Chapter 114 My People

"Master, someone brought it."

Qin Er led the man into the house, closed the door and stood aside.

Qin's thighs were weak and he couldn't stand and knelt on the ground with a plop: "Please forgive me, master."

The body was lying on the ground, coughing uncontrollably.

Qin Zhi also put down the half-read Journey to the West, and stared fixedly at Qin Da who was kneeling in front of him.

Apart from her begging for mercy, there was no other movement in the room, Qin Da did not dare to raise his head and could only kneel on the ground.

"I only have one request for you, protect your wife, how do you do it?"

A Ming Wei lost someone twice, and he felt ashamed when it got out.

Qin Da pursed his lips and knocked his head louder.

Qin Zhi, who was disturbed by the bang bang bang kowtow sound, was upset and angry, and said angrily, "Okay!"

Qin Da didn't dare to move, the room was deadly silent.


Qin Da raised his eyes slightly, and in front of him was a dagger that cut iron like mud.

Zi Yan dragged Ma Lan back to the room and found that Qin Da was not there.

Thinking that Qin Da had already been executed, he leaned against the door in despair.

Malan finally had time to wipe the sweat off his forehead: "Go to the study."

Qin Zhi also separates public affairs from private affairs very openly, and would never handle business affairs in the bedroom.

Ma Lan was sure that Qin Zhi was still in the study.

They lived in the middle of the east wing, and the study was at the innermost.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard Qin Er's voice: "I beg the master to give Qin Da one more chance."

He, Qin Da and Qin San came from different training camps, and have been by the master's side for many years.

Too many days of licking blood with the tip of a knife, and you will be reluctant to part with your teammates who fought side by side in the past.

Qin Da didn't dare to take the dagger, Qin Zhi's oppressive eyes fell and he had to pick up the dagger.

"Thank you, master..."

Before the words were finished, the door was pushed open, and Ma Lan stood at the door with a black and white face.

"You are here, I have been looking for you for a long time."

Ma Lan just pretended that he couldn't see what was going on in front of him, and pulled Qin Da over: "I'm going to cook a barbecue today, I don't know how to make a fire, so help me."

Qin Da didn't dare to leave without Qin Zhi's return, so Ma Lan didn't pull him.

Qin Er knew that the savior was coming, so he blinked at Ma Lan.

"Sir, I want Qin Da to help me light the fire."

Ma Lan shook Qin Zhihuan's sleeves, pouted and acted coquettishly: "Quickly let her go with me."

Qin Zhi didn't make a sound yet, he just glanced at Qin Da who was kneeling on the ground.

Sensing Shen Ren's gaze, Qin Da buried his head lower.

"Hey, go to Mrs. Gu to help you. I have something to do here and I can't get away from Qin Da."

Ma Lan didn't want to, so he let go of Qin Zhihuan's sleeve: "Sir, you once said that Qin Da is mine."

That night when he came to the south of the Yangtze River, Qin Zhi also said that the journey was difficult, and he asked Qin Da to protect Ma Lan in case something happened to Ma Lan.

"From now on, Qin Da will be your guardian."

It's her person, so she should handle Qin Da's life and death.

She has lived in this world for 14 years, but she still cannot accept that those in power can dispose of other people's lives at will.

Qin Da has been by her side for a month, and she will not watch something happen to her.


Qin Zhi looked at Ma Lan's firm eyes and said, "She didn't protect you well."

"Everyone is the first responsible for their own health."

Even if they were wronged, those people went after her and had nothing to do with Qin Da.

She took a small step back just enough to block Qin Zhihuan's view?

The two refused to give in to each other, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Qin Er didn't dare to raise his head, and unconsciously slowed down his breathing, for fear of being noticed.

The eyes of the two met, and Ma Lan did not back down.

Finally, Qin Zhi smiled slightly, and fondled the top of Ma Lan's furry head: "Your people are the ones who decide."

Hearing this, Qin Da's beating heart finally fell back into his stomach, and he looked at Ma Lan gratefully.

"Go, light a fire."

Before leaving, he didn't forget to remind Qin Zhi to go to the west chamber to eat barbecue later.

Zi Yan waited in the room for a long time before seeing Qin Da come back, tears instantly wet her eyes.

After crying for a while, I stopped and started to pack my things.

After a while, Qin Er came in to help, and Qin Da was called by Ma Lan to live.

Qin Er and Zi Yan are the only ones in the room?

The two bent down to tidy up for a while, and finally Zi Yan couldn't help asking: "You didn't say that, did you?"

Ma Lan asked him two days ago, and she accidentally told him everything, and she always felt sorry for Qin Er.

Qin Er naturally knew what she was talking about, immediately shook his head and said firmly: "I didn't say anything."

If this matter gets out, he will die.

Zi Yan nodded.

The two worked on their own for a while, and Qin Er asked again: "What about you?"

How could Zi Yan dare to tell the truth, she immediately shook her head: "No."

In the kitchen in the west wing, as soon as Ma Lan lit the fire, fine and dense raindrops fell from the sky.

Her glutton was hooked up, and she was never allowed to give up at this time.

When Qin Zhi arrived, she was holding an umbrella and directing people to carry things into the room.

All the things were brought into the room, before she could continue to work, a figure came towards her in the rain and fog.

Thinking of what happened just now, Ma Lan's heart tightened, and he clenched the handle of the umbrella in his hand.

She was really impulsive just now, and she doesn't regret trying to save Qin Da.

It's just that thinking of Qin Zhi's still dark and unpredictable eyes is a little scary.

This man was unsure what to do if he regretted settling accounts after Qiuhou, and she couldn't stay by Qin Da's side all the time.

The rain in the sky and the moon fell more and more, and there were already wet and shallow puddles in the low-lying places.

Qin Zhi was still walking towards her with an umbrella, and Ma Lan stepped forward to meet her happily.

If she stretches out her hand and doesn't hit the smiling person, Qin Zhi won't be angry if she is like this.

Qin Zhi on the opposite side raised his head when he heard the movement, and saw Malan running towards her.

It was raining, slippery and difficult to walk on the ground, and Ma Lan leaned forward without stepping on her feet.

Qin Zhi quickly hugged him and looked down at the shoes on Ma Lan's feet.

Flat soles, I'm afraid the soles are not slippery.

Holding Ma Lan in his arms on weekdays, Ma Lan must have turned left and right and felt uncomfortable, but today he was held in his arms obediently.

Qin Zhi suddenly didn't understand.

Throw your brain out?

He stood there for a while, not walking forward, wanting to see what kind of tricks she was playing again.

Malan was still smirking at him, and stretched out a hand to her forehead without paying attention.

"If you don't have a fever, why are you just giggling?"

Ma Lan's face was instantly ashen.

Gritting her teeth, she buried herself in Qin Zhihuan's arms with some reluctance.

There was a bit of resentment in this blow, and Qin Zhi couldn't control the force well, and Qin Zhi still had a chest pain when he smashed it.

Ma Lan stood there in a daze for a long time before he felt a pain in his nose.

That pain made my eyes stare.

"what happened?"

Qin Zhi also finally made a movement, and he clamped Ma Lan's nose with his index finger and thumb and looked at it.

Ma Lan suddenly felt aggrieved, and said angrily, "Don't worry about it."

While speaking, his hands kept moving, and he knocked off Qin Zhihuan's hand with a snap, and he also left Qin Zhihuan's embrace.

Qin Zhi was still staring blankly at his right hand, really not understanding why he was beaten.

 It's really uncomfortable, and it may not be updated tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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