Jiang Zhiyue thought in her heart, the little girl in front of her is her little fan, she must not let her little fan down on her! !

So - you must work hard!
Jiang Zhiyue herself is very concerned about her little fans~~

Jiang Zhiyue first took out a small notebook the size of a palm.

I first wrote a few signatures and practiced my hands.

After the hands are familiar.

In a hurry, several signatures were written.

If I don't write this, I don't know, but when I write it, I'm startled, Jiang Zhiyue can't help but sigh in her heart, it turns out that her efficiency is so high! !

In just a few minutes, dozens of signatures were written.

Now you can give it to your little fans! !
This little fan, a little girl like a dumpling, was also very shocked to see her Moon Baby's movements, almost crying with joy.


Ahhhhh her moon baby!goddess!
How generous, how kind, and how caring!
If you meet such an idol—you will be a fan, right?
It's really not a loss to invest in shares.

This little fan wiped his tears, very excited and emotional.

"Wow, baby moon! Goddess of the moon!! I really like you so much, you will always be my baby."

The little fan was overjoyed, hugged it, owed dozens of signed papers, and jumped up and down excitedly.

Just like a child who hasn't grown up, innocent and innocent.

Her joyful emotions overwhelmed everyone present, and they all sighed in their hearts——

Such two-way idols and fans, the friendship between them is really touching!
Shocked and incredible.

And more!This beautiful girl doesn't play big names at all, she is a female star, a legendary female star...

It's all too much, just like two days ago, that female star, that black-red-black-red guy who was trending on the Internet.

what do you say that is?

It seems that the surname is Lin.

Lin what's going on?

Oh, yes, yes, I remembered!

It's Lin Yingying! !
Oh, on the surface, Lin Yingying is a cute and pure goddess character, but behind the scenes, she has done so many vicious things.

Fortunately, it was discovered, exposed, and reported!

It's just what they deserve, what they deserve.

Otherwise, I don't know how many people would live a pitiful life under Lin Yingying's clutches.

Sure enough, the bad guys will be punished.

A good person is liked by everyone, and she deserves it.

Although... I saw my girlfriend, Jiang Zhiyue, being so sought after and liked by the little fans.

Xing Yichen felt very happy in his heart, but... as a decent boyfriend, he was still a little jealous in his heart. My dear girlfriend really loves both men and women. Seeing Jiang Zhiyue, she would treat a girl , are so gentle.

Let yourself be a little jealous yet.

Xing Yichen was a little unhappy, he felt that he was getting emotional.

How could my girlfriend, Jiang Zhiyue, hold other people's little hands?
I was actually neglected by my dear girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue.

Hey, a little sad.

Dear girlfriend, baby, can you look back at me?

Xing Yichen looked pitifully at the two little girls who were holding hands.

Watching them play happily.

The jealous vat in my heart was about to fly into the sky.

Okay, who told Jiang Zhiyue that she is a female star?They just came out for a trip, and then they arrived at the airport. Jiang Zhiyue is just like that, popular.

But it's really sad.

Xing Yichen was aggrieved, with his head bowed, like a sad big dog, standing in place with his tail drooping.

...Praying to the master, to be able to take a look at him.

What a lovely big dog.

He even learned to be jealous.

If Jiang Zhiyue sees this, it's not necessarily true, how can he laugh at him! !
——How can the dignified president of the company be so cute?
Oh, I really want to be kidnapped and brought home!

In fact, Jiang Zhiyue was a little scared. Her good boyfriend Xing Yichen was jealous of girls.

After all... Xing Yichen's possessiveness is so strong, Jiang Zhiyue herself knows it.

So... sneakily, let go of the little fan's hand, after that.

Jiang Zhiyue turned her head sneakily again, laying her pillow on her own boyfriend Xing Yichen, not paying attention to her side, and then glanced at him frantically.

Sure enough, my boyfriend's complexion is not so good-looking.

Alas, it really didn't come as I expected.

Fortunately, this little fan, after taking a few photos with Jiang Zhiyue happily, left very tactfully and did not continue to disturb their trip.

Otherwise, it would be even more embarrassing.

In front of Xing Yichen and all the younger brothers, Jiang Zhiyue raised her white and tender palm and touched Xing Yichen's head.

Xing Yichen: "..." Wow!Ah Yue touched me, Ah Yue still has me in her heart, and I am still Ah Yue's favorite.

Other whatever man?woman?Hahaha, everyone go away go away!Ah Yue can only belong to me alone.

It also has to be mine alone.

You all give me back.

Alas, why is my girlfriend so outstanding?So popular?As a boyfriend, he wants to be jealous no matter who he sees.

They almost fell into the jar of vinegar and drowned.

But think about it in another way, I am also very good, I used to be liked by many girls, but Xing Yichen rejected them all, and I didn't feel so excited.

until later...

To his girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue, this excellent, gentle, cute, humorous little girl.

love at first sight.

There is a saying that is good.

I don't know the origin of the love, but the love is deep.

In the past two years or so, Xing Yichen has fallen deeply into his girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue.

Xing Yichen is very special, he loves his girlfriend.

It is everyone's dream to choose a girl you love, stay in a city, spend the rest of your life together, and grow old together.

And hope.

Desire, two small words, carries great hope.

Always inspiring.

So, now, Xing Yichen is looking at his beloved girl Jiang Zhiyue.

Xing Yichen was already, very satisfied.

It would be great to live together like this.


Don't worry about anything else, and don't think too much about it.

Not to mention, add pressure to yourself.

This small episode, for them, has a little pressure.

For Xing Yichen, there is also a little pressure, but...

For the others, it was just to watch the excitement.

Oh, their little sister-in-law, Jiang Zhiyue, is really outstanding, so many little fans like her?It's really not easy to like it.

They also thought that Jiang Zhiyue is a very good female star.

Then he surrounded Jiang Zhiyue excitedly.

After all, at this point in time, it was not yet time to board the plane, so the group of them found an empty seat and sat down.

They sat in rows around Jiang Zhiyue.

The first one to appear is Ms. Helian Keke, the very favored young lady of the Helian family.

She hugged excitedly the arm of Jiang Zhiyue, her god-sister.

Eyes wide open and sparkling.

Said very happily.

"Sister Zhiyue, I really didn't expect you to be so cute, so gentle, and so kind to fans. You deserve it." Helian Keke held her face and smiled, rather than being very kind and loving.

The more I look at my god-sister Jiang Zhiyue, the more I like her.

My own vision is really good. I found such a cute and excellent girl to be my god-sister, oh, even giving her Helian Keke, this sister will be smeared.

Oh, since my god-sister Jiang Zhiyue...is a female star in the entertainment industry, then I can also invest in it after I arrive, and help my good sister Jiang Zhiyue to make TV dramas or movies, so as to improve her performance. Increase the favorability of a large number of personnel!

Attract more people!
...the attention of men, women and children.

In the future, my good sister Jiang Zhiyue will have more and more fans.

Then, Jiang Zhiyue accidentally became the best female star on the whole network.

Then, Jiang Zhiyue accidentally became the cutest female artist on the whole network.

Best of all, Jiang Zhiyue is one who has accidentally become the most top, best, and most perfect goddess in the entire network.

Over [-] million fans...or over [-] million...

Oh, thinking about it this way, Jiang Zhiyue is really awesome!

Helian Keke seemed to see the future, which belonged to Jiang Zhiyue, a perfect life without regrets.


Thinking of this, Helian Keke became even more excited.

What if, Helian Keke's rightful lord——Jiang Zhiyue.

This lovely girl.

If he knew that his god-sister, Helian Keke, was so good at making up his mind, he would definitely tell her a few words.

"My dearest little sister, you have to know that there is a saying-brain supplement is a disease, and it needs to be cured."

This is a man, don't be too obsessed with brain supplements, otherwise... you will be backlashed.

Be a human being, don't be too narcissistic, otherwise... you will be beaten.

As a human being, you can have dreams, but you can't. Be a wishful thinking person, otherwise... the consequences will be very serious.

This is a person who can have dreams, have a happy life, fantasize and dream.

But it is absolutely impossible to step on other people's morality and bottom line, jump around, and be a person who dares to die.

In the end... Sent in a big prison.

That would be a crime.


Jiang Zhiyue was praised by her sister Helian Keke.

He smiled very reservedly.

The little girl smiled, her bright eyes were bright, her eyes were curved, her mouth was slightly raised, the little girl with red lips and white teeth, how cute!

Very flattering.

Helian Keke was very happy, and gave her god-sister Jiang Zhiyue a particularly warm hug.

Expressed my love for my sister Jiang Zhiyue and her encouragement.

"Come on, sister Zhiyue! Sister, I like you. You must be the cutest, most popular, and most popular female star in the entertainment industry."

"Hehe, Sister Keke praised me, I'm not that good, but... since your wish is this, then my sister, I will lend you a good word." Jiang Zhiyue was very guilty and low-key. Have a little brain.

After receiving it, my dear boyfriend Xing Yichen took two sips of the orange juice that was handed over to him.

The cool taste is very comfortable. In this hot summer, it gives people a cool and happy mood.

The little girl drank the drink happily.

With his head resting on the shoulder of his boyfriend, Xing Yichen, he was very happy and joyful.

Life...is supposed to be so happy.


Of course, everyone turned on the bragging mode.

So the second one to appear is the younger brother Xing Zhiyi.

He is also a little embarrassed, but this man...you should praise him.

Jiang Zhiyue is so popular, so he is also praised for his praise.

What if he also has a small fan, and the small fan also happens to be single, and he, a single dog, is a good match, so that the two of them can happily talk about a vigorous love, and live the rest of their lives up.

Oh, it makes me so happy to think about it.

People, you can be a salted fish, but you also have to have dreams.

As for Xing Zhiyi, the dream of this little salted fish is to marry a wife and live a good life.

Nothing else.

There is nothing left to draw.

As far as the company is concerned, you fight over it, oops, it can piss me off, it's so annoying, anyway, Xing Zhiyi also has shares in the company, and he can collect money while sitting.

One year, you can easily collect tens of millions.

and so……

In the future, Xing Zhiyi doesn't have to worry about pensions or anything, and he doesn't have to worry about his own living problems and financial problems in the future. He has plenty of money.

His money can't be spent in three lifetimes.

Whoops, it seems that I accidentally said too much, he Xing Zhiyi is already a multi-millionaire at a young age, haha, he is really not low-key.

So what?I am so powerful.


Xing Zhiyi said from the bottom of his heart, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you will become a big star in the future, don't forget me, brother, why not... write more autographed photos for me too, Let me also charge a good price in the future!"

Xing Zhiyi's idea is so good, the abacus beads can help them face.

Xing Yichen was the first to disagree.

After hearing this sentence, without further ado, Xing Yichen kicked his younger brother Xing Zhiyi's leg, but this whimsical and smelly younger brother, Xing Zhiyi, was so frightened.

Xing Yichen was thinking in his heart, Xing Zhiyi is indeed his biological younger brother, he deserves such a beating, if he doesn't beat Xing Zhiyi for a few days, he will really go to the house.

Still want to make money from his sister-in-law?
You have a good idea, stinky brother.

As an older brother, he can finally come out of the arena again.

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