Chapter 118 Said You Don't Listen?
Except for her, the other three had no worries at all.

Madam Gu threw the cards in her hand on the table and sat on the stool opposite Ma Lan.

At the same time, she turned her head and glanced at Li, who was sitting next to her, and explained to Ma Lan, "Leave him alone. He is a monk after leaving the capital. Don't be merciful."

Da De nodded: "Madam is right."

Ma Lan was in a daze when someone patted her arm lightly, reminding her to regain her senses: "Draw the cards carefully."

The skills of these two cards are not bad, if you don't pay attention, you may lose badly.

It was only then that they noticed that Qin Zhi hadn't sat on the table, but moved a stool and sat next to Ma Lan.

I understand what you mean.

Madam Gu's mouth twitched, feeling that she was really ugly.

He glanced at her, and moved the futon clearly, but Mrs. Gu grabbed her sleeves: "Take care of yourself."

The rules of playing cards are the same as those played by Malan at home.

Her skills are not good, and she will lose nine out of ten.

This time, I should lose all the silver in my pocket as usual.

Everyone shuffled the cards, and Ma Lan frowned as soon as he got the cards in his hand.

Sure enough, there was no luck.

The cards in his hand were terribly small, and he had no chance of winning at all.

Anyway, he couldn't win, so Ma Lan simply broke the can and was about to take out a card and punch it out, when a hand suddenly stretched out beside him.

Ma Lan tilted her head, and Qin Zhi's slender fingers landed on a card on her right: "Play this."

Ma Lan can't play cards, but he is very obedient.

Qin Zhi was also in charge of telling her what to fight, and she was in charge of doing it.

After playing a few cards, the shoulders of the two were already touching each other, and their breath sprayed into each other's ears.

At first, Ma Lan was not used to it, so she turned her head away calmly, fearing that people would notice something.

However, his face gradually turned red, and the base of his ears gradually became hot.

After a while in the ambiguous atmosphere, Ma Lan won the game.

After that, the fight became smoother and smoother. Ma Lan lost his scruples and took the initiative to lean forward: "Let's see what I should do."

Qin Zhi also pursed her lips and smiled, pointing to the card on her right.

The unprecedented Malan won several games.

He happily took the money and praised sincerely: "Xianggong is really amazing."

Qin Zhi also stretched out his right index finger and tapped lightly on the top of her head: "Use your brain."

Mrs. Gu's eyes were not on the two of them at all, she was fully focused on the poker game.

Seeing that they lost more and more, they threw an arm directly on De's body, and said angrily, "How did you play your cards? If you didn't make a mistake just now, they would have won?"

But in half an hour, she lost ten taels of silver.

Madam Gu gritted her teeth angrily, but she laughed indifferently: "Come again."

After two more rounds, Ma Lan completely forgot who was sitting opposite him.

With all his body and mind nailed to the card in his hand, he trusted Qin Zhi even more: "How about playing this one?"

"Use your own brain."

"I think it's okay to play this one"

"The third one from the right..."

As soon as the card was thrown out, Madam Gu was just caught, and her face turned green with anger.

Malan smiled and won another round.

After a while, there were dozens of taels of silver in front of her.

I was so happy that I didn't pay attention to what I said: "I have an aunt who also likes to play cards, and her skills are very good. Except for the lost brother, no one is convinced.

Next time you come to my house, sir, you must discuss it with Aunt Sun, maybe you will be convinced. "

As soon as the voice fell, the room fell silent in an instant.

The expressions of the three froze instantly...

Mrs. Gu choked on the tea she drank down her throat, and almost passed out.

She was so anxious that she quickly put down her teacup and coughed softly under her handkerchief.

Thinking of that slender figure from the back, he looked at Qin Zhihuan calmly with his eyelids lightly.

The siblings have been separated for twenty years, but left alone one day.

Qin Zhihuan's hand was still on Ma Lan's shoulder, his eyes darkened when he heard this, and he resumed singing in a moment: "Really?"

Ma Lan nodded affirmatively: "With my husband's card skills, I can definitely do it."

Malan also wanted to say that Aunt Sun's younger brother had been missing for 20 years, and he might not be here long ago. He might be able to comfort her when he went.

She also secretly burned paper money to a person she had never met behind Aunt Sun's back, but she didn't see him bless her to win.

Not as good as Qin Zhihuan.

Thinking of everyone's attitude just now, she swallowed back the words that came to her lips.

Although Aunt Sun didn't say it, she probably guessed that something must have happened in Aunt Sun's family.

A girl who is as beautiful as a flower will not be ruined for no reason.

After a short break, several people continued to draw cards.

Madam Gu has never won a game since the beginning, and her initial enthusiasm has gradually faded.

Lost too much interest, he thought about the day's events: "After finishing the work the day before yesterday, Lord Hou should have dealt with Mr. Sun on the spot, why bother to take him up the mountain.

As far as his pig brain is concerned, Chen Wei may have to act soon after such a disturbance today.

Don't wait another two days, I'm afraid Hou Ye will leave tomorrow. "

What Mr. Sun said at the foot of the mountain today was nothing more than telling everyone that he knew about the nasty things Chen Wei had done.

With Chen Wei's disposition, coupled with the already deadly secret, even with the holy decree, he might not last long.

Go back tonight and think about it carefully, and you will be able to figure out the powerful relationship in the morning tomorrow.

Not only Qin Zhihuan, but even the one who was afraid had to leave here as soon as possible.

Needless to say, everyone knew that Chen Wei was cornered.

People who jump over the wall in a hurry are the most difficult to deal with.

After Madam Gu finished speaking, she didn't hear Qin Zhihuan's response for a long time, so she raised her head from the playing cards.

I saw Qin Zhihuan gently pinching his nose with his thumb and index finger, his eyes narrowed, and there was no expression on his face.

Mrs. Gu didn't know if Qin Zhi still listened to her, but she could tell that Qin Zhi was still deliberately avoiding Ma Lan beside him.

Mrs. Gu was taken aback for a moment, wondering if she didn't say anything.

I heard Ma Lan ask softly: "If you commit a crime, you shouldn't be sent to the court for justice. Can you decide people's life or death at will?"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Mrs. Gu, she even raised her eyes and looked at Qin Zhihuan.

In their hands, there are eighty if not one hundred human lives.

If everyone can be sent to the court for justice, there will be so many sufferers who have nowhere to redress their grievances.

In the past, I only thought Ma Lan was cute and innocent, but now she looks a little clear and stupid.

At this moment, he finally realized that there were many things Qin Zhi didn't dare to tell his little lady.

Madam Gu was about to make a sound when she was grabbed by the arm and pulled her up from the stool: "Master Hou is busy first, and we, husband and wife, will go back to rest first."

Mrs. Gu was reluctant to leave after losing the money, and was dragged into a whisper for a while.

His face flushed instantly, and he glanced shyly and timidly.

It's been a long time since they got along with each other purely.

After the two got up and left, Qin Zhihuan opened his eyes and looked at Ma Lan: "He committed a crime worthy of death."

Whoever kills the dead is not killing.

Ma Lan looked at this nonchalant face, his jaw trembled slightly, and he didn't argue with him.

Throwing the cards in his hand: "Go to work if you have something to do, I'm going to rest."

As he spoke, he propped himself up and jumped step by step towards the bed.

"sit down."

Ma Lan didn't respond to him, and took another step forward in front of him.

"I said I won't listen to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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