Xing Zhiyi clenched his fist and put it on his lips, coughed, "...Of course it's true, it's the first time I've met you, for no reason...what did you lie to you for??"

In fact, Xing Zhiyi, when he was young.

I once had a crush on a girl.

But then... that girl, she got a bad disease and died. Simply put, she died.

The kind that dies fast.

Just like in the legend, in Ba Zong's literature, Bai Yueguang, who died early in Ba Zong's life.

Offline very fast.

Of course, Xing Zhiyi is not an overbearing president.

And the girl he was young and ignorant, and had a crush on, was not the real Bai Yueguang in Ba Zong's literature.

and so……

Even now, he agreed to fall in love with Shasha so easily.

... There is no sadomasochistic plot at all.

In this life, how could there be so much dog blood... to be spilled?

Not at all possible.


Xing Zhiyi fell into memory.

Shasha was domineering, stretched out her hand, and pulled Xing Zhiyi's nose.

"Hey, hey, you actually think about people when you see things, bah...Look at me, you are still thinking about other women, men, you are getting angry..." Sha Sha laughed coldly, with a kind of , the feeling of Tianliang Wang breaking.

It's strange, why at that second just now, she felt that the nasty middle school boy in front of her seemed to be really looking through him and her...

to see someone.

Can be a real wife, who the fuck still loves to be a mistress?Or is it a stand-in?
Shasha looked reluctant.

It seems that my love has not even has already sprouted...

as if...

It's really not suitable for dating, how could it be so unlucky?

Woohoo, she's going to get depression.

Shasha was disappointed and let go of Xing Zhiyi.

"Well, since you are not willing either, fall in love with me, and go to see other women through me...

Then I think there is no need to start this relationship...

and so.

We are indeed... a bit inappropriate, I was abrupt, I'm sorry, I apologize to you.

I will……

I won't bother you anymore, bye...bye. "

Shasha let go of Xing Zhiyi sadly, and after expressing her thoughts in her heart.

Then turn around and leave.

One-on-one is the only way to fall in love!What the hell is being a stand-in?Eating the ones in the bowl, but thinking about the ones in the pot...


Let's all die! !
Stepping on two boats...all of them are idiots...

It's really strange, she obviously didn't intend to fall in love... Why does her heart hurt so much?Why did the tears... flow down uncontrollably?
Shasha turned her back to Xing Zhiyi, and began to sob softly.

Her heart hurts so much!
I felt so painful that I was about to die, and I couldn't breathe at all.

Why is it?

It was clearly just for sex, but when I was separated... so sad... Could it be...

Are you really... moved by this stupid man?
Even I, I don't even know his name, so I'm already moved.

Shasha, you are so stupid, you are really a silly girl.

Sasha laughed to herself.

He hooked his lips coldly.

Behind Shasha, Xing Zhiyi was still standing where he was, looking at Shasha's back with unclear meaning.

Strange, why do you feel... this little girl... so sad?
Was it because what he just said... hurt her?
This silly girl has such a silly name and such a silly personality, so what kind of grievances will she suffer in the future... What should I do?

Xing Zhiyi didn't realize at all that the inexplicable emotion in his heart was the entanglement of feelings.

For Sha Sha, a sudden emotional entanglement appeared.

At this moment, he still doesn't understand what love is.

But, it is this second-year boy, although his mind is still a bit silly, but Xing Zhiyi suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if he thought of something.

Just go straight, that little girl, Sha Sha, ran over directly.

With a single brain, he hugged the person in his arms and hugged him from behind.

Xing Zhiyi said sincerely from the bottom of his heart, "I'm sorry, my bad attitude just now made you sad. I apologize to you, can you forgive me? Shasha..."

Through the back, Xing Zhiyi reached out and touched the little girl Shasha's face.

I want to pinch Shasha's face and ask for forgiveness.

But... I felt a coldness on my hands. Is Sha Sha crying?Did Sasha shed tears?Did Sha Sha cry because of him?
I really deserve to be damned, for the little girl I met for the first time... I made her cry.

Still crying out of anger.

Xing Zhiyi couldn't sleep tonight, he thought of this at three o'clock in the middle of the night, and wanted to go straight up the stairs and jump off the building!
...I don't even want to take the elevator.

I really deserve to be damned for making a little girl cry like this!

Xing Zhiyi calmed down a bit, his excited mood, and then quickly turned the little girl Shasha over.

Xing Zhiyi and the little girl Sha Sha, the two of them faced each other, and Xing Zhiyi looked directly at each other firmly.

Xing Zhiyi looked at the little girl Sha Sha.

... In just a few minutes, Shasha's eyes were already red from crying! !

... as swollen as a walnut.

Feeling a little happy, Xing Zhiyi really wanted to smile, but he couldn't laugh... He did something wrong, why would he laugh at others?

Xing Zhiyi slapped himself hard.

"Shasha, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, can you stop crying? Please forgive me. I'm a bastard, I'm sorry..."

"You're an idiot, why are you beating yourself up? I smashed you, what should I do? You're so stupid." Shasha smiled through tears, and wiped her face with her hand, but it wasn't wiped off yet. tears.

With a pop, he laughed out loud.

"What an idiot, why are you so stupid?" Shasha forced a smile with some discomfort, pouted her lips, and said as if joking, "If you...don't fall in love with me, then what do you like... What about the girls?
Alas, in the future, I will really embarrass that girl... To deal with a fool like you and spend the rest of my life together, what should that girl do? "

Shasha seemed to be relaxed, and spoke out her inner thoughts, but in fact...

It was testing, the man in front of him, Xing Zhiyi.

Shasha is betting.

Take a bet, this man will soften his heart because of her tears... He will directly agree to her love request.

Sha Sha had to admit that her methods... were indeed a bit despicable, but she was doing it to pursue her own love... She was not wrong.

There is nothing wrong with the love you get based on your own ability.

Sha Sha hooked her lips confidently.

Calmly looking at Xing Zhiyi in front of him.

The heart is particularly excited, waiting quietly for the other party's answer, what is it like?
Will it be a flat refusal?Stick to your bottom line.

Or choose to compromise?Compromise because of her tears...

Sasha was very much looking forward to the response.

Xing Zhiyi did indeed not disappoint Sha Sha.

Xing Zhiyi struggled for a while, but still boldly closed his eyes, held the little girl's face directly, and kissed it.

This is the first time in my life to kiss a girl...

Sure enough, it was as soft as he had imagined.


Xing Zhiyi withdrew quickly.

She blushed and said, "That girl...could it be you? Shasha."

Seeing Sha Sha's cheeks, it quickly turned red.

Xing Zhiyi's heartbeat also quickened.

I am indeed a little impulsive.

But... Xing Zhiyi is for the behavior he just did.And no regrets.

Everything you do is worth it.

Shasha didn't push him away, which means she was willing, not forced.

Although this love... came too fast, Xing Zhiyi really believed it.

In Shasha's heart, he exists, otherwise...

Sasha was there, the second he kissed.

Just push him away!Just slap him across the face and call him a hooligan.

But, Shasha didn't do this, which means...the two of them may still be together.

Xing Zhiyi didn't know why, but he suddenly became confident, convinced that Shasha would directly agree to be his girlfriend.


Xing Zhiyi, a sophomore in middle school, is still too young. He is a single dog who has been single for thousands of years, and he still doesn't understand girls' routines... What is it like!

... So much so, that Shasha was just such a foolish trick.

Sha Sha said with a stubborn and strong face, "But just now you clearly... were looking at others through me... Your eyes can't lie."

Shasha still showed a forced smile, lowered her head and said with some disappointment, "I can promise to be your girlfriend, but not now."

Shasha used a finger to stop what Xing Zhiyi wanted to say.

Gently tugged on his lips, and smiled.

He opened his mouth again and said, "I'm willing to live in this place only after you have cleared it. Do you understand what I mean?"

Shasha poked Xing Zhiyi's chest with her thin white fingers.

Shasha's meaning couldn't be more obvious. The look in Xing Zhiyi's eyes just now shows that Xing Zhiyi has someone in his heart. Sha Sha said so, let Xing Zhiyi hurry up and forget about the person in his heart.

Only then can he choose to fall in love with her and be her boyfriend.

Otherwise, all this is out of the question.

Sha Sha smiled softly, as if she was laughing at herself, such a humble self, pursuing love... It's a pity, it's very pitiful.

It seemed to be laughing at Xing Zhiyi.

Xing Zhiyi is a big carrot!

On the surface, pretending to be single for thousands of years!

So straightforward!

There are also straight men who can piss me off, but in fact...Xing Zhiyi actually has a girl he likes!

That girl, in my heart...has been hidden for so long, and she hasn't shown it yet.

Hehe, what a scheming boy.

Shasha curled her lips in displeasure.

I really want to know who is that girl?

This powerful enemy who has never met before is really clever!

Even smarter than his own means.

Sasha was very upset.

Grit your teeth.

If Xing Zhiyi was already her boyfriend, she would definitely bite Xing Zhiyi's neck fiercely.

Let him know that although she looks weak, she is actually... a very difficult woman to mess with.

Shasha will never allow her boyfriend to think about other women during the period of dating with her...

Hehe, is this the big carrot?Isn't this just stepping on two boats?

This kind of hateful smelly man is just looking for a beating.

There is no reason to fight on the whole network.

Shasha pushes Xing Zhiyi away.

"Okay, okay, I have other things. After you settle all your own private affairs first, you can make room and have a clean heart. I can live in."

Sha Sha stretched her waist, glanced at the watch on her wrist, it was time to go back.

Otherwise, his brother Sha Dun... would be in a hurry.

Shasha made it clear what she wanted.

Very crisp.

Xing Zhiyi: "...Are you jealous?"

"Jealous? Only my qualified to make me jealous."

Sha Sha imagined the kind of Ba Zong literary novel she was reading, and then imitated, following the tone of Ba Zong's speech, raised her chin noblely and coldly, opened her mouth and said to Xing Zhiyi, "And you... Not worthy."

Xing Zhiyi: "..." The words of the little girl Shasha... don't have that much malice, but why...

I just felt it. Is there a lot of malice in what Sha Sha said?
I'm really not that kind of playful person! !

"Shasha, let me explain again." Xing Zhiyi felt that he could save himself again, the imagination in the little girl's heart.

So just when the little girl was about to leave, she quickly grabbed the other party's hand.

Very excited, she explained, " misunderstood, I have no one else in my heart, I really grew up as a widow...a super invincible king of widows."

Xing Zhiyi felt a little embarrassed when he said this.

Alas, from the time I was single until now, I haven't talked to a girlfriend, it's really pitiful.

It's kind of embarrassing to say it.

I don't know if the little girl, Shasha, would dislike him for not being in a relationship? ?

But just now... Listening to the meaning of the little girl's words... Is there someone in my heart who dislikes him?
I have obviously never been in love!
How could it be possible to like someone else... Oh, yes, just now I thought of my own, the dead girl I had a crush on when I was a child.

Could it be that the little girl misunderstood him because of that look in her eyes?

For a while, Xing Zhiyi felt a little dumbfounded.

The little girl Shasha is really a sentimental girl.

I definitely want to give the little girl Shasha enough sense of security.

Don't let the little girl worry too much.

Xing Zhiyi actually felt that the little girl Sha Sha was jealous of him because she still cared about him.


This relationship is even more meaningless to talk about.

So little girl Shasha...

to him……

Is it really love at first sight?

Xing Zhiyi thought.

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