Chapter 163
"Li Chunzhen, you really disappoint me."

Zhou Haiwei shook her head in disappointment, opened her mouth and said.

Zhou Haiwei never thought that the friend she trusted would be such a person.

It is clear that she and Li Chunzhen are the best friends, but now, because of interests, they have parted ways, and this situation has resulted, it really makes people feel very chilled, very cold, and very uncomfortable .

Zhou Haiwei felt that her whole body was uncomfortable, and it was difficult to breathe.

Zhou Haiwei's heart ached, she was almost out of breath, and because she cried just now, she was in a particularly low mood, right now.He opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath, but it was not enough.

There was a strong sense of suffocation surrounding Zhou Haiwei.

It made her feel that her heart was flustered, and she didn't know what to do to solve this matter.

Zhou Haiwei could only do this, staring at Li Chunzhen in a daze.

I was so lost that I couldn't even speak.

"Weiwei, it's already this time, don't be stubborn anymore, and listen to me, okay?" Li Chunzhen was very helpless.

This breath, of course, also affected others.

Li Chunzhen lacks social experience, has never experienced the hardships of life, and does not know the suffering.

Pretty funny.

Sure enough, sure enough, there is no eternal sisterhood.

Now it seems that it is just my own wishful thinking. "

He opened his mouth and said, "What's the matter... can we talk about it when we go back? Here... so many people are watching."

Whether you are wrong or not?Li Chunzhen directly took the initiative to admit his mistakes, and quickly ended the farce, saving others from seeing them and laughing at them.feel them.Like a clown, perform acrobatics here.

Why... are you so angry all of a sudden?All right, all right, Weiwei, stop making trouble, so many people are watching.It was so embarrassing.Our two faces... are not glorious, so.I admit it!
It's all my fault, I admit it, I apologize to you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, please, be good, Weiwei, don't look at me with such obedient. "

No pain No gain.


Li Chunzhen temporarily dumped the blame on her, Zhou Haiwei, how could she, Zhou Haiwei, take the blame directly?

Li Chunzhen gestured frantically to Zhou Haiwei with his eyes.

Helpless face.

Sometimes emotions come out of nowhere.

Was stunned by Zhou Haiwei.

Zhou Haiwei didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back.

He even directly disregarded his face and made a fuss in front of the public.

"There are so many people here, what's the matter? It's all because of you, Li Chunzhen. If you don't solve it here, where do you want to solve it? Let me go back with you, you have a good idea."

Go on to say:
"Okay, since you are determined to break up with me, then break up with me, but...if you want to, look back at me, I am still here, Weiwei...I am still your best friend. I will always and forever , all regard you as my friend."

Zhou Haiwei's expression made Li Chunzhen frightened and terrified.

Because Li Chunzhen is insidious and cunning.

Embarrassing for several people.

She sighed.

The whole person exudes a low, depressed breath.

Li Chunzhen looked at Zhou Haiwei on the ground with a smile that only a winner would have.

Push Li Chunzhen away directly, open his mouth and curse.

Tell Zhou Haiwei not to embarrass her like this in public.


Throw all the blame on Zhou Haiwei.

Li Chunzhen was really speechless.

She clearly hinted so clearly, yet Zhou Haiwei discovered her thoughts again...

Li Chunzhen.Can she bear being questioned like this?She can't stand it.

Li Chunzhen could only be very helpless, and tightened Zhou Haiwei's hand.

After Li Chunzhen said these words, she took out a tissue and wiped it off gently. The tears on her face, pretending to be strong, looked at Zhou Haiwei on the ground.

She is so aggrieved today, Li Chunzhen should not feel better.

Who made Li Chunxin think so hard?Did you overturn your car?
You can't blame others, you can only blame Li Chunzhen herself.

"How can you say that about me?" Li Chunzhen cried, sobbing in a low voice, isn't she acting pitifully?
As if he was wronged by something, he continued to talk.


When her plan succeeded, Li Chunxin smiled coldly in her heart, let's see, her acting skills are better!

It gave Li Chunzhen a very headache.

Li Chunzhen should also suffer.

But Zhou Haiwei was unmoved.

Zhou Haiwei smiled coldly, with a cautious expression on her face.

Zhou Haiwei had a tense facial expression.

Still can't beat her Li Chunzhen.

Pretending to be innocent, he persuaded in a low voice.

I was amazed in my heart.

Li Chunzhen also looked at Zhou Haiwei in surprise.

Since Li Chunzhen was the first to provoke the incident and had a dispute with Jiang Zhiyue, it is necessary to pay all the price for what he did.

This woman Zhou Haiwei... what exactly does she want to do?
Li Chunzhen guessed all kinds of thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't guess what Zhou Haiwei was thinking.

Isn't Zhou Haiwei slapping Li Chunzhen in front of others by saying this and doing so?
Now, Zhou Haiwei and Li Chunzhen are really embarrassing.

In Li Chun's heart, thousands of emotions were brewing, but now he was directly blocked by Zhou Haiwei, and he was speechless.

Zhou Haiwei said that the last few words were almost roaring.

What is this move called?This trick is called - preemptive strike.

The heat is almost up.

"And, Weiwei, you spoke in such a fierce tone, you yelled at me. This appearance... really made me very sad, very sad, I thought we could be good friends for a lifetime!

"Weiwei, what's wrong with you? You didn't make it clear to me, saying these things here... are you accusing me? What did I do wrong? Can you tell me?"

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

There is a saying that goes well, innocent people... will not end well.

Zhou Haiwei.

Some things, once started, cannot end.

I don't care what you say or do. I'll slander you first and put the blame on you, Zhou Haiwei. This matter has nothing to do with me, Li Chunzhen.Who cares what other people think of me?Now they are all targeting you.

My friends have scolded her like this, but she still chooses to forgive. She is really a good person, a very good person!
The passers-by who were watching ate big melons one after another.

So that's it, talking in a crackling voice.

The present scene is the retribution she deserves for Li Chunzhen.


His gaze was extremely cold.

She thinks of you in her heart, she doesn't feel ashamed, but I feel ashamed too.

Zhou Haiwei's heart is already very cold. Zhou Haiwei has been killing fish for ten years at RT-Mart. Zhou Haiwei's cold heart is as cold as a knife.

But Li Chunzhen's thoughts are too naive.

All vented out.


Only profit is on top.

Li Chunzhen uttered a lot of words of apology with crackling mouth, nodded indiscriminately, and admitted all his mistakes.

Li Chunzhen felt that his face was glowing red at this moment.There is a burning sensation.

Hehe, let's see who gets scolded worse! ! !

Zhou Haiwei, just listening to Li Chunzhen's words, became more and more indifferent in her heart.

In just a few words, I picked myself up clean.

Never expected that Zhou Haiwei would lose the chain at a critical moment.

Li Chunzhen was also very sad. She lowered her head and looked at Zhou Haiwei on the ground.

It's very annoying.

"Weiwei, I regard you as my best friend. I have given you so much sincerity. I am so close to you. You actually said this about me today, saying that I have a heavy heart. How can my heart be heavy? up?
I am so good to you.What am I drawing?I just want to be the best friend in the world with you, but you are doubting me. "

Return the pot to Li Chunzhen.

No matter what kind of things Li Chunzhen did to her, Zhou Haiwei had to choose, and she would not forgive Li Chunzhen.


You think you are innocent, so you don't have to be scolded?No, no, it just so happens that the most innocent people are the easiest to be scolded.

When Li Chunzhen said this, he succeeded and attracted the attention of many people.

So Li Chunzhen made a conclusion.

Disgraceful, it really is.

"Li Chunzhen, what kind of person are you? Am I not clear enough? What do you want me to suffer by saying this now?"

Li Chunzhen slightly raised the corners of his mouth, feeling that he had won the scolding battle.

Trying to stabilize Zhou Haiwei's mood.

Wasn't Zhou Haiwei very unintelligent before?She has used it so many times without finding any problems, but only this time today...

Zhou Haiwei laughed coldly.

Is this interesting?

Li Chunzhen was stunned by Zhou Haiwei's loud questioning.

She has to learn to fight back.

"I still paid for this relationship wrongly."

The expression immediately panicked.

"I just said that, and I deliberately slandered you, what can you do with me?" with a frightened expression.

I also feel that this person's heart is really generous.

Angry Li Chunzhen.

Only after experiencing one after another and growing up, will one become a master.

It's like a ghost crawling out of hell, coming here for revenge.

And Li Chunzhen is such a naive person.

Zhou Haiwei laughed coldly.

While talking, Li Chunzhen innocently squeezed two tears and fell out.

Just like the wind, when it came, there was no sign, but when it left, it caused a big wave.

It makes people feel sorry for her even more.

Hehe, just Zhou Haiwei, just a stupid woman.

Zhou Haiwei's sudden betrayal made Li Chunzhen absolutely unexpected.

Li Chunzhen, thinking about it, couldn't figure out why they were two sisters, so two good friends! !

Li Chunzhen didn't want to face such a scene of being ridiculed, so he just wanted to.End everything quickly.

He yelled out all the grievances and resentments in his heart.

On Li Chunzhen's face with heavy makeup, the expression on her face was shocking and incredible, and she was still wondering why Zhou Haiwei suddenly said that?What did she say wrong to make Zhou Haiwei so angry and excited? ? !
Li Chunzhen said that she was very confused.

Zhou Haiwei made a decision directly in her heart.

It made everyone's heart feel like being ruthlessly grasped and pulled by a palm, making them unable to breathe in pain.

Li Chunzhen remained calm, watching the expressions on the faces of the people around him.I am even more convinced that this trick of my own has really worked.

It was like being slapped severely by someone.

I only heard Zhou Haiwei say one word at a time, "You pushed me out just now, didn't you just want me to take the blame? I told you the beauty of your thinking.

Zhou Haiwei was expressionless.

He said very stubbornly, "Let's just break up the relationship!"

Li Chunzhen's thoughts were all guessed by Zhou Haiwei.

Li Chunzhen showed a very sad and disappointed expression, and muttered to himself.

There is also a saying.

To be an innocent backer?
What about being pointed at by others?

Li Chunzhen, you are just using me, there is no real sisterly love, hehe, your thoughts... are really too heavy, I really misjudged you, after all these years of relationship, it is still Wrong payment. "

Li Chunzhen can't even bear this bit of hardship, so how can he become a powerful person?

Li Chunzhen's thoughts were directly written on her face. Even Zhou Haiwei, she didn't need to guess, but she could guess what Li Chunzhen's thoughts were like.

Zhou Haiwei has already been tricked once, and will definitely not be tricked a second time.

Li Chunzhen was helpless.

This brain circuit... is really the same as that little girl just now, Jiang Zhiyue, stubborn and stubborn, no matter how much you can persuade her, you can't persuade her?

It turned out to be like this... This tit-for-tat look is really heartbreaking and chilling, and I feel particularly uncomfortable.

With a stubborn face, Zhou Haiwei pushed Li Chun's hand away again.

I just want Zhou Haiwei to see clearly what the current situation looks like?Can you, solve this matter here.

"Weiwei, don't be so excited, okay? What did I do wrong? I don't understand either!

I keep talking here, talking non-stop.


Looking at Li Chunzhen is like looking at a stranger.

Li Chunzhen: "..."

She can only rely on persistence to let Zhou Haiwei choose to continue to trust her.

Suddenly it was fine, suddenly it was bad again.

He grinned and said.

Zhou Haiwei, is she finished or not?

This is even more embarrassing.

A stubborn look.

Who can bear being so provoked?

Zhou Haiwei was straightforward, she threw Li Chunzhen to the ground with all her teeth and claws, and slapped Li Chunzhen's face fiercely a few times.

After beating the person, he still felt unrepentant, and stepped on his feet again.

He said angrily, "Li Chunzhen, your ugly face is really vicious. Do you think that people will believe you if you say that?"

(End of this chapter)

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