Helian Keke... This charming woman is full of charm.

Looking up sadly, looking up at the sky at 45 degrees.

Is it really... Are you too narcissistic?Thinking too much?

This beach artist, Mr. Dune... is really a straight man of steel!
I didn't get their love at all, and there was another person who didn't know how to fall in love.

In my heart... I haven't noticed her existence, she is such a big, beautiful woman!Standing beside Mr. Sand Dune, standing behind Mr. Sand Dune, the hateful Sand Dune... he didn't even look at the beauty, but went to see the sea, and even painted.

Painting the sea?
Helen Keke was full of anger, and suddenly after seeing the painting by the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune... he disappeared completely.

Wow, as expected, it's her, Helian Keke, the man he has a crush on, even Huahua... is so handsome.

In an instant, Helian Keke was no longer so angry, and the temper in her heart disappeared. She turned into a nympho, holding her face, watching the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune, quietly painting.

"It's okay!" Mr. Shaqiu used the fastest speed to draw the scene of the handover of Tianshui on the painting, then tilted his head, looked at the lovely woman beside him, and said.

Mr. Shaqiu looked at Helian Keke.

Helian Keke blinked very blankly.

Hey, this stinking man... is talking to herself.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, this stinky man... unexpectedly discovered that he exists! !It's not easy.

There has been progress, there has been progress, and there is no such a straight man of steel.

I can finally... go further and communicate clearly with the other party.

Helian Keke was instantly elated.

said happily.

"Yes, yes, of course. You draw very well."

"Then, can I give this painting...to you? Beautiful lady." The beach artist, Mr. Dune said so.

Helian Keke: "..." I went, and the straight steel man suddenly became enlightened.

Is it so flirtatious?
Helian Keke's heart beat faster and her face was rosy.

Very incredible, staring at the beach in front of him, Mr. Artist Dune, this hateful man.

Could it be that... this man... is all pretending?In fact...he is not a straight man of steel, but a man with deep plans and deep thoughts.

For a moment, Helian Keke felt that she had been tricked.

But can she be cowardly?Of course she can't be cowardly!

Helian Keke cheered herself up in her heart, come on, come on, come on, come on, you are the best!

Then Helian Keke raised her head with a proud face.

In high spirits, Mr. Dune said to the beach artist. "Of course you can give it to me. Your painting is so beautiful. I like it very much. If you give it to me, I will be very happy."

Helian Keke's words are extremely artistic.

Let the beach artist, Mr. Dune, make his heart beat a little faster.

This was the first time that he was alone with the girl he liked.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, was still very nervous.

He didn't know how to deal with the scene in front of him.

It's just helpless, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him - Helian Keke.

This is a woman named Helen Keke.

Her whole body... is exuding charm. It's not that Sha Dun didn't notice just now that Helian Keke, a beautiful woman, is twirling her hair!
Mr. Dune, a beach artist, is just a little shy and a little nervous.

He didn't dare to talk rashly to this beautiful woman, Helian Keke, for fear that Helian Keke would treat him as a hooligan.

Then there are other misunderstandings, but it will be difficult.

If I... want to pursue... a beautiful woman like Helian Keke, it will be even more difficult.

So, the beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, deliberately pretended to be very calm, took his drawing board, quickly drew a picture, and then gave the picture to Helian Keke as a matter of course, he The woman I like in my heart.

Originally, Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, thought that... Helian Keke, a beautiful woman... would choose to reject him, but he didn't expect... Helian Keke to accept his painting with joy? ? ?

Well, doesn't this mean that in Helian Keke's heart, it seems that he can still have his existence.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, has a big imagination.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, couldn't help laughing.

a pair.The incomparably beautiful and charming woman in front of her was reflected in her dark eyes.

Helian Keke.

This is her name, synonymous with his heart.

The beach artist, Mr. Dune blushed.

Red... almost like an apple.

Very special red.

I really want to make people want to take a bite.

Mingming, the beach artist, Mr. Dune, is also in his 20s, and hasn't been in a relationship for more than 20 years.

But at this moment, this shy little look.

He really looks like a very innocent male college student.

He also heard the response from the girl he likes, Helian Keke.

My heart was already full of enthusiasm, and the happy little fireworks were crackling.

Beach artist Mr. Dune, pretending to be reserved, looked at the smiling woman in front of him.

He opened his mouth and said to Helen Keke.

"As long as you like it."

"And... you are really beautiful."

Beach artist Mr. Dune, all the flirting skills.

Immediately disabled here.

Because he has finally met the most difficult hurdle in his life, and he wants to fall in love.

But in front of my girlfriend... I'm so shy, I don't dare to say, I love you... these three words.

He looked at the beautiful Helian Keke, his heart beat very fast, and there was a big gap in his heart.

Actually... Is it because I... was too abrupt?He directly met the girl Helian Keke who met for the first time...to confirm the other party's mind.

Wanting to have a relationship with Helian Keke...is this impulsive...too sloppy.

The misunderstanding I just caused.

Did you offend... this girl?

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, he didn't dare to think too much, he was afraid that if he continued to think like this, he would faint from anger.

It's just a relationship, such a troublesome thing, just talk about it if you want to, never mind, first meet someone you like... then talk about it, if it's too bad, then break up, both parties are fine.


So our, on the beach—the best, the best, the artist Mr. Dune, in just a few seconds, made a very big decision, which is also in his life...

Biggest decision ever.

Mr. Shaqiu, sure and sure, is willing to talk about a very, very vigorous love with the girl in front of him, Helian Keke.

Even... it could be a love that never breaks up, maybe they... will also enter the palace of marriage.

Together they gave birth to a crystallization of love.

After a long, long time, maybe... when I am over half a hundred years old, when I am about to step into the loess...

The beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, also hopes that he, in this period of time, recalls today, the day when he confirmed his relationship with Helian Keke, that...it must be a very beautiful thing, thinking about it this way...it is special I can't wait.

What's more, she wants to express all her thoughts and tell Helian Keke.

The beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, really wants to explain everything to the girl Helian Keke, and even... actively pursues this beautiful girl!
Give Helian Keke all the sense of security, give Helian Keke a family, and give Helian Keke a best boyfriend.

In the heart of beach artist Mr. Shaqiu, a perfect girl like Helian Keke is already,

The happiest woman in the world.



Therefore, the beach artist, Mr. Dune, without hesitation, stared affectionately at this beautiful woman in front of him.

He was extremely shy and tangled.

In my heart... I took several deep breaths before I made up my mind and said. "Miss Keke, actually... I fell in love with you at first sight, so... can you be my girlfriend?"

Seeing that Helian Keke's expression... changed, as if he was looking at a hooligan.

The beach artist, Mr. Dune, shook his head non-stop, gave himself a crazy excuse, and said that he proved his innocence.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Miss Keke... Please don't look at me with such eyes... I'm actually... a million-year-old single dog. I've never had a girlfriend, but...

It wasn't until I met you that I realized that in this world... there will still be such a beautiful girl like you.

It really moved me.

Miss Keke... Actually, from the first moment I saw you, I fell in love with you at first sight.

From just now to now, I have been deeply fascinated by you, and my heart and eyes are all about you, so...

I just gave you that painting just now.

Miss Keke, I very much hope that the two of us can become friends. If we go one step further, it will be... the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

But... If you are willing now, I am willing to be your life partner, the one you love the most.

Also... the one who loves you the most. "

Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, spoke out all the words in his heart with a crackling sound, no matter whether Helian Keke understood or not?

Indeed, he said all of his thoughts without reservation.

Actually, Mr. Dune, a beach artist, is thinking.

Confession or not... Is it his own business?Now... he has spoken out all his thoughts... this is the right thing and the right choice.

At least……

After I confessed to myself, I will not regret this relationship if I think about it from now on.

But whether to accept him... is Helian Keke's true situation.

Although he... is also very much looking forward to Helian Keke being able to choose to accept him, but now, he lacks confidence, after all, there is nothing attractive about him.

What's more, I can't let a girl fall in love with him at first sight casually, never forget it, and even... just run away with him, and marry him after marrying him.

... The probability of this incident is still very small. Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, is actually a little unconfident about himself.


So, Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, after he finished speaking what was in his heart, he showed timidity and his heart beat very fast.

Then, he wanted to turn around and leave, but he... glanced at the girl in front of him, Helian Keke, and was a little bit reluctant. After all, he... finally had a heartbeat, how could he lose?


You can also wait a little longer.

Wait until you can, hear the girl Helian Keke's answer, and leave by yourself... It's not too late.In fact, life...is all about choices.

It depends on whether you have chosen the right path, and what you imagined...is it what you want? w
Finally decide whether to or not?
Many people will fall into the stage of confusion.

Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, at this moment... is very confused, he doesn't know how to deal with this lovely girl, Helian Keke.

Helian Keke can be regarded as someone he likes, in front of his lover... always showing timidity.


Helian Keke, on the other hand, didn't expect...the innocent boy she wanted to molest...that's all, but she never expected, Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist.

This seemingly, experienced man.

How could she be so innocent? ?
Even... even confessed to him and her with a blushing face? ?
Oh my god.

Such a scene is really rare, Helian Keke really thought, immediately, she took out her mobile phone, and then faced the blushing and shy beach artist, Mr. Dune, fiercely Take a few photos, treat them as the black history of the other party, and keep them in high-definition forever.

What if...

In the future, if the two of them get married, or... if the two of them really get married, on the wedding day...

Helian Keke can just release the dark history of the beach artist Mr. Shaqiu, so that everyone...

Jokes and jokes too, Sand Dune, a big silly boy!
Helian Keke can be said to be a straight girl of steel, and her ideas are really 666.

I guess...

Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, if he has the ability to read minds, he can hear Helian Keke's thoughts, and he will probably cry all night, right?

Helian Keke has such a cruel thought...

Tut tut tut! !

This woman...you really dare to imagine!
It's really greedy.

Ah bah, so cruel.

The onlookers eating melons... fell silent.

and so……

in the end……

They're still singles, right?

They played so many times, they still don't have a name, right?

They really... don't deserve names, do they?

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