The person who made complaints about Lin Yingying frantically grabbed the keyboard and said while typing.

[Damn, you are also a victim, so am I, so am I. 】He spoke in a cadence.

He recounted fiercely, the grievances in his heart.

What Xing Zhiyi said, he was stunned for a while, and he couldn't understand it. He looked at the computer screen, and all the messages were green boxes.

Xing Zhiyi said: "..."

Is there any regret medicine... that needs to be sold?

If time could be turned back, he would definitely choose to go back to 10 minutes ago and directly block, delete, and block this very chatty and sly person, and he would never say a word to him, absolutely!right!No!meeting! !
Xing Zhiyi sat in front of the computer with a cold expression, and typed back a sentence.

【10 minutes is up, can you please turn off the microphone? 】

The person opposite: "..."

Ahhhhh, boss, boss, listen to me finish my complaints, do you understand this kind of words, the feeling of holding half of your words in your throat?I can't tell you how uncomfortable it is!

This person's mood can't go up or down.

It's just so sad.

He typed on the keyboard very aggrieved, and replied a word.

【……Oh! 】

Otherwise, Xing Zhiyi would have gotten something.

He also responded by typing: [Huh? 】

The person opposite: [Huh? ? 】

Xing Zhiyi: [Uh oh~~]

The person opposite: [Mmm tune~~]

Check your eyes and meet the right person.

The password is matched, what should I do next?

Xing Zhiyi was still reluctant to block this interesting soul.

So, he opened his mouth and said, "Okay, okay, there is no time limit, just tell me everything you know, preferably Lin Yingying, a nasty woman,

All the black material on her body. 】

Just now, although he used the company's intranet to check a lot of news about Lin Yingying, and also found a lot of black material, but.

The fly in the ointment is that the black material belonging to Lin Yingying is too light and too little, so...

He needs big news!

Xing Zhiyi, a childish kid who holds a grudge, wants to directly complain to Lin Yingying, this hateful bad woman!

Absolutely not allowed, Lin Yingying, she may come back.

Just end it all.

So, now, Xing Zhiyi would ask the opposite person this way.

The person opposite hesitated for a long time before sending a piece of information to Xing Zhiyi.

This person also knows that even if he is reluctant to send this information to the opposite Xing Zhiyi, with Xing Zhiyi's ability, he can still find this information.

Instead of letting Xing Zhiyi find Lin Yingying, why not...

He sent this information first, Xing Zhiyi read it, maybe he would give him a sum of money.

No matter, let's make some money first.

After distributing the materials, this person made a special reminder.

[After you finish reading, don't say that this information was sent to you by me. ] This person is Lin Yingying's former manager.

Because she was disgusted by Lin Yingying, she was forcibly resigned by the company.

In this way, Liang Zi was formed, and he felt resentment towards Lin Yingying.

I really didn't expect that a person like Lin Yingying, who is not good at character, even has such a big temper, what kind of face does he have to be able to hang out in the entertainment industry?
Can continue to mix it up.

If he had been Lin Yingying, he would have long since given up on it.

No one can continue this job.

This so-called manager of Lin Yingying disappeared immediately after saying the last sentence.

Xing Zhiyi sent another message to the other party, saying that he knew about it, but...he received a red exclamation mark.

This red exclamation mark is extraordinarily dazzling and bright.

As if invisible, mocking him.

is a stupid guy.

Xing Zhiyi said: "..."

Hehe, this is the first person who dared to block him.

Xing Zhiyi smiled charmingly.

It's getting cold, and the Lin family is about to go bankrupt.

Oh no.

According to the information just now, Lin Yingying is just an adopted daughter, this adopted daughter...why is she so arrogant?

Could it be that supporting Lin Yingying behind her back?

Oh, right……

If he hadn't seen it just now, it seems that the name of my sister-in-law appeared in that document...

So... what is the relationship between these two women, one surnamed Lin and the other surnamed Jiang?

Hello, isn't it, Jiang's surname? ? an ancient family of the Jiang family! !
Could it be that my sister-in-law...has any connection with this ancient family?

The surnames are the same, is it possible that the little sister-in-law Jiang Zhiyue is the only heir of their Jiang family?
But... my sister-in-law, Jiang Zhiyue, has lost her memory, so she doesn't know anything about these things!
No, why did my elder brother, Xing Yichen, suddenly want to check on this woman, Lin Yingying?

The two of them already knew the truth of the matter? !

That's why my own brother Xing Yichen called.

Explain to him why.

Let him take a good look at Lin Yingying's behavior...

thought here.

Xing Zhiyi suddenly realized that he was not stupid.

How could a child raised in a big family be stupid?

Xing Zhiyi is usually more carefree and sand sculpture, he is a sunny and cheerful boy.

But it is still reliable at critical moments.

So after thinking about these things, Xing Zhiyi non-stop, and sent some of Lin Yingying's scandals that had just been dug up to his own brother Xing Yichen.

After sending it out, he said as if he was asking for credit.

【How about it?How about it?Brother Yi Chen! !What I do must be beautiful, right?Is there anything good to reward me? 】If Xing Zhiyi is a fox, the tail behind him must be up to the sky, it's amazing! !Pure Deser.

Of course Xing Yichen also received the message that Xing Zhiyi just sent, after reading the key information.

Xing Yichen pretended not to see it, and directly blocked Xing Zhiyi, this stupid brother.

I also want rewards, which is beautiful.

The reward given to him it still too little?


So, in the city, there are still deep routines.

No matter how clever and witty Xing Zhiyi is, so what?Still can't do it, Xing Yichen is a wolf with a big tail!

Simply scheming.

Very cunning.


After Jiang Zhiyue's emotions were calmed down.

Xing Yichen gave Jiang Zhiyue a sneak peek, and it was Lin Yingying's black material in the entertainment circle.

Looking at it, I couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Zhiyue was severely confused, and looked at her boyfriend Xing Yichen wonderingly.

Curiously opened her cherry lips!
"What's the matter, Chen? What are you laughing at?"

The little girl sniffed, her nose was bright red, her eyes were also red, and she wiped it clean with tears on her face, leaving a little trace.

Xing Yichen touched the head of his little girlfriend.

Then he took out his mobile phone and showed his little girlfriend the newly received news from Xing Zhiyi.

Jiang Zhiyue stared at it carefully for a while.

I can't help it either.

Puba smiled.

"What the hell is this? Lin Yingying, a hateful woman, has so much black material? Then she is so arrogant! Isn't she afraid of being beaten by others? Alas, I'm afraid that others are looking at my Jiang family. Only because of saving face... will you let her go, this damned woman."

Jiang Zhiyue was aggressive on purpose, clenched her fist and waved it.

very angry.

"Damn it, Lin Yingying has finally caught up with this heat."

Jiang Zhiyue gritted her teeth angrily.

Obviously this is her own home, Lin Yingying, an outsider, insisted on occupying the magpie's nest and kicked her out, it was too much.

Although Jiang Zhiyue, to her fiancé, was her ex-fiancé!

They don't have that deep affection.

But on the top of the head, there is an extra green hat for no reason, who the hell can bear it?

Jiang Zhiyue couldn't bear it now, so she just waved her big hand and said to her dear boyfriend, Xing Yichen.

"Achen, post these directly on the Internet."

Now Jiang Zhiyue has completely recovered her memory, and she also remembered her identity, which is an 18-line female star.

Lin Yingying is also in the entertainment circle, and she is also a pure and innocent persona, very pleasing to the audience.

Every time, I do things secretly on purpose.

He and Jiang Zhiyue are deadly rivals.

Jiang Zhiyue was almost disgusted to death.

Now it's hard to make this nasty step-sister annoying to everyone.

How could Jiang Zhiyue miss such a good opportunity?

Without hesitation, Jiang Zhiyue asked her boyfriend Xing Yichen to do this kind of thing.

Xing Yichen didn't hesitate either.

Acting resolutely, she posted all of Lin Yingying's scandals directly, and even deliberately asked someone to buy the hot search.

Directly put the name 'Lin Yingying' to the top of the hot search.

Mr. Jiang doesn't quite understand these things that young people play with.

So I didn't pay much attention to it, and went straight out to order the kitchen to make dinner for my dear granddaughter Jiang Zhiyue.

After about half an hour, things gradually fermented.

The three people outside were also very embarrassed, not knowing how to face Jiang Zhiyue and others.

Lin Yingying suddenly received a call.

It was her agent calling.

Lin Yingying was very dazed. Recently, she didn't start a career and stayed at home.

Could it be... Are you going to accept a new script and ask her to act?

Lin Yingying hesitated for a moment, then answered the phone directly.

"Go to the trending search, you're on the trending search." The manager said in a hurry.

The voice was extremely flustered.

Lin Yingying was taken aback for a while, and was on the hot search? ?
There is such a good thing! !
Can she be on the trending search without opening?but……

Why do I feel that my manager doesn't look very happy, but his tone is very anxious. Could something be wrong?

Lin Yingying thought about it for a while, then turned on her phone, and there was a series of 99+! !

Phones are all jammed.

There is too much news, what is going on?

Lin Yingying thought about it.

Then on the phone, several hot searches were automatically launched.

All are from Weibo.

It's strange, recently.

I... I don't seem to be doing anything, why is it on the hot search?

Lin Yingying had some doubts in her heart.

Could it be... her deadly enemy?Did you buy black material to black her?so bad.

Too scheming, right?
Lin Yingying didn't forget her innocent little white flower personality, so while clicking on Weibo, she imagined in her heart that she would clarify what she wanted to say later.

The manuscript has been simulated in my mind.

All she had to do was pretend to be weak, cry and cry, and read the manuscript.

The phone froze for 5 minutes!

Finally entered Weibo.

Lin Yingying felt nervous for a while, because...

She saw some bad words.

As if her heart had been grabbed by a ruthless hand, Lin Yingying saw many, many bad things she had done before.

These are all old things. Lin Yingying herself has forgotten herself. When did she do these things?


Lin Yingying saw this now...

Weibo is full of her black material.


He also made a long summary, with thousands of words densely packed, Lin Yingying's head grew bigger after reading it.

Was it really her nasty rival who did it?

I had already destroyed all these evidences before, but... why!Now!This moment!All the black materials have been sent out?And successfully on the hot search!

...the heat is not low.

The first 20 Weibo posts are all in her name, Lin Yingying.From this we can see how bad Lin Yingying's behavior was at that time, how excited the fans were, and...

Lin Yingying knew in her heart how terrible this scandal was.

Lin Yingying couldn't hold back anymore, how could this happen?
Her mind was full of these things.

Shocked, his face was numb, and he stretched out his fingers.

Swiping the phone, looking at the malicious remarks on it.

The phone rang again. It was Lin Yingying's manager. The first call just now was hung up because her phone was too slow.

The manager's tone was hurried, flustered, and anxious.

"Look at the good things you have done, have they all been exposed?"

Lin Yingying replied directly, gritted her teeth, "I gave you so much money to buy all the news, but you actually let it out, hehe, you still dare to question me like this now. You Are you teaching me how to do things?"

As the saying goes, money can make a ghost run the mill.

Lin Yingying spent a lot of money to buy all the previous black materials and deleted the evidence.

Lin Yingying originally thought that this matter was done seamlessly, but she didn't expect it!

All the scandalous material was preserved, and at this time, all the scandalous material was put on the Internet, and she was even... made a hot search!
Embarrass her.

With great difficulty, Lin Yingying acted in all kinds of female lead dramas relying on the character of the innocent little white flower.

It took a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

Spend a lot of money to shoot!
It took so long to shoot.

There are quite a few more that haven't aired yet.

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