Chapter 169
Lin Yingying's sudden madness really shocked everyone! ! !

Everyone was in chaos, trying to stop the crazy Lin Yingying.

Trying to catch the crazy Lin Yingying, and then save the poor little girl Jiang Zhiyue from the dire straits.

A few people came from the left, grabbing her left arm, and a few people came from the right, grabbing her right arm.

Jiang Zhiyue: ...

Weak, helpless, innocent, pitiful.

Please, come and save her!
Hurry up and drag Lin Yingying, a psychopath, away!Drag it away, drag it away now! !
"It's just nonsense, what are you doing?" Ling Lan suddenly grabbed Lin Yingying, with an angry expression on her face.

It's really embarrassing, these two daughters...

...why are you all so worried?
Her face is really lost today.

Ling Lan pulled Lin Yingying back vigorously.

She is such a stubborn person, she really won't turn back if she hits the south wall!
Ten cows could not be pulled back.

No matter what outrageous things she did, Ling Lan herself would never be able to find out that there was something wrong with her.

Since he was so young, Mr. Jiang has been treated like this by a very, irrational mother, Ling Lan, and treated like that, yet he has not been led astray, and he has not even developed a trick by Ling Lan. Tired little girl.

Then he continued talking about the grievances and injuries in his heart.

This is the price Lin Yingying has to pay when she chooses to do this kind of thing.

I really can't imagine, what is going on in this mother's mind?

But I didn't expect that Jiang Zhiyue was also a worry.

Cursing again.

After Jiang Zhiyue finished speaking, she was suddenly slapped by her mother, Ling Lan.

"Ma'am, guess where all the wounds on my body came from? You can see clearly that they are all the good daughters and adoptive daughters you think, and Lin Yingying hurt me with her own hands!!
And, with so many scars left, this...

Just to prevent Lin Yingying from going crazy.

It is conceivable that, as a mother, Ling Lan, as a mother, what she did was naturally wrong.

Hitting Yue'er, isn't that slapping the old man in the face?Ling Lan!I am really blind to let you into our Jiang family.


Very special excitement.

It's just that Lin Yingying is very good at disguising herself, she didn't show it on purpose, and she wasn't discovered by others.


Jiang Zhiyue just stood there in a daze, feeling extremely at a loss.

Mr. Jiang was so angry that his beard straightened.

What can be done?They are also very desperate, they don't want to eavesdrop, but...


Of course, this has nothing to do with Jiang Zhiyue.

I've really heard this kind of gossip, it really sounds, it's so surprising, it sounds really good!

rely on others...

ask me to say.Even Lin Yingying is not your own, why do you treat her so well?

She turned towards other people's children, but not her own! !
Really sick in the brain.

Haven't you seen that Lin Yingying pretends to be so well-behaved on the surface, but in fact, Lin Yingying has done such disgusting things behind her back. "

This servant directly opened his sleeves, revealing the mottled marks inside, all of which were densely packed wounds, some deep and some shallow, some old wounds, and some recent heart wounds.

Jiang Zhiyue was stunned.

Exactly, this is the situation.

Looking at his own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, as if he was looking at some kind of disaster.

How could he have imagined that such a small action would hurt his own daughter Jiang Zhiyue so much?
Moreover, it left such a serious psychological shadow.

And who should I ask to persuade me?

"Father!! Don't talk about me, look at Jiang Zhiyue, a dead girl, what kind of vicious words come out of her mouth? How dare she frame Yingying like that. Yingying really didn't do anything wrong, Jiang Zhiyue And there is no evidence to prove it, here, casually slandering a good person, Jiang Zhiyue, what kind of good thing is she?"

Ling Lan had already been brainwashed, it was too serious.

There is very justice, generously said.

My own granddaughter is a good girl. Mr. Jiang, as a grandfather, is naturally happy and joyful in his heart.

My granddaughter went missing and came back with great difficulty, and was beaten as soon as she came back. What is this?
Hitting his granddaughter hurts his heart! !

Some were more daring, and even directly exposed Lin Yingying's usual goodwill in front of everyone.

Backhand slap back!

So, very much, there is a need for someone to help Ling Lan and save this outrageous mother from suffering.

At the same time, I feel even more distressed, this little girl has a stubborn and rational heart.

The servant was very emotional, very unstable, and was crying.

"I really don't understand, a man surnamed Lin is just an outsider, how can he be treated like that wholeheartedly by the madam, and the madam still ignores her own daughter, is he still a person?
She was really too cold-blooded and ruthless. She even beat her own daughter for an outsider like Lin Yingying.

Ling Lan herself.

There is a saying well.

It's really brain pumping!A big brain! !

Mr. Jiang raised his palm without thinking about it.

Ling Lan is Jiang Zhiyue's biological mother.

Said very calmly.

That is, it comes from Ling Lan, a very, very irresponsible mother.

Ling Lan herself has been doing this for so many years, of course, she can't realize it, and at the same time, she can't discover her own problems.

They can't wait to just grab a handful of melon seeds, move a stool in place, sit here and continue listening!
There are also courageous, very big servants, whispering around.

Of course, Mr. Jiang couldn't stand his granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue being treated like this.

"You said... Miss, such a good person, is actually looked down upon by the madam. I don't know, what evil did I do in my previous life, and now it's on the table, like the madam, such a mother with unrighteous views... Sigh , It really makes people listen to it, and I feel sorry for what happened to the little lady."

"Ma'am, I think you... are the one who was really dazzled by the wicked, what a wonderful little lady, you are willing to beat her, after all, she is your own daughter.

A look of discomfort.

Now that everyone is here, and the most authoritative Mr. Jiang is also here, then he will make a long story short and directly expose all the vicious things that Lin Yingying has done, and silently swear in his heart
It will definitely make it difficult for Lin Yingying, a vicious and bad woman.

"Yeah, yeah, it's really a bit too outrageous, but this melon... tastes really delicious!" Several people were discussing and talking here.

It's really too distressing, this girl.

His expression was very indifferent.

If time could go back, I would definitely not agree that you married my son. "


Now, with so many people here, Ling Lan beat Jiang Zhiyue, the only biological daughter, in a fair and aboveboard manner.

But, only, a little lost.

After all, in this world, a girl like Jiang Zhiyue is really uncommon.

On the contrary, the more outsiders are, the more often they can realize this very serious problem very quickly.

Poor, she looked at her biological mother, Ling Lan, with soft and kind eyes.

"Ling Lan?!" Elder Jiang was equally unbelievable.

Yue'er has been silently enduring your abuse of her, Ling Lan!You are such a vicious woman, what else do you want? are actually in front of so many people!Slapping Yue'er in the face, Yue'er is your biological daughter, the blood left on your body, the meat that fell off, are you willing?

He had a hard look on his face, and he didn't know how to face this unreasonable thing.

My own mistakes, myself, are often difficult to detect.

At the same time, no one can save Lin Yingying.

"Oh, Ling Lan... I really didn't expect that you have such a virtue. I should have seen through you long ago." Mr. Jiang said in pain.

Jiang Zhiyue, who was slapped for no reason, imagined coldly in her heart.

No one can answer this question.

"Madam! Master, take a look... take a look." He stretched out the wound on his arm and shook it in front of several people.

And he was so vicious towards his daughter Jiang Zhiyue.

Just now, Mr. Jiang wanted to have a heart attack, but at this moment, he became sober in an instant, very rationally, and scolded his daughter-in-law, Ling Lan.

Ling Lan raises such a big white-eyed wolf, what will she do when she grows old?

... Really unreliable.

What happened to the little lady is really distressing.

His tone was passionate.

Mr. Jiang, when he thought of this, he felt very regretful.

She was right when she said that Lin Yingying's character was not good. Ling Lan, the mother who was crazily brainwashed by Lin Yingying and Lin Li's father and daughter...

I can't stand it for a long time, Lin Yingying is a vicious woman who behaves one way in front of her and another behind her back.

No, it was heard by force.

It's just astonishing.

In time, lend a helping hand.

Ling Lan listened to Mr. Jiang's accusations against her.

Because she has been treating her own daughter Jiang Zhiyue like this for so many years, so...

Give Ling Lan a favor.

Jiang Zhiyue's tone was very indifferent, crying.

Ling Lan's voice was personal, it was too loud, they didn't want to hear it.You have to hear it too, and... the kind that pricks up your ears to eavesdrop.

Everyone here will get retribution.

He lowered his head and sobbed silently.

How could you, treat her like this?Instead, he protects the outsider Lin Yingying.

Being in it, but not knowing it.

Everyone could hear every word Ling Lan said, and everyone knew what it meant?But when these words are combined, I can't understand what it is, what do you want to express?

The servants around, although they wanted to pretend not to hear, but really...

Hehe, if I had such a mother in my family, I would just bang my head against the wall to death!It's incredible, really. "

At this time, Ling Lan is still focused on Lin Yingying, that foreign child!

In fact, Ling Lan was not moved in her heart.

Always, obsessed with obsession.

Jiang Zhiyue was frightened and cried again.

I feel sorry for all her innocent experiences.

Lin Yingying is good at disguising, and one day she will directly kill herself.

It is admirable.

Only outsiders can help Ling Lan realize this very obvious mistake.

Mr. Jiang's reprimand to Ling Lan.


It's really, really unbelievable.

Ling Lan's unrepentant attitude seemed extremely retarded.

"Lin Yingying!!! Why...why did you suddenly attack me? Did I provoke you somewhere? Or, what I said was wrong?'s all your fault, why do you have to blame me? Woolen cloth?"

There is really no cure.

Jiang Zhiyue directly made Lin Yingying into a wicked person who committed a heinous crime. In fact... Jiang Zhiyue was not right. Lin Yingying was indeed a wronged person who committed a heinous crime.

How can there be a biological mother who says her daughter is a wicked person?

However, for so many years, Ling Lan has not looked for the reason from herself.

"Ling Lan!! How did Yue'er recruit you? You used to be so mean to Yue'er, and Yue'er, a silly child, has always put up with you!
Think about it because you are her biological mother and daughter, and you are her biological mother.

Now that Ling Lan was angry and slapped her biological daughter Jiang Zhiyue, it was just a matter of convenience, this action.Ling Lan had already engraved it in her bones, it was deeply ingrained, and she was used to it.

What did I do wrong again?Being beaten like this by his biological mother.

So shocking.

I couldn't cry anymore.

As a human being, you still have to rely on yourself.

This servant was also oppressed by Lin Yingying for a long time.

It would be unreasonable to be unkind to her biological child, Jiang Zhiyue.

The precious girl who is considered a treasure in the palm of my hand has received such a big grievance here with her biological mother, Ling Lan, and the most important thing is that she can't say it out yet.


The little girl tilted her head slightly, as if she was thinking...why did her biological mother treat her like this all of a sudden.

Ling Lan, an unreasonable daughter-in-law, is really blind, raising a big white-eyed wolf like Lin Yingying! !

The small appearance of being bullied maliciously by others really looks pitiful.

But it's all done by your good daughter, Lin Yingying, will you still choose to believe her?

Lin Yingying, on the surface, is so gentle, kind and caring, but in fact, she is a very vicious woman with very clever means.

Hit me and don't let me tell you.

She has been pretending to be innocent, look at her! ! "

(End of this chapter)

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