Xing Zhiyi's mind was very simple, he just wanted a few photos that belonged to Jiang Zhiyue's signature, how could he think that Jiang Zhiyue's own brother Xing Yichen would do it too, so he loves to make up his mind?

In just a few minutes, Xing Yichen made up so many brains, even slandered him, and even stepped on him in public, oops, it hurts, Xing Zhiyi's teeth are about to crack, The back of the tooth is sour.

Xing Zhiyi's smoky makeup face wrinkled into a ball in an instant!
Xing Zhiyi was bitter, the grievance in his heart was really indescribable, he was a younger brother, he could only hold it in his heart.

Being beaten by the older brother Xing Yichen, Xing Zhiyi could only bear it, gritted his teeth and endured it, if it was impossible, what a fart.


It's really too painful, woo woo woo, Xing Zhiyi wants to cry, he wants to find a girlfriend, hug his girlfriend, crying QAQ is so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable.

In Xing Zhiyi's heart, that is called a grievance, that is called a grievance!

Wronged to chubby.

Aggrieved knife gas into puffer fish.

Feeling wronged, she uttered a cry that belonged to a boy.

Weak and helpless, but poor enough to eat.

Oops, thinking of this...

If Xing Zhiyi disagreed with each other, he would be hungry.

And then...


Xing Zhiyi is a guy who only gets beaten and doesn't remember anything.

It was too much, digging left and right, took out a pack of beef jerky from his pocket, and tore open the package...

It smells so good, so fragrant.

Just for a moment!

Around a few people, there is the aroma of beef jerky, because they are very strict in their diet and street stall life.

Then.I am also in the process of losing weight. At noon, I deliberately did not eat much.


Xing Zhiyi, now!

Xing Zhiyi, this guy!

from where?
Take it out, then a pack of very, very fragrant, very delicious beef jerky, oops.

From a distance of more than one meter, they could smell the aroma of beef jerky, so excellent, so perfect, it made their stomachs, gurgling, gurgling... the gluttons kept screaming!I couldn't stop from the beginning.

It's like eating Xuan Mai, it's very crazy.

They don't even have to think, or think on their toes.

I just feel that at the moment Xing Zhiyi is holding this piece of beef jerky in his hand, it tastes so good!Very fragrant! !
I am so greedy, I am so greedy, I am greedy when I look at it, I am jealous when I look at it!My saliva is drooling looking at it.

There is a saying that is very good, fragrance, soap, bubbles, there is something delicious, everyone eats together!
But ah...

This guy Xing Zhiyi, who is a searcher, keeps it in his pocket, and won't let others eat it!

Too much!

He Xing Zhiyi really deserves a beating!

Everyone come beat him up! ! !

Beat him to death.

This nasty guy who eats alone.


So... this farce ended when Xing Zhiyi was beaten.

The inexplicable beginning and the inexplicable end are really a joyful and enjoyable day!

Of course, after everyone's unremitting efforts.

Everyone also got their share, all the beef jerky that Xing Zhiyi had stored up, and all the stored food that Xing Zhiyi had secretly brought, were all given away.

Everyone ate, drank, and chatted very happily. Padding their stomachs, they didn't feel so uncomfortable and hungry.

...Only Xing Zhiyi, the world where he was injured alone, has been achieved!

Very perfect.

Xing Zhiyi sat alone in the corner, singing lonely songs, drawing circles, and cursing them.

This group of people in QAQ are simply robbers, robbers.

Too much, q aq.

He actually bullied such a weak, innocent, poor kid.

So heartless.

A big one is missing.

Heartache to the point of not being able to breathe.

I'm going to have depression.

In the beginning, Xing Zhiyi himself and Xing Yichen were just here for a trip, to pick up girls, but he didn't expect...

It was really painful to be beaten and have all the snacks taken away by others.

It's better to die, hum, I'm also a child who lacks love, chirping.

Xing Zhiyi is pitiful, looking at the group of happy and cheerful people, he feels that he has been ignored for so long, they are eating his snacks, ignoring him, and isolating him here, alone circles.

QAQ is really too difficult.

Brave Yi Yizi!Not afraid of difficulties! !

You have to dare to be alone, facing a lonely life, a lonely self.

You must learn to resist, you shouldn't be caught by them—the legendary, mysterious, ancient, and evil dark forces!

Step on the soles of your feet.

Have dignity!
Only when people have dignity can they be strong and brave.

Dignity is one's own face.

The brain is optional.


You can't do without your face.

But they are too fierce, and beating people is too painful. I am simply a person without dignity. Huh, it's too painful, I might as well die.

So much sadness.

So many tears.

I don't cry like me.

The water of the West Lake, my tears.

Sadness can literally flow upstream.

It's Xing Zhiyi's emo time.

He is, after all, a lonely king.

Bah, it is a non-mainstream.

A real sophomore boy.

And which one is the late stage of the second disease.

Xing Zhiyi sadly raised his head, 45 degrees, looking up at the sky... Ah, no.

It's looking up at the ceiling.

The stubborn tears in the corners of his eyes represented his self-esteem.

"It's not me that's wrong, it's the world."

Xing Zhiyi touched his left eye with one hand, slowly, very slowly, and covered his left eye.

A morbid smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.


Like a demon crawling out of hell.

The smile is very perverted.

"'s not's this world...hehe...destroy...hehehe...I'm going to destroy all of you."

"...It's better for all of you to disappear! Hahahahaha—! Ahhh! Brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I'm sorry, forgive me!"

Xing Zhiyi is immersed in his superb interpretation.

But he didn't expect that a big mouth fell from the sky, and his face was slapped, almost crooked.

This is a beating from my own brother.

——The legendary dunk on your head.

Xing Zhiyi felt it very strongly. He felt that what was slapped on his face, contained in this slap, was strong, coming from—the strength of his brother Xing Yichen and his love for his younger brother.

This punch...

Simply, Xing Zhiyi was going to be beaten to death.

Simply, if Xing Zhiyi was still in his body, the flaming soul of Secondary School would be blown away with a single slap.

Simply, Xing Zhiyi's insanity was about to be brought out.

Oh, no, Xing Zhiyi should be turned from a hot-blooded boy in the late stage of Secondary School Disease to a normal and beautiful boy.

At this moment, the expression on Xing Zhiyi's face faded.

Their relationship almost broke up.

The boat of friendship is overturned.


Xing Zhiyi's inner OS—thanks to my brother for the slap.

Thanks to the old iron 666.

Just awesome.

Woke him up completely.

Seems to be smart too.

Hey, this punch is incredible, Xing Zhiyi, his head is no longer dizzy, his face is no longer hurting, and even his heart is not beating.

Hahaha, isn't he just admitting a dead person?hehe.

Alright, alright, Xing Zhiyi admitted.

This punch hums, but it hurts in his body, does it hurt in my brother's heart?
...but it really hurts so much that my face is almost swollen.

People are really sad.

Xing Zhiyi is like Lin Daiyu, soft and weak, holding his heart.

A pair of eyes filled with tears.

Xing Zhiyi knew that his elder brother, Xing Yichen, would always love Xing Zhiyi, this younger brother, deeply.

—— Well, actually, Xing Zhiyi has made up too much of his brain, Xing Yichen doesn't have such a kind heart, there is no one who is so merciful, Xing Yichen is simple, and he can't understand Xing Zhiyi, this stupid human being, who is so in the way.

This stupid little brother is too much.

There are so many scenes and so much to be beaten, not to mention going past him and asking his girlfriend for an autographed photo.

It's too much, my uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it!

Will Xing Yichen beat Xing Zhiyi?It's strange~~
If Xing Zhiyi got into trouble and didn't get beaten, hahaha... a sow could climb a tree.

I witnessed the whole process of Xing Zhiyi being beaten.

Jiang Zhiyue.

I didn't feel scared, or the mentality of being killed and silenced.

Instead, chewing beef jerky in his mouth, and then OS in his heart: boy!ah!Brain tonic is a disease, it needs to be cured!


The story is almost over here.


For the few of them, the new journey has just begun.

In the future, there will be a better life.

No, just stop it like that.

Their lives should be full of vigor and vitality.

Dare to be taller than others.


Soon, a group of people took the plane and arrived at the beautiful sea.

Unfortunately, however.

Jiang Zhiyue is airsick.

After getting off the plane, Jiang Zhiyue got into the bathroom, plunged into it, and couldn't get out.

Big Tut!The sky was dizzy from vomiting, the head was dizzy, the eyes were tense, and the small face was pale, like a person who had just died for several days.

Jiang Zhiyue was crying, and got into the arms of her dear boyfriend, Xing Yichen, crying and crying with red eyes: "... oh my dear~~ This is too uncomfortable~ My stomach is so uncomfortable, my head is so uncomfortable. It hurts."

The little girl is dressed in a frail appearance, which is loved and loved.

It is very easy to arouse people's desire for protection.

Especially want to protect her.

Xing Yichen is such a cute girl.

There is still no one to protect, so what should I do?

Xing Yichen was very caring, gave Jiang Zhiyue motion sickness medicine, and then boiled delicious water.

Jiang Zhiyue trusts her boyfriend very much.

Without saying a word, he stretched his glass, gulped, and drank a large glass of water.

After just a few minutes, Jiang Zhiyue felt that she was herself, refreshed, no dizziness, no head pain, no stomach pain, and now her heart stopped beating...


It's a curse on yourself.

Jiang Zhiyue shook her head, her jet-black hair stuck to her cheek.

The little girl looks soft and weak, very cute.

Xing Yichen felt even more distressed.

"How is it? Ah Yue drank the medicine, is it better? Is my head still dizzy? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Xing Yichen didn't open his mouth, he didn't know.As soon as he opened his mouth, he was startled.

Now this time, this place!

When Xing Yichen opened his mouth, so many caring words, like pouring beans, sputtered out like flowing water.

It was like saying it countless times in my heart.

It's very natural.

Xing Yichen himself felt that it was no big deal, and his own words were all very positive words, but...

It was different to the little girl Jiang Zhiyue's ears, her boyfriend Xing Yichen actually cared so much about her.

Oh, in my heart... I'm a little lucky, a little shy.

She is really a good, happy girl.

My boyfriend Xing Yichen is really a good person.

Jiang Zhiyue shook her head slightly.

He said happily to his dear boyfriend Xing Yichen.

"Ah~ Chen~ I was so dizzy and uncomfortable just now, my stomach was so uncomfortable, and I felt like vomiting, but...after drinking the medicine you gave me, I didn't feel so uncomfortable. Thank you so much. Chen~ You are my treasure! You are so kind, how should I about your kindness?"

Xing Yichen stared at his little girlfriend very affectionately.

There is a saying that is good, check your eyes, and meet the right person.

Xing Yichen looked at the little girl with a shy smile on her face.

Like a flower bud, it is in bud.

very beautiful.

The little girl herself didn't seem to feel that she was very beautiful.

Her beauty is very aggressive.

But she herself is beautiful without knowing it, and she has a carefree personality all day long, treating everyone fairly.

She didn't take her own, this beautiful face, seriously.

Very low-key.

This maybe...

That's why fans of Jiang Zhiyue love Jiang Zhiyue!

Xing Yichen deeply gave his little girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue a big hug.

Said in a low voice.

"I don't ask for anything else, I just want you to be safe and worry-free."

"Ah Yue, if you can be happy, just be happy."

Xing Yichen gently kissed Jiang Zhiyue's cheek.

Jiang Zhiyue raised her eyes slightly, in her beautiful eyes, she reflected her kissing boyfriend Xing Yichen, the expression on his face was very cold, like an iceberg.

However, in Xing Yichen's eyes, there was tenderness, and it was just the tenderness towards her, Jiang Zhiyue.

It is her own tenderness.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiyue felt that there was a feeling of tranquility.

Staring at her dear boyfriend Xing Yichen, she said so.

Jiang Zhiyue's heart had already blossomed with joy.

But ah, she is a girl.

Girls just have to be a little more reserved.


Our lovely moon baby.

wink wink.

She tilted her head cutely.

Lifting her red lips, a word came out of her mouth.

"Xing Yichen, I really love you so much!"

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