Chapter 111 Pig Brain

Chen Wei was tricked by Qin Zhi last night and suffered a heavy loss, and he hated Qin Zhi to the bone.

Asking Qin Zhi to return to the means of doing things these years, Chen Wei no longer has any chances.

He must know everything to make him take it lightly, thinking that he is still in the south of the Yangtze River.

As long as Qin Zhi can't return to the capital, Liu Rufeng, that trash, won't be able to cause much trouble.

Thinking of this, Qin Zhi must die.

He is not dead, I am afraid that no one can live...

When Qin Zhi walked past him yesterday, he had already ordered everyone.

"Mobilize people and block all the roads back to Kyoto."

If he wanted Qin Zhi, he would never be able to return to the capital, and would be trapped to death in the south of the Yangtze River.

The only unexpected thing was that Qin Zhi hadn't left the south of the Yangtze River, but disappeared without a trace overnight, and the people who sent him didn't know where he went.

Chen Wei stayed up all night.

Not being able to find anyone probably meant that Qin Zhi had already left Jiangnan smoothly.

Qin Zhihuan's family members who came out this time still stayed in the inn, and immediately sent someone to invite Ma Lan to his place as a guest.

Send people back and forth to spread the word that Ma Lan went to Qixia Temple to worship Buddha and burn incense.

Hearing this, he sent someone to Qixia Temple early in the morning to ask the important person of Master De.

Who knows if Qin Zhi still told these things to the people next to him, or was taken into Qixia Temple to hide.

That matter is too big to be careless.

If people who shouldn't know know it...

There was a murderous intent in Chen Wei's eyes.

I'm afraid that even one person from Qixia Temple will not be able to stay...

Just in case, he personally led the team to Qixia Temple: I suspect that the gunpowder explosion in Zhizhou Mansion last night was related to Mr. Qin.

I also invited Master De to ask Mr. Qin and this official to come over and cooperate with the investigation, so as not to cause misunderstandings among the people around us and call us a fool. "

His brows were slightly frowned, and before he could speak, he heard Chen Wei continue: "The common people complained a lot, if we don't interrogate them in time, I'm afraid Lord Qin will be mixed up with rebels like Sun Chuan."

Sun Chuan is the name of Mr. Sun, the magistrate of Jiangnan.

After homework arrived at Qixia Temple, his heart was not at ease.

Having not slept all night, he was walking at the foot of the mountain when he saw a group of officers and soldiers trying to come up and reprimand him when he saw Chen Wei.

Not wanting to expose his whereabouts, he hid quietly, and listened carefully to every word Chen Wei said.

Before he could ask Chen Wei if he had Wang Fa in his eyes, Chen Wei'an labeled him a traitor.

Sun Da was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and his blood rushed to the top of his head, pointing at Chen Wei and angrily said: "What a eloquent dog."

In the case of the Sima family back then, you turned black and white and insisted that they conspired against each other.

Yesterday, if he didn't know what Chen Wei was like, let alone the emperor who was far away in the sky, I'm afraid he would have believed that he was a traitor.

"The same trick station is going to be used on me again?"

Master Sun "poohed" Chen Wei fiercely in front of everyone, and almost spat on his face when he spit on Xingzi.

"Where did the gunpowder come from yesterday, and how did you explode it, don't you know?
Where did Master Chen go when my brother Master Qin was trapped in Zhizhou Mansion for two days? "

After finishing speaking, he pretended to realize suddenly: "Aren't you watching us from the opposite side of the government office?"

It is really shameless to eat the food of the imperial court and enjoy the salary of the official family, to kill and set fire to people, and to wrong the comrades without conscience.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the officers and soldiers following Chen Wei: "What kind of thing is he, Chen Wei? You just listen to him if he has a soldier talisman or a document? When will it be the turn of an official in Jiangnan to recuperate?"

Master Sun patted himself on the chest, and said righteously: "I am Master Qin's witness, proving his innocence, and it was you, Master Chen, who wanted to conspire against him, and put a stamp on him to frame him."

Chen Wei didn't change his face, looking at Master Sun's medicine god's foresight was cold, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"court death."

As soon as the words fell, a sharp arrow shot out from behind Chen Wei and flew towards Master Sun's head.

"Chen Wei, you have disregarded human life and murdered the imperial court official. Even if I were a ghost, I would not let you go."

Mr. Sun couldn't avoid it, he could only close his eyes and wait for death.

As soon as he was about to reach his forehead, a figure flashed forward, Madam Gu blocked it with a sword.

Standing behind Mrs. Gu is the abbot of Qixia Temple, Master Liao De.

"This is Qixia Temple. It is only responsible for alchemy for the emperor, not for finding someone for Mr. Chen. If you come to harass me again, no matter who it is, it will be executed."

The master didn't talk nonsense, and directly revealed the imperial edict bestowed by the emperor's imperial pen.

Chen Wei was not reconciled, and did not dare to make trouble in front of the imperial decree, so he had to back down.

"It was the official who interrupted the master abruptly, please forgive me."

Just as Chen Wei's men retreated, Mr. Sun's legs softened and he immediately sat on the ground.

With a pale face, he thanked Madam Gu: "Many, thank you Madam."

Mrs. Gu looked back at him: "With such a pig-headed official, it's no wonder that Jiangnan is in a downturn."

Liu Rufeng is incompetent, but also has a smart mind, knowing what to do and what not to do.

Master Sun sat on the ground and couldn't say a word.

When he came back to his senses, Qin Zhi was already beside him.

"Big, my lord..."

Qin Zhi still ignored him and walked past him.

When passing by his side, there was a gust of cold wind, and Master Sun shivered.

The yamen of Zhizhou Mansion was originally located around the yamen, but three months ago it was hit by heavy rain and needed to be refurbished, so all the prisoners were held in a place a little far away from the yamen.

Not on the ground, but in a specially dug underground space similar to a secret room.

The prisoners inside are all criminals who have been in the south of the Yangtze River in recent years.

As soon as Malan stepped in, he smelled a musty smell and a strong smell of blood.

The mixture of several flavors made Ma Lan almost spit it out.

Ma Lan was imprisoned by Fan Er in the inner prison, not clean, she was the only one.

As soon as she found a place to sit down, she heard someone calling her.

When he looked up, he saw a man in a splendid attire opposite him.

About her height, covering her mouth and nose with a snow-white veil, staring at the straw under her with disgust.

Ma Lan thought that the other party was arrested like him, and got up a little embarrassed: "This place is clean."

Liu Jiang frowned so much that he could kill mosquitoes, and Ma Lan was used to getting angry when he saw how tall he was.

He is not tall like him, why should people who like to point at orchids laugh at him as a sissy.

"Are you the head of the Tongfu Inn?"

Ma Lan nodded, not understanding the emotions of the people in front of him looking at him, seeming to be happy, but also wanting to hate him.

"Make an offer."

The stink in the prison was overwhelming, and Liu Jiang couldn't stay for a moment, he just wanted a quick victory.

He couldn't bear to see Malan as short as him.

People like them always have to work twice as hard as others if they want to succeed.

Even if Malan laughed at him, he was willing to give Malan another chance.

(End of this chapter)

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