Chapter 174
Jiang Zhiyue, a little fox, was very cunning. He clicked and snapped pictures of the three people who were fighting. In a short while, he took hundreds of pictures.

Satisfied, Jiang Zhiyue held her mobile phone, looked at the ugly photos in the album that belonged only to Lin Yingying, and smiled even more happily.

Lin Yingying, Lin Yingying, now you are falling into my hands, ha ha.

In my domain, I am the master.

And you, an outsider, are not qualified to stay here any longer. How can you argue now?

Ugly photo in hand, I have the world.

Jiang Zhiyue recovered her past memories, and she also has some exclusive media outlets.

Their Weibo number, so Jiang Zhiyue contacted the other party directly, anonymously sent all the fresh and hot photos of Lin Yingying just taken to this paparazzi.

And, with crackling typing, [Fresh and hot photos, exclusive~~ can be published directly now! 】

This paparazzi was worried that he hadn't caught any big news.Anxious like ants on a hot pot, wandering around in the office, and then suddenly received a message from Jiang Zhiyue, and it was Lin Yingying's top searched black story! !

The paparazzi were overjoyed.

Directly transferred 100 million to Jiang Zhiyue.

He asked without blinking his eyes, 【Did this take just now? 】

Jiang Zhiyue took the money, and she was one step closer to the small goal of being a rich woman.

He happily replied, [Yes, yes, I just filmed the scene, can I still record a video for you? 】

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zhiyue moved her hands a little.

Click record, and another video was recorded directly. Then, the other two people, Ling Lan and the servant, were mosaiced. Only Lin Yingying's ferocious expression was left, which was very broken.

There is no trace of a goddess image at all.

Very funny in the video.

Jiang Zhiyue laughed hard twice.

That's great, I didn't expect Lin Yingying's photos to be so valuable.

After Jiang Zhiyue sent this video to the paparazzi, she immediately canceled her account.

It's her who did the sabotage.

That's not so good.

Maybe it's because Jiang Zhiyue just got 100 million.

It's like a pie in the sky.

Money from the sky.

It's just whoring for nothing!

Don't be in vain.


Jiang Zhiyue smiled so happily that she successfully attracted the attention of the three people over there.

Lin Yingying was in a rage right now, when she saw Jiang Zhiyue, she yelled crazily as if she was stimulated.

"Jiang Zhiyue?!! Xiaoxiaoxiao, you are laughing fart, you still have the face to smile, this matter... Did you do it?" Lin Yingying didn't care, and continued to maintain her image of a good daughter in front of Linglan , directly facing the little girl Jiang Zhiyue, and rushed over, galloping like a cannonball.

Her limbs stretched out her teeth and claws, her face was ferocious, and her expression was cracked.

The goal is to throw Jiang Zhiyue down, and then ruthlessly tear Jiang Zhiyue's face.

Why!Now she herself has been made so notorious, so embarrassing, and everyone scolds her, but—Jiang Zhiyue, a damned woman!
But such a gorgeous, glamorous, such a perfect appearance!It just makes people jealous!
...wanted to tear Jiang Zhiyue's face to pieces.


In that case, it would not be herself who would be the butt of jokes, but Jiang Zhiyue, a bitch.

Lin Yingying smashed the jar and waved directly at Jiang Zhiyue.

But what Lin Yingying and everyone else didn't expect was that Lin Yingying sprained her ankle.

Yes, that's right, in a pinch!This critical moment! !

Lin Yingying sprained her ankle.

Immediately, the whole person, especially in a panic, fell to the ground and couldn't even get up.

Firmly, the whole person is attached to the ground.

Make a particularly loud, shocking, bang!

Simply unheard of.

It is simply eye-popping.

So fucking shocked.

This show operates 666, even if the wall is not supported, I will obey you!
He couldn't beat someone, but he made himself so embarrassed.

It has to be you, Lin Yingying! !
This time, Lin Yingying became a laughing stock, making everyone laugh out loud.

A move that shocked everyone.

Jiang Zhiyue bent over laughing directly, her stomach hurts from laughing.

Jiang Zhiyue is professionally trained and can hold back.

Unless it is particularly funny, will laugh, but.

Jiang Zhiyue really couldn't bear it now!

Lin Yingying looks like a comedian!
They really couldn't hold back.

Ling Lan, who was criticizing Lin Yingying in anger, almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

Eyes are smiling.

But she didn't show her teeth.

It didn't mean to ridicule Lin Yingying, it was just simple, the teeth wanted to come out to let the air out, and the air leaked out.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I really can't help it." Jiang Zhiyue laughed, sitting on the ground, unable to get up.

I sincerely apologize to Lin Yingying.

Lin Yingying was sprawled on the ground in a very weird and awkward posture.

form a large character.

There is no image at all.

No wonder it's not funny.

Even Lin Yingying's face was pressed to the ground.

Lin Yingying was thrown into a daze.

Lie on the ground and slow down for a while.

Finally, the pain on her body reminded Lin Yingying what time it was.

Lin Yingying calmed down.

Straightforwardly, trying to support the ground, he climbed up from the ground again.

But, this person has to believe in something evil.

I have to believe in this evil.

Lin Yingying held on for a few times and tried several times, but she didn't get up.

just because of?

Her hands were broken.

The whole person is limp.

like cotton.

What is the most important thing?The most important thing was that Lin Yingying's limbs were in extreme pain from the fall.

The pain made Lin Yingying grin her teeth, she didn't know what to do for a while, and then she was ridiculed by several people, and the whole person was even more embarrassed...Stupid

Seeing the atmosphere became even more embarrassing, Lin Yingying was completely embarrassed.

The others also laughed, not knowing what to say.

After more than ten minutes, several people stopped laughing at Lin Yingying.

Jiang Zhiyue cleared her throat, and said very calmly, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry Lin Yingying, I really didn't mean to laugh at you, but I really couldn't help it, now I apologize to you, please forgive me, but ...

What you said just now is simply unreasonable.

All slander me.

I didn't do those things!

If you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow slanting. If your teammates are worried and doubt me, just check me directly. I am an upright person and have never done anything bad. No matter how you deal with me?I'm not afraid at all. "

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, obviously I just quarreled with you, Jiang Zhiyue...


How could you choose to forgive me?Not long after you went upstairs, posts about me broke out on the Internet, so much black material.

Didn't you do this?Hehe, you feel your conscience and ask yourself whether you did this.

Only you, Jiang Zhiyue, are such a vicious person.Only you, Jiang Zhiyue, can do such an abominable thing and play tricks behind your back...

Jiang Zhiyue, you are simply not human, you are unreasonable, you are unreasonable. "

Lin Yingying was completely insane, she was simply unreasonable, she said domineeringly, she didn't care about other people's feelings, and she didn't want to listen to Jiang Zhiyue's explanation.

Talking to himself, talking cracklingly.

While talking, while cursing.

It's just horrible.

Lin Yingying shook her head frantically, almost turning her head into a big rattle.


Jiang Zhiyue: "..."

Ling Lan also said: "..."

Even the male servant next to him had eyes like a pen.

Just staring fiercely like that, Lin Yingying, who was very mentally abnormal, said: "..."

In the minds of the three of them, a sentence also emerged at this moment.

"This person... is his brain really really really really okay? Is his mental state really really really stable? Really really, is there no serious illness?"

Lin Yingying, you are fine, you just eat yomei, why are you crazy here, crazy you.

If you are sick, go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, don't harm others here, okay?
This world is so noisy, Lin Yingying, it's really not good for you to be so noisy.

Please calm down a little bit, even if only a little bit OK? ? are you ready? ?
It is simply Qiong Ya's possession.

The new founder of Crazy Literature, created on the spot.

Don't miss this opportunity, never miss it again.



Crazy here.

Next, move on to the topic.

At this moment, Ling Lan finally understood that her two daughters were still good and the other bad, but...the roles had been changed.

Ling Lan pushed her away, still maintaining her vexatious Lin Yingying.

Backhand said it was another price.


I made a mistake, try again.


"Lin Yingying!! Are you sick? Get treatment if you're sick, okay? Don't go crazy here, Yue'er is so innocent, and you slander others casually when you open your mouth, are you still a human?
I have raised you for so many years and paid so much for you.You actually... that's how you repay me, Lin Yingying! !You really let me down. "

Ling Lan was also angry and hated, hating Lin Yingying for not living up to her expectations.

She spent tens of millions.

Even hundreds of millions!
Come to Lin Yingying to raise this daughter.

Still an adopted daughter.

Say the same thing.

Lin Yingyingwei's life is obedience.

But in the end!Giving everything is all in vain!

All the hard work has gone in vain.

Lin Yingying turned out to be such a person?How could Ling Lan not be angry?How could Ling Lan not be shocked?

Love is too disappointed.

Ling Lan was also very broken.

I have consumed so much manpower, material resources, and financial resources.

It worked out, such a result.

Almost gave Ling Lan a heart attack.

He kicked his legs and fell to the ground.


Ling Lan finished talking about her thoughts.

The whole person feels more transparent.

The stuffy breath that was suffocating in my heart just now.

It's all gone now.

I feel better, especially a lot.

Standing on the high ground of morality, Ling Lan ruthlessly pulled and stepped on Lin Yingying.

"Look! Lin Yingying is you, are you still that glamorous girl? You used to be so gentle and kind, look at you now! With a vicious appearance, how can you be my daughter?

It is very different from before.

You don't know how to repent, and you are still insulting others here, do you have any shame? "

Ling Lan was about to be killed by Lin Yingying, and her heart stopped beating with anger.

That's great.

Ling Lan: She's smiling on the surface... what a laughing ass, mmp in her heart.

Ling Lan went crazy, blaming her adopted daughter Lin Yingying.

I didn't bring myself into it at all.

Actually... If it wasn't for Ling Lan who doted on Lin Yingying infinitely, how could Lin Yingying be so arrogant and arrogant!

Damn Ling Lan!In fact, I did a lot of mistakes.

It's just that they are all of the same virtue.

I don't know how to repent.

Crazy, throw yourself out of the pot and shake it clean.

Without admitting it at all, it was my fault.

Just like that, Jiang Zhiyue listened to their insults.

I silently sighed in my heart, is it true that people along the way do not enter a house?

Ling Lan and Lin Yingying, these two people have the same virtue, and they shirk each other.

Hehe, fortunately she has a boyfriend now.

Xing Yichen is so upright and a good person.

Fortunately, I was not led astray.

Hee hee, it's really great.

Jiang Zhiyue thought about it wildly, if she... was as wonderful as Ling Lan and Lin Yingying, these two women, would Xing Yichen... still want her?With her?

This is an unknown puzzle.

Jiang Zhiyue bulged her cheeks.

"Stop arguing, stop arguing, it won't kill anyone unless the two of you fight."

She watched the fun from the sidelines, not thinking it was a big deal.

I was clamoring to fight in my heart, and it would be better to send them all to the hospital.

Who made these two people target her on weekdays?deliberately bullied her.

Hehe, now these two people are tearing their faces apart.

It really made her very happy.

Although one of them...was the mother who gave birth to her and raised her, but...Ling Lan did not do it. Any mother should have the responsibility to do it. Ling Lan is not worthy of being a mother at all.

Jiang Zhiyue felt a little depressed.

Muttering in a low voice.

"It's really embarrassing. It's still a rich family... Oh, that's it."

Jiang Zhiyue's mocking tone was undisguised.

It made Lin Yingying, who was already very angry, even more unstable.

Lin Yingying pushed Ling Lan away.

He walked towards Jiang Zhiyue again.

While walking, he said harsh words and spoke viciously.

"Jiang Zhiyue! You've seen enough of this excitement, you've had enough of laughing at me, now it's up to me—to end this battle."

Lin Yingying grinned ferociously and bared her teeth.

The expression on his face was very beating.

Jiang Zhiyue groaned inwardly.

Pushing it away, Lin Yingying jumped at her.

"Hey, hey, why are you so crazy? Why do you want to do something to me? Crazy, you have a rabies attack... just go eat wood, why are you biting me?"

Jiang Zhiyuexin said, Lin Yingying, a crazy woman, is really unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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