Chapter 173
These black materials...

After being sent out, how will I live in the future?

There are so many dramas, but none of them have been aired. Her whole body is now because of these scandals.

Isn't it all destroyed?

And at this moment, I saw some sharp comments from netizens.

Lin Yingying's pure little white flower persona can't hold back completely, and the whole people can see her so vicious appearance, so scheming, and so vicious towards people.

He must have a grudge against her and hate her very much.

Lin Yingying was so anxious that she shed tears angrily.

If you want to ask Lin Yingying...whether she regrets doing those vicious things in the future, of course she doesn't regret it, because doing evil things is very enjoyable.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect, and she got it by doing evil.

There's no other way, since I can't get popular, I can only be the president.

There is no previous goddess image at all.

But... and because Mr. Jiang, Jiang Zhiyue and others are all at home now, Lin Yingying dare not do anything too extreme by herself.

Cursing in the mouth.

There are even funnier ones.

Lin Yingying gritted her teeth, not knowing who did it.

and so.

People who get to know each other because of interests will of course disperse because of interests.

This is the result?That's it? ?
After spending so much money on you and raising so many people, all of them turned out to be fake.

Hold the phone and show it to Xing Yichen.

Have you exposed your true colors?

Jiang Zhiyue was very curious.

Compared with the excitement of netizens.

Because, Jiang Zhiyue recovered her memory, Jiang Zhiyue knew that she was also an 18th-line starlet, although she had worked very hard, she had been struggling in the entertainment circle for nearly ten years.

Ling Lan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed directly.

At this moment, Lin Yingying was punching and kicking a male servant with a small knife.

Ling Lan finished speaking, the real words in her heart.

The last one to appear, of course, is our famous female star, Lin Yingying, a scheming and white-eyed wolf.

Will not fire?

"Am I doing something wrong? What I did was not wrong. What I did was all the right things. Those people all deserved it, hehehe, now they deliberately blackmail me, just wait and see, and finally one day I will It will become popular again, a group of villains, despicable and shameless, too much."

For example, the following sentence.

"Are they arguing? Why is the loud??

What a beautiful professional female president!

At this moment, apart from the servants, there is only Lin Yingying in the living room, alone.

[Passing-by people eat melons online, hahaha, I really died laughing.I can really pretend.You don't have any garbage bags!Really misunderstood you. 】

Already tired out of breath.

In fact, she is a vicious, hateful woman.

Seeing Lin Yingying, her actions became more and more excessive.

"You bully me, you don't see me in your eyes, you are all bullying me, you are all bad people, you are all too vicious, I am not a vicious person, I just learned to fight back. You are all vicious And cunning humans... heh."

Xing Yichen grabbed the crazy little girl, "Ah Yue... calm down, I'm scared."

The adopted daughter, Lin Yingying, is gentle and pleasant, a girl who everyone loves.

You really are such a vicious person! ! ! "

In the end, that's what you did to me.

They all have a lot of love for Lin Yingying.

Sure enough... are all human beings double-faced?

A very strange netizen said.

Lin Yingying's whole state was very crazy and full of malice.

It's free and lively, don't watch it for nothing, watch others fight for free, how happy it is!
Think of it as entertainment before dinner.

Jiang Zhiyue is already emo.

[I will give you 30 yuan to vote for you, and I will ruin your deadly enemy at all costs.After years of hard work, this is the end result?Is this how you fucking repay your fans?You fucked me up?What, the seventh anniversary benefits? !Lin Yingying, are you playing with me?Lose money, nasty woman. 】

But today I finally found out.

"Look at this, you're dying of laughter."

He just grabbed the servant he had bullied and slapped him hard on the body.

Ling Lan was numb to this day.

People gave her the nickname Pure Little White Flower.

friend? !
What a ridiculous synonym.

Ling Lan's voice was loud enough to scare the servants next to her, and they all huddled together, not daring to come out of the kitchen.

In Jiang Zhiyue's heart, she was very happy that Lin Yingying finally overturned.

cheat?Could it be that it was Lin Yingying, that hateful woman.

She is vicious.Grab this servant.

Sure enough, they are all vicious people?

Jiang Zhiyue smiled, out of breath, and looked at the comments.

The mental state of the whole person is not stable, and the expression is still very dark.

His biological daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, is mischievous and loves to do evil things.

Not as she imagined.

Lin Yingying, this damned woman, is trying to grab Jiang Zhiyue's property.

[Hahahaha, I'm not crazy, leave me alone, don't catch me. 】

But it doesn't matter, Jiang Zhiyue can choose to quit the entertainment industry, return to the Jiang family, and inherit hundreds of millions of property.

There are endless.

Either it was gloating, or it was ridicule, or it was yin and yang, and finally saw Lin Yingying overturned!

Ling Lan was completely crushed, shocked and
Numb, looking at all this in front of him.

I finally don't have to endure those hateful things anymore.

Be a beautiful and rich company president~

It also successfully attracted the attention of several people upstairs.

Although all the works she performed are very special, and the plots are also very exciting and powerful, but I just don't know why?
After so many years, the company couldn't make her popular.

The whole person is broken.

There are many friends who saw the news on the Internet and called one after another.

In a sense, what about Xidapuben?

But it was outrageous, how Jiang Zhiyue put so much effort into taking and filming the film, worked so hard.

The suffering of star-chasers, only star-chasers can understand.

Still in the dark, he spoke vicious words, scolded many people directly, and said many dirty words that Ling Lan had never heard before.

Those who watch the excitement belong to the majority.

They are exhausted, working like cows and horses. Every time, when Lin Yingying releases a TV series or movie, all the fans do data, spend money, and invite others to watch it, just to help Lin Yingying win the list. Steamed buns can compete for No.1.

Everyone is a plastic sisterhood, who takes who seriously?

[Hey, who did I say?It turned out to be Lin Yingying, sister Chacha, it's been so long since I've seen you, why is it so annoying?How was it hacked by the whole network?Was he punished?Serve it right. 】

Hahaha, is it too funny?Lin Yingying pretended for so long, was she finally discovered?Really weak chicken. "

[I never thought of it!Sure enough, all the celebrities in the entertainment circle are fake, all of them are fake!Really Niubi TM opened the door for Niubi, Niubi is home!Just ask if you thought about it?I didn't expect it either!Lin Yingying paid by mistake! 】

Make her so weirdly insidious.

It's just one word to describe it, it deserves it.

It deserves to be hacked by the whole Internet now.

Ling Lan originally thought that she would come down to get a drink, but she didn't expect that when she saw such a scene, she was completely stunned!

It hurts to feel wronged.

Lin Yingying burst into tears and hung up the phone.

The expression on Ling Lan's face was extremely calm. She stood there for 10 minutes and looked at her adopted daughter Lin Yingying. She was so vicious and despicable. She used many methods to treat this male servant.

If Lin Yingying is the same person, she has done so many wrong things.

Become a real little rich woman.

Jiang Zhiyue was the second, no one dared to fight for the first.

Oh~~ Lin Yingying is so damn charming.

And don't scold people.

Jiang Zhiyue's acting skills and appearance are the face of a female star in the entertainment industry.

The servant was expressionless, enduring the pain on his body.

Commonly known as - the stubborn species who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back.

"Has your brain been kicked by a donkey? You treat others like this. What they said just now is all true, and they didn't lie to me. Instead, you have been lying to me, you have been lying to me, and then I was deceived However, I have never discovered that your true face is like this. I always thought that you were a very kind and good girl.

He could only vent his anger on the very innocent servants without thinking.

They framed you, I still speak for you, I still defend you.Partial to your side.

Jiang Zhiyue took advantage of the fact that the three people on the opposite side didn't pay attention to them, so she moved very quickly, took out her mobile phone, and snapped a few black photos of Lin Yingying.

Satisfied, Jiang Zhiyue looked at the comment section on Weibo and laughed uncontrollably.

Thinking of this, Ling Lan felt that her actions were ridiculous. She was so stubborn that she thought her adopted daughter, Lin Yingying, was a good person, but it turned out to be reality!Give her a heavy blow, let her bloody!Was beaten speechless.

"Look at you! How do you look like a young lady?"

Use a small knife to scratch the servant's skin.

Jiang Zhiyue just felt that this expression was very funny, so she took a picture of it.

There are very few people who really care about her.

It's so funny, this year's netizens can really laugh people to death!

On Ling Lan's face, which was heavily made up, the expression changed from shock and bewilderment at the beginning to horror and disbelief.

[Lin Yingying, you really made me cry to death. 】

Jiang Zhiyue just felt a little distressed.

Because of Lin Yingying's good looks and pure personality, she is very popular in the entertainment circle, so Lin Yingying's fans are also from 50 to [-] years old.

【I've seen this woman Lin Yingying for a long time. She's not pleasing to the eye. She always bullies our baby. She can really act. After pretending for so long, she finally couldn't pretend anymore. She was exposed, right?With so much black material, it's finally cool this time, right? 】

What Ling Lan thought was a perfect daughter, Lin Yingying!It turned out to be as vicious as others described! !
Behind the scenes, there really wasn't anything good to do.

Every move was unexpected by Ling Lan.

The first one to appear is our Ms. Ling Lan.

Suddenly, he saw something and froze for a moment.

Ling Lan was so angry that her whole body trembled, she was unable to choose what to say, and all the unbelievable words were said in one go.

That is, the person who just came out and exposed Lin Yingying, but Ling Lan didn't choose to believe it, and even chose Lin Yingying.

Jiang Zhiyue's heart of gossip was blazing, and she dragged her boyfriend Xing Yichen to the downstairs, carrying two small wooden benches and sitting in a row.He held his chin and watched the play.

But the imagination is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Lin Yingying murmured something in detail while cursing.

What they said was true and they were not lying to me at all.

But Lin Yingying is at home at the moment, and because she was hacked on the trending search, she is in a very unpleasant mood, so she can't control her expression management, and now she opens her mouth like a monkey.

Lin Yingying maintains her personality outside, but she doesn't have such a big expression.

Now, on Weibo, someone has quickly clarified their relationship with Lin Yingying.

The more Jiang Zhiyue looked at it, the more excited she was, she laughed so hard that her head lost her head.

It's Ling Lan! !

My two daughters really...

Everyone's goals are very different.

Being deliberately targeted by Lin Yingying for many years, her body was covered in bruises.

【Your Majesty, this relationship was ultimately paid for by mistake! ! ! 】

Lin Yingying didn't notice at all that there was an extra person behind her.

After watching it for so long, Ling Lan's heart is already very calm.

[Why are you crying so sadly?Not my nasty ex-wife.Lin Yingying, you are really too ignorant.I hate you. 】

[Whose female star is such a trash?Oh, it turned out to be from my family, who sat up in shock from dying and found that the clown was himself.Never would I have imagined that the person I have been a fan for for so long, spent so much money exhaustingly ranking, voting, chasing dramas for several years.In the end, it was nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket.It turned over!Whoops, the character design has collapsed, I don't believe in the entertainment industry anymore, the water is so deep, a bunch of rubbish, bah. 】

Jiang Zhiyue turned her grief and anger into motivation, immediately turned off her phone, took her boyfriend Xing Yichen, and went out to watch the excitement.

The retribution finally came.

But in fact, his biological daughter Jiang Zhiyue is the kind and innocent person, and his adopted daughter Lin Yingying is the vicious, dark and cunning wolf in sheep's clothing?
Did I really see the wrong person?After so many years, haven't you discovered Lin Yingying's true face?
On the contrary, she let her own daughter, Jiang Zhiyue, suffer so many grievances.

"Lin Yingying! What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

And the reputation is not very good.

Secondly, there is the poor manservant.

If you have a chance, make it into an emoticon package directly.

Who told Lin Yingying to hate her in the past, isn't she too angry now?
The main feature is a famous scene that makes people worse.

Jiang Zhiyue: It doesn't matter, I will make a move.

The little girl smiled like a fox.

(End of this chapter)

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