Chapter 117 Roast Meat
When Qin Zhihuan came, everyone couldn't eat well.

Ma Lan was obviously quite calm when he spoke, but he became uncontrollably stiff after speaking, and his voice was raised three degrees.

After finishing speaking, I was afraid that everyone would think too much, so I explained: "You guys have something to discuss, don't delay because of this..."

Mrs. Gu put down the barbecue in her hand, and responded to Ma Lan's words with a smile on her face: "Look at what you said, I'm busy, so I can't delay my meal."

People are iron and rice is steel, so you have to eat even when you are busy.

Besides, they have nothing to do, they just get together to play chess, where food is important.

Ma Lan's tone was blunt, and Qin Zhi could hear her displeasure.

After turning around in his mind three times, he couldn't figure out why Ma Lan was unhappy.

It's still fine in the morning, but I get angry when I say I'm angry.

His eyes fell on Malan's ankle, and he sighed, "Is your foot okay?"

Ma Lan raised his head abruptly, and the pain in his ankle became more and more obvious: "It's okay."

Her tone was calm, but the corners of her eyes slowly turned scarlet after speaking, and big teardrops flowed out as if she didn't want money.

Since when, she couldn't stand even a little pain.

She didn't find it unbearable to barbecue by herself just now, but why did Qin Zhi ask her a question and she was in so much pain that she died.

She couldn't understand why, but suddenly remembered a sentence that Aunt Sun had said to her.

A girl is like water, if the person she likes treats her well, she will be gentle and virtuous, but if she treats her badly, she will be ice, cold and frightening.

You can tell at a glance whether a person likes you or not.

Even if you can't see it for a while, some daily behaviors can reveal it.

Suddenly, the pain was not unbearable.

Qin Zhi still looked into Ma Lan's distracted eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

A shaking of her hand brought her back to her sanity in time, and after carefully thinking about what happened today, she finally had some clues.

"So, you're upset because I wasn't by your side?"

He thought that spraining his foot was not a big deal, but he forgot that for a girl, getting hurt is no big deal.

Ma Lan blushed, unwilling to be exposed: "I didn't lose my temper with you because of this."

She was crying because of this, but not because of her tantrum.

Qin Zhi seemed to have heard something strange.

He suddenly turned his head and broke into Malan's dark eyes.

A pair of deep eyes fell on Ma Lan's eyes, looking straight at her with a narrow smile on his face.

Ma Lan was a little annoyed, and turned her head away from her.

There was a sudden warmth in his chest.

Obviously "pleased" by his actions.

Qin Zhihuan's thin lips curved slightly, although his smile was shallow, it was not as cold as it used to be.

It penetrated the leather surface, and it was a real smile.

"The fist is so big but the heart is so pitiful." Qin Zhihuan clasped the palm of her head on the back of her head, and said word by word: "In the future, if you are unhappy, tell me directly, don't be sullen."

He is a man, so naturally he doesn't understand women's flirts.

There were many things he couldn't figure out, or didn't notice, and Malan needed to tell him.

Ma Lan was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and refuted him: "You have so many things to do..."

He has so many things to do, how can he have time for her.

"Your business is the most important thing."

Qin Zhi also curled his lips, glanced at her, then looked away, picked up the barbecue on the table and took a bite: "You are the first in everything."

Although the voice was calm, it carried a sense of warmth.

Ma Lan was taken aback, and wanted to blurt out a sentence: "Speaking is better than singing."

But when he thought of Qin Zhi rushing to rescue her today, he still softened: "Okay."

Qin Zhihuan raised his eyes and liked Ma Lan's attitude very much.

The barbecue on the table was cold and very fishy in the mouth, so Qin Er hurriedly took it and let Qin Da heat it up.

Mrs. Gu and Li De who were on the opposite side had a great time eating a bite of food and meat.

After eating and drinking enough, brewing a pot of thick Pu'er, I just feel that life is perfect.

It was already dark, so he and Mrs. Gu had already gone back, and Ma Lan was carried back to the house by Qin Zhihuan.

Her foot was injured, so she couldn't take a bath, so she could only wipe her body with a handkerchief.

Qin Zhi was still sitting on the bed and flipping through Journey to the West.

He likes this book from the bottom of his heart, but it's a pity that he didn't finish it...

I was reluctant to read the last few lines of the book, fearing that it would be lost.

Ma Lan had already dried herself, changed her clothes and called Qin Zhihuan in the clean room.

Qin Zhi simply closed the book, pressed it under the pillow and got up to hug Ma Lan.

Ma Lan couldn't move her ankles, and her movements were extremely clumsy.

When Qin Zhi came in, Ma Lan was moving out step by step with his elbows propped up.

She was already careful, but she still touched the wound, a piercing pain hit her, and Ma Lan threw herself into Qin Zhihuan's arms without even thinking about it.

A pair of arms were still hanging around Qin Zhihuan's neck, looking at her with teary eyes: "It hurts..."

The soft and coquettish voice reminded Qin Zhi of his wedding night.

She threw herself into his arms like that that night, making him lose his mind.

The tip of the nose is a faint daughter's fragrance, which eventually turns into softness around the fingers.

Qin Zhi also gently stroked her hair, and hugged her horizontally: "Want to draw cards?"

He was poisoned and couldn't be emotional, so he could only find other ways to divert his attention.

The night was too long for him to get through.

Draw cards?

Malan froze for a moment, then raised his head unexpectedly.

Qin Zhi still saw her puzzled, and explained: "Playing cards."

Seeing Ma Lan nodding, he hurriedly hugged him in front of the table again: "You sit down first, I'll call someone."

Ma Lan didn't stop him, playing cards is fun with more people.

Qin Zhi got up and walked out quickly.

It was raining below, and she hurt her foot and couldn't move. She couldn't sleep at the moment and was trying to find something to pass the time.

The Journey to the West under the pillow was written by her, and she finished reading it a long time ago, feeling bored.

When people are bored, their minds tend to be cranky.

Ma Lan was afraid that he would get angry with Qin Zhi again if this went on like this, and that matter would never end.

It would be nice if someone accompanied her to draw cards.

Qin Zhi went to work on his own affairs, and she was also happy to have someone to accompany her to play cards.

Ma Lan thought that Qin Zhi must have asked Qin Da and Zi Yan to come and accompany her if Qin Zhi went out.

It never occurred to him that what Qin Zhi brought back were Master Li and Mrs. Gu.

The great master had no expression on his face, but Mrs. Gu had a sad expression on her face.

It has been several days since she came to the mountain, except for the first day, she has never been alone with Liao De.

Either Qin Zhi's poison needs to be suppressed, or it's a game of chess for the next night.

He was poisoned and wanted to abstain from sex and desire, but he was not poisoned.

Mrs. Gu was indignant, her knife-like eyes swept across Qin Zhihuan's back.

Tonight, she must fight bloody to the end, so that Qin Zhi can still bleed well.

Seeing the two of them, Ma Lan's mind was buzzing. The master, who is usually hard to find, came to accompany her to draw cards?
Shouldn't monks be empty of all four things?

How can he marry a wife and have children, and draw cards and eat meat?

Not to mention others, even she herself finds it incredible.

 Update today

(End of this chapter)

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