Chapter 110 Arrested


Qin Da shouted and rushed forward to help Ma Lan remove the chains on his body, but was stopped by Fan Er.

Seeing this, the surrounding yamen servants hurried up to help, and isolated Qin Da and Zi Yan who wanted to come to help.

Ma Lan was dumbfounded, she was locked up without knowing what crime she had committed.

Just when he was about to ask a question, Fan Er pulled the iron chain in his hand, and Ma Lan staggered and was dragged away.

Qin Da and Zi Yan were surrounded by several yamen servants and had no time to clone themselves. They could only watch Ma Lan being taken away.

After Ma Lan was taken away, the yamen servant stopped beating and drove them out.

Tongfu Inn was newly opened today, and a seal was pasted on the door.

Shen Congwen touched a sling of money from his bosom and handed it over with a smile.

The yamen servant immediately smiled when he saw Qian: "You guys offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

There are new restaurants opening every day in Jiangnan, and no one cares at all.

Only Tongfu Inn has a lot of tricks, and even made a tasting before opening.

Those who have tasted their hot pot are full of praise, threatening to eat it for a month without getting tired.

It has caused such a big commotion before it even opened, how will the old restaurant of Liangmao handle itself.

Shen Congwen frowned, knowing that the matter was not simple, and was about to ask again when the servant continued.

"Just obediently sell the formula and lie at home to collect money, isn't it okay?"

I don't know what I'm being hypocritical about, but I don't want to get money every month without working.

No family in the south of the Yangtze River can compare to the Liu family's business.

The yamen servant patted Shen Congwen on the shoulder: "You are also a smart person, you should know how to save your shopkeeper."

Yesterday, a person who claimed to be Sixilou came to the inn, saying he was talking about business.

That person was called Daxi, and as soon as he entered the door, he looked around at the people in the inn.

Seeing that all women were working, he immediately became superior and looked at them with contempt.

"My shopkeeper said that he is willing to pay ten taels of silver to buy all the secret recipes in your family."

Before Daxi finished speaking, she was beaten out by the violent Li Caixia.

"Do not sell!"

Women in this world have a difficult life, and how can they easily lose a job that can make a living after finally finding it.

If you have money, you can earn it yourself, so why give it to others.

Daxi was beaten out by a woman, and just as he was about to make a move, the door of Tongfu Inn was closed, and his nose was ashamed.

"You wait for me."

He spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground and went to the next door to pick it up.

A carriage was parked across the street next door to Tongfu Inn, with big willow characters written on it.

There was a coachman on the carriage. He was dark-skinned and knew martial arts.

Sitting in the carriage was the second master of the Liu family, who was actually the head of Sixi House.

He has a delicate mind, but he doesn't like to deal with people. He is afraid of talking to unfamiliar people, and he likes to be clean, so he has to retreat to the second line.

He has means, and the uncle is only the head of the family on the surface, but he is still the one in charge in reality.

On the day of Tongfu Inn's tasting, he specially sent someone over to look at it, and then asked someone to pack some soup back.

All the chefs in the building tasted it, and none of them gave a thumbs up and said it was delicious.

He loves to be clean, he doesn't know how to eat outside soup, and he also knows that what everyone applauds is not bad.

Immediately ask people to study this thing, hoping to research something exactly the same before Tongfu Inn opens.

Unfortunately, none of them work.

Having been in business for many years, Liu Jiang is well aware of the impact of Tongfu Inn on Sixi Tower.

Sixi Tower is the foundation of the Liu family. In order not to affect the Liu family, they had to come to Tongfu Inn to talk.

Daxi's nose was reddish, and he saw the carriage trotting over.

Liu Jiang watched him come and move back, and lifted a corner of the car curtain, revealing a gap.

"How is it?"

He gritted his teeth in great joy: "The people in Tongfu Inn said that let alone 500 taels a month, even 1000 taels would not be sold, return, return..."

"What else?"

"Also said that even if you die, you will never cooperate with a sissy."

Hearing this, the people in the carriage paused.

"You really said that?"

Daxi nodded, angry and scared: "They not only insulted you, but also kicked me out."

As he said that, he was about to go up to let the people in the carriage see his red nose.

Liu Jiang immediately sat further away, took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose: "Let's go."

After receiving the order, the coachman drove the carriage forward slowly.

Daxi wanted to follow, but was stared back abruptly, so he could only go back to Sixi Tower by another route.

Liu Jiang was born weak, but when he grows up, he is a little more than ordinary men, and he hates being called a sissy.

He who was usually moody and angry showed his anger rarely.

As long as you sell the formula to him, no matter whether the business is good or not, you can get a share of 500 taels every month. Why don't you want to.

If it wasn't for the fact that his chef wasn't useful, he wouldn't have to spend this money.

From being in charge of the Liu family at the age of 16 to now, no one dares to call him a sissy.

The hatred accumulated over the years broke out at this moment: "Stone, you go to the government office and say..."

The coachman Shitou nodded and silently wrote down Liu Jiang's instructions.

The first thing he did when sending Liu Jiang back was to find his good friend Fan Er.

Fan Er has a good relationship with Mr. Sun on weekdays, so he naturally knew the stone who went in and out with Liu Jiang.

Hearing Ming Laiyi, he immediately patted his chest and promised that as long as Tongfu Inn dared to open, it would definitely not make things easier for the boss behind the scenes.

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Shen Congwen couldn't help frowning.

Liujiawai Jiangnan has been operating for many years, and even Kyoto has their protectors.

All business shops that the Liu family took a fancy to either sold the shop to them or closed down.

Looking at his curtain, Cui Ping pursed her lips: "How about we sue him?"

She doesn't believe that there is no kingly law in this world, and if she doesn't sell her secret recipe, she will be thrown into prison.

Qin Da and Zi Yan were stunned, they hadn't moved since the moment Ma Lan was taken away.

Shen Congwen walked over quickly: "Do you also have official backgrounds?"

Qin Zhi also had evil thoughts yesterday, so he went to Master De to detoxify him.

After waiting for the master to complete the acupuncture, he realized that it was already dawn.

Didn't return all night...

Fearing that Malan would get angry, he hurried back before asking if the detoxification was successful.

As soon as I entered the door, I found that the road was not there at all, and the house was empty.

There was Ma Lan's leftover breakfast on the table, and the clean room was her water after washing.

The skirt that I like to wear on weekdays is hanging in the closet, only a set of men's clothing is missing.

Qin Zhi knew immediately that Malan had gone down the mountain.

Chen Wei was severely injured and had no strength to fight back. There was no danger, so Qin Zhi went out to play with Ma Lan.

You can't keep people locked up all the time.

He didn't sleep all night, and he was also a little sleepy. Qin Er rushed in as soon as he was lying on the bed after washing.

Qin Zhihuan frowned tightly, and stared at Qin Er with his dark pupils for a long time.

Qin Er was uncomfortable being stared at by these eyes, but still said anxiously: "Master, madam has been arrested."

Qin Er was still saying: "Madam opened an inn at the foot of the mountain and the business is so good that the villain arrested her."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Zhihuan had already left the house.

Shen Congwen

 I hope my readers are in good health.

(End of this chapter)

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