Chapter 162
Jiang Zhiyue said with a proud face.

"But... it's the first time I've met you. Why, do you have to say that you are my elders? Could it be... are you all very old? I really can't tell, the makeup of the sisters... look at it So comfortable and docile. Didn’t expect, is it already very old? How old can it be? Is it three or forty years old? Or four or fifty years old.”

Jiang Zhiyue's small mouth, the crackling words are really chilling.

The three women were all stunned.

Jiang Zhiyue, this little girl's mouth, why is she so sharp?

It really left them speechless.

Even still bewildered.

The three women and sisters squirmed in their mouths, not knowing what to say to refute.

They are obviously very young!

and! !
She is also in her 20s.

What is it called?This is called losing his wife and losing his army.

Jiang Zhiyue puffed her cheeks and waved her hands indifferently, "It's okay, I'll digest it in a while."

You are serious about what you say.

Zhou Haiwei: "..."

Jiang Zhiyue suppressed a smile and said expressionlessly, "Left Qinglong, right White Tiger, add 250 in the middle."

The two people next to me couldn't hold back.

Tired, no love, destroy it!

Cheer silently.

Jiang Zhiyue sighed slowly.

I really guessed every word.

Jiang Zhiyue shrugged again, and said with her mouth curled up.

The more Zhou Haiwei thought about it, the more frightened she felt.

Zhou Haiwei whimpered and said, "I want to too, but I have a tear incontinence constitution, and I want to cry when I speak!"

Zhou Haiwei, who was watching on the sidelines, said, "...Oh...wonderful...that makes sense..."

Li Chunzhen: "..."

And Li Chunzhen... this vicious woman.

she came out.

This bitch...can't read minds, can she?

Li Chunzhen waited, the three women looked at each other, and couldn't help reaching out to touch their own face with makeup.

Where did this little girl say, so old? !

The three of them were stunned and stunned when they heard this.

Obviously just now...

With all his teeth and claws, he said, "You really don't know good people. It's too much."

That's the kind of person who does one thing to the face and another to the back!

It doesn't matter what they are thinking in their hearts.

Jiang Zhiyue drank a glass of lemonade with a calm face.

In the mouth of 37 degrees, why do you say such exaggerated words?

If it were someone else, they would have already slapped them with a big mouth.

Some also felt speechless.

As the saying goes, if you shoot the first bird, and Zhou Haiwei is scolded, that woman Helian Keke will directly make fun of her, and then she will offend Helian Keke, and even Helian's family.

Outrageous, really.

Why, would you say such a thing?
Just listening to it made everyone laugh out loud.

But... the other three people who were ignored care very much.

I couldn't help but said, "You know... the three of you, what do you look like now?"

like what?
These three words appeared in their minds.

There is a feeling of 'it's cold, Wang Po'.

It has to be said that they accidentally guessed the truth of the matter, but there was no reward.

But... you guys are here to stalk me.Makes me feel speechless and unbearable, so ah...

That short sentence hurt Zhou Haiwei so much.

But pushed her, Zhou Haiwei, into the fire pit.

Did she go too far?Not too much.

Sisters, you all deserve to hear what vicious words come out of my mouth, you have to listen carefully!Learn it hard, these are skills that you will never learn until you die. "

The three women looked at each other.

Zhou Haiwei was obviously stunned for a moment, her tears stopped flowing, and she asked directly in puzzlement, "How do you know... what I think?"

The sound is a bit like howling ghosts and wolves.

Jiang Zhiyue was obviously stunned.

Mei'er couldn't bear this pain.

No way, no way, cerebral thrombosis is about to happen.

There is a saying that goes well, you can insult me, but you cannot insult my personality.

She swished coldly, and smiled, a sneer.

Meier also: "..."

"Little sister, I warn you, you can eat more food, but you can't talk nonsense." Mei'er said this, gnashing her teeth, grinding her teeth and then said viciously, "You will always pay for today's behavior. at all costs."

"Hey, you little girl, how do you talk? Why are we three or 40 years old? We are obviously very young, okay? We are all young girls who are 20 years old and a flower! Let me tell you, don't Nonsense!"

He murmured, "I'm so young, how can I look like a 40-year-old woman? What are you talking about? It's just nonsense. Damn it, it's so hateful."

At this moment, Jiang Zhiyue has completely ignored these three people.

Looking at it this way, she seems to have drank a little too much!
But it doesn't matter, anyway, the cup is quite small, and Jiang Zhiyue didn't drink much.

Damn, this sentence is really too much.

Could it be... Is what I acted so vulnerable?Let Li Chunzhen guess, and it will be broken!

My own acting skills are justified. Could it be... Li Chunzhen really thinks so...that's why she let Zhou Haiwei take the lead and scolded the little girl directly, and then Li Chunzhen looked at her and the little girl and the two of them , the jade clam competed, and Li Chunzhen took the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman.Pick up cheap directly.

Meier felt particularly wronged in her heart, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

There should be a BGM at this point.

It's better not to kill them, just forget it.

"Hehe, I've seen people begging for beatings, I've seen people begging for beatings, that is, I've never seen people begging for scolding like you.

But Jiang Zhiyue, in front of the public here, said that she looks like an old woman in her 40s and [-]s.

Here she comes, here she comes, and he comes with a stereo.

Only then did I realize that the three of them were here, chatting in a mess, and another 10 minutes passed.

It's really knowing people, knowing their faces, but not their hearts.

Mei'er glared at Jiang Zhiyue angrily, and spat out a few words from her flaming red lips.

This reminded Jiang Zhiyue of a classic horror movie.

Now, it was Zhou Haiwei's turn to make a move.

Although...the makeup on their faces is very heavy, but they...can't tell it. They look like they are 50 or [-] years old. Could it be...Jiang Zhiyue said that on purpose to annoy them?Just to drive them away, so that's the purpose of Jiang Zhiyue.

Look at this fairy, on behalf of the moon to destroy you!These three are vicious women who are doing evil.

I just like that you want to reason with me, but you can't talk to my son.

The voice was very indifferent.

Sorry, I really couldn't help it.

I think no one can be scolded like this anymore, still standing there, completely ignored again.

The hairs of those who listened stood on end.

So this little girl filmed!Her eloquence!Where did you learn it?Why are you so slippery?What I said really pissed people off to death, so angry that I had a myocardial infarction.

It's not that she said... These women are really very good at acting!

Meier directly opened her mouth to refute.

This woman, Li Chunzhen, is really hateful and vicious.

Really broke the defense.

Jiang Zhiyue smiled coolly.

"If it weren't for the three of you, who walked in front of me inexplicably and provoked first, I wouldn't talk to you like this, and I would respect you very much.

Raise favorability in front of Helian Keke, be a good person, hehe, Li Chunzhen thinks beautifully.

She was out of breath from crying, with snot and tears in her hands.

Li Chunzhen: "..."

He reprimanded loudly, "Zhou Haiwei!! I have never seen you so cowardly before, but when you meet this little are so cowardly, tell me, do you not want to provoke her? Are you afraid of getting into trouble? Afraid of offending her, she told Ke Ke about it... Then won't your life be easier? I know what you think, that's how it is, you are too much, Zhou Haiwei, let's break up our relationship!"

Three 40 years old?God!Still 50 years old?
Let alone that.

In an instant, Zhou Haiwei felt as uncomfortable as a child, squatting on the ground and crying directly, crying loudly.

Ah ah ah ah ah!unacceptable.

Wake up, your brain is fine, right?

Meier is really mad, who can bear this?
So, Mei'er held back the anger in her chest.

No benefit was lost, and even caused a commotion.

Jiang Zhiyue pointed her finger unceremoniously, and Zhou Haiwei, who was standing in the middle, finally couldn't hold back her laughter and said, "Hahahaha, do you know? You look like a [-] now!!! You're really ugly. "

It's really funny.

Zhou Haiwei completely ignored her image as a lady.

She's here, she's here, and he's coming to do something.

She glanced at the time.

Because of her eyes, it was placed on the table, on top of several cups, which were filled with the lemonade she drank, and the rest.

Li Chunzhen clenched her fists.Zhou Haiwei was pulled fiercely from the ground.

Li Chunzhen is so unwilling, really unwilling, so unwilling.

Jiang Zhiyue crossed her hips, couldn't hold back for a moment, and laughed maniacally.

The more Zhou Haiwei thought about it, the angrier she became, the more she felt that this was the way it was.

Come on, fight to the death!
They're just so slick.

They gave each other a look.

In a short sentence, in their hearts, it sounds... It really hurts them very much.

"That...Miss have already drank five glasses of this lemonade, are you sure you want to continue drinking?"

Zhou Haiwei felt even more indifferent in her heart.

"Hahahaha, you can't beat me, it's just that powerful."

This sentence made Li Chunzhen directly break the defense.

After standing here for so long and talking for so long, it turned out to be such a result in the end.

Simply shameless.

They have seen irritating people, but they have never seen such irritating people.

Jiang Zhiyue shrugged helplessly.

Obviously, they were so good before, but now Li Chunzhen is doing it for the benefit.

Angrily glared at Li Chunzhen who was pulling her.

So scheming.

They couldn't bear it at all!
You can't control yourself.

Young man, don't talk nonsense.

Just follow behind.

Li Chunzhen dragged Zhou Haiwei, opened his mouth and said, "Don't cry, why are you crying? Isn't it just being scolded 250? Renren is over, why are you crying? Stand up!! Continue scolding her! Go back! Don't coax you! She is only allowed to scold you, but you are not allowed to scold her? Scold me!!"


The expression on Li Chunzhen's face changed so quickly that Zhou Haiwei was caught off guard.

Jiang Zhiyue was completely stunned.

Obviously, Li Chunzhen is a good sister with Zhou Haiwei on the surface, but behind the scenes... she is secretly plotting against her, ha ha.

"So, why are you still standing here? Didn't I scold you enough? Didn't I wake you up? Do your ears still want to be scolded?"

Really, stand up. "

Where did I say something wrong?
Jiang Zhiyue complained silently in her heart.

Taking a deep breath, he pretended to be calm and said.

Not leaving after being scolded, still stubborn here, dead stubborn.

Li Chunzhen froze for a moment, helped Zhou Haiwei up again with concern, and asked intimately, "What's wrong with you, Weiwei?"

Zhou Haiwei entered inside and swore that she would never allow it. Li Chunzhen's idea was proven successful.

Suddenly, a famous sentence came to mind.

Don't ask a woman's age casually, and don't say it casually.

When Zhou Haiwei thought of this, she smiled coldly.

Zhou Haiwei was gearing up and walked out aggressively.

This is the biggest secret.

Mei'er snorted twice, with a frightened expression on her face, raised her eyebrows at Jiang Zhiyue, and said triumphantly, "I advise you to take care of yourself."

Jiang Zhiyue doesn't care, I will make a move!

What is it called?This is called chicken-and-egg beating, and it burns your basket.

It's just looking for trouble.

With a direct push, Li Chunzhen was pushed aside.

The onlookers at the side finally couldn't bear it anymore.


Jiang Zhiyue finished complaining in her heart, and looked at these people silently.

Thinking of this, Zhou Haiwei looked at Li Chunzhen in a daze, as if she didn't know this person anymore.

Jiang Zhiyue's current appearance is like that of Xing Yichen.

"This... Sister Meier, what you said is too much." Jiang Zhiyue slightly hooked her lips, showing a smile, "I call you sister to respect you, but you... insist If you say that about me, then I’m speechless, so don’t blame me, and I’m not polite to you.”

After Meier finished talking about her confusion, she caressed herself again and touched her face, feeling a little unbelievable in her heart.

Their brain circuits are too weird.

drank so much.

Zhou Haiwei wiped the tears off her face calmly.

Take a deep breath.

Zhou Haiwei squeezed out a smile abruptly, and said to Li Chunzhen who was pulling her.

"I'm fine. Do you think I'm in trouble? Don't you guess what I'm thinking? Why do you still ask me if I'm okay? Do you think I'm in trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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