Wang Dahai's wife, thinking of these things and the grievances she had suffered in these years, gave Wang Dahai a fierce look.

"Worthless, still watching? Believe it or not, I really scratched your face?"

Wang Dahai's wife took another look at Dahai, only to find that this damned man actually...

Are you still aiming at that woman? ?

Everyone is pregnant, and you dare to peek at her, you are really shameless, you are home!
How could such a disgusting man like you grow up so big?Still living in his 40s, the longer he gets, the more wretched he is.

Wang Dahai's wife was so annoyed to see this man.

Wang Dahai was yelled at by his wife's voice, and he immediately came to his senses.

It's so strange.

Why does he feel... this is in himself.The woman at the door of my nephew... a bit like the stupid woman who was pregnant with his child that I abandoned before.

Wang Dahai just hesitated for a moment, and then quickly took out the key to open the door, cursing in his heart, his wife, this damn yellow-faced woman, scolded him again outside.

She's just out of her mind, very shameless, this dead old woman doesn't even look at herself, what does she look like, she regrets marrying him, and calls her a wimp? ?

still regret...

You regret the hammer, you regret it!
You are such an old woman, what regrets do you have?

What kind of pot do you say, what kind of cover does it match, you are such an ugly woman, no one wants you, you marry me, you are really blessed for three lives, I am not like other men, domestic violence, Smoking, drinking, anything special.

I don't want to beat you, you just beg me, but you still despise me?

You even hit and scolded me, you are simply shameless.

You don't know your blessings when you are in the blessings, you ugly old woman, you don't know when you will die! !
There was a killing intent in Wang Dahai's heart.

One day, he will replace this bad old woman with a younger and more beautiful one.

As for the woman who was playing with her pregnant belly by accident...Ma Zhaodi?

Forget it?

She's so naive, she really doesn't deserve to be Wang Dahai's current wife.

The abacus in Wang Dahai's heart was crackling.

The moment Wang Dahai opened the door, Ma Zhaodi stood up from the ground suddenly.

He also realized that in front of his wife, this man who was a fool...was that bastard Wang Haihai.

It's just hehe, Wang Dahai treated her so well outside, but now that Wang Dahai is back home, he has become a dog?

Being treated like this by his wife.

Wang Dahai simply has no family status at all.

At the same time, the noble and gentle image of Wang Dahai directly subverted the tall and majestic image in Ma Zhaodi's own mind.


"Wang Dahai, hahahahahaha, is that you? I finally waited for you, look at me, I am your lover Ma Zhaodi.

Look at me, my stomach is still so big, it's full of your children.

I took good care of our children, so you can go back with me, don't be angry anymore, okay?
Although you stole my money, I can choose to forgive you. Even though you forced me to have a big belly and break up with you, then I can also forgive you, as long as you...

Can you promise to go back with me, okay?
The two of us, as usual, live a good life.

It must be happy, as for this yellow-faced woman...

Brother Dahai... You just get rid of this ugly vicious woman, you two are divorced, and I will be your new wife, okay? "

Dazed, Ma Zhaodi rushed over and immediately hugged Wang Dahai's thigh.

Ma Zhaodi's strength was so great that Wang Dahai was so stunned that he had no time to react.

He was immediately hugged on the thigh, and then Ma Zhaodi gnawed on the thigh viciously.

This crazy woman turned out to be Ma Zhaodi? ?

It's just that, after being abandoned by myself for a month, it turned into this appearance, which is too disgusting.

Sure enough, my original choice was right.

It's okay, it's okay, I'm not with Ma Zhaodi, this disgusting woman, otherwise...he will definitely be disgusting, and vomit out the meal overnight.


Wang Dahai was so ruthless that he kicked Ma Zhaodi away.

"Who the hell are you meowing, what is the dog called here, do I know you?
You just come and hug my thigh, what do I have to do with you?Are you still shameless?

As a girl, you are so wild.Really shameless.

Didn't see, do I already have a wife?

Hurry up, hurry up, don't be disgusting here, otherwise...

Kick the child in your stomach with one kick, believe it or not? "

Wang Dahai spoke fiercely.

This made the other few people all confused.

I'm going, so ruthless!
Beach artist Mr. Dune, listening to this melon getting bigger and bigger is really outrageous.

Then he continued to eavesdrop.

This melon is right in front of you, if you don't eat it, you won't eat it for nothing.


Wang Dahai's wife was directly confused by Ma Zhaodi.

WTF?Wang Dahai actually has the impregnate other women.

Oh... After listening to the following words, it turns out that this is a fake? ?

If you still get the wrong person, then it's fine.

Wang Dahai's wife breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that Wang Dahai's wife still didn't relax her vigilance, because she felt that the atmosphere between this girl with a big belly and this stupid guy like Wang Dahai became more and more strange.

Why is this pair so awkward...

Moreover, this woman actually knew Wang Dahai and could still call him by his name, which meant...the two of them must have known each other and were related.

Combined with this, Wang Dahai subconsciously pushed this girl away...obviously, it represented Wang Dahai's thoughts...not pure.

It's strange, if a person is caught by another stranger, the first reaction should be to protect the other person's stomach first!

But Wang Dahai didn't. He just said what are you barking for, and then pushed the girl away.

Moreover, he threatened the girl, saying that if the girl didn't pass, Wang Dahai would do something to the girl's stomach.

Is this the brain circuit of ordinary people?
No, no, this just shows that Wang Dahai does have some relationship with this strange girl, and the two of them are very shameful.

... This relationship may be exactly what she imagined, Wang Dahai, a damned scumbag, gave her a crush, fuck, this old bastard.

This girl, who looked so innocent at first glance, was actually deceived by Wang Dahai, that bastard.

It's true that my uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't.

Wang Dahai's wife couldn't accept this fact.

No wonder, no wonder.

Wang Dahai's wife thinks that Wang Dahai's recent behavior is weird.Something is very wrong, it turns out...

It was here, dug a hole, waiting for her.

Damn it, my mother has been with you for so many years and suffered so many grievances, and it's all over.

Wasted youth, wasted time.You actually dare to be with other women and cheat on my old lady? ?
Wang Dahai is here with you, a scumbag.


Wang Dahai's wife is not stupid either.

After thinking about it, he has already deduced what happened.

She kept her composure, looked at the girl with a big belly, and then looked at her husband, Wang Dahai.

Then I saw this pregnant girl looking at Wang Dahai blankly.

When he spoke, his tone was full of disbelief.

"Wang Dahai, you actually deny the relationship between us, I have been with you for so long, and it took so much time.

Falling in love with you, you said that you will love me forever, marry me, and divorce your wife!divorce!Then marry me back home...

We will jointly give birth to an excellent child, she will be very healthy, very happy, and have a parent who loves her and loves her.

but now……

Then you actually, when I was seven months pregnant, not only took away all my money, but even dumped me and the child. "

This girl, as long as she mentions the bits and pieces of the past, when she was with Wang Dahai, she paid so much by herself, but now, she can't get back Wang Dahai's sincerity!
She used to be full of love for Wang Dahai, but in the end she was let down...

Even Wang Dahai, this scumbag, was injured all over his body, riddled with holes, and now he still has a big belly, so embarrassing.

Came all the way to see Wang Dahai.

But she was disgusted, but she was deliberately put aside and pretended not to know her.

I was given pua by my parents at home.

Here, Bei Wanghai was tortured to pieces, and his heart ached.

In the end, what did she do, something outrageous?My own life... unexpectedly lived such a miserable, sorrowful life.

Let this girl sigh incomparably, this life is really bitter, too painful.

If only she died.

When I die, my children will die with me.

her death.

It will make Wang Dahai feel guilty and remember her forever.It will make Wang Dahai's wife afraid of her.There has always been a psychological shadow.

Perhaps... for the rest of his life, he was tortured by psychological shadows.

These two people are not good things!

She wanted these two people to suffer the same pain as her.

Hell is empty, I can't be left alone, in hell...

I want you all... all to come down with me.

This girl, as if she had opened up Ren Du's second channel, went crazy, got up from the ground, and slapped Wang Haihai fiercely with her hand, which flattened his face.

Not waiting for Wang Dahai to stare at her and hit her to fight back.

The girl screamed loudly.

"Wang Dahai, I love you so much, yet you treat me like this?? You have let down my sincerity, I love you so much, now...

It ended up, is this an ending?
Abandoned and resented.

Wang Dahai, oh Wang Dahai... You actually pretended not to know me, pointing at your conscience, tell me, have I ever existed in your heart?
Ever, me and my child's status?
Tell your wife again, how did you meet me?Why have you hooked up with me for so many years?We've been hiding our relationship from her...


You still keep it from me, you have a wife, and you still say you are single...

you are single?Sows can climb trees!You big-headed ghost, you are shameless, you are a scumbag, you are a scumbag, Wang Dahai!

I'm really blind. I used to love you so much, and my sincerity, all of which were paid by mistake.

It's better to feed the dog.No... dogs are more loyal than you.You are really the scum of scum, disgusting and despicable! "

Ma Zhaodi's heart ached so badly that she couldn't breathe, and her stomach throbbed in pain, as if she was about to give birth prematurely.

She was so embarrassed that she fell to the ground again, out of breath.

I could barely breathe.

Although Wang Dahai's wife looked confused.

But she also realized that human life is at stake, and the birth of a child cannot be delayed because of these children's personal relationships. After all, the child is innocent, although she also hates the mistress...


According to what this girl meant, it was Wang Dahai, a scumbag, who tricked this girl, deliberately concealed his married status, and then hooked up with this girl.

Then he cheated this girl into nothing.

... Alas, it really hurts to hear it!

Wang Dahai's wife almost tore Wang Dahai apart, this scumbag is really tricky!

One set after another is bullying other little girls.

What's worse?This girl... looks like she is only in her early 20s, and Wang Dahai is already in her 40s!

This is a kind of, what kind of age difference?Too outrageous, right?

Wang Dahai, this old man, is really cheap. If it wasn't here, if there were outsiders, she would be afraid of being watched by neighbors and jokes.

She had already slapped Wang Dahai, this shameless bastard, to the wall with a slap, and couldn't even buckle it down.

"What are you looking at? You have to pay for the evil you did yourself!
Hurry up and pick up this girl and send her to the hospital. Didn't you see that her lower body is bleeding?
If she had a miscarriage, or killed someone.

I can't forgive you.

Wang Dahai, you old man, are you cheap or not?She is still pregnant with your child, you are looking for death, don't force me to slap you. "

Wang Dahai's wife, outputting a meal, crackled, and scolded Wang Dahai to the point of blood.

Wang Dahai usually bullies the weak and fears the strong, and he was beaten up by his wife.

So now, as soon as his wife spoke, he immediately fell in love again.

Regardless of himself, whether he has anything to do with Ma Zhaodi or not.

He didn't realize that his wife had also discovered the relationship between them.


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