Chapter 113

As soon as he went out, Qin Zhihuan handed the medicine package to Qin Er, and suddenly remembered the rouge on Ma Lan's lips.

Bright red, as if seducing him.

He squeezed his throat unconsciously: "What about the half pack of medicine powder?"

He remembered that on the second day of their wedding, he gave Qin Er half a pack of medicine powder and asked him to check something.

Ma Lan's alluring appearance flashed before his eyes, and his heart ached.

This poison attack is more and more frequent.

Take your medicine tonight.

Qin Er didn't think about it for a while, and was a little puzzled.

Qin Zhi also opened his mouth to explain: "On the wedding night, I put half a packet of medicine powder into the jug, and I gave you the other half packet the next day for you to check if someone intentionally tried to harm me."

Qin Er nodded. He went to check it out, and he and Zi Yan also gave a correct statement, and there was no mistake. Why did the master suddenly mention it now...

Before he could ask, Qin Zhiyan said, "What about the other half?"

You have given him a lot of things, and he has always kept them in mind.

In addition, it is not a good thing. If you eat too much, you are afraid that something will happen. He remembers clearly where each bag is used.

Ever since he married Ma Lan, he slept peacefully every night and didn't need to take medicine at all, so there should be half a pack left.

After Qin Zhi finished speaking, Qin Er didn't respond, so he turned around to see what he was thinking.

I saw Qin Er froze on the spot, looking at him with absent-minded eyes, and opened his mouth not sure: "Master also put half of the bag in?"

Qin Zhi also glanced at his panicked expression, not understanding why Qin Er made such a fuss: "Is there any problem?"

After a battle between heaven and man, Qin Er said bravely: "Master's half bag is gone, no problem.

The problem is that the slave listened to Boss Ma's words and put half of it in..."

After Qin Er finished speaking, he knelt on the ground with a plop, curled up like a quail.

There was a moment of silence beside him, and he could even hear the sound of the wind blowing through Liu Yu.

Qin Er kept staring at Qin Er, and only after a while did he let out a smile from his lips.

Qin Er knelt on the ground and didn't dare to look up, she knew that the master would definitely not laugh at this moment.

After the wedding night, he asked Qin Er to investigate the matter, and he clearly remembered every word and sentence Qin Er said to him.

The wine is fine, it is he who has the problem.

He didn't believe it all the time, and he gave up without evidence.

Now, it actually became his problem...

After a while, Qin Zhi remembered a sentence his sister often said: "The authorities are obsessed..."

Qin Er lowered his head: "This subordinate deserves to die."

Qin Zhi also shook his head and sighed: "Emotional people are like fools, lunatics, deaf people, they can't see and understand."

I just don't know when Qin Er had the ability to make up stories.

Qin Er couldn't stand Qin Zhihuan's gaze: "This subordinate and Zi Yan are afraid that the master and his wife will have conflicts because of this, so they made such a bad plan."

Qin Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly, and Ji Shi interrupted Qin Er: "Zi Yan?"

The killer who has been by Ma Lan's side?
This time Qin Er directly knelt on the ground and kowtowed, looking forward to the agreement with Zi Yan, and explaining how the two met and how they formed an alliance.

After finishing speaking, there was another burst of silence.

A killer also has the gift of writing scripts.

Qin Zhi seemed to have remembered something: his expression turned cold: "Go and check Zi Yan."

He remembered that Ziyan also had a younger sister.

Why is that handkerchief in Fangzheng's hand?

Qin Zhi pinched the center of his eyebrows, and a sense of guilt welled up in his heart.

"Ziyan, only put half a bag?"

Qin Er didn't need to tell nonsense to wrong Zi Yan.Nodding honestly: "My subordinates have seen it, and it's only half a bag."

Qin Er knelt there to see Qin Zhi still remained silent, thinking that he was going to die.

He is not the only one who can serve the master in Yuetang.

After a long time, Qin Zhi slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air to wake Qin Er up.

"If a third person knows what happened today, you can go back."

Qin Er regained his life, and he let go of his tense nerves.

Nodding hurriedly: "Master, don't worry, Mu Mu will definitely keep his mouth in check."

Qin Zhi didn't bother to talk to him, and said, "Let Qin Da come to see me."

Even though Qin Er is stupid, he also understands what these words mean, the master is probably suspicious of Zi Yan.

This matter cannot be let Zi Yan know, let alone Madam.

Qin Zhi also went to the backyard, and Qin Er turned around and went back to pack his things.

As soon as he entered the room, he found that Zi Yan and Qin Da were already packing up.

Qin Er was taken aback.

Seeing him coming, Ziyan quickly reached out her hand to say hello: "Come and classify, there are too many things."

When I came here, I only brought two or three boxes. Why did I have so many boxes when I left?

I didn't buy anything on weekdays, so there were more and more things.

Qin Er said to Qin Dao: "The master is looking for you."

The smile on Qin Da's face froze, and he put down the things in his hand dumbly.

This is the second time...

The master said it when he failed to protect his wife for the first time, and he will never forgive me next time...

Zi Yan was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood what Qin Zhi asked Qin Da to do.

Qin Da couldn't be blamed for what happened today, they both tried their best.

It's the other party...

She really couldn't persuade herself, a killer never only looked at the result.

"You clean up first."

Qin Da tore off the jade hairpin that Ma Lan gave her the day before yesterday and handed it to Zi Yan: "All my money is in the pillow, you can get it yourself later."

She saved those coins penny by penny, and she hoped that one day the master would show mercy and set her free.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid I can't...

She has no chance, but Ziyan is different.

She is no longer a killer after detoxification, and if she finds her sister, she can go back to her hometown and live a little life.

As he spoke, the tears in Qin Da's eyes couldn't help but drip down: "Take care."

Zi Yan couldn't bear to part with this good sister, so she grabbed her and said, "Wait for me to find Madam."

Said, immediately ran out.

Ma Lan just wanted to eat something delicious, so she went to the kitchen to cook.

Qin Da and Ma Lan had a good relationship, so she went to beg, maybe Ma Lan would beg Qin Zhi to save her life.

"Let's go."

How could Qin Er not know what happened to Qin Dahui?

He himself took his life by chance, how could he help Qin Da fight for the chance to live.

She was right next to her, and without an assassin, she could still let someone take his wife away.

This crime cannot be escaped...

Qin Da wiped away his tears, regained his usual calmness and followed Qin Er out the door.

Qin Zhi still didn't go back to the bedroom, but went to the study.

Along the way, Qin Da walked slowly and greedily looked at the surrounding flowers and plants.

"Tell me why I didn't realize that the flowers and plants are so fragrant and the sky is so blue on weekdays."

Qin Da raised his head, yearning for every inch of warmth under the sun.

After a while, she might never feel it again.

Ziyan has arrived in the kitchen now, and the kitchen is so smoky that it is impossible to see people clearly.


Zi Yan tentatively opened her mouth, and she really heard a response.

Ma Lan sat by the grill, his face covered with black ashes: "Please help me to see why I can't light it."

Zi Yan threw herself on her knees and kowtowed: "I beg you to save Qin Da."


On the other side, Qin Er led Qin Da to the door of the study.

 Drink plenty of hot water, pay attention to protection
(End of this chapter)

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