If the beach artist, Mr. Dune, is a beautiful girl, at this time...

If you meet someone like this girl, who is so ambivalent, you will definitely go crazy and beat her away.

... Damn it, may I ask your mental state, is there really no problem?
Hurry up to the mental hospital, if you are sick, go to the treatment as soon as possible, don't do it, you will endanger others outside, why give up treatment, if you are sick, go to the treatment as soon as possible.

Please, please do me a favor!
He is a big man, but he was scared into a cold sweat by a woman in this middle of noon. It was really a great humiliation in his life.

This matter... I'm afraid it will grow old with him, and it will always be remembered in my heart, for the rest of my life, even...

Maybe before he died, Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, could recall this incident, and he was so shocked that he was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits.

This is not a normal human being, and the range of terror that can be accepted, this TM, is mental debating, and I don't know if the author's mental state is still healthy? ?

The mental state of the author's old man?
Is it still healthy?
Can you think of such a terrible thing?It's really, really shocking.

The heart of the beach artist Mr. Sha Dun is trembling, he is so scared.

At this moment, he was patting his heart frantically, gasping for breath, his face turned pale with fright.Sitting on the ground bent over, I really doubt that life is dead.

When I went out today, it seemed that I really didn't read the almanac. Everything was really not going my way. As soon as I went out, I met such a person with an abnormal mind.

His legs were so frightened that he brushed Mr. Sand Dune, the artist.

So humiliating.

I was already afraid of falling in love, but now I am even more afraid.

A woman is really a terrible creature, and it is also particularly dangerous.

If the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune, hadn't had such a strong psychological acceptance, it is estimated that at this moment...

He is a busy man, a manly man, and he has gone crazy with fright, and he is about to squat on the ground and doubt life fiercely.


He no longer dared to provoke girls casually.

I really hope that my girlfriend is a kind and innocent little fairy. Don't be such a paranoid and stubborn person.

You must stay away from the other party, really back off.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, hugged his poor self distressedly, and really wanted to pass out.

The girl outside heard the movements in the room of the beach artist and Mr. Dune, and realized that she had done something wrong.

As a result, the girl's mood became a little more stable.

After calming down, I was also a little embarrassed.

This girl's mental state has indeed become a little abnormal because of her scumbag boyfriend, bah, no...it should be the scumbag's ex, after all, she is pregnant.

...and when she was about to give birth, she broke up again and was dumped by a man.

Who is not angry? This girl is so angry that she wants to jump off the building directly, but she needs to calm down. Her family members are still there. How can she accept the news that she committed suicide?

This girl is determined to seek justice for her child. She cannot let her child be born without a father.


This man is a scumbag, but...

This girl still wants this man, the villainous man who abandoned her, to return to the shore without end...

To be able to be with her again, to raise this lovely child well, otherwise...

This girl didn't really want to be a single mother, or, after the child was born, she gave the child away, or sent her to an orphanage...

This little girl, this is her first pregnancy and her first delivery, so it is absolutely impossible for her to accept this child.

It is also impossible to accept that she was pregnant first out of wedlock, or was born out of wedlock.

This child will definitely be disposed of.

So did her family.

If this girl goes through the process normally, gets married and has children, her family members must be happy and about to fly.

I like most of them, just raise the child directly, okay? !
Not to mention raising children, they would be willing to give 100 million directly.

But... that's the point.

This girl, she got pregnant out of wedlock, and even...was dumped by a stinky man who hesitated.

This girl even has a big belly, begging so humblely, this hateful smelly man, to get back together with him...

So humble, such a love brain?

It is really very serious, very neurotic.

The girl's family members almost wanted to knock her, this damn love brain, into a coma.

I really want her to go to treatment. It's really bad that the love brain is so serious.

... There was once a girl who had a super invincible love brain and a serious mind, and she gave her boyfriend millions of dollars.

After spending so much money, it's still a long-distance relationship.

I can't see each other every day.

It's not like being in a relationship at all.

As a result, this poor rich girl, her boyfriend, backhandedly green her.

You and I are in a long-distance relationship, but I, Helian Keke, can date a girl locally, one from other places, and one local. Isn’t this the best of both worlds, making money while pretending to be a rich second generation, and falling in love with girls.

Bel face, full of confidence.

Even a rich woman who has been in love with her boyfriend for seven years is not as good as this boyfriend who has been in love with that little girl for a few months.

After the rich young lady realized the problem, she directly confronted her boyfriend, and her boyfriend said very arrogantly——

It is you who blindly want to spend money for me and pay.

I do this all for you, what can I do wrong, I want to meet you, you don't even have time, meet me and fall in love.

So... I am in a relationship again, I am all right, if there is a problem, it is you who have the problem, and you deserve it all.

She is so arrogant and needs a beating, but this rich lady is very brainless, so she can only admit it, and break up peacefully with this very beating boyfriend.

She paid for her youth and money, but in the end she got nothing.

It can be said that the bamboo basket fetches water in vain.

Her ex-boyfriend is rich, beautiful, and famous.

How good it is to kill two birds with one stone.

This is what happens to the love brain.

It's not too much to say it deserves it!


So, this one, the girl at the door, she deserves this damn love brain very much!

I was so young, I fell in love.As a result, she was pregnant. This man, a scumbag, ran away and dumped her.

What a pity, how ridiculous!

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, sighed directly.

Why bother? After paying so much, why bother?
He said to the girl opposite, "I know, but you were so crazy just now, I dare not open the door for you now."

A girl with a big belly.

I cried very sadly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, please forgive me, okay?
...You don't want to leave me, okay?I really, really love you, look at our child, he is so old, do you have the heart to leave him?

... Our love is so strong, but you are going to leave me and break up with me because of a little thing.I'm so sad! "

The girl didn't know what to think of, and started to feel sad again, and then crackled again, and started talking.

Let the beach artist, Mr. Dune, have a particularly big head.

He sighed again, a deep, long sigh.

He didn't know how to speak to make this girl normal.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, was just about to organize his language, so he tried his best to persuade this girl.

Tell her that there is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, turn around and be right, stop being so in love with your brain, if you are sick, go to the hospital immediately, if your child has a problem, go to the hospital as soon as possible, and get treated in time, don't be so humble and crazy here.

No one cares about what this girl has gone through, and no one cares about this girl at all,——

Only he, Sha Qiu, a person with a bit of a brain, would meddle in other people's business and chat with this girl for so long.

Being scolded as a scumbag, he was really unlucky in eight lifetimes, to be able to encounter such a thing today.

It was outrageous, his old mother opened the door for him, it was outrageous, and he was home.

Mr. Dune, a beach artist, is about to crack right now.

His mouth opened for a moment, and then he heard the girl opposite said again.

"Wang Dahai, you come out, you have the ability to hide at home, why don't you come out, you hide in the cat's eyes, look at our mother and child from behind, here such, humble begging, you are very funny, yes Don't you feel very happy?
Do you feel a sense of accomplishment?

Yes or no? ?

You have the ability to hide at home.

Why don't you come out?
Take another look at us, please forgive me, okay?I really, know that I was wrong, please come out quickly and get back together with me, okay?Together, let's give birth to this child, bring him up well, and grow up well, he will definitely look like you.

I'm both good people and neither did anything wrong.

Why... have you come to such a situation?Wang Dahai... I really really love you, please, come out soon, okay?
I really miss you very much. Although I haven't seen you for only two days, I really want to meet you!
Brother Hai...Even if you come out and meet me again, that would be great, and my dream will come true, and I will definitely leave without pestering you anymore.

Please, Wang Dahai come out quickly. "

The girl, howling and crying, silently supported the doorknob, and knelt down on the ground, crying uncontrollably, jumping up and down, and running around.

Crying all over the face, all tears and nose.

... Crying is so ugly, really.

Mr. Dune, a beach artist, has seen it all.Just dumbfounded, okay?

No, are you still human?Are you still a normal human being?
Why... would you kneel at the door of my house and call other men's... names?
...No no no no.

You shouldn't kneel at the door of my house and call other people's names.

More importantly, this Wang Dahai...

This man named Wang Dahai...why does he sound so familiar?Opposite him, the neighbor uncle, seems to be...

What a fucking coincidence, that Wang Dahai, is it possible?that old man...

With this pretty girl...

Is there any connection?

Damn, he seems to have discovered something, what's the shocking secret?


Go, you won't be killed and silenced, right?

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, panicked and pretended to be calm.

He cleared his throat and said in a low voice.

"That... this... May I ask who is this so-and-so?

Don't be in a hurry, just pause for a while, put away all your tears, and take them back, okay?
Calm down, the two of us, have a good talk.

Then let me ask you, is this man named Wang Dahai... your boyfriend?
No, Wang Dahai is the ex who dumped you?

Just abandon you, and your child, that man? "

Don't ask Sha Dun, why, he suddenly has such a heart, he just wants to prove a truth, he is so kind to him, such an uncle.

...Is it, this is the one who abandoned this girl, mother and child...

That scumbag?

And they...the age difference between the two...so big, at least 20 years old, right?
Fuck, is it so awesome?
You know how to fall in love, and you also know how to get pregnant before you are married.

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, was very shocked in his heart. It was really the so-called——

The melon is so big that it cannot be stewed in a pot.

Today, he himself just happened to go out and go for a stroll. He hasn't even gone out yet, so he can eat such a fresh and hot sweet potato...

Really, it's so cool, okay?
Although the beach artist, Mr. Dune, is very sympathetic and pitiful to this girl, but...

His merits...


Just click it if you want, the corners of his mouth really can't help but want to go up, very loudly, to laugh at this girl, laughing at her really, is a terrible love brain! !

...The love brain is like this, it is really out of line, off the scale, it is almost necessary to immediately list it as a major disease, okay?Hurry up and get treated, okay?

Don't be a nympho here, a love brain.

Seeing him commit an anorexia.


Listening to the beach artist, Mr. Sha Xiang, asking questions verbally.

The girl froze.

She nodded.

Fortunately, the mind is clearer.


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