Chapter 168
Mr. Jiang's tone also became very indifferent.

In the beginning, when his daughter-in-law Ling Lan wanted to remarry, Mr. Jiang didn't really resist.

It was very natural, and he approved of this matter, and also felt that Lin Li and Lin Yingying, father and daughter, were pretty good.

Doesn't seem like such a greedy person.

But I didn't expect that Lin Yingying, a teenage girl, would be so vicious!Not only did he deliberately target his granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue without saying anything.

Every time, after arguing with his own granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue, he ran to Ling Lan and cried.

He deliberately said that Jiang Zhiyue did something bad.

As a mother, Ling Lan is of course partial to her biological daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, but...

Ling Lan also didn't want to raise her biological daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, into a vicious girl.

So...every time no matter what her stepdaughter Lin Yingying said, she immediately thought that it was her own daughter Jiang Zhiyue who did something wrong.

Although Jiang Zhiyue...had just recovered her memory, she still couldn't accept it. She just cut off her relationship with her biological mother. This kind of thing happened.



Maybe...he could have his granddaughter Yue'er cut off relations with Ling Lan, a disgusting mother... directly.

It's like eating Xiang.

How did it get so big.

Jiang Zhiyue was very tangled in her heart.

Is this really her own daughter?How could it be so gentle and kind?
The biological daughter Jiang Zhiyue in my impression is a person with a very bad temper. Every time I say a few words to her mother, she deliberately quarrels with her, and then leaves the door. She, the mother, is not angry at all. Jiang Zhiyue, the nasty daughter, got angry in front of her and accused her of not being a good mother as a mother.

Because Ling Lan's heart has basically established her own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, she is a scourge, a vicious girl.

Mr. Jiang was dazzled by resentment, and said so many things in one go.

It really made Mr. Jiang almost lose his breath and was sent away.

He has a very unpleasant personality and is not a good person, which makes people feel very disappointed. Ling Lan suddenly heard these few words.

The experience of childhood has caused a very big psychological shadow on Jiang Zhiyue! !

"Lin Yingying, don't you feel tired after wearing the mask on your face for a long time? For so many years, I don't care about how many things you have stolen from me.

It really makes people want to knock Ling Lan unconscious, just drag her away and throw her away.

Bashing her teeth and claws, she stretched out her hand to slap Jiang Zhiyue in the face.

He had a quarrel with his mother, Ling Lan, and broke his face.

He had a heart attack and almost had an attack from anger.

Such eyes seemed to want to swallow the girl Jiang Zhiyue in front of her alive.

Jiang Zhiyue shrugged indifferently, and said fearlessly.

It was deeply rooted in Ling Lan's mind that she was a bad girl.

Jiang Zhiyue looked coldly at the crazy woman in front of her.

Lin Yingying suddenly went crazy and rushed towards Jiang Zhiyue.

In Ling Lan's heart, it was obvious that she couldn't believe it.

You two, father and daughter, actually confused her!It's your fault to unite to bully my grandpa. Remember, as long as grandpa is here for a day, this is grandpa's home!

His beard straightened with anger.

Lin Yingying also stared at Jiang Zhiyue very unfriendly.

Mr. Jiang glared angrily. There are three members of this family.

Although there are some inaccuracies in the foreword, they can still be heard. This too advanced and shocking!It's too outrageous.

He almost growled and said, "Jiang Zhiyue, why do you want to slander me? What kind of good are you? If you continue to speak ill of me like this, be careful that I will tear your mouth apart."

She is very, Jiang Zhiyue believes that she is a bad person.

He rushed directly to Jiang Zhiyue, her body.

Mr. Jiang was out of breath.

Mr. Jiang was so angry that he urgently needed to drink Suxiao Jiuxin Pill.

Oh, no, in the company, the business has been losing money in the past few years.

No one, after being scolded so hard, can... continue to maintain a smiling expression, right? ?
The three people opposite had the corners of their mouths twitching crazily, not knowing how to answer.

These are all belongings of our Jiang family, and we have the final say on how to deal with them!And you two outsiders, just pack up and leave! !

In my heart, I felt very puzzled.

Ling Lan couldn't believe even more that Jiang Zhiyue was such a good person.

Especially Ling Lan who is a mother.

Can't handle it no matter what?Really disgusting people!
Could it be that...Jiang Zhiyue came back to Jiang's house at this time, just grab the family property with her, Lin Yingying?
Although, I am not from the Jiang family.

The more Mr. Jiang thought about it, the more he felt that his thoughts were very correct.

So without stopping, he proposed this idea to himself, his granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue who had just been picked up.

Are outsiders so fragrant?
Do you trust others so much?
My own family members don't care about their family members, as if they were harming her.It's like killing her.

It really confuses Ling Lan.

The wound above her heart couldn't be filled, and it hurt until she couldn't breathe.

You little people.

Why didn't Ling Lan listen to others' advice?Do you have to be severely slapped in the face when you know the truth?
Is the face swollen from the beating?
Ling Lan is really mentally ill, unreasonable! !
A muscle, I really owe it.

Mr. Jiang was vicious, describing one thing after another what Ling Lan, a mother, did wrong.

From poor to rich.

All she wanted was to spend money, just to find her long-lost, granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue.


Why, daughter Jiang Zhiyue is not as perfect as her father said? ?



Even ignoring her own daughter and abusing her own daughter, Ling Lan is really mentally ill. He has seen countless stupid human beings!
I have never seen such a stupid human as Ling Lan.

But in fact, the mother and daughter, because of the existence of the step-sister Lin Yingying, she, the green tea bitch, interfered and secretly sowed discord.

It directly exposed the evil deeds of the green tea bitch Lin Yingying.

Before the union, Jiang Zhiyue's attitude towards her mother...

"Yue'er, look at your mother?! Such a woman. What kind of person is she? According to my grandfather, you don't have to, Yue'er, just come back and continue contacting Ling Lan. Well, Ling Lan is not worthy to be your mother at all, and she is not worthy to be a qualified mother at all."

As a result, when the mother and daughter met, either a quarrel broke out between the two, or Jiang Zhiyue chose to break the door.

But ah, this does not affect the change of attitude towards his own daughter.

I really don't know, this stupid daughter-in-law Ling Lan! !
For so many years, how... in a place like the company, in dire straits!

As a latecomer, I am indeed here... I am used to being arrogant and domineering, what do I want?Just grab it! !
But...Jiang Zhiyue, this hateful woman!
If you disappear, you will disappear, and you will continue to disappear.

Not only did Ling Lan not choose to believe his words, she even asked him back?
Jiang Zhiyue

Lin Yingying, that crazy woman, was so angry that her teeth were about to fall out.

She listened to her father, Mr. Jiang, say so many words, but she still couldn't understand.

A question of the soul was raised.

In the past two years, his health has been very bad, so he turned a blind eye to everything Ling Lan, his daughter-in-law, did.

"The key is... you guys bully Yue'er, forget it." Mr. Jiang snorted coldly, "Even, Lin Yingying, you little sword hoof! How dare you seduce Yue'er's fiancé, Wei Junze!"

How nice it would be to not bother each other!
Missing for two years, everyone thought that Jiang Zhiyue was dead and could not die again!Jiang Zhiyue appeared out of nowhere, like a fake corpse, lingering.

It's good to get out of the house.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Jiang Zhiyue lost her memory after being knocked out with a stick. Jiang Zhiyue just wanted to forget these dizzying, hateful troubles in the past!

During puberty.

And you—are all just outsiders.

Jiang Zhiyue has been an adult for so many years.

Until now, more than ten years after her arrival, Ling Lan still has this kind of thinking.

Ling Lan, the mother, acted as if she hadn't heard of it, and stubbornly believed that Jiang Zhiyue was just a vicious little girl.


It's amazing.

He was so angry that he just wanted to slap Ling Lan, a stupid daughter-in-law, hard, and let Ling Lan know what it means to have someone beyond a human being and a sky beyond the sky.

He severely punished his own daughter Jiang Zhiyue.

Mr. Jiang quickly took two quick-acting heart-rescuing pills, which made him feel better.

After so many years, her own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, knows what kind of virtues she has, as a mother, but...

In Ling Lan's mouth,

When you get the ambition, you just show your teeth and claws here, the fox pretends to be the tiger, hehe, I really think of myself as a green onion, what are you guys, believe it or not, let you clean up now?
Get out!

It just so happened that Lin Li, Jiang Zhiyue's stepfather, the super invincible Leak Picker, found a bargain.

Opening her ruddy mouth, she said, "Lin Yingying, did I say something wrong? Where did I slander you? Isn't that what you are? You are still pretending here, you are a fool."

Also completely, disregarding her biological daughter Jiang Zhiyue, she tried her best to defend herself.

You can't just speak freely, frame others, slander others' innocence, Jiang Zhiyue's conscience...wouldn't it hurt? "
Ling Lan didn't have a good impression of her own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, but now, after hearing what her father, Mr. Jiang, said.

How could Jiang Zhiyue's behavior make Ling Lan think that Jiang Zhiyue is a good girl?Where's the good girl?

But after going through it, Mr. Jiang felt that such a pile, one thing after another.

Jiang Zhiyue was very arrogant and arrogant, and said these words.

Mr. Jiang didn't even know about Ling Lan, that idiot.

It's really too shocking.

Lin Yingying endured it, she couldn't bear it at all.

He took over the company as a matter of course... and lost a lot of money.

If only the right to be a mother could be taken away.

But the performance of his mother Ling Lan in the next second made Jiang Zhiyue treat this so-called mother.

Jiang Zhiyue was very rebellious, she became a celebrity, and basically cut off contact with her family, including her mother Ling Lan, and only occasionally went home to meet her mother Ling Lan.

Why didn't you stupid yourself to death?

The more you raise the merrier.


When you came, you didn't bring anything, and when you left... Of course I wouldn't let you take everything away!

For the rest of his life, he only had these two little wishes.

This rebellious girl was mad at him.

Not angry.

"It's true, it's not that the whole family doesn't come in! The three of you...hehe, you're really a perfect match."

To grow the company...

As for the company... How much can it lose? ?How much money he makes has nothing to do with Mr. Jiang.

What happened to her was really heartbreaking.

"Since so many years...Jiang Zhiyue has been wronged so much, why didn't Jiang Zhiyue speak out by herself, but asked Dad, speak out for her?
In this way...there is even more suspicion of deceiving others. Isn't Jiang Zhiyue just slandering Yingying as a bad girl?


There is no way to change your opinion of Jiang Zhiyue.

Of course, Mr. Jiang just wanted to take care of himself and find his own granddaughter.

Lin Yingying has also been used to living a life of extravagance in recent years. If it really... belonged to the Jiang family's property and was snatched away by Jiang Zhiyue, a bad woman who came back suddenly, then Lin Yingying would get it back.

I really couldn't accept this fact, so I went crazy.

Why don't you pamper and protect your own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, instead of raising someone else's daughter? ? ?

Even more disappointed.

Jiang Zhiyue said, Yingying seduced her fiancé, did Yingying really seduce?Can you produce evidence?

Our Jiang family does not welcome you, and our Jiang family does not welcome you. "

A person like Ling Lan is not worthy of being a qualified mother at all.

It was too cruel.

But in the past few years, Lin Yingying has relied on sweet words to make her stepmother Linglan happy, so... Whenever Linglan is happy, she has given Lin Yingying a lot of benefits both openly and secretly.

Mr. Jiang was furious, accusing them of their crimes, scolding and bruising the few people opposite who were originally enjoying themselves.His body was bruised and his expression was very ugly.

Trying to destroy Jiang Zhiyue's beautiful little face.

Lin Yingying was very disregarding her image and yelled.

Let outsiders see it, and think that Lin Yingying is really crazy, and now she just happened to have a seizure, like a shrew.

It makes people feel...too unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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