Chapter 116
Turning his head away, he picked up the book under the pillow and read it.

What is she angry about.

People didn't care at all.

Even Qin Da himself thanked Qin Zhi for not killing him.

She never thought that no one can decide the life and death of others at will.

For the first time, she noticed the gap between herself and everyone.

The thoughts and insights from that world make her incompatible with this world anytime and anywhere.

Even after more than ten years, she still can't understand many things.

Qin Da and Zi Yan found peanuts from nowhere, and they sat by the fire and roasted them.

The expressions of the two were gentle, and they were not affected by what happened just now.

The peanuts are roasted golden and crisp, and the fragrance slowly comes out.

Malan took a look, his eyes still fixed on the book.

It was still the Journey to the West, Qin Zhi sent someone to deliver it the second day she came to Qixia Temple.

"Ma'am, the peanuts are ready."

Ma Lan turned her head, and Qin Da was holding a porcelain white plate with freshly roasted peanuts in it.

Malan pinched one and stuffed it into his mouth. It was crispy and delicious, and the burnt taste spread between his lips. He couldn't help but reached out and took a few more in his hand.

"Come on, let's go to the West Wing to eat barbecue."

It's been raining for days and it's the best time to eat barbecue hot pot. I was disturbed just now and my mood suddenly opened.

Ma Lan put on her shoes and socks and got out of bed slowly, letting Zi Yan help her move to the west chamber step by step.

The meat has been marinated in advance, you only need to wash the vegetables, put them on the stove, and then you can grill the meat.

Ma Lan's feet hurt, and she walked slowly step by step. Zi Yan couldn't take it anymore, so she put her back on her back.

She had learned martial arts, and she still ran fast with Ma Lan on her back. Qin Da followed behind, and the three of them arrived in the West Chamber soon.

Qin Er has already washed the vegetables, and all the meat has been skewered by him with an iron signature.

Seeing Ma Lan and Qin Er, he immediately put down what he was holding as if he had been pardoned.

"Ma'am, you are here."

He only hunted and roasted meat when he couldn't survive in the wild.

There is no pot to control the heat, and the baked things are burnt and black, and the taste is bitter and unpalatable.

It's not that he can't live, he definitely doesn't want to bake something.

Today is different.

He has great confidence in Malan's craftsmanship.

This lady always cooks weird things, which are not at all the same as what she usually eats.

The basin was full of meat that Malan had marinated in advance, and he was full of anticipation.

Ma Lan was supported to sit on a low stool by the fire, and lit a charcoal fire to prepare for the barbecue.

The fat and thin meat is grilled sizzling and oily, and the seasoning is spread while it is hot, and the aroma bursts out immediately.

The three sat beside them and sniffed vigorously, waiting for Malan to ask them to eat together.

Afraid of light and greasy meat, Malan also mixed a spicy red dish with onions, tomatoes, and peppers.

Mushrooms, beans, eggplants, potatoes and various vegetables are also roasted.

Qin Da was the most curious about these things, and studied with Ma Lan for a while before getting started.

Although the taste is not as good as Malan's, it is not bad.

While the meat was still steaming, Qin Er hurriedly sent some to Qin Zhi.

Qin Zhi was raised in an aristocratic family since he was a child, and later became a general of the town, and he was considered a well-informed Marquis.

Seeing the barbecue that Qin Er sent, his mouth was full of oily aroma.

It was no exception, Lima took Mrs. Gu to the West Wing together.

Malan couldn't stand the smoke from the charcoal fire, so he retreated to concentrate on eating barbecue after a while.

Qin Da and Zi Yan were so busy that one was in charge of vegetables and the other was in charge of meat, they didn't notice Qin Zhihuan's arrival at all.

"This is the barbecue."

Madam Gu stared at the barbecue stove with a look of wonder, she had never eaten such delicious meat.

Seeing Qin Zhihuan, the smile on Qin Da's face froze immediately: "Master."

"Go on, don't stop."

Qin Zhi was still sitting next to Ma Lan, sitting opposite Mrs. Gu, waiting for Qin Da and Zi Yan's barbecue.

The originally cheerful and carefree atmosphere became tense with their arrival.

The air seemed to freeze, gloomy.

There was nothing but the sound of flames beating.

Ma Lan took a breath and tried to make her voice not so stiff: "You don't need to come here specially, you are busy with your own work, I will ask Qin Er to send you anything you want to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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