When Xing Zhiyi thought of... Shasha fell in love with him at first sight, he felt that he was really outstanding.

Sure enough, he is the most handsome man in the world, so that little girl Shasha... will never forget him.

Xing Zhiyi was very confident and smiled.

He held the little girl's face directly.

promised very seriously.

"I promise! Absolutely sure! There is no one else in my heart.

in case……

Shasha, if you want, in my heart... you can be the only girl, you know what I mean? "

When Xing Zhiyi finished saying this, he looked so relaxed, but in fact, his heart was very tense. His heart...as if being tightly held by a palm...a little pain.

But it doesn't matter, if I want to, I only like a little girl like Sasha for the rest of my life.

Of course, the premise is that Sasha is willing.

If Sasha is unwilling, then he will quit directly.

Then I will cement my heart from now on, and never fall in love again.

I don't believe in love anymore.

Shasha looked at Xing Zhiyi in front of her with a dazed expression.

Looking at Xing Zhiyi, those thick ink-colored sticky eyes.

Someone said it.

People... When you tell a lie, your eyes will wander subconsciously.

So... Sha Sha was very firm, staring at Xing Zhiyi's dark eyes.

I just want to see a trace of lying from Xing Zhiyi's face, and find out the clues that Xing Zhiyi stepped on two boats.


Xing Zhiyi didn't, avoiding Shasha's sight.

On the contrary, they faced the difficulties.

He looked at her very seriously.

This made Shasha very hard to understand.

Is this guy really not lying?

Do I choose to believe... or continue to leave?

It's really...so tangled!
Why is it so difficult to fall in love?
Shasha pressed her cheek with the tip of her tongue.

He hesitated on purpose, pretending to be embarrassed, raised his head timidly, and carefully glanced at Xing Zhiyi with bright eyes.

Hesitantly, he bit his lower lip.

In the end, it seemed like a major decision had been made.

Shasha took a deep breath and let out another breath.


Looking at Xing Zhiyi, he said slowly.

"Really? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Xing Zhiyi's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had something to do with the little girl Sha Sha! !
So he chased after him and said, "Of course it's true, how could I lie to you? Although the two of us... It's indeed the first time we met, and the time we spent together was less than an hour...

But I really think that we can talk about a vigorous love, Sha Sha, please believe me, you must believe me. "

When Xing Zhiyi spoke, his tone was extraordinarily firm.

It was so loud.

Those dark eyes stared at the little girl in front of her, reflecting Shasha's face.

Extra serious.

Sha Sha suddenly felt relaxed and laughed twice.

"Okay, okay, I promise you."

Sha Sha pressed her tongue against her cheek again, and then showed a embarrassed expression.

As if I had encountered something extremely dangerous.

This success caught Xing Zhiyi's attention.

Immediately, Xing Zhiyi looked nervous and worried. He opened his mouth and asked Sha Sha, "What's the matter, Sha Sha? Why... you showed such an expression? Is it possible... Do you have something to hide?"

Xing Zhiyi took a deep breath, hugged the little girl Shasha in front of her, and gently comforted her.

With his fingers, he touched the top of the little girl's head.

"If you have anything to say, tell me directly, okay? Please, the most taboo thing between lovers...is mutual suspicion. If we have anything to say...just tell me directly, okay?"

Xing Zhiyi lifted the little girl Shasha's bangs, and kissed her smooth forehead.

Very seriously, looking at the little guy in front of him.

But... Shasha doesn't really want to talk to Xing Zhiyi.

This hateful smelly man.

The words are so nice, one mouthful between lovers... one mouthful between lovers.

But in reality, who knows?

It's very possible to be on two boats, okay?
Although Sha Sha was almost caught off guard by the love just now... she was dazzled.

This time it is.

Responding...the routine.

Sigh... I'm still too young... I haven't been in a relationship before... Just a few words... I'm talking about a relationship... with someone else! !
It's still a kind of...a love full of unknowns.

Alas, it's too difficult.

Shasha sighed softly, then stretched out her hand, and grabbed Xing Zhiyi's face, gently.Squeeze.

This guy always makes her worry.

Sha Sha was very helpless, and said to Xing Zhiyi in front of her, "Okay, okay, there is nothing else, since the two of us... have expressed our hearts to each other, then... decided to be together Bar?"

"Really, Shasha? That's great, that's great." Xing Zhiyi was overjoyed, hugging the little girl Shasha in front of him excitedly.

In the same place, it turned several times.

"Hey, hey, big fool? Don't pretend, I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy." In a panic, Shasha grabbed Xing Zhiyi's shoulder and shook it crazily.

real.After just turning around a few times, Shasha's head felt dizzy and painful.

It was as if something...was about to explode in my brain.

It really made her uncomfortable.

Shasha stepped on the ground in embarrassment, then leaned into Xing Zhiyi's arms, dizzy.

He spoke weakly, and said to Xing Zhiyi. "Quick, quick, my head is very dizzy, you have to put me on the bed, lie down and have a good rest, then nothing will happen."

Xing Zhiyi was taken aback for a moment.

Is it so fast when you first fall in love?

Oh, he's so shy!

Xing Zhiyi swallowed softly, and then hugged, Sha Sha, a little girl, walked directly into her own room just now.

It really takes no effort at all!

I picked up such a beautiful girlfriend for nothing.


He was really excited and happy.

Xing Zhiyi pressed the corners of his mouth frantically, trying to stop his smile, but the smile...if there is a measurement standard, his smile...has already arrived.The sky and the sun are side by side.

Laugh to death.

Dreaming... I'm not so excited, okay!

Xing Zhiyi was very happy, humming the corners of his mouth.

Mouth humming a faint song.

Hugging her new little girlfriend, they walked into the room together.

Shasha realized it later, and asked while grabbing Xing Zhiyi's hair.

"Wait, wait, I don't know your name yet, are you treating me like this??" Damn it, it's so hateful, this man really is a trick! !
Shasha screamed and wailed frantically in her heart.

gritted his teeth with hatred.

This guy is just too much.

There are many routines in the city, and I'm going back to the countryside.

Goodbye my dear brother, I am going on a long voyage tonight.

Sha Sha left tears of happiness.

My heart is sad.

Woohoo, I'm going to get married in the future, what should I do with my silly brother Sha Qiu?

"Well...my name is Xing Zhiyi, baby Sasha, you can call me Yiyi." Xing Zhiyi smiled, showing his big white teeth.

After putting the person down, he introduced his identity to Sasha very solemnly.

Sasha was very dazed.

I'll go, this guy's surname is Xing! !Xing!ah!

Isn't this the surname of the Xing family in Kyoto?

Could it be that the boyfriend I picked up for nothing...has any hidden identity as a big boss?
Sasha became excited in an instant.

His head was no longer dizzy, and he jumped up from the bed, excitedly, hugged Xing Zhiyi's arm and said.

"Yiyi baby~ I don't know where you are from yet?"

Xing Zhiyi had never been in a relationship before, and he didn't understand the routines involved, so he said honestly, "I live in Kyoto...what's the matter?"

Shasha's whole body... was stunned by this huge surprise... and froze fiercely.

Then he opened his mouth and said to Xing Zhiyi.

"Really? You actually live in such a big...and such a nice place, but I live in a very remote place... If we... really get married in the future, will it be very inconvenient?"

Sha Sha forcibly suppressed the excitement in her heart, and then said calmly on purpose.

Xing Zhiyi couldn't even guess that Shasha was too routine, so he replied honestly, "It doesn't matter, if you want to live... we can buy a house there. One is not enough... just Buy more sets. I can feed you... I can still afford it, my baby Shasha."

Sha Sha curled up in Xing Zhiyi's arms, feeling his beating chest.

She blushed and said, "Then it's a deal...my boyfriend."

"Well, it's a deal, my good girlfriend." Xing Zhiyi kissed Shasha.

Said quietly in my heart.

I'll take care of you my baby Sasha...


Let's talk about the beach artist, Mr. Dune.

Just watching helplessly, that brat Xing Zhiyi stared at his sister Shasha all the time.

After leaving.

His younger sister, Sha Sha, also got up suddenly, gave him a wink, and followed that stinky boy Xing Zhiyi crazily.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, is completely confused.

It's not...my sister, why...became so rebellious all of a sudden?

It's really unreasonable. When I saw a man... I rushed over. It's really... It's hard to say.

Alas, I am so disappointed in him as an older brother.

The beach is also at Mr. Dune, and I feel that my heart is so painful that I can't breathe.

He desperately needs a girlfriend to comfort him.


Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, bid farewell to his friends Jiang Zhiyue, Xing Yichen and others in disappointment, then got up... and walked to the beach.

The soles of my feet stepped on the sand, creaking.

People who are blown by the sea breeze feel very peaceful.

The impetuous mood just now was relieved at this moment,

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, touched his nose. Could it be... is it really me... thinking too much?My desire to control my sister Shasha... is still very strong.

The beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, has been controlling his sister Shasha, preventing Shasha from falling in love early, and not letting Shasha fall in love, but his sister Shasha is now in her 20s...has never been in love .

Could it be... is it really my own thoughts...too extreme?Isn't it right?

They are two brothers and sisters, they grow up so big, they are all single dogs.

I don't know what love is in the world, but it only makes life and death agree-meaning, what is it like?

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, closed his eyes very distressed.

Then I felt that there was someone next to me.

Still a very familiar person.

Helian Keke didn't want to say anything just now. The first time she saw the sand dune, she felt that the beach artist, Mr. Sha Dun... was her kind! !
Take him down! !

Talk to him! !

Helen Keke screamed frantically in her heart.

Such a cute boy like Mr. Sha Dun, why can't I have it in my bag?
Helian Ke and Xing Yichen crazily lowered the corners of his mouth, then pretended to be calm and relaxed, walked to the side of the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune, and then spoke.

"What a coincidence, you came out too...Will you take a walk to digest food?" Helian Keke gently brushed her hair in a perfect arc.

Show off your most attractive posture.

Her angle is unprecedentedly beautiful!
Helian Keke is very narcissistic, imagining Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, if he sees... her charming appearance, he will definitely be deeply moved by her.

Helian Keke is very confident about her charm.

Worked for many years without failure.

She is Miss Helen Keke!
It's the eldest lady of the Helian family! !
As long as you gently hook your little finger, there will be countless handsome men and handsome guys, one after another, rushing to her to fall in love and want to marry into a wealthy family...

Helian Keke thought in her heart: Xiao Mian, you stupid man who doesn't want to be teased, I'm going to be fascinated by you!Sister, I'm so beautiful... Tsk, it's really cheap for you kid.

Helen Keke cleared her throat.

She turned around softly and contrived.

It never occurred to her that Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, turned his back on her.

I'm going...to lose a lot.

Just now... Bai was acting.

So, I did my best to perform wonderfully, but... was not seen by the other party?This dastardly beach artist, Mr. Dune really!It's horrible!
Helian Keke also turned around in embarrassment, and quietly walked behind the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune.

I must successfully take down this stinky man named Sha Dun.

Just now... I showed my charm so clearly, beach artist Mr. Dune, this straight man of steel!

Not even, go and see her seriously? ?

Helian Keke put on a black face with a question mark.

It's so hateful, it makes her feel so disappointed... It's so big.

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