Chapter 112
Mrs. Gu went back to the house with a long sword in her hand, and threw the long sword in her hand when she saw Master De.

"Your sympathy lasts up to three days. After three days, Chen Wei will definitely attack."

Master Li raised his head, and looked at Mrs. Gu gently without any panic on his face: "Thanks for your hard work."

"What am I working so hard for?"

Mrs. Gu snatched the teacup from Grandmaster De's hand and took a long sip, slightly resentful: "You are the one who worked hard."

For two consecutive nights, she went back to her own room to sleep, and she couldn't go to the room at all.

The great master understood the meaning of her words, and stretched out his hand to scratch the tip of her nose: "Are you in a hurry?"

The master was so good that he could see through her mind, and Mrs. Gu was well-informed, so she couldn't help but panic with embarrassment.

According to the plan, Qin Zhihuan will return to Kyoto in two days.

When he left, Chen Wei would naturally follow him.

Qixia Temple can restore its former peace.

After being interrupted for several days, Mrs. Gu cherished the time they spent together.

There was a knock on the door, and she frowned and couldn't help cursing: "It's endless, what do you do if you don't accompany my wife."

After opening the door, it was not Qin Zhihuan who was standing at the door.

"What are you here for?"

Mrs. Gu asked angrily, "It's not that you are not allowed to walk casually."

The person standing at the door was the first grader of junior high school, and after not seeing her for a few days, her eyes became more natural and beautiful.

His eyes turned to Mrs. Gu and Liao De: "Second Miss asked me to come to you and said that I have something to discuss."

After finishing speaking, he left without paying attention to the expressions of the two of them.

The two looked at each other with admiration for the second girl from the bottom of their hearts.

What they couldn't do after a year of abolishment, the second girl finished.

Ma Lan stared blankly at the young man who was not much taller than him.

I don't understand what he meant by opening a price.

Seeing her in a daze, the young man frowned slightly: "I want to buy your Tongfu Inn, please make a price."

"Do not sell!"

Tongfu Inn is her painstaking effort, and it will never be sold easily.

Liu Jiang put down the handkerchief covering his mouth and nose suddenly, and stared at Ma Lan with a pair of eyes.

"Do you know why you came here?"

The words were full of threats.

If Ma Lan didn't sell Tongfu Inn to him, he would have the ability to make Malan unable to get out for the rest of his life.

The prison stinks, the sky is dark, and there are rats and cockroaches everywhere.

Don't be afraid, it's fake...

"Are you arresting me without proof, aren't you afraid that I will report to the police?"

Liu Jiang sneered, the world belongs to the royal family, but Jiangnan belongs to the Liu family.

As long as the Liu family does not fall, Jiangnan will never become someone else's grasp.

The Liu family never fails to get what they want.

Ma Lan froze in place, no one had said such words to her since she married Qin Zhihuan.

Hearing it suddenly, besides being accidental, I found it interesting.

Before he could speak, Fan Er crawled in.

He bowed deeply to Ma Lan, and saluted Liu Jiang very apologetically: "I'm sorry."

As he said that, he opened the prison door: "It's all the villain's fault. You arrested the wrong person indiscriminately. Don't blame me."

Liu Jiang was squeezed aside by him and didn't have a chance to speak at all, watching Fan Er send him out respectfully.

"What are you, you dare to let go of the person I want to catch."

The seven orifices of Liujiang Qi produced smoke, and he said word by word through gritted teeth.

Fan Er didn't dare to offend him, he only said that the person who came had Master Liu's token and he had to let him go.

"Let's have a good discussion with your family. Don't catch one and release the other."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Liu Jiang who was trembling with anger, and pushed him in.

Liujiang loves cleanliness, if it wasn't for the family business, he wouldn't set foot in this kind of place.

He was suddenly pushed into the prison and couldn't even find a place to step down. He dodged left and right, wishing he could stand in mid-air.

"You, you are so brave..."

Liu Jiang could not wait to vomit a mouthful of blood: "Aren't you afraid of revenge from my Liu family?"

Fan Er didn't care so much, he only recognized tokens but not people.

Ma Lan got out of the prison, blinded by the sunlight outside.

From a distance, I saw Qin Zhi still standing not far away, reaching out to her.

"I'm late."

The moment Qin Zhi held Ma Lan in his arms, his beating heart slowly retracted into his stomach.

Jiangnan Prison is mostly about torture and private use of torture.

On the way here, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, for fear that something might happen.

Fortunately, everything is in time.

Ma Lan was held tightly by him and couldn't break free, her face was blushing.

"How did you come."

"How can I not come when you suffer."

Qin Zhi also stroked his furry forehead, and took her hand: "Go to your inn and have a look."

Malan smiled slightly: "Okay."

The seal of the Tongfu Inn has been torn, and Shen Congwen and others are cleaning up inside while waiting for Malan to come back.

Unexpectedly, it was a couple who came back.

After staring at Ma Lan for a while, Shen Congwen asked uncertainly, "Brother Ma?"

Malan nodded, explaining why he came.

She and her husband still run errands here, and she opened a restaurant when she has nothing to do.

Now that it's over, she's going back.

Cui Ping's eyes turned red and she almost cried while hugging the other two.

Are you going to lose your job just after starting a business?
"The inn continues to open."

Malan smiled: "Don't forget, Mr. Shen is also a half-boss."

Shen Congwen bowed his hands to Ma Lan: "I will definitely live up to my entrustment."

"I'll wait for you to come to Kyoto to find me."

Qixia Temple

Ma Lan went back to the room to pack his things, and Qin Zhi went straight to Master De.

Seeing him coming, Mrs. Gu reluctantly left the room.

What a crime, she has no time to spend alone with her.

"How about the first day?"

He was in a hurry to rescue Malan just now and didn't go, so he could only come to inquire about the situation now.

After a pause, the chess piece in his hand fell with a "snap": "I have already sent someone to the capital."

The second girl said that an eight-point portrait is almost the same.

She has no intention of mental arithmetic, she will not lose.

The two chatted for a while, and before they left, the master took the initiative to take a few packets of meditation powder and handed them over.

"Have you been unable to sleep recently?"

Qin Zhi still couldn't sleep at night, married Ma Lan enough to be able to fall asleep, last night...

Qin Zhi thought about it, probably because Ma Lan was not there.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the great master thought he had guessed right.

Qin Zhi has been unable to sleep since he was a child, and always fell asleep in the middle of the night. After a long time, I am afraid it has become a habit, and he just feels sorry for his newly married little lady.

"This medicine can't cure the poison on your body, it can only make you sleep well."

The great master turned around and saw that he was killed on the chessboard without leaving any armor, and he was filled with emotion.

time flies.

When I first met him, he was still a small boy, and in a blink of an eye he became so big.

In order to save Fangzheng, Qin Zhi tried the medicine with his body and was dying. He was still close in front of his eyes.

As soon as he turned his head, he became a "living hell king" who killed people without blinking an eye.

Before Qin Zhi had anything to say, he took the medicine bag and said, "Thank you."

Fan Shen didn't answer Lin Changqing, took the medicine package, and said, "Thank you."

 Everyone must take care of yourself and drink plenty of hot water.

(End of this chapter)

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