Chapter 179
When Jiang Zhiyue saw the message from her boyfriend Xing Yichen, she was overjoyed.

Holding the phone and shouting excitedly.

"Long live my boyfriend."

Then he typed a reply to Xing Yichen.

[Oh, that's great, I really didn't expect you to be willing to let others go too!It’s okay, of course we must show our affection hahahaha, abuse them well, this group of single dogs, hahahahahaha, let them know that there is a price to pay for being a single dog and a light bulb . 】

The little girl was so naughty that she almost broke her legs.

Not only did I finish typing this paragraph.

she added.

[Come on, come on, let's travel happily together!Last but not least, thank you very much, my dear and favorite boyfriend, you are my darling, I love you, okay. 】

The little girl is so naughty, what can Xing Yichen do?I can only choose to help Jiang Zhiyue, as long as it is my dear girlfriend, Jiang Zhiyue, what she wants to do, I will try my best to satisfy it, my girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue.

Let his girlfriend, Jiang Zhiyue, be able to realize her dream.

Mr. Xing, who has become a serious wife slave before getting married, Xing Yichen himself said: the sky is big and the earth is big, and his wife is the biggest.

Everything my wife says is right.

Wife, whatever you want to do is right! !

As long as he can do it, he will definitely satisfy it. His wife Jiang Zhiyue, even if it is an unreasonable request, he must satisfy all of them, because this is a qualified boyfriend and a qualified husband. to things.

My wife hurts herself, others? ?
Don't come here!


Wife yyds!

I love my wife! !
On Xing Yichen's side, he smiled dotingly at the phone, then listened to his girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue, and hung up the phone. The single dog next to him, Xing Zhiyi, seemed to have been hit hard.

Xing Zhiyi: "..."

Hey, hey, isn't it?no?You two hateful couples are so affectionate, have you considered how I feel as a single dog?I hate it to death, you two nasty little lovers, you are really irritating!

Just now... I seem to have heard some terrible news. Is there any beautiful young lady who wants to go on a trip with them?That's really nice.

Xing Zhiyi was overjoyed, hugged his elder brother Xing Yichen, patted Xing Yichen's shoulder fiercely, and then rushed out of the office in high spirits, like crazy.

Very cheerful.

Like a wild horse that has lost its rigidity, it never returns outside the office, rattling.

The sound of horseshoes.

Xing Yichen: "..."

Are you crazy?Just now, what was Xing Zhiyi, that rebellious and stinking brother doing?
Why did you pat him on the shoulder?

I really want to chop off Xing Zhiyi's dog's paws. Xing Zhiyi's single dog is too hateful. Let's just go and shoot him?
It's just shameless.

This is simply a bad luck injury from a single dog! !
Such a person should stay single for the rest of his life!
Forget it, let's not introduce a girlfriend to Xing Zhiyi, otherwise he will be pissed off.

Xing Yichen took a few deep breaths, then pinched the phone screen, looked at it, the sweet couple photo he had saved with his girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue, smiling very happily, and then, Jiang Zhiyue was kissing his side face.

The pretty little girl Jiang Zhiyue closed her eyes slightly, her face was shy, but she was still very bold, making intimate movements with Xing Yichen.

Xing Yichen felt very happy just looking at the photos.

Then, the irritable mood of this indifferent and aloof president began to cheer up.

Forget it, all these things are over, so he doesn't care.

Next, you can order others, help prepare, and travel things, so...

Xing Yichen directly sent over, the most capable assistant.

"Travel strategy. I'll leave it to you." Because his girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue valued Jiang Zhiyue very much, Xing Yichen began to look up the strategy and make a strategy manual.

Many important things have been done.

Then, record them one by one, and ask your men to go shopping, or other things.

A day like this was followed by a perfectly planned day.

And the other side.


Jiang Zhiyue and her boyfriend Xing Yichen finished sending text messages and got a correct reply.

Just happily, he talked to Helian Keke on the phone.

"Okay, okay, Sister Keke, everything is done, the task is completed... very well, so ~~ Sister Keke, you don't have to worry about other things.

Prepare some clothes, or jewelry, and when the time comes, when we go there to play, we will overwhelm everyone and kill him without leaving any pieces. "

"Okay, sister Zhiyue! You did a great job on this matter. I am really happy, super happy. The feeling of disappointment just now... disappeared immediately, now! Sister Zhiyue! You are my god!! I love you, come bobobo."

As soon as Helian Keke was happy, she couldn't control her nature, like a wild horse out of the future, unable to control... kissed Jiang Zhiyue crazily.

Jiang Zhiyue: "..."

Aha hahaha beauty kisses me.

I have never seen such a big wind and big waves. This small wind and small waves~ can still be accepted~~

Jiang Zhiyue was very natural, cleared her throat, and said with a smile.

"Yeah, I love you too."

The two girls chattered for a while, and then hung up the phone, in a good mood, ready to go on a trip.

They are all looking forward to such a grand trip.


Soon, several of them got ready and arrived at the airport.

Handsome men and women with their own characteristics.

Formed a beautiful landscape, successfully attracted the attention of most people at the airport.

They were all in their hearts, feeling one after another, there are so many handsome men and beautiful women in this world, it's not a loss to come here, it's really a happy life.

Someone was discussing in private, quietly.

"Hey, look! Look!! That girl~the youngest girl~she is so beautiful! So beautiful...It really makes my heart flutter at first glance, she is simply the perfect goddess in my heart. But... …It looks familiar, where did you see it? Oh, I can’t remember.”

There were very enthusiastic people who chattered.

Eyes stared like copper bells.

Words were crackling in his mouth.

Like a little sparrow.

Da da da.

Another person chimed in.

"That's right, that's right, where have I seen such cute girls! They are very familiar? But I just can't remember them.

Oh, I see, this cute girl is very similar to a female star in the entertainment industry, alas, it's just that the female star has too few fans, but her works are super good!

Oh yes, this girl who popped up!It’s my home—the super invincible, giant, and cute moon baby.

My God, my moon baby hasn't appeared for a long time.She has become a thing of the past in the entertainment industry. I haven't seen Moon Baby's work for more than two years.

Although... Our moon baby Jiang Zhiyue is very low-key, but her acting skills are superb.

Well, Baby Moon... suddenly appeared here today, could it be... is there any magical itinerary?Could it be that Baby Moon participated in some variety show?

But... here, it seems that there are no other directors, or follow-ups or something, and there are no cameras or cameras.I didn't even see the staff...

Hard to do.

Baby Moon, have you quietly retreated from the circle?It's really disappointing, woohoo, when I think of this, my heart hurts so much! "

The more this person talked, the more aggrieved he felt in his heart. All his years of youth were spent chasing stars, but this female star... quietly disappeared from the public's sight.

It's been so many years, more than two years, and there hasn't been any disturbance yet, and it appeared at the airport again today...

It's really hard, not exciting, and happy.

So from such a long distance, the so-called true fans were very excited and took out the small card that had been treasured for a long time.

Oh, it's been so many years, my moon baby is still so cute.

Fans imagined in their minds.

Then bouncing around, she rushed towards the perfect goddess in her mind.

"Moon baby, moon baby, here I come!"

Jiang Zhiyue was pulling the suitcase, and was almost tripped by someone with a sliding shovel!Falling to the ground, in front of the that embarrassing?It just doesn't make sense!
What is the face of her female star?

Jiang Zhiyue frowned slightly, and said directly in a low voice,

"Oops, there are assassins behind, everyone be careful. Don't act rashly."

When Jiang Zhiyue said this very suddenly, there were four of them in the team of six in an instant!All are alert, vigilant, looking around!

what? What?Where is the assassin?
Then subconsciously, he complained in his mind——

What age is this? There are still assassins in this world...? ?

No, you play us?
oh my god!

It really makes people feel very incredible, it is simply unreasonable!There is no cure! !

However, all of them raised their guards and looked around, ... but they didn't find anything wrong.

Are you thinking too much?
Could it be... I ate too much in the morning?Are you sleepwalking?

Until...they saw a group of people on the ground.

Yes...a group of people...and a girl.

A girl with bright eyes, like a hungry wolf.

Everyone said: "..."

I'm going, isn't it, what is this person doing cosplaying?
Everyone was confused.

The little fan was stunned for a moment, then jumped up excitedly from the ground.

Not at all, in front of the idol, he suddenly fell down and almost kicked the idol... This kind of embarrassment, I don't understand what this embarrassment is.

There is a saying that is very, very good.

Asking what love in the world is, it is only a promise between life and death.

...Of course, these words don't need to be used in this kind of scene, because the current scene is very embarrassing, and people can pick one out with their toes, and it's very dreamy to fight a castle.

The kind that is enough for hundreds of people to live in!

Super big, super luxurious castle.

In fact, when I think about it this way, oops, I don’t need to buy a house, and it’s quite a deal.

It's delicious.

This little fan, very generous, stood in front of the goddess Jiang Zhiyue and said directly.

"Moon baby, you are the moon baby? Right? I didn't admit my mistake, did I?"

?God, I am really, I am so happy to see the live moon baby!

Moon baby, I have been a fan of you for five years, five years, you are so cute, I like your works so much.

But... you have been in the entertainment industry now, and you have been missing for two years. You haven't released a new work for a long time. Our fans are waiting for you. Thank you QAQ!


If you don't show up again, I'm going to climb the wall, but!
Moon baby!You will always be the most perfect number one goddess in my mind!

I love you forever and ever, moon baby!

So...hehehe, can you sign my name card?This is your cutest little card. "

This very cute little fan, like.Just like magic, swipe and swipe!I don't know where to touch it, and then I took out... dozens of cards.

What the hell is this a card?

This is a bunch of cards, right?

There are only so many cards, if all of them are signed, her hand...will be broken, right?

In fact, Jiang Zhiyue still only vaguely remembers that her own job is just an ordinary female star in the entertainment industry.

But... Jiang Zhiyue has been in a coma for more than two years, and she has not signed again. She is afraid that she will give birth to her hand and make a mistake. Isn't this a waste of a card?


I heard from this little fan that this card is still very precious and rare.

Alas, she herself is not very popular in the entertainment industry, so this kind of printed card is very precious to this little fan! !
Especially since he had disappeared for two full years!
Two years!

There is no printing factory at all, which can make so many small cards for itself, so...

This kind of small card in the hands of a cute little fan is even more hard-won. In the past two years, she must have cherished these small cards like treasures!
and so--

You can't waste it even more.

Jiang Zhiyue was very generous directly, admitting that she was the female star who had disappeared for a long time——Jiang Zhiyue.

He even said that he was very considerate of the little fans.

"I have a notebook here. You can sign a lot of signatures on it, so you don't need to waste your small card here. But... If you like my signature very much, I can sign it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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