Chapter 105

In stupidity, I also know how big the storm will be when I go back.

Chen Wei actually has an illegitimate son who swaggers and sits as a prince.

If this news gets out, his stingy second uncle will not forgive Chen Wei.

Chen Wei has been an official in the court for many years, and he has a deep wing. He really doesn't have much confidence alone.

Fortunately, Qin Zhi also gave him both Yueniang and the painter.

With the witnesses in hand, even if he cannot be convicted, the Emperor Chen Wei, who has been in a hurry for [-] miles, can be called back.

As long as Chen We can return to the capital, Qin Zhi will have a way to get out of trouble.

When he returned to the capital, Chen Wei couldn't run away.

Thinking of this, he was full of confidence.

But he didn't know that it was just dark in Jiangnan, so Chen Wei ordered someone to light gunpowder.

Without any hesitation, he waited to see Qin Zhihuan's death with the attitude of a winner.

However, a quarter of an hour passed, and the gunpowder exploded for a long time.

Instead, there was movement in the government office.

Suddenly, there were a few more lights in the dark mansion, and they ran around aimlessly in the mansion.

Chen Wei's heart sank, and he always felt that something big had happened.

Just as he was about to send someone to see what happened, a dead man guarding the government office came out in a hurry to report.

"My lord, the people in the government office have already talked out through the tunnel."

Chen Wei's heart beat violently and he could hardly stand up.

I heard the dead man continue: "I heard from the rest of the government office that all the gunpowder in the tunnel was soaked in water by Mr. Qin, and it couldn't be ignited at all.

The reason why they haven't escaped these two days is that they are waiting for us to dig a hole for them to escape. "

Gunpowder is afraid of water, and it has been raining continuously for the past few days, so it is not uncommon for it to get wet.

Blame him for not thinking neatly.

Chen Wei looked at the suddenly static lights in the government office, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

There is no one in the government office.

Forcing myself to stabilize my mind, I tightened the reins and the half-lighted people went to the exit of the tunnel.

A mass of dead soldiers fought in the heavy rain.

The sound of swords clashing broke the tranquility of the rainy night.

The gates on both sides of the alley were closed, and Wu went out alone.

Chen Wei's men and horses had only walked halfway, and the mansion behind them was full of swords, swords and swords, and the flames shot up into the sky.

The big fire came from behind, and Chen Wei tightened the reins again and turned around slowly.

In an instant, my heart became cold.

The dead soldiers at the tunnel entrance also turned back in time, and when they saw Chen Wei hurriedly reported: "My lord, there are only Lord Sun and two soldiers at the tunnel entrance..."

The soldiers of the government were highly skilled in martial arts, and after killing a few people, they fled with Mr. Sun.

The dead man observed Chen Wei's expression and didn't say anything...

Chen Wei's complexion completely changed.

He was fooled, but he still hasn't lost...

After reacting, Chen Wei pinched the horse's belly and turned around abruptly.

A group of people followed behind him and rushed towards the government office.

The talent dared to move, and there was a tremor under the feet, and the gunpowder buried in the ground suddenly exploded.

Like a giant dragon that had been circling for a long time, it sprang out of the ground with a bang and instantly engulfed everyone.

There were horses neighing and howling everywhere.

Chen Wei was lucky, and was rescued by a dead man at the moment when the flames rushed towards him.

Rumbling explosions rang in his ears, and Chen Wei was temporarily deaf, unable to hear the voices of the people around him.

Knowing that gunpowder is afraid of water, how can gunpowder get wet.

The tunnel is dry and not humid, so it won't fail to light for a while.

Qin Zhi is still capable, and it is impossible to make so much gunpowder dumb.
How could he have been fooled by him, and he didn't want to think about it any more.

Chen Wei's eyes were red, and the dead man who rescued him was seriously injured and howled continuously.

There was a mess in front of my eyes.

The deafness caused by the explosion slowly dissipated, and the miserable wailing sound reached his ears.

Chen Wei felt ruthless in his heart, got up from the ground with difficulty, drew out his sword, and ended up dying in pain.

Then he straightened his back, looked at the flames in the sky, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Dog thing."

Chen Wei's targets were only Qin Zhihuan and the two escaped people.

Mr. Sun, who escaped from the tunnel, was not hunted down for long, and escaped early in the morning with his arms crossed by Qin Da and Qin Er.

He didn't know martial arts, and being dragged along the ground by two people, he felt that his skin was about to be worn out.

Just as he was about to speak, there was an explosion behind him.

A wave of heat hit him, scaring him to sit down on the ground again.

Turning around again, I didn't even have the strength to get up.

The government office is full of flames.

He guessed right about the gunpowder, it really wasn't a squib.

After getting into the tunnel, he felt something was wrong, Qin Er cleared the way at the front, and cut off the gunpowder primer with one sword.

He was so frightened that he was out of his wits, and finally he was relieved when he heard Qin Er say that he would not leave and wait.

Waiting for what, waiting to die?
He wanted to ask several times, but was frightened by the eyes of the two.

It was almost time for a cup of tea, and the girl dressed as a moon lady actually lit the gunpowder primer again.

He was scared in his heart, and quickly stopped: "What if it is still dry without soaking enough water..."

According to his thinking, it's better to go out just in case.

Qin Er is not afraid at all, and there is no fear on his face: "You will know if you try it."

His face changed several times, and he began to doubt Qin Er's sincerity.

I have never seen a slave who would take the master's life to try.


He also planned to persuade him with a gift, but Qin Da and Qin Er clamped his arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

"My lord is right, if it can be lit, it will be over."

Before he finished speaking, he was led away by two people.

He wanted to tell the two of them to put out the gunpowder primer, but the speed was too fast to say anything.

As soon as he walked out of the tunnel entrance, he was surrounded by a group of dead soldiers. After finally breaking out of the siege, he exploded behind him.

If it was later, Chen Wei's people blocked the entrance of the tunnel...

Master Sun wiped the sweat off his brow, not daring to think about the consequences.

Explosions sounded one after another, and the color on his face was gone.

There was no blood on his face.

Seeing the flames exploding in the government office, Mr. Sun came to his senses and grabbed Qin Er.

"Look at what you're doing, Mr. Qin is still inside.

It's okay to try to see if the gunpowder can explode, Master Qin is still inside. "

Master Sun beat his chest and stamped his feet anxiously.

Even if Qin Zhi died, it would be useless for him to escape.

With his IQ, how could he beat Chen Wei, that old fox.

It's better to die in gunpowder than to be framed by his design and kill all the people.

Qin Zhi still died in the south of the Yangtze River, even if Chen Wei didn't trouble him, Qin Zhi's soldiers would not let him go.

And the Holy One, I'm afraid they will think that he and Chen Wei are in the same camp.

Master Sun thought of many kinds of outcomes in a moment, but none of them was alive.

Qin Er was irritated by the noise, looked up at the people from the Nanqu troupe who came in the rain and fog, and threw Master Sun on the horseback.

Mr. Sun was thrown by him, and fell into a mess, the rain splashed on his face, and he struggled a few times before sitting up from the horse's back.

As soon as he sat down, he saw a few horses approaching in the rain and fog.

(End of this chapter)

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