked up to Jiang Zhiyue.

But it can't be done.

Jiang Zhiyue herself didn't notice it at all.

He was secretly cursing in his heart.

He just wanted to quickly find his little girlfriend, Jiang Zhiyue. w
Xing Yichen must see with his own eyes that his little girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue is safe.

As Helian Rumo walked, he praised his biological sister Helian Keke.

Helian Rumo really has nothing to do with Xing Yichen.

He didn't really want to hear it.

"Then where should I go? Since Mr. Helian is confused, I, Xing, must answer Mr. Helian's doubts. That's fine.

What can I do?I can only forgive Xing Yichen temporarily!

Today, Xing Yichen dared to lie to him like He Lianrumo, let him stay in that pit, another day, Xing Yichen would definitely let him go even more.

Helian Rumo thought so in his heart.

Almost from the ground, a very large castle was cut out! ! ! ! !
Save me, save me, someone, save me!
On the surface, Helian Rumo was calm, but deep down in his heart, he secretly called out loudly, hoping that someone would descend from the sky at this time to save his dog's life, completely stay away from the devil Xing Yichen, and he would not even say a word devil! !

It was said that Helian Rumo's head was getting bigger.

Helian Rumo was also silently digging a hole for Xing Yichen.

He Lian Rumo was speechless again: "..." So...he and Xing Yichen, their brotherhood is all fake, right? Today, can we continue to chat happily?

The necessary skills for a successful man - is to learn to endure, and the word "herringbone" is the first!
Only then will a hero be created!
Helian Rumo walked silently behind Xing Yichen by himself, brainwashing himself crazily.

I just thought in my heart, run away quickly, Xing Yichen is a devil-like person.

My boyfriend Xing Yichen misses Jiang Zhiyue...


Quiet and elegant.

The more Xing Yichen thought about it, the more terrifying he felt.

I really convinced you, the sixth child.

Why, Xing Yichen is so hateful?Don’t talk about it, don’t talk about it, and deliberately throw out the topic, let him ask, he can ask if he asks, and ask with dignity, in fact... This kind of sexual behavior is not good, but since the other party’s kindness is difficult , then he will ask.

Otherwise... it's just so unclear, it ended this topic, and got a handle, but let others say that it's me, Xing, who is wrong. "

The smile doesn't hit the bottom of the eye.

In this world, why is there such an over-the-top person like Xing Yichen?

Helian Rumo fell into deep confusion.

Xing Yichen looked around, but he didn't see his little girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue, where did he go?

Helian Rumo: "..."

Xing Yichen's demeanor is elegant and elegant.

He was thinking in his heart that it would not be a gentleman not to avenge this revenge.

He smiled on the surface.

One of the women asked, "What's your name? Why are you here alone?"

Jiang Zhiyue was inexplicable, and felt that the three of them were not kind, as if they had a lot of hostility towards her. Jiang Zhiyue was not a fool, she could clearly feel this hostility, so she lowered her head calmly .

He smiled and asked, "Do you know me?"

The three beautiful women shook their heads together, opened their mouths quickly and said, "I don't know you, but we really want to get to know you. So just... tell us your name."

The three women said in unison.

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