... This girl may be very unwilling, and I don't know if she is too strong. The mother's body burst out with a huge force, and her big belly was straight up, on a dark and windy night.

Just ran out of the village and came all the way to the city where I used to work.

This city I met with Wang Dahai.

This girl, relying on a little bit of memory, then came to Wang Dahai's home.

But I didn't expect to come here, and I was in vain, Wang Dahai...isn't he at home?
She can't go back. If she goes back, she will definitely be beaten to death by her parents.


This girl, thinking of this, felt very scared again.

Her current mental state has stabilized.This girl, kneeling in front of the beach artist, Mr. Dune's door.

Then wept and said.

"Please, sir, I know you are a good person, and you are also a gentle person, you must be very kind, since you can allow me to lie and slander you here, and then slander you.


You must, and forgive me, for all the mistakes you made just now, so... you will definitely show kindness, borrow your mobile phone, and call Wang Dahai, please?

I don't ask for more, you just need to call Wang Dahai, let me hear Wang Dahai's voice, and then I will say a few words to Wang Dahai, even if it is just a simple two sentences.

Will suffice.

I am also satisfied.

After this last phone call, I just chose to walk away, so I won't keep pestering you anymore, please, okay?
Good sir, you are my benefactor!
Can you satisfy me, such a small wish?
This may... be my last wish in this city, and also my last proposal, please. "

"Perhaps in the future...

You will never see me again.

Or maybe in this world...

No more, I am such a poor woman, my name is Ma Zhaodi, you have to remember me, okay?

If I have a chance, I can meet Wang Dahai again.

If I can continue to stay in this city, I will definitely repay you well, kind sir... Even if you ask me to do anything, I will promise you?OK?
It's just short, borrow your mobile phone, and use it for a few minutes.I'm not a liar, you've seen it too, I'm so embarrassed, how else can I lie to you?

And... I still have such a big belly, I can't do such a thing at all. "

This damn love-brained horse Zhaodi was crying so beautifully, she was so pitiful.

Her appearance is Xiaojiabiyu type.

It is especially easy to attract boys to like.

But I never expected that under such a pure and kind appearance, there is hidden a super invincible love brain, the world's number one love brain, none other than Ma Zhaodi!
Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. Ma Zhaodi's family is so pitiful. Ma Zhaodi's parents are patriarchal.

Ma Zhaodi was... able to be cultivated into a super invincible giant love brain...


It's just off the charts.


Mr. Sand Dune, a beach artist, is also a fuck in his heart.

No way, no way, can someone really start using this trick again?Is it a scam?

No, no, you liars, are you really so rampant?After acting for so long, I finally... want to reveal my true face.

Is that right?

No, no, at this time, you still believe me, will you believe what you said?
You are so good at weaving, why don't you go to the factory to weave bamboo baskets?

You are here, with a big belly, pretending to be wronged here.

Hmm... who is wronged?

I'm not your boyfriend, and neither am I, your damn ex-boyfriend, Wang Dahai, I'm a bad old man, and I'm not your child's father. Why are you pretending to be wronged by me here? You think I'll help You?
... No no no, my heart is made of iron.

As long as I don't have morals and moral kidnapping, I won't be kidnapped.

I am a ruthless and indifferent man.

Cool boy doesn't need to sympathize with others at all.

You look at me, I am so handsome, how could I do such a stupid thing?
I won't at all, I was cheated by you.

Do you think that if you are here, using all your scheming and means, talking about your own tragic things and tragic experiences, I will be special and sympathize with you?
If I sympathized with you at the beginning, I would directly drag you into my house, the two of us, have a good chat, and then help you get revenge, this scumbag called Wang Dahai.

It's not... I'm so afraid of you, hiding from you like a ghost, backing away quickly.

Who told you to pick me up in the first place?
It's too much, you not only pick me up, you even call me a scumbag.So... you still count on me, can you help me?Bah, it's just wishful thinking, the toad wants to eat swan meat, and he wants to make you beautiful.

Alas, Ma Zhaodi, Ma Zhaodi...you super invincible, love-loving brain, why are you so stupid?
What a stupid human being who can't turn his head around.

Oops, silly and naive.

You deserve it, you were cheated by a man.

Oh no, you can't say that.

You deserve it, you came here as a liar, you tried your best to lie to me, but you still can't fool me hahahaha!
Are you tired after talking so much?

Have you dried up your tongue?Hahahaha, I will not believe your deception so easily.

I bought my mobile phone for more than 1 yuan. How could I give you this easily, and use it for strangers who meet for the first time?
You still call and say a few words, you have a good idea.

I will not open the door for you, I will never open the door for you in this life.

Unless Wang Dahai appeared suddenly.

Or you were born prematurely.

Then I will only show kindness and give you a 120 emergency call instead of choosing to do other things.


Ma Zhaodi... Your deception is so low-level, I would not choose to help you?

Wake up, you super invincible universe's strongest love brain, quickly dump the scumbag Wang Dahai, okay?

Stop falling in love with brains here.

Really misogyny committed.

If you have this spare time, if you work in the factory, you can become a leader, and you are even here, pestering this...a scumbag named Wang Dahai, do you love you?

What's the point of being in love?

The meaning of falling in love is that he, Wang Dahai, lied to your heart, body and money, and even dumped you, making you sit on the ground with a big belly, crying and begging him.

Let him come to you and reunite with you. Think about it, don't you feel ashamed?

If you think about it, don’t you feel very social?

It's really interesting, such a damn love brain, there is such a big love brain in this world! !

It's simply, outrageous TM, open the door for outrageous, really, outrageous is at home.

The beach artist, Mr. Dune, is unbelievable, such a person...

Still alive in this world.

Good for you.

Beach artist Mr. Dune, brainstorm speed.

At this moment, his IQ reached Einstein.

It is absolutely impossible for me to agree directly to this woman named Ma Zhaodi's nonsense, it is impossible to choose to believe this woman directly, Ma Zhaodi, Ma Zhaodi...you are really a scheming liar.


The beach artist, Mr. Dune, fell silent immediately.

But at this wonderful time.

The two of them were at a stalemate.

One person is outside, crying and crying, and one person is inside the house, expressionless.

Mr. Shaqiu, a beach artist, was about to speak, and told this woman named Ma Zhaodi to leave quickly.

Don't give birth prematurely at his house, it's really unlucky, he is still single in Shaqiu.

This woman named Ma Zhaodi is so scheming, scolding him with her big belly at the door of his house, this is not enough!
In case, Ma Zhaodi got angry and was so angry that she gave birth prematurely...

Oh my god.

That big pool of blood, all flowing at the door of his house, is really too disgusting and unlucky.

Demons and ghosts... all give me back.

Mr. Dune, a beach artist, makes crazy comparison gestures.


Ma Zhaodi, a woman who was still crying outside, didn't understand why the beach artist Mr. Shaqiu suddenly disliked her.

She hiccupped.

The sound stopped abruptly.

Because he heard voices coming from the stairs.

And the beach artist inside the door, Mr. Dune, although separated by a door panel, can still hear the sound of someone talking outside the door.

The man who spoke... happened to be Wang Dahai.

Wang Dahai's wife said fiercely, "You old man, you took my mother away to my mother's house early in the morning, is there something wrong with your brain?
I was also driven back by my mother.

Now I am so tired from tossing around, and I have to carry such big and small bags when I come back.

Wang Dahai, you bastard, what the hell were you talking about just now, you hurry up, hurry up.

Marry you poor man, look at you poor man.

My old lady is really, I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes. Your family is so poor. The house is rented, so forget it. You have to climb the stairs to the eighth floor. You don't even have an elevator. You still have two bedrooms and one living room.

80 flats.

Isn't such a small place just a kennel?
Wang Dahai, you are such a wimp, so poor, why don't you die of poverty?
Stare stare... stare at your head, stare at you, and stare at my old lady again, believe it or not? "

A long distance away, Wang Dahai's wife began to chatter.

She is indeed a crazy old woman who is tall and thick, and her voice is particularly deafening.

It can't compare to Ma Zhaodi, who is so beautiful and beautiful.

It's okay to be ugly, but she has such a bad personality and a hot temper. She has been married for so many years and has never even been pregnant.

It's no wonder that Wang Dahai abandoned his wretched wife and went on a date with his youngest son, Ma Zhaodi.

In this world, any man is not a human being scolded by his wife inside and out...

will be angry.

But this Wang Dahai is really useless at home. After living for more than 40 years, he didn't even buy a house, and he didn't even have a car!

...the places where they live are all rented.

It’s okay to rent it, and the rent is so poor.

I can't do a search, and I really don't know who Wang Dahai is, what kind of ecstasy soup was given to this woman, Ma Zhaodi, to be able to fall in love with him for two years...

Ma Zhaodi still has such a serious love brain, even broke up, with a big belly, was abandoned, and even shameless, came to Wang Dahai.

Wang Dahai really has his own way. You know how to fall in love, and you know how to make your love brain fall in love with you.

Wang Dahai, you are really smart inside your little head.


Hiding behind the door, Mr. Sha Dun, a beach artist, gave a thumbs up silently in his heart. This melon is so delicious...he really hesitated to speak.

Let the beach artist Mr. Dune.

Incessantly, I want to keep listening.

It's really like... a large series!
Mr. Dune, a beach artist, is even more curious about what happens next.
... So, Sha Dun pricked up his ears, and continued to secretly listen to a few people talking.

As a result, as soon as Wang Dahai and his wife went up the stairs, they saw a crazy woman crying outside, in a very abnormal state of mind——Ma Zhaodi.

For a while, Wang Dahai didn't recognize that this embarrassed woman, Ma Zhaodi, was his third son.

When he saw it, he still murmured in his heart, who's pregnant woman?
"You actually have a big belly? Just sit on the ground, don't pay attention at all."

Wang Dahai's wife immediately gave him a big mouth.

"Look... look at what to look at, see a little vixen, you can't move your eyes, can't you? Hurry up and get out of my old lady! Get out of the house, get out of that doghouse, go!"

Wang Dahai's wife not only slapped Wang Dahai, but even stretched her legs and kicked Wang Dahai's ass.

It's because I'm jealous of Wang Dahai in my heart.When I see a woman, I can't walk.

Such a man... Marrying such a fool is really useless.

Wang Dahai's wife has regretted it countless times. Can this marriage continue in the end?
Before she was there, she had doubts whether her husband had cheated.

But think about it again, how could a man as poor as Wang Dahai have a girl who would fall in love with him?If there is such a brain-dead girl.

Being able to be with Wang Dahai willingly.It's like... there is a big hole in my mind!

Blind her dog eyes.

Hurry up, just take away Wang Dahai, this wretch, so she can quickly find the next family and make it big.

No longer living with Wang Dahai, this poor and worthless wimp.

I'm so annoying, disgusting!

Read it all.


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