Chapter 106
The horseshoes galloped, splashing the rainwater on the ground, running all the way.

Only when he got to the front did Mr. Sun see clearly who the man in black was at the front.

Wearing black clothes and wearing a bamboo hat, isn't it Qin Zhihuan?

Seeing that he was safe and sound, Mr. Sun's heart finally fell into his stomach.

Just live.

Qin Zhi was still at the front, seeing Master Sun's astonished expression.

He raised his head to reveal a face under the bamboo hat, his eyes were as dark as ink, and there was a monstrous coldness hidden in his eyes, which made him daunting.

Mr. Sun wanted to watch it, but he found that Qin Zhi had returned to normal, without any disturbance, and his voice was as indifferent as ever:
"My lord should have heard what happened in the government office last night."

Hearing this, Master Sun was sweating, but he wanted to say something, but he still didn't make a sound.

I only heard Qin Zhi continue to say: "Please come with me, my lord, so that I don't fall into the hands of Master Chen and say things that shouldn't be said..."

What happened yesterday was critical to the country, and he could not tolerate any mistakes.

Master Sun wiped off the sweat from his forehead, didn't dare to say a word, sat on the horse and followed Qin Zhihuan and left.

After he heard that incident yesterday, he knew that he couldn't escape.

Under this vortex, it is good to be alive.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, blurring the vision when it hit the face: "Thank you for saving my life, sir."

He is very strange, and he has an unusual loyalty to those who have saved his life.

Qin Zhi also saved his life, and he was willing to go through fire and water for it.

Qin Zhi also gently clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and the horse walked slowly past Mr. Sun.

Master Sun followed behind Qin Zhihuan, saw him turn his head to Qin Er who was behind him and said, "Go to the market first."

uphill?What mountain?

Master Sun was slightly puzzled: "Where are you going, sir?"

Now that they have asked Chen Wei, shouldn't they hurry up and go to the capital to meet the saint?

How can so many people go to the crowded market.

The dog who went to Kyoto province earlier did tricks to reverse the case.

Just as he was thinking about it, Qin Zhihuan's voice came from the front: "Buy sugar and stir-fry chestnuts."

Qin Da showed his first smiling face in two days: "Madam likes to eat."

The corner of Master Sun's mouth twitched, and his eyes fell from the rain that fell on the back of Qin Zhihuan's hand to the scar on his arm.

He couldn't help but rolled his big eyes, complaining that Qin Zhi didn't distinguish between serious and serious.

When I first came here, I went to the Spring Building with them without hesitation, but Xiaoyu was thinking about coaxing his wife when it was so critical?

It rained heavily for a day and a night, and now it tends to become smaller.

After staying on the mountain for two days, Ma Lan finally went to ask Mrs. Gu when Qin Zhi would come back.

Mrs. Gu didn't know the approximate time, she just said that it was going to be evening.

Malan was waiting in the house, not going anywhere.

Seeing that it was getting dark outside, she hurriedly asked Zi Yan to light a few more candles.

The stove in the room was burning hot, and Qin Zhihuan could feel warm as soon as he entered the door.

While Zi Yan was busy, Ma Lan went to the clean room to wash up.

After coming out, Qin Zhi hadn't come back yet, so he just lay on the bed and waited.

I flipped through the book of Journey to the West boringly, but I couldn't read it.

Mrs. Gu's words kept circling in her mind.

Chen Wei moved the gunpowder...

Mrs. Gu smiled and reassured her, saying that Qin Zhi still had his own ideas.

Not seeing that Qin Zhi was still safe and sound, Ma Lan was always worried.

His life is her life...

After struggling for a while, I got up from the bed and put on my clothes.

He didn't go outside either, just stayed in the room with Zi Yan and sat by the fire, waiting for Qin Zhi to come back.

As the night deepened, Ma Lan looked at the dark door in despair.

The dense night was like a dense fog that could not be melted away, which made her feel uncomfortable.

After waiting for a while, Ma Lan couldn't help but pulled Zi Yan out of the room.

Zhou Wei of Qixia Temple was guarded by someone and she couldn't go out, so she went to the top of the mountain under the pretext of watching the stars.

From the top of Qixia Temple, you can see the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River.

In order to facilitate everyone to rest, a gazebo was specially built above.

Ma Lan held the stove in his hand, and wrapped the cloak tightly around her body to trace the traces of the government office from top to bottom.

She didn't distinguish between north and south, and finally found her way. There was a sudden loud noise from the foot of the mountain.

The entire mountain range under their feet seemed to tremble.

Then, a fire ignited in the direction of the government office.

The lights in the temple were lit up in an instant, and people ran around noisy.

"The gunpowder in the government office exploded."

Ma Lan didn't hear a word behind the chaotic voice.

Looking at the fire below the mountain, Ma Lan suddenly lost his mind.

Just rejoicing that Qin Zhi was still safe and sound, there was a stabbing pain in his right arm.

Ma Lan's face turned pale, and she was sure that Qin Zhi was still injured.

Flames raged down the mountain, and Malan could feel the scorching air from far away.

Before Ziyan could recover, Ma Lan was already fully alert and stepped into the rain.

She held the oil-paper umbrella tightly in her hand, and her feet kept moving.

Zi Yan hurriedly followed and shouted: "Ma'am, wait for me."

Immediately grabbed the umbrella beside him and chased after him, but couldn't keep up with Ma Lan.

Ma Lan ran all the way, and finally arrived at the entrance of Qixia Temple.

Master Li and Mrs. Gu were already waiting there, and when Ma Lan arrived, they made room for her.

Following the eyes of everyone, she saw a bigger flame rising into the sky than before.

The side of the government office has become a sea of ​​flames, and it seems that the sound of fighting and mourning can still be heard.

Master Zhu Hou really rebelled?
Holding the oil-paper umbrella, Ma Lan took another two steps forward and found that there was no other pain except her right arm, so she was slightly relieved.

Several people stood quietly at the intersection for a while, and no one spoke.

The air was terribly quiet, and everyone's heartbeat could almost be heard.

It wasn't until a bunch of fireworks exploded in the sky that Master Li and Madam Gu withdrew their nervous expressions.

Turning around, he said to Malan who was still in the rain, "Go back, it's fine."

Ma Lan took two steps back, shaking her head and refusing to leave.

She was still worried if she couldn't see Qin Zhi's return.

She didn't move, neither did the others,

Everyone gathered together and looked at the foot of the mountain.

The mountain road was slippery, dark and cold, and there was nothing to see.

The wind carried the rain, and Ma Lan shivered from the cold.

Mrs. Gu came over to persuade her, but she shook her head and refused.

After about a moment, there was finally movement on the road to grab tickets.

The first ones to come up were members of the Nanqu troupe, all of whom were wounded.

As soon as he came up, he was surrounded by people, Master Li and Mrs. Gu went in with them and were busy taking care of the wounded.

Then came Qin Da and Qin Er who sent Master Sun to each other.

The companions were seriously injured, and everyone was busy taking care of the injured, but no one noticed Malan who was still waiting in the rain.

More and more people went up the mountain, and more and more people followed in.

Gradually, Ma Lan was the only one at the intersection.

Even Zi Yan was dragged by Mrs. Gu to treat the wounds of the injured.

One after another, people walked past Ma Lan and returned to the temple one after another.

The candles in the temple were lit all night, and then slowly went out again.

Ma Lan stared blankly at the dark intersection.

What about people?

(End of this chapter)

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