Chapter 199
Wang Dahai bent down directly, and hugged Ma Zhaodi, a poor girl, in a hurry.

It was also the first time for him to have close contact with a pregnant woman who was pregnant with a seven-month-old fetus.

It was also the first time I encountered a woman giving birth... and I was terrified.

Wang Dahai's wife was even more nervous, as if the child was born by her, she quickly asked Wang Dahai to carry the girl downstairs.

Took a taxi to the hospital.


As for what happened afterwards, everyone knows.

The beach artist, Mr. Shaqiu, heard other people gossip, these people, the matter of derailment, made chickens fly.

In the end, Wang Dahai's wife really divorced Wang Dahai, and then took Ma Zhaodi and the premature child away and flew away.

Although this incident has nothing to do with Sand Dune, it is also Sand Dune who has left a very serious psychological shadow, and is even more afraid of women...

Not for anything else, but because this woman Ma Zhaodi is too crazy.

She went crazy and didn't care about the lives of others.


That's where the memories end, Mr. Beach Artist Dune.

To his girlfriend, Helian Keke, after telling this story.

Helian Keke was also quite frightened.

She concluded at the end.

"Don't provoke this kind of neighbors who are outrageous. Ah, I really love you, my boyfriend, baby Aqiu... Come on, let my sister, well, make it up to you."

The two of them returned to the Helian family without stopping, and then made an official announcement with the parents.

Those who had a crush on Helian Keke before would be jealous to death.

Sand Dune... what kind of man is he?It's really outrageous to be so fascinated by the majestic Miss Helin and Helian Keke.

They are envious and jealous, the important thing is why can't they fly on the branches?What about becoming a phoenix?
Sha Dun must have some special characteristics that can make a woman fall in love with him.

Of course, they don't know these things.

This is the end of the story of Miss Helian Keke and the artist Mr. Shaqiu.


The story of our big star Jiang Zhiyue and our CEO Xing Yichen...

Still going on.


come on.

The camera is shown on our big star, the big beauty Jiang——

Jiang Zhiyue is here.

A picture of her and Xing Yichen, the two of them, on their honeymoon.

Unintentionally, it was posted on the Internet by the paparazzi, which directly caused an uproar.

Jiang Zhiyue has been in a coma for more than two years, and has not come out to show her face much. Then this time, she went abroad for vacation, watching the sea, and traveling.

The small days are extremely chic and beautiful.

She also met so many fans by chance, took photos, recorded videos, and signed autographs.

Fans love Jiang Zhiyue very much.

But they couldn't bear it anymore, the paparazzi rushed over like dogs smelling meat after hearing the news.

When Jiang Zhiyue brought her boyfriend Xing Yichen back to China, they frantically took pictures at the airport.

Jiang Zhiyue looked blank, didn't she feel cold?Why...there are so many paparazzi taking pictures of her?

Nasty, too much, and stalking them.

Furious, Jiang Zhiyue looked at her boyfriend Xing Yichen, "Ah Chen!! Drive quickly! Get rid of them."

"Ah Yue, don't worry, trust my skills." Xing Yichen drove by himself for the first time, wanting to take his dear girlfriend Jiang Zhiyue out for a drive.

Come shopping, buy some new clothes, new jewelry, what the hell...

But was surrounded by paparazzi and intercepted!
This has to make people feel angry.

His cars are all privately modified, super awesome.

The speed of the car drove away directly, and they were a group of paparazzi, a lot of them.

Boom boom ran away.

The paparazzi were chasing after him, like a group of dogs abandoned by their owners, laughing to death.

But they moved fast, although Jiang Zhiyue and Xing Yichen only showed up briefly, within a few minutes.

But ah.

They have already taken the intimate photos of these two people from various angles, cuddling each other, it seems that it is the way of getting along with a young couple, and the atmosphere of you and me is beautiful.

It's hard not to be misunderstood, ultrasound reverie!
At a glance, these two people are in love.

The two of them, if they didn't fall in love, they would stand on their heads and eat shit.

"Brothers, do you want to exchange photos? How are you doing? Look at the ones I took. I'll ask you if you're awesome!" one paparazzi excitedly said to the other paparazzi.

Another paparazzi, also looking at this paparazzi, rolled his eyes, with a proud face, "Your shot is considered a ball, and my shot is the best. Look at this photo... tsk tsk tsk, Really good!"

The two of them were immersed in narcissism, admiring their masterpieces.

However, within 10 minutes, their camera...was smashed! !

In broad daylight, the sky is clear, this group of people who suddenly appeared dared to do such a thing of burning, killing and looting!Is there any reason at all?but……

It seems that they really did a good job!

This is a group of men in black who suddenly appeared.

The bodyguard in black is two meters tall and has a strong body. He is [-] meters straight at the airport, okay?
These paparazzi were so frightened that they were trembling all over.

Almost disarmed and surrendered, and quickly slipped away.

But they couldn't beat this group of men in black, so they could only be honest... they were bullied.

This group of handsome bodyguards in black, without saying a word, gave them paparazzi... oh, they didn't beat them up.

However, all their negatives were taken away, and no news was revealed.

But the paparazzi, how many years have been here, they are not a bunch of fools, just now they have secretly photographed the female star Jiang Zhiyue, and only a few minutes later, a man in black came to take their primer and film , All of them were snatched away, and the camera was also smashed.

So think about it...

Isn't it what Jiang Zhiyue, a female star, and her boyfriend did?

Very possible! !

You can think of everything with your toes, so...

Jiang Zhiyue, a female star, what kind of boyfriend did she talk about?
It seems that this man... seems really familiar, very handsome.

They thought about it carefully, and saw that person...a fleeting appearance just now.

So handsome, so excellent, it seems to be...

Very, very familiar, I seem to have seen it there, yes!

Did they remember?

That handsome guy just now.

It's the big president of the Xing Family Xing Group, I'll go...

Xing Yichen!
There are many companies under his umbrella!

The Xing family's business capabilities can be directly extended to the whole country, well, there are even people from them abroad.

The strength is very strong! !
They didn't dare to speak for a moment, for fear of being retaliated.

After all, secretly filming these things... They did it wrong.

Even your own camera is very expensive.

There were tens of thousands, all of which were smashed, so what?This is a bit of a loss... They can only eat it in silence. It is indeed them who did the wrong thing first.I don't blame the other party for being cruel.

These reporter paparazzi can be said to have lost their wives and soldiers.It was bad luck for eight lifetimes, and offended this handsome and domineering man Xing Yichen.

Moreover, Xing Yichen is also a super invincible, wife-loving and madman.

Only his wife, Jiang Zhiyue, obeyed her orders.

If Jiang Zhiyue said one, he wouldn't say two.


Seeing that she finally got rid of the paparazzi, Jiang Zhiyue breathed a sigh of relief, then hugged her boyfriend, Xing Yichen's arm happily, and acted like a baby.

"Oh, Chen, you are so amazing. I like you so much."

The little girl's eyes are bright and her teeth are bright. In her eyes, there are all shining lights, all of which are admiration for Xing Yichen.

And full of love, love is thick like water.

Xing Yichen is also very shy when he is confessed by a little girl every day.

His emotions are very restrained, but because of Jiang Zhiyue, a little girl, Xing Yichen acted like a baby with no shame, and kept saying "I love you".

His face was red, his eyes were red, and his earlobes were red.

Xing Yichen replied. "Ah Yue, I love you too, I love you more every day."

"No, no, brother Ah Chen! It's obvious that I love you first, and then I love you more." Jiang Zhiyue bulged her cheeks, eating snacks, like a bunny, so cute.

Xing Yichen knew that Jiang Zhiyue, a little girl, was showing off again, and then repeated a sentence.

"No, no, Ah Yue, I love you... more." Xing Yichen blushed more and more as he spoke.

He stopped the car and reached the underground garage.

Jiang Zhiyue's eyes were shining brightly.

She sneaked a glance out of the window, and then excitedly threw herself into the arms of her boyfriend, Xing Yichen.

With all his might, he arched Gong Xing Yichen's neck.

The voice was delicate, like turning into water.Said in a pinched voice. "He just loves him a little more than you do."

"Okay, okay, you love me the most...but I love you the most in the whole world, Ayue." Xing Yichen hugged the little girl back, fearing that the little girl would fall from his lap.

Then... the atmosphere started to get awkward.

Jiang Zhiyue made a fuss for a while, then got out of the car.

He rushed into the mall with a happy face.

"Today I am the best consumer in the audience."

While running, Jiang Zhiyue turned her head and said such a sentence to her boyfriend Xing Yichen.

Xing Yichen smiled helplessly, then locked the car door and got out of the car.

He followed behind the little girl Jiang Zhiyue, looking at the little girl, like a dancing butterfly, looking left and right.

Touch this for a while, try that for a while.

Jiang Zhiyue is more delicate than Hua, with that delicate and beautiful face.

The long ones are even more beautiful than the flowers blooming in the market.

Coquettish, pure and unaffected, it is the object of men's hearts.

Jiang Zhiyue went directly to the men's clothing section, quickly took a few suits, and gave them to her boyfriend Xing Yichen.

"Achen~~Come and try on this dress, you won't refuse me, will you?"

Meet the little girl's expectant eyes.

What else could Xing Yichen do?Of course he dotes on the little girl Jiang Zhiyue, so Xing Yichen nodded.

"Okay, then you wait for me here, Ah Yue."

Jiang Zhiyue saw that there was an ice cream seller on the side, then she nodded to Xing Yichen, "Okay, I will wait for you obediently here, come out quickly."

In fact, the clothes that Xing Yichen wears every day are all high order, all are designed by top domestic masters, and are specially customized.

Every month, dozens or even hundreds of new styles will be sent to his villa for him to choose.

But today, his girlfriend, Jiang Zhiyue, brought him here to pick out clothes in person. Can he refuse?He can't refuse, this is his girlfriend's way of expressing his love, and he has to accept it.

Of course, Xing Yichen, a wife-loving maniac, had no intention of refusing, so he quickly took a few suits that Jiang Zhiyue had chosen for him, and walked into the changing room.

And when Jiang Zhiyue saw her boyfriend Xing Yichen had already walked into the locker room, he was discussing the down payment and confirming that the other party would not suddenly appear again.

Jiang Zhiyue quickly ran to the nearby store, bought an ice cream, and ate it to a hearty level.

Alas, these two days are Jiang Zhiyue's menstrual period. Xing Yichen has been controlling her and not letting her eat indiscriminately, but she can't control it at all. In such a hot weather, she feels uncomfortable if she doesn't eat something cold!
So as soon as Jiang Zhiyue came to the mall, she tried her best to quickly get her boyfriend Xing Yichen away, and then sneaked over to eat ice cream.

The ice cream melts in the mouth, and it feels cold, bouncing on the taste buds on the tip of the tongue.

Jiang Zhiyue was so happy that she couldn't help herself.

Almost took off.

However, before Jiang Zhiyue was happy for a minute.

There was a very sharp and piercing sound, which suddenly sounded.

Jiang Zhiyue listened and looked over.

I rub it, it's Lin Yingying!
How could this person survive a catastrophe?
There are also faces appearing here.

Lin Yingying traveled all the way, and saw a beautiful little girl eating here.

He looks good, but he doesn't look like a normal person.

Lin Yingying is, what kind of person is she?It is necessary to misunderstand others, who are the same as her, and think that the other party, like her, is a scheming white lotus.

In fact, Lin Yingying is her own Taijian.

If you do too many sins by yourself, then let yourself go cold, and throw all your contradictions on others, you are an idiot!
...This kind of thinking is too disgusting.

But Lin Yingying is a dead white lotus, she doesn't think so.

Lin Yingying thinks that she is the most beautiful and the best in the world.

No, Lin Yingying had a hard time, after being kicked out of the Jiang family's house, she got a big money.

Quickly, he brought the other party to the shopping mall, ready to kill him.

Slaughter this big money like killing a pig.

Lin Yingying stared fiercely at Jiang Zhiyue's back.

His expression was stiff.

Heh, this girl...why is she acting sneaky here, can't she be a thief?

(End of this chapter)

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