Chapter 190

The people who eat melons are so wronged that they cry in their hearts.

Sure enough, roadside person A... is not worthy of having a plot and a name, and is not favored by God... Damn, hate, so hateful.


Hateful author, hateful human being.

All will be destroyed, okay? !

...From the daily complaints of eating melon and salted fish.


Back to topic.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, explained his intentions, and then.

Just quietly, staring at Helian Keke.

The more he looked at it, the more beautiful the girl in front of him felt, the more his heart was fascinated.

The more Helian Keke looked at the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune, the more he felt that this smelly man was quite cute when he was silent.

I don't hate this person, but like? ?
... It seems that I can't say it.

how to say?It's just a vague feeling.

In Helian Keke's heart, they are intertwined and intertwined.

Helian Keke is very conflicted, she wants to fall in love, Helian Keke was abused by Jiang Zhiyue and Xing Yichen, those two lovers...

Living every day is like being in hell, it's too painful.

and so……

Ang these days.

Helian Keke, the desire to fall in love is becoming more and more developed, and she doesn't want to live a single life anymore, so.

When she met a beach artist, Mr. Dune, such an outstanding and handsome boy...

Helian Keke, in fact, still has a little bit of a plan to fall in love with the beach artist Mr. Shaqiu.

And well...

…Sister of Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, Sasha.

It seems... also with the young master of the Xing family.together.

That boy in the second year of middle school has a date, and she, the older can she not hurry up and talk to a date?

So, Helian Keke, she is even more determined to fall in love.

Anyway, just stay where you can, and pull it down if you can't, just take a shot and break up.

Anyway, according to Helian Keke's observation, this beach artist, Mr. Dune... has a human form.Behavior, words and deeds, behavior and character?
Everything was fine.

Appearance... makes sense
.And... the most important thing is to be gentle with people.

Because in this hateful world!
Sincerity is the nirvana.

Such an innocent and simple boy like Beach Artist, Mr. Dune, seems to be very special, there are so many...

You can meet with your fingers, and you can talk about it, so Helian Keke is lucky to meet such a cute big boy like Sha Dun.

It can be said to be very, very lucky.

In the future, it seems like lighting a lantern... I can't find such a good person.

Why don't you just talk to Mr. Shaqiu about your partner... try it? ?
Anyway... Helian Keke herself will not lose a piece of meat.

...Helian Keke was a little eager to try after thinking about it.


Helian Keke raised her head very seriously, and looked into Mr. Shaqiu's eyes with her beautiful eyes.

He said with a very serious expression, "Mr. Shaqiu, please do me a favor!"

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, this is the first time being approached by a girl, so... I feel very flustered!
Expression, said pretending to be calm.

"Well, this beautiful lady, what can you you need me to help you?" Mr. Shaqiu answered Helian Keke very politely.

Pianpian is like a gentleman... He is very handsome and easy to make little girls like him, but this... Sha Dun is a straight man of steel, he never wanted to fall in love.


I'm getting older, and now I'm in my third year, so I plan to fall in love. This time I met Helian Keke... She is a rich lady. If he hugs Helian Keke's thigh tightly, what will happen to his future meeting? .

Flying to the top is not a dream.

Of course, the current beach artist, Mr. Dune.

He didn't realize that his future girlfriend, Helian Keke...

In the end, what is the big deal? The mysterious identity is just a matter of urgency. Mr. Shaqiu is very enthusiastic and wants to help the girl he likes, Helian Keke, so he is obedient.


Helian Keke spoke directly, speaking simply.

"Well, I have a little experiment, I want to experiment, can you close your eyes and help me?"

Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, although I don't know... Helian Keke, what is she thinking in her heart?
What experiment are you going to do?
What's going on?

But beach artist Mr. Dune.

His heartbeat still speeded up silently. He could agree to Helian Keke's sudden request, but he closed his eyes...

? ?Why, his so excited?It feels like...something good is going to happen?

and so……

No more hesitation, no more rejection.

Beach artist Mr. Dune.

Nodding her head directly, she immediately agreed to Helian Keke's proposal.

Honestly, I closed my eyes.

Helian Keke saw that the beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, could be said to trust her very much at this time, and he also gave a big smile, smiling like a flower.

He muttered a question in a low voice.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Dune, are you so defenseless? Don't you think that what I want to do to you is something strange? You are not afraid... I will kick you and kick you in Haili, and then murder you and kill you?"

The little girl's chattering words rang in the ears of the beach artist, Mr. Dune.

Although he is closing his eyes tightly at this moment, he can't see, what kind of expression does this girl, Helian Keke, look like?


Beach artist Mr. Dune.

I can make up my mind that this girl, Helian Keke, has some cute expressions.

Maybe he blinked his eyes, looked innocent, and puffed his cheeks... just look at him.

Thinking about myself, it might be Helian Keke, this girl's boyfriend...

Beach artist, Mr. Dune is very happy in my heart.

In my previous was really a great blessing to meet a girl as cute as Helian Keke in this life!
Then... In the future, Helian Keke can be his girlfriend.

When Sha Dun thought about it, he felt his heart beat, and felt that it was worthwhile to live this life.Too straight too straight!

People live for a lifetime... Isn't it just for this kind of thing?Isn't it just for happiness?Now he... can get it directly.

It's so happy, don't want it, if he holds a mobile phone and can take a photo with Helian Keke, he will definitely post it on Moments, showing off his future girlfriend.

Helian Keke, she is so innocent and lovely, so perfect, she is simply a perfect girl.

He has gone through this life in this world, and he has really reached home and made a lot of money, okay?


Of course Helen Keke didn't, Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, has such a big brain.

She's still a little shy.

After all... a boy who has a good impression of her... give me a kiss.

This kind of thing... not always before, she did it on her own initiative.But others take the initiative.

At this time, Helian Keke looked at Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, and was in a dilemma, but she felt it was worth it, such a handsome boy, it's okay to kiss, she can!

Can't wait to go straight to it.

On such a large sandy beach.

Shout out dude, I can.

Then excitedly, he threw this handsome guy, Mr. himself...for himself.


Of course, it's not... suitable for such a thing in public, it's not her ladylike demeanor.

Helian Keke decided to test it shallowly.

Helian Keke finished testing the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune.

very satisfied.

said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, open your eyes, then you can. Be my boyfriend and pass the test."

she said so.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, was completely stunned by this huge surprise, okay?

"What? You agreed to be my girlfriend. Keke...are you really...are you kidding me? Is this true? Do you really want to?" Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, cupped his face , Thinking back to the softness just now.

In addition to being shocked in my heart, I also felt very pleasantly surprised.

Really double the joy.

Nothing is happier than a girlfriend picked up in vain.

The beach artist, Mr. Dune, is almost so happy that he faints.

He swore that he must be the happiest man in the world.

At this moment.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, hugged the girl in front of him excitedly.

He put his arms around Helian Keke, and tentatively responded to Helian Keke's kiss just now.

The smile on the corner of Helian Keke's mouth got bigger and bigger.

I am very satisfied with the initiative of Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist.

"Okay, okay, it's all true? I'm not lying to you, nor joking with you, and you're not dreaming, it's all real, and it's not an illusion."

Helen Keke could see the confusion in Mr. Sand Dune, the beach artist.

So without hesitation, I said all these explanations in one go, so as not to be wordy.

It would be too bad to waste other time.

Helian Keke's sincerity, really moved me, Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist.

His once lonely heart was now filled with joy.

Holding his new girlfriend Helian Keke in his arms, he walked back excitedly.

Helian Keke was a little speechless, but also wanted to laugh, looking at the beach artist, Mr. Dune, at this moment, excited, walking with the same hands and feet!
Really unheard of.

Too sandy.

Hello, happy.

Let her still, couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, are you so excited? Could it are really single for thousands of years? Oh, being able to fall in love with Miss's really cheap for you." Although Helian Keke spoke fiercely, Baba, but the surface is gentle and gentle.

Helian Keke's usual temper...but there is no such gentle one, only a man who has a heart for her.

Helian Keke will be so gentle when she is with beach artist Mr. Sand Dune.

Otherwise, what is the prestige of the young lady of the Helian family?

Oops, boyfriend accusation... Helian Keke was a little embarrassed when she said it.

Of course, Helen Keke still has to pretend, she doesn't like the beach artist, Mr. Dune that much.

Because Helian Keke was afraid that she would bring this man back to her family, and then... would be accused by her brother and other relatives.

After all...the distance between herself and Mr. Sand Dune, a beach too big.

Also too far away.

This relationship... can't end at the beginning. She likes Mr. Sha Dun very much. He is very interesting, humorous and gentle.

Helian Keke herself will not give up this relationship easily, but... she is also afraid of her family members, and threatens him openly and secretly, Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, will drive him away.


The two of them will be forced to break up and be separated by two places.

They became a pair... a pair of fateful mandarin ducks who were forced to separate.

This kind of plot is too bloody, and Helian Keke doesn't bother to develop it, but...we still have to take precautions to prevent these things from happening.

Timely, get rid of these troubles.

——And in the family, a group of arrogant and stupid idiots who disliked her Helen Keke.

It took less than 10 minutes for the two of them to confirm the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

Helian Keke has already figured it out, so many things, so many unknown events.

It can be seen from this that Helian Keke is indeed a bit in love.

Helian Keke was so excited right now that she couldn't control herself at all! !

If there is a bonfire party on the beach right now, Helian Keke can't help but have a passionate dance with her new boyfriend, Mr. Dune.

Finally ended her single life, with a boyfriend who loves and loves her, can Helian Keke be unhappy?

Of course Helen Keke is happy.

Happy to continue traveling here!
I can't wait to announce to the world that I am a woman with a boyfriend.

I really want to announce this matter, so that those bad friends who have ridiculed that she is a single woman for thousands of years, take a hard look!

Her boyfriend, Mr. Dune.

So good, and so handsome.Everyone loves it and it's so colorful.

My own pretty good.

Let them know what a true fragrance warning is.

...If Helen Keke had a tail now.

Helian Keke's body and the tail at the back are probably going up to the sky.

There is no way, this is happiness, this is the happiness between young couples, you don’t understand~
You single dogs don't understand~


In her heart, Helian Keke laughed wildly.

Without stopping, she dragged Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, all the way back to her room.

Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, has already confirmed his relationship with the girl Helian Keke, but...

Neither did he, so bold as to be in the same room with Helian Keke directly.

He stopped just in time.

(End of this chapter)

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