Chapter 170
Madam... Lin Yingying is a vicious woman with a vicious heart. You still trust her so much, but you don't trust your own daughter, Miss...

Ma'am, you are really blinded by Lin Yingying, a vicious person, and you can't tell what is a good person and what is a bad person. "

The servant spoke out all the grievances and grievances that had been hidden in his heart for many years.


Even, crying out of breath.Tears blurred his eyes, and his heart ached.After so many years, she has been treated like this, Lin Yingying, this vicious woman, is she finally going to reveal her true face in disguise?

Lin Yingying, is she really about to be sanctioned?

Great, really great.

In the servant's heart, he was extremely happy.

in case……

If it weren't for the current situation, he would definitely jump three meters high!

Xing Zhiyi paused, "Ah, it's her??"

Still ready to choose, Lin Yingying, an outsider, doesn't believe what her own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, and her servants say?
Sure enough, her heart.

Old Man Jiang was furious, pointing at Ling Lan's nose and yelling.

Even if your own child really did something unforgivably bad, beating a child can still be forgiven by others, but...

But it was still very fast. Within three seconds, he chose to answer the call.

"What? Do you know her?"

In this situation, the little lady has been wronged, and her cheeks are still swollen from being hit by the madam! !
The little lady is still so wronged, and the grievances on her body have not been washed away!

Completely ignoring herself, she just hit her own daughter Jiang Zhiyue so hard that her face was swollen. What does Jiang Zhiyue feel like?

He was afraid that Ling Lan's slap would disfigure his beautiful granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue.

Moreover, Lin Yingying, that vicious woman, did not get the most real punishment! !

Anyway... just admit directly that his adopted daughter Lin Yingying is a bad woman.

Oh, what a poor girl.

It's so unreasonable.

Even, it has been bullying and suppressing for a long time...

My little girlfriend, Jiang Zhiyue, was beat up like this out of nowhere. Xing Yichen, who was a boyfriend, naturally couldn't figure it out when he suffered such a big grievance.

Fortunately, God favors lovers.

The servant, the thoughts in his heart, the people present did not know why he thought so, but... If they could have mind reading skills, they could hear the servant's heartfelt voice.

Lin Yingying is such a vicious woman who wears a mask of hypocrisy.I like to do one thing to the face and another behind the back, intentionally humiliating others.

Immediately, can he eat the wedding banquet that belongs to his brother and sister-in-law? ?

Now Ling Lan's heart and eyes are full, only Lin Yingying is her adopted daughter.

It is better to choose to give up treatment!
Anyway, Mr. Jiang didn't want to continue talking to Ling Lan, this daughter-in-law who couldn't be described as just stupid.

It is really pathetic to be envied by so many people.

Xing Zhiyi's unscrupulous question made Xing Yichen silent for a second.

Obviously, his Ah Yue was a very innocent person, so Ling Lan got involved in this right and wrong struggle.

After all, Mrs. Ling Lan... is an unreliable lady!

Oh, to be strict is an old boy.

Little girl, such a big slap mark was left on her fair cheeks!The red is dazzling, the red is dazzling, the red is so red that people can't wait to restore Jiang Zhiyue's wound to its original state immediately, that kind of intact appearance.


How could a mother bear such a cruel hand to her daughter?
It is said that flesh and blood are close relatives, and flesh and blood are connected to each other.

It's just too inexplicable.

In another year, he will be able to hug the cute little nephew of Xiaoyuan Tuanzi, it is really great, I look forward to it even thinking about it.

When she went home to recognize her relatives, she was slapped severely by her biological mother, Ling Lan, indiscriminately. At this moment, half of Jiang Zhiyue's face was swollen up, and it was extremely painful.

At the same time, Jiang Zhiyue's skin was very fair and tender without being exposed to the sun or wasted by time.

Sigh... However, this is all his own choice, even if he goes the wrong way, he will bear the consequences by himself, but... Please don't, madam, let the young lady be hurt again, the young lady is always like that It's not easy anymore.

Cheerful and cute.

"Hey, brother Yi Chen, what's the matter?" Xing Zhiyi put down the pool cue and sat on the pool table carelessly.

Suddenly saw his brother Xing Yichen who hadn't contacted him for a long time, and when he called him, he was very at a loss.

But her yin, which looks so well-behaved, has never done anything bad. On weekdays, even an ant is reluctant to step on it to death.

Xing Zhiyi, a young man who killed Matt, was still playing billiards.

Definitely, I gave a thumbs up very happily, and praised, this person's imagination is really too rich, what he said is really too right, Ling Lan is such a person who deserves to be beaten.

Is Ling Lan really willing to let her own daughter be disappointed in her?
Xing Yichen is not Ling Lan.

The three of them joined forces and poured dirty water on Lin Yingying. Could it be... is it really the fault of Lin Yingying, the adoptive daughter?

Xing Yichen thought for such a long time, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Her boyfriend, Xing Yichen, has never pinched her face! ! !

and also.

Just like an egg that has been peeled off its shell, it is extremely smooth, and just a few gentle pinches will leave a very obvious mark.

"Men and women." Xing Zhiyi was shocked when he heard the news, and then asked very gossip.

Want to have other girlfriends?
Alas, his little sister-in-law Jiang Zhiyue is really pitiful. She just fell into a coma with his older brother Xing Yichen after only a short period of dating.

Mr. Jiang now only wants to take his own granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue out to live outside, away from Ling Lan, Lin Yingying, these two brain-dead, no, it's three brain-dead.

Of course, Xing Yichen couldn't bear such a violent temper, so he called someone directly.

Not a mother either.

So... for now, he can't be happy too early. What if... something unexpected happens?

From the red eye sockets, crystal clear tears fell out, like pearls, one after another.

Today, not only was I lectured by my father, Jiang Zhenhai, but also by my own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, and now...

It's just a servant, but it's okay. Are you so bold to accuse her?
What kind of evil did her adopted daughter, Lin Yingying, let Jiang Zhiyue and Mr. Jiang, including a small servant.

I don't know what to say to prove myself, so many things I said just now are not wrong, and it also proves that what the little lady Jiang Zhiyue said is not wrong.

After talking harshly to Ling Lan, Mr. Jiang took his granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue upstairs, found the anti-swelling medicine, and then applied Jiang Zhiyue's face.

She also scolded her biological daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, and slandered her adopted daughter, Lin Yingying! !

Obviously his little girl, his Ah Yue, is such a lovely person, as warm as a little sun.

My elder brother Xing Yichen already has a beautiful woman like his sister-in-law Jiang Zhiyue, could it be...

Where is this mother and daughter? ?This is simply a pair of enemies, or the kind of enemies who suffer bitterly and hate deeply, and who cannot share the sky!

How could Lin Yingying do such a vicious thing?Beat others up black and blue.

I have said so many things, is it all in vain?For so many years of forbearance, in the end, is it still fruitless?
Ling Lan is such a funny guy.

After hearing what the servant said, Ling Lan was also very confused.

Not to mention his words, the words of the wife's own daughter Jiang Zhiyue, her father Jiang Zhiyue's words!
Madam didn't listen, she was so stubborn, she didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back, how could it be so easy, she just believed what a little servant said out of her mouth?

Ling Lan still couldn't believe it.

Ling Lan began to feel sorry for Lin Yingying again.

Xing Yichen said directly, "Help me check someone."

Xing Yichen couldn't bear to pinch Jiang Zhiyue's pretty and fair little face.

Even... this is his own child, and he can beat it with his own hands.

Although the servant did not hear Ling Lan's response, in fact, he already felt a chill in his heart.

He just felt very distressed about what happened to his girlfriend, and her experience.


Seeing that the expression on Ling Lan's face became more and more indifferent, the servant felt extremely flustered in his heart, could it be...

--Of course.

He called his younger brother, Xing Zhiyi.

Jiang Zhiyue's small face was very swollen.

Is it made of cement?


As the saying goes, lovers will eventually get married, and my sister-in-law Jiang Zhiyue chose to wake up and reunite with her brother Xing Yichen, maybe...

Dangling legs, shaking legs.

And got beaten.

Don't blame him as an old man, he is cruel.

Because, Mr. Jiang, who was not in good health, was almost pissed off by Ling Lan.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhiyue managed to recover some of her past memories today.

Xing Yichen said directly: "The name is Lin Yingying."

Although Madam listened to all these words, she still had no choice but to believe his words.

How could you do such a vicious thing like planting and framing others?
Jiang Zhiyue didn't have it at all, and then framed that nasty adopted daughter Lin Yingying, Ling Lan, a mother, couldn't help but beat her own daughter Jiang Zhiyue, even to the end.

Really, Ling Lan, this stupid daughter-in-law, is really too stupid, too irritating.

While taking the medicine, the little girl was crying.

This coma, boy! !
Jiang Zhiyue lay in the ward of the hospital for more than two years, which was really distressing.

For someone as stubborn as Ling Lan, even if she was beaten.

Xing Zhiyi looked after himself, nodded on the other side of the phone, and replied, "Yes, I've met a few times before, but she's not a good girl anyway."

In his heart, he felt that just scolding Ling Lan was not enough, and he even wanted to kick Ling Lan's daughter-in-law a few more times.

Very bewildered, standing in place, stunned, looking at the expressions, a few people who are not very good-looking.

So Madam...wouldn't choose to believe him, would she?right? !
Originally, the servant was very excited and excited, but now, he suddenly seemed like a wilted cucumber, aggrieved and wronged.

In this way, to satisfy your own selfishness.

The madam still hates the little lady so much.

As for now, Ling Lan is still intact. Standing here, it's all because Mr. Jiang is magnanimous and doesn't care about Ling Lan, a despicable, eccentric, and sad villain.

It's over, Barbie q's over, his work has been wasted, and he may even be resigned.

I'm afraid that if there are any traces, it will be difficult to disappear and restore the original shape.

Treating her so excessively, her own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, deserved her. No one will take care of her when she gets old.

Jiang Zhiyue's skin was already very delicate, and in addition to being in a coma due to an accident in the past two years, she was lying in the ward.

Not too much.

asked blankly.

Mr. Jiang said such cruel words.

I couldn't believe it even more, how could such a weak girl like Lin Yingying do such a vicious thing?Someone must be there, frame her!

When Xing Yichen heard his younger brother Xing Zhiyi's answer, he was even more convinced that his little girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue was innocent!
And that woman Lin Yingying... is the most vicious woman.

...It is really a strange brain circuit.

Mr. Jiang, it's Ling Lan's honor that he didn't knock Ling Lan unconscious.

"It's really hopeless. What you did to Yue'er today, you will be wronged yourself in the future, hehe... Think back to everything you have experienced today. I hope you don't regret it."


Really, Ling Lan's brain is really one-sided, and she can't get it back no matter what.

If someone intentionally framed Lin Yingying, the adopted daughter, they would bribe Jiang's subordinates to perform a deliberate act here, a bitter trick.Deceive the lady's heart.

And Lin Li, who doesn't know anything, is just a kid with a simple job.

This is not worth the loss, it is too much.

Jiang Zhiyue is so cute, innocent and simple.

self malnutrition.

Really, in this world, among so many people, Ling Lan is the first one who is so stupid and fresh and refined.

Xing Yichen's thin lips were tight.

And, with a lot of interest, he told the joy in his heart and expressed his happy mood.

Xing Yichen snorted heavily in his heart.

Facing his younger brother Xing Zhiyi on the other end of the phone, he opened his mouth and said.

"Think of a way to find out Lin Yingying's details. It's best... there is evidence of something bad, or something else."

Xing Yichen said this to Xing Zhiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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