"What's the matter, Brother Yichen? Could it be... Lin Yingying, this hateful woman...offended you?"

Xing Zhiyi couldn't figure it out.

My brother suddenly made a phone call, as if he really had another purpose.

But of course he could do it.

Xing Zhiyi patted his chest, making it crackle.

Speaking wildly.

"Don't worry, check out Lin Yingying's details...Leave it to me! Make sure to complete the task on time, don't say anything else, in two hours, brother, I can help you with this matter." Xing Zhiyi said excitedly.

In the past, Xing Zhiyi did have a relationship with this woman Lin Yingying, at that time.

Lin Yingying got his clothes dirty, like coffee spilled on them!

What's more!Lin Yingying, this woman!Not even an apology to him!

Xing Zhiyi: "..."

After talking so much, Xing Zhiyi felt that it was still not enough, so he directly posted a circle of friends, with a strange ambiguity.

How about handing over all of them? ?

Seeing these three words on the opposite side, he was stunned.

Just wore it for the first time!It was soiled by that vicious woman Lin Yingying, so she couldn't wear it anymore.

[Look, look! !This woman Lin Yingying is really vicious to the core.One thing to the face, another thing behind the back, on the surface she is weak and weak, but behind her back she is a vicious woman with a vicious heart. If you don't check, you don't know. After checking... Oh, I'll go, this woman has too much black material. 】

Xing Zhiyi clenched his fists angrily!
I silently swear in my heart that I will avenge myself.

What this female star has done is a heinous crime!

Simply speechless.

Why... this young master of the Xing family, why is he losing his temper again?Which female celebrity provoked him?
Hey, as we all know, Xing Zhiyi's temper is not very good. It can make Xing Zhiyi so irritable. It is yin and yang to post directly on Moments. Talking about others, connoting others, it seems...

Xing Zhiyi's ridicule so openly and secretly made his friends not understand.

Looking at it this way, Xing Zhiyi, a simple boy, is actually a little cute, really laughing.

【Is it Lin Yingying?This woman is so much, so annoying, it almost annoys me to death. 】

Let Xing Zhiyi have been thinking about it for such a long time.

If Xing Zhiyi doesn't explain this truth back, if he doesn't let out the breath in his heart, he won't be able to make it through.

The person opposite: "..."

Don't say it, really don't say it, Xing Zhiyi just searched out the name Lin Yingying, and found a lot of black material on the company's intranet, I didn't expect it!
Lin Yingying, a nasty woman, has really such bad character. She is the only person with a bad outlook.

He directly took out his mobile phone to search the coffin market.

What is this man... talking to himself here?

How expensive are his clothes? They are limited to hundreds of thousands.

I just don't know what I did to make the young master so angry.

Xing Zhiyi felt that the incident of pouring coffee on other people's clothes was outrageous, and he felt depressed.

After Xing Yichen listened, his younger brother Xing Zhiyi made a nonsensical speech.

The whole person is silent.

Directly lost hundreds of thousands! !
Why is Xing Zhiyi not so angry?

【how do you know?Do you know it too? 】

Xing Zhiyi: "..."

It's too social!
Xing Zhiyi waited for 2 minutes, but still did not get a reply, so he spoke again.

Crackling, just like my elder brother Xing Yichen, telling the distress in his heart.

As if it just happened, it is vivid in my mind.

The expression is a bit mediocre.

Whose cat can type so many words?Still complaining about other people's words, it's simply... a reincarnated child prodigy!

Is it just a simple sorry and it's over?

Xing Zhiyi was indignant.

Xing Zhiyi danced and crackled his long fingers on the screen, and collected evidence that Lin Yingying was not a good girl, and sent it to his own brother Xing Yichen.

Really a super invincible big showman.

Thinking about it this way, Xing Zhiyi nodded, and answered a word very casually, and said: [Tell me, I'm free right now, I can give you 10 minutes to explain what you said clearly . 】

But in the end, is Xing Zhiyi his own brother, or is he just a fool!Xing Yichen didn't say too much about Xing Zhiyi's fussing.

That person was almost moved to tears.

Xing Zhiyi turned grief and anger into motivation, and quickly collected a lot of black material and evidence that belonged exclusively to Lin Yingying.

Xing Zhiyi can't understand this person's brain circuit, why is he so fresh and refined, but...
Since this person is so low-key, it's a bit too impolite for him to refuse.

After being stunned for a full minute, he asked incredulously.

He just died on the spot.

As he typed like this, he thought in his mind, how... could there be such a coincidence?It's incredible.

Xing Yichen said so.

Although the clothes are expensive, they are also limited editions that he saved up to buy for several months of living expenses.

I'm afraid... In this life, Xing Zhiyi will never forget Lin Yingying, a damned woman.

Just wait and see, who will have the last laugh?Especially a hypocritical person like Lin Yingying is not worthy of living in this world at all, ha ha.

Xing Zhiyi replied blankly: [Guess I believe you or not? 】

Xing Zhiyi laughed wildly!

He laughed awkwardly.

[Hahahaha, I'm actually crazy, do you believe it? 】

As Xing Zhiyi listened, he felt something was wrong.

... It's his fault, don't be polite.

When Xing Zhiyi imagined this, the expression on his face became bitter.

Really pissed him off.

Really, just find anyone, you can become a star, hehe, boring internal entertainment.

But figuratively, I directly said in the circle of friends that the entertainment in the entertainment circle is over.


【Brother Yichen, all the information I sent you is her black material, you can see, if you need anything, just contact me. 】

The more this person thought about it, the more cowardly he became, so he quickly typed to refute the rumors, what he said just now.

This, no one can bear it, right?
and so……

And typed.

At that time, Lin Yingying, a nasty woman, had high eyes and low hands, with a haughty look on her face.

It could be very serious!

He was a little unbelievable, typing on the keyboard and said, "Wait a minute, the person you're talking about...isn't his surname Lin?" 】

Ziweixing is reincarnated, this is it.

There are countless.

Xing Zhiyi felt speechless for an instant.

This damn Lin Yingying!It's really vicious! !Excessive! !
snort! !

But he only paid him 2 yuan, which was still the cost of washing clothes.

If Lin Yingying could have apologized to Xing Zhiyi in time at that time, Xing Zhiyi would not have been so fussy, but Lin Yingying did not apologize at that time, and deliberately angered Xing Zhiyi.

Xing Zhiyi raised the corners of his mouth and smiled maniacally.

And unforgivable.

What photos, recordings, videos, a series of things, and chat records and so on.

It's outrageous!It's outrageous.

What Xing Zhiyi couldn't even imagine was that Lin Yingying's personality in the entertainment circle was still that of a pure white flower.

Desperate connotation.

The person opposite, whose impassioned emotions stopped abruptly, suddenly froze. Seeing the surname of Lin, the whole person felt very incredible.

The person opposite originally thought that a big guy like Xing Zhiyi would disdain to talk to a small guy like him, but he never expected that Xing Zhiyi would be so easy, so he chatted with him.

Xing Zhiyi typed cracklingly and said: [Why, are you interested in her affairs? 】

Lin Yingying made a simple move.

He was reprimanded loudly, extravagant and wasteful, and criticized him.

So, Xing Zhiyi scolded Lin Yingying, this hateful woman, and finally... what Xing Zhiyi couldn't imagine.

How could she still be a female star?

With a hint of arrogance.

Just to make it clear.

Lin Yingying, a stupid woman, even looked aggrieved after being scolded.

With an extremely humble attitude, that person replied to Xing Zhiyi: [That's right, I work in an entertainment company, and your family also works in an entertainment company, right?You don't need to know about my affairs, you just need to know about it. This time, I came to you because of some personal matters of mine, and I want to communicate with you. 】

Please, big sister, he is a rich man. There are piles of money in his family, so much money, if he doesn't spend it himself, who else will he spend it on?
Could it be that you want to donate it?Donate all the money, do you become a beggar?
Or throw it on the road and let others pick it up?
Lin Yingying!Neuropathy!
You are so awesome, you are such a saint, why don't you pay the taxes that everyone needs to pay.

This matter was indeed Lin Yingying's mistake.

This is too unreasonable!

This baby also has small emotions, okay? !
After Xing Zhiyi finished talking about his request, he hung up the phone directly, and was about to start an investigation. It was about Lin Yingying's previous style of work.

Even Xing Zhiyi still held a grudge. Now, Xing Yichen just mentioned the woman's name Lin Yingying, and Lin Yingying's vicious face immediately appeared in Xing Zhiyi's mind!And the scene where coffee was splashed on the clothes at that time.

The man froze again.

[Mr. Xing... Actually just now... it was my cat who was typing. You misread it. It was not me who sent the message, so please don't blame me. 】

The more this person thought about it, the angrier he became, so he continued typing and said, 【You don't know! !Such a person, how bad her character is! 】

"It is indeed Lin Yingying who did something wrong, and it has nothing to do with you. Zhiyi, you don't have to be so fussy. The next time you see Lin Yingying, come and find her."

"Lin Yingying, I told you a long time ago, don't pretend to be a man, but know how to keep a low profile, but I didn't expect that after so many years, you would still be so pretending, haha, now your handle has fallen into my hands, Xing Zhiyi Li, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Brother Yichen, you come to judge this matter. Is it because I am too narrow-minded? Is it because I can't get over the hurdle in my heart, or is it Lin Yingying, a hateful woman, what did she do wrong?"

Crackling on the keyboard, typing: [It's like this, I have brought a female celebrity with me in the past two years, and she is also a relatively reliable female celebrity...]

Holding these black materials, Xing Zhiyi is as sure as a god of war.

【If you have enough time now, would you like to listen to me tell me something about me?It won't bother you too much.May I?】

Xing Zhiyi briefly described what happened when Lin Yingying poured coffee, and then he whimpered to Xing Yichen.

Some people were very curious and chatted with Xing Zhiyi in private.

Actually pretending like this? ? ?
Lin Yingying, right? !

No, no, it was really guessed.

Hey, the two of them...are enemies.

In fact, which piece of Xing Zhiyi's clothes... has been contaminated by coffee.It can no longer be worn.

It's been so long that Xing Zhiyi still remembers it clearly.

People just listen to it and feel that this woman has committed a heinous crime.

What the two of them said, it seems, maybe, it's unlikely that this female star of the Lin family is the same person!
This person did not expect that his complaints would be discovered by the other party. Who is the person who complained?
This person's heart began to panic. After all, Xing Zhiyi is a big boss. What if... it has something to do with the female star surnamed Lin who was complained about... If he speaks rudely and offends Xing Zhiyi, what will happen to him? ...

Full of shit.

This person crackled and said a lot of bad things about a female star.

[I said that the recent internal entertainment is really over. Just find anyone and you can become a female star. Hehe, the character is not good, but you can still be a star, and there are so many fans. You are really blind Eyes also. 】

Report to the police at the end.

After hearing him, the price of the clothes was revealed.

Said: [Young Master Xing, what your circle of friends said, did that woman offend you?]

Xing Zhiyi: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !
Xing Zhiyi himself is not such a narrow-minded person.

He gritted his teeth and said, 【Hurry up, say it!That woman...is she called Lin Yingying? 】

Ha ha……

Even, he was given 10 minutes to clarify this matter.

Don't do anything else.

Hi Dapu Ben ah.

But... There are too many female stars surnamed Lin in the entertainment industry.

Xing Zhiyi on the opposite side...could it be...does it really have something to do with Lin Yingying?
It's over, it's over, he's over.

Lin Yingying, just wait!
I will definitely avenge myself!

Even the typing action stopped.

Not the relationship he imagined?

Ouch, not bad.

Then he...wouldn't have to die on the spot.

Super Plus enjoy.

Very good!
This person looks like he has had chicken blood all over his body.

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