Chapter 196
Wang Dahai...

This girl, she opened her mouth and said dully.

"Wang Dahai, Wang Dahai's here, hahaha, don't you know Wang Dahai?
Wang Dahai told me that his home is here... Yes, I remembered, he still has a wife.

His wife is very old and ugly, so he wants to be with me.

No, no, Wang Dahai and I have known each other for two years. When we were dating, he told me that he was single.

Wang Dahai didn't get married until he was in his 40s. He was very afraid of marriage before, and he has been working hard to save money.

So this accident is old.

Wang Dahai is very kind to me.

So, I would like to be with him.At the beginning, I didn't like him that much, but he was nice to me, and every time he came back, he would bring me some snacks.They will bring me milk tea or other barbecues. They are very kind to me. They cook for me every day and do housework.

But suddenly one day I...

I found out that I was pregnant, and I also found out that Wang Dahai had a wife.

That's when I knew he lied to me.

I turned out to be a junior with no status.

My child is also an illegitimate child.

Wang Dahai kept coaxing me, saying that he would divorce his wife.Let me take good care of the fetus and give birth to the child, and he will be with me forever.

I stayed with Wang Dahai all the time.

According to what he said, raise this child well.

But ah...

A month ago, Wang Dahai suddenly cut off contact with me.

I am struggling to find Wang Dahai, my child, who is seven months old.I can't get rid of it, I can only give birth to it, but I can't bear it.

I can't bear to part with this man Wang Dahai, I never imagined that he is actually a scumbag, he actually lied to me!
I was so nice to him, I liked him so much, yet he lied to me.

He said that he would divorce his wife.

It turns's all just a lie he lied to me. "

"It really, really disappoints me."

"A man's heart is needled, tell me about a man like Wang Dahai, why is his heart so vicious?
I'm pregnant, but his child!He actually said he didn't want me, he didn't want me, his heart... was too cruel.It scares me so much. "


The more the girl talked, the more aggrieved she became, and she started to sniff again and began to cry.

She was aggrieved and told her inner pain.

I was so out of breath from crying that I almost passed out.

Sand artist, Mr. Dune, what can he do?He could only watch silently.

I laughed so hard, he didn't dare to go out, he was afraid of this woman, she was deliberately pretending to be pitiful, cheating him, after cheating him out, and then cheating him away, caring about his waist, that way... ...It's really too bad.

It doesn't mean that he is ruthless, he is indeed very worried about this girl, but Sha Qiu is really, really afraid, this is all a trick of human traffickers.

Mr. Dune, the beach artist, cleared his throat.

"Don't cry, you have to calm down, it will be good for your child after you calm down, don't worry too much.

Wang Dahai... that's the family opposite me, and there seems to be no one in their house today.

You seem to be late.

So otherwise, I have nothing to help you.

You can leave me a contact information, wait till.After their family returns home, I will contact you again and tell you that he has returned, and then you can continue to come and find Wang Dahai, okay? "

Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, speaks in a soft voice.

Like a spring breeze.

After listening to it, I feel very comfortable.

But at this moment, this girl, who was sad, couldn't understand what the beach artist, Mr. Sand Dune, was saying in his mouth.

This girl, now only wants to call that.Wang Dahai's scumbag, doggy man, was found and beat him severely, or... asked the other party to compensate her for something.

After all, this kind of girl!

After working so hard, being pregnant, raising a child for this damned man, Wang Dahai, this damned man, just abandoned her without even saying a word.

Just take the girl and the little money left, and run away.

... This is an open-faced theft.

This girl, because of this little thing.

I feel very sad in my heart.

I am also very disappointed, but I feel that I still have a lot to do, and I can talk to Wang Dahai again, and I really...can marry Wang Dahai.

If Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, heard about this girl's mental activities, he would definitely give her a big mouth.

Let her wake up quickly, wash her brain quickly, there is so much water in her brain, quickly pour all the water out, okay?

They've been bullied like this by this dog man, abandoned like this, and even thinking about Wang Dahai, a scumbag...? ?

Even... still want to marry this man, live with this man...

please girl...

Wang Dahai, did you save your life in your previous life?

Or in this life, what did Wang Dahai do for you that is against the heavens... Or, something that hurt the heavens and reason, or... Did Wang Dahai grab your lifeline?

He really saved your life!

You're so young, you're only in your 20s, yet you...would like an old man in his 40s?
Still such a wonderful old man.

Girl, girl, you really have a brain hole!

You are a Bodhisattva, right? ?

Leshan Giant Buddha, I have to ask you to do it.

Once you stop there, you will directly save sentient beings, okay?

Anyone who hears this will scold this girl and tell her to be sober and stop falling in love, but this girl...

She is, very stubborn, and she believes that Wang Dahai, a damn scumbag, likes her especially in her heart.

...It's just that there are wives in the family.

That's why she broke up with her. She came to Wang Dahai now just to ask for a reason, and then she would scold Wang Dahai's wife.

If possible, take Wang Dahai away and live with her.

This is all the purpose of this girl who came to Wang Dahai's house today, but...

He rushed to nothing, Wang Dahai, isn't he at home?

This girl came to her senses belatedly, Mr. Sand Dune, the beach artist, what exactly are you talking about?

"Can not be done……

I sneaked out behind my parents' back, just to find Wang Dahai...

Is this Wang Dahai not at home?When will he be able to come back?

No, I can't go.

If I leave, I will never come again. My parents will not let me continue to look for Wang Dahai.

I must wait here. When Wang Dahai comes back, I will confront him. I will explain to him what I think in my heart. I will ask Wang Dahai whether he loves him or not. over me?

In his heart, did I ever exist?
... And my child, my child, is still so young, he can't leave our mother and child behind, he has to be responsible to me.

I will definitely, be with him well, and live a good life with him. "

The girl lowered her head and muttered to herself.

She is very stubborn, thinking that Wang Dahai has her hair in his heart, loves her, likes her, and they belong to both mother and son.

It's just... being bullied by Wang Dahai's wife. Wang Dahai's wife didn't want Wang Dahai to come to find their mother and son.

Wang Dahai's wife is a tigress, a ferocious tigress, just an old and stinky woman, a disgusting person is not worthy of having it.

Such a vicious woman, a jealous, so strong woman.

How can it be enough to have love?

How come, take care of your own family?
That's why her husband Wang Dahai chose to cheat and betray her, and she deserved it all!

This vicious woman is too possessive.

And Wang Dahai is a poor man, his wife is so cruel, she beats and scolds him when everything goes wrong.

Therefore, Wang Dahai himself lied outside that he was single, and that he was afraid of marriage and did not dare to get married.

Although Wang Dahai is very old, but Wang Dahai is actually a gentle man.

That's why she fell in love with such an innocent and kind girl, and fell in love with her for two years. She and Wang Dahai have known each other for such a long time, and Wang Dahai has always been so kind to her.

He has always taken care of her and brought her up.

So this girl became more determined in her heart, Wang Dahai loves her, she is not at all like others described, Wang Dahai is a scumbag.

In this girl's heart, Wang Dahai is the one who saved her and was in dire straits.

Because of her native family, it is particularly bad.

From childhood to adulthood, all the family members of this girl disliked her and hated her because...

This girl is the eldest daughter of the family. She has three younger sisters and one younger brother.

As long as something happens, a little good thing, the girl's parents will give everything to her younger brother.

No matter what the younger brother did wrong, the girl's parents would all take their anger out on the sisters.

Giving them a few sisters left a very serious psychological shadow.

So much so that this girl endured the pressure and went to junior high school, high school, and graduated from high school.

The girl's parents disliked her for spending too much money and studying. They felt that this was a thankless task, and there was no return for the effort.

I just want to let this girl drop out of school and work in a factory to make money.

Then to supplement the family.

Fortunately, this girl had a tough temper, and she almost committed suicide at the time...

Just to be able to continue reading.

This incident caused a great disturbance in their local village.

The people in their village, although very opposed to this girl, came out to study and continued to go to college.

...But, I was afraid that other outsiders would find out that people here discriminate against girls, so I was forced to agree.

Let this girl, from the offer to continue to college.

And he also helped to persuade the girl's parents to agree to let the girl go to other places to study.

This girl is going through a lot.

It was not easy to get out of the head and finish college.

But this girl, knowing what kind of virtue her parents are, will definitely let her directly marry those bachelors in the village, those bachelors in their 50s and [-]s.

Arranged marriage... make this girl a caged bird.

This girl doesn't want to live like this.

Therefore, this girl directly found a job where she was studying. Although the salary was not high, she could support herself.

This girl knew Wang Dahai when she was working part-time.

Although Wang Dahai is a bit older, she is many years behind this girl, but this girl likes Wang Dahai's way of speaking and behavior.

She thinks that Wang Dahai is an old man, but only an old man... is attractive, right?

So on the third day of their acquaintance, when Wang Dahai proposed to be boyfriend and girlfriend with her, this girl, without hesitation, agreed to the other party's proposal.

Without hesitation, she chose to live with Wang Dahai.

In the next year or so, she was deceived by Wang Dahai's sweet words and pretended tenderness.

It has become a love brain template with a top ceiling.

Don't hit the south wall... No, it should be the kind that hits the south wall and doesn't look back.

Senior Love Cerebral Palsy.

Everyone can guess what happened next.

This girl discovered Wang Dahai's true face.


Let this girl be mistressed.

Pregnant before marriage.


Now, this poor silly girl... with her big belly, came all the way to find Wang Dahai.

Wang Dahai seemed to realize something in advance, so early in the morning, he sneaked out and took his wife out.

Until now, have not come back.

The girl's parents, knowing that the girl was outside, had a boyfriend, and even made such a joke...

The old couple were so angry that they were about to explode, but there was nothing they could do.

In a hurry, they locked the girl in the house and beat her up.

Forbidden, this girl is not allowed to go out.

Then in the village, he planned to match this girl on a blind date, so that she could marry an old man in the village.

This girl, of course, disagreed. She liked Wang Dahai very much, and it was impossible for her to compromise her fate like this.


(End of this chapter)

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